London Moon (The Kloe & Gavin Adventures Book 2)

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London Moon (The Kloe & Gavin Adventures Book 2) Page 12

by Sondra Hicks

  They rounded up the vampires and let Kloe and Gavin out of the cell. Shoving the other vampires into the cell and locking it. They spanned out and began to search for Kloe's and Gavin's daughter. After fifteen minutes they found her in a back room. Hidden in the closet, in a bed of blankets. They brought her out. Handed her to Kloe who smiled and held her daughter for the first time. She was so beautiful. She looked like her mother and so much like her father. Jessica and Jonathan stepped forward to see their grandchild and they smiled.

  “May I hold her?” Jessica asked.

  “Of course mom,” Kloe smiled at her mom. Handing her daughter gently to her mother.

  Jessica accepted her. Holding her close, looking into her perfect little face smiling. She was precious and perfect as she looked up at Gavin and Kloe.

  “I guess this means we are grandparents now. She is perfect Kloe but is she vampire or werewolf?” Jessica asked.

  “Honestly. I don’t know,” Kloe told her.

  “She is both. She is the first of her kind and she is the Holy Child,” a vampire shouted from the cell.

  Kloe walked over to the cell.

  “What do you mean?” Kloe asked.

  “She is a hybrid between both of you. She is meant to rule over us all. She is going to be the Queen of Vampires and Werewolves. She will bridge the gap between the species and bring peace.” The vampire whispered to her.

  “How do you know this?” Kloe asked her.

  “It was written in prophecy and we have waited a long time for this day. Now it is up to you to protect her. Many will come to destroy here to prevent this from happening as they don’t believe in her future. We would have protected her but you killed the elders. Now you are all she has and we pray you can protect her. We wouldn’t have harmed her. We took her to protect her.” The vampire told her.

  “You took a child from its mother. You are damn right. We killed those who took my child and my child belongs with its mother. If that means I have to fight to protect her, you better damn well know we will do it. We have the resources,” Kloe told the vampire.

  “I pray that is true. Beware that as long as we live, we will never stop trying to take the Holy Child, to protect it. That child belongs with us, not you.” The vampire told her.

  “Well, you all won't make it to see this child grow up,” Liam growled.

  “You can kill us but there will be others,” the vampire told him. Hissing at him.

  Liam opened the cell door. Several wolves followed him, staking the vampires. They dragged the bodies to the centre of the room with the elder bodies, and lit a fire, burning the bodies. They all stood there as the smoke escaped through the broken ceiling windows.

  “You know they are right. There will be others. Guarding her will be a constant issue. I love her and I will die before I let anyone take her.” Kloe told them.

  “Will you be coming home with us?” Jessica asked.

  “Our home is in Paris for now but we will visit mother. Our pack there will help us to protect her and care for her.” Kloe told her parents.

  “I shall make sure she is well guarded,” Gavin told them.

  “I would rather you came home but this is your choice. We shall visit when we can. For now let's get out of here and go get some rest.” Jonathan told them.

  “I agree. Let’s get out of here and regroup at the house. It looks like we have suffered a few casualties. Let's gather them up first. We can arrange proper burials and notify their families. They died with honour. They should be buried with such!” Ahiga told them.


  As they unloaded from the van, several wolves hung back. To help bring the dead in and take them to the basement. Kali came rushing up to Kloe and Gavin. She wrapped her arms around Kloe and then looked at her new daughter.

  “Oh my! She is perfect! I am so glad they got to you in time. I was so worried. I just kept pacing the floor, waiting for any word that you were ok.” Kali told her.

  “Thank you, Kali. I missed you to. This is our new daughter but I haven’t thought of a name for her yet. I know it will come to us in time. For now, I am just glad to be here and have her safe.” Kloe told her.

  “Well, why don’t you go get some rest. I can go dig a playpen out of storage. Then you can lay her down to rest.” Kali told her. Running off towards the back of the house.

  Kloe looked at Gavin, who nodded. They headed upstairs to their room and went inside. There was a knock on their door. Kali walked in and setup a playpen. Complete with a blanket, a small stack of diapers and wipes.

  “That should work while you’re here. That way you can get some shut eye and rest. I will go into town and buy some bottles, formula, diapers, a diaper bag, wipes and anything else you might need. Don’t worry. I have this under control.” Kali told them with a smile, exiting their room and shutting the door.

  Kloe laid their baby down in the playpen and covered her up with the blanket. It took only seconds before their daughter fell asleep. Gavin smiled and pulled back the covers on the bed. He and Kloe got into bed and pulled the covers up before falling asleep. It was hours later when they heard a gentle knock on the door. Kloe rose and opened the door, to find Kali there with bags.

  “I bought everything you will need for now. If you need anything, just let me know. I will go get it. I’ll let you get back to bed. Good night,” Kali told them.

  Jessica sat on the bed as Jonathan unbuttoned his shirt. The day had been a rough and exhausting one. She had never thought they would have been in such a battle to save her daughter. Let alone her first grandchild who was a hybrid. She remembered the warning. That vampire had told them that others would come for her. She was concerned that her grandchild would not be safe in Paris. Even if she was surrounded by a wolf pack. The vampires they had fought tonight, had been different from the ones she had seen die, when she was still new. She had seen them turn to dust. However, these had just dried up and had to be burned. They had been pure vampires. Extended from a line of the first vampires who didn’t come from human descendants. She had never heard of them. It made her wonder if there were others out there. Would they come for her grandchild?

  “Penny for your thoughts?” Jonathan asked, looking at her questioningly.

  “Oh! I am just wondering if our grandchild will be safe. If there will be other vampires like the ones we met tonight?” Jessica told him with a sigh.

  “For now, they are safe. It’s time to rest your worried thoughts and get some shut eye. Here! I will lie beside you and hold you.” Jonathan told her as she stood up. She helped him pull back the covers. They climbed into bed. She lay on her side. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close. After a few minutes he heard her gentle sigh. He knew she had fallen asleep. He kissed her shoulder and rolled over staring at the ceiling. He had not wanted to admit it but he too was very worried. He quietly hopped up and put a shirt on. He walked down to the kitchen to get a glass of blood. He warmed it up in the microwave. A habit his wife had taught him. He sat down at the table and sipped it slowly. He was becoming lost in his thoughts, not hearing Liam come in.

  “You have trouble sleeping to?” Liam asked.

  Jonathan snapped back to attention and managed a smile.

  “Yes! I thought a snack might help. What has you awake at this hour?” Jonathan asked.

  “I am having trouble sleeping. I am worried someone will break in and try to steal their child.” Liam told him.

  “I share your concern and I think they need to return to Paris or come home with us. I prefer they come home with us but I cannot force them.” Jonathan told him.

  “I understand. Being her father in this situation must be hard. You want to protect her and her child.” Liam told him.

  “Yes, and her mother doesn’t make it any easier. It took me a while to get her to sleep. She was so worried tonight!” Jonathan told him.

  Liam sat down at the table and sighed.

  “Part of me wants them to stay here with us. I k
now there are dangers here. I feel it may be safer for them in Paris. You must know Jonathan, that your daughter has a good head on her shoulders, as does Gavin. He is very dedicated to her and would do anything for her. He has proven that during this crisis. If they were in immediate danger, I think they would call you both and come home. I think there is not too much to worry about,” Liam told him, getting up to look in the fridge.

  “What you are saying makes sense. However, Kloe has the tendency to get into trouble. Especially in matters of the heart and where curiosity is concerned. Gavin tends to try to keep her from that but fails most times. If you only knew the trouble there was in Paris, before it calmed down, you would be surprised. “Jonathan said, looking away from Liam.

  “Jonathan. Look you can’t judge everyone by their past. Peo..Well vampires do some growing up as well over time with experiences and such. She has a life to protect now and I think her childish days are behind her.” Liam said, while pulling mayo, meats and other items from the fridge.

  “Maybe you are right. Even if they leave you know this pack will always be family. You did for us what only family does. You risked everything and that is a debt. Maybe one we can repay. I don’t know if I said it earlier but thank you Liam. You gave us back our family.” Jonathan smiled and extended his hand. Liam took it and then embraced Jonathan for a short hug. A manly hug.

  “Thank you. That means a lot,” Liam told him, returning to his sandwich making.

  “I think I will try to get some shut eye for now, goodnight!” Jonathan told him.

  “Yes, good night,” Liam told him, shoving a large bite of sandwich into his mouth.

  Kloe awoke with a start. She rose quickly to go and check on her daughter. She was sleeping peacefully. She looked so beautiful laying there with her little strands of dark brown hair. She was perfect and Kloe was so happy. This was the one thing she thought she had lost when she became a vampire. She thought back to the spring in France. She said a silent thank you to the lord above for giving this gift to her. She had no idea that entering its waters would make this happen. She stroked her hair and cheek. She pulled her blanket up. She walked over to the bed and climbed. She stopped when she noticed the window open. She quickly crossed the room and closed it scanning the room with her vampirism vision. She looked to the ceiling but saw nothing. She turned; making sure the window was locked. She went to the closet. Opened it. Looking behind the clothing but nothing was there. Was she being paranoid? She closed the door and then looked under the bed. Nothing yet again. She checked on her daughter one last time, she was still sleeping peacefully. With that, she climbed into bed and went to sleep.

  It was 7:00am when Kloe was woken by crying. She got up quickly, crossing the distance to the playpen. She immediately knew the problem. Picking her daughter up and grabbing a diaper and wipes. She put her on the bed and changed her. Kloe woke Gavin and handed him their daughter, so she could go make a bottle. She went to the kitchen and put water in a pan. She put water in the bottle and mixed formula into it. Shaking it. She set it in the pan and stood there waiting. The water began to bubble and she took the bottle out. She tested it on her wrist as she had seen the many TV shows do. It seemed warm. She turned the burner off and went back to her room. She went to take the baby but Gavin took the bottle. He put it into their babies’ mouth who suckled on it hungrily. After a few minutes she stopped. Gavin went to burp her and that’s when she threw up the formula and began crying.

  Kloe looked confused. Gavin passed the baby to her and changed his shirt.

  “She seemed fine with the formula. Why did she throw it up? Kloe asked.

  “Your guess is as good as mine. Let me go get your mother. I’ll be right back.” Gavin told her, leaving the room.

  Gavin returned with Jessica in tow. She looked worried. She walked over to Kloe, on the bed.

  “She threw up her formula? I know this sounds strange but have you tried giving her blood? She is half vampire after all.” Jessica told her.

  “Are you sure we should give her that? She is just a baby. She is also half werewolf. They eat normal things. I thought she would drink formula with no issues.” Kloe told her mother.

  “Let me go make a bottle of blood. We'll see if she can hold that down.” Jessica told them, leaving the room after grabbing the bottle.

  Kloe rocked her daughter in her arms. Calming her as Gavin stood by the window. Nervously wondering if the blood would help. If not what they would do. Kloe looked up as her mother entered the room. Jessica took her grand child from her daughter and put the bottle in her mouth. The child sucked a little at first. She suckled harder and kept drinking until the bottle was dry. Jessica placed her on her shoulder and burped her. She didn’t throw up.

  “See! She just wanted blood. She is just different because she is a hybrid. She needs blood right now, there is no cause for concern. It may seem strange but given the circumstances, it’s natural. Right now her vampire side seems to be dominate. That is all.” Jessica told them, as she passed her to her mother.

  “Thanks mom,” Kloe told her.

  “You know you should name her. If it helps, my mother's name was Heidi.” Jessica smiled.

  “That’s a nice name. I want something unique with a meaning behind it. Just for her because she is special. No offence,” Kloe told her.

  “How about Shiloh? It means peace, abundance, and his gift?” Gavin said, looking up from his phone.

  “That is nice because she was his gift and she has brought me peace.” Kloe said, smiling down at her daughter. Shiloh.

  “Well? Do we need to get her a birth certificate or something, to make her legal?” Gavin asked.

  “Jonathan and I will tend to that. I assume she will be Shiloh Rice, legally?” Jessica asked.

  Kloe looked at Gavin, who nodded.

  “Yes. Her name is Shiloh Rice,” Kloe said smiling.


  Jonathan and Jessica stood by the front door with their bags. They hugged their daughter and Gavin. Kali ran up and hugged Jessica. She shook Jonathan's hand. Liam and Ahiga did the same.

  “Well. I don’t usually feel this way about vampires but if you’re ever in London feel free to come over. We would be glad to have you both again. Hopefully there won't be any battles the next time.” Ahiga told them.

  “Yes I hope so as well. If you ever get to Reno, Nevada in the US, look us up. We have more than enough room for a friend to stay over.” Jonathan told him.

  “Kloe, call us when you get to Paris please, so we know you are safe and sound. Also send us photos of Shiloh. She is so precious,” Jessica told her, hugging her again.

  “I will mom. I love you. Have a safe flight.” Kloe told her.

  “If you need the jet we can send it back if you like. I know that traveling with a child can be a nightmare on public flights. Especially when she drinks blood. Just let us know, ok!” Jessica told her.

  “Thanks mom. We might take you up on that,” Kloe told her.

  “Gavin, you are a brave man. You proved it more than once while we were here. I am glad our daughter has you.” Jonathan told him, clapping him on the back.

  “Thank you. I would go to the ends of the earth for her and our child,” Gavin told him.

  “Good man,” Jonathan told him picking up their bags and opening the door. Jessica followed him out the door to their waiting car. They loaded their bags and left.

  Kloe felt a pang of sadness. She loved her parents. It had felt amazing to have them around. Now they were gone. It felt like the house was a little emptier now.

  “So, when are you two heading back to Paris?” Liam asked.

  “Very soon. Our pack is in for a shock when they see our baby, that’s for sure.” Gavin smiled.

  “It’s a shame you both can't stay on here. We understand the danger. There is already exposure here. Too many might already know of your child. It’s best to put distance between those people and your child.” Liam told him.

  “You ar
e right but we will miss you all very much. You are like family to us. You fought for us when you barely knew us. We can't thank you enough. You saved our family.” Gavin told him.

  “Well in the beginning, to be fair, you were paying us. We got to know you both and well you leave quite the impression.” Liam told them.

  “Will you be around long enough for us to throw a baby shower?” Kali asked.

  Kloe smiled and nodded.

  “Of course! Why would I take that pleasure from you, Aunt Kali?” Kloe giggled.

  “Aunt Kali. I like the sound of that. Oh, can I hold her? Did you name her?” Kali asked.

  “Yes you can. Yes, her name is Shiloh Rice and she doesn’t drink formula. She drinks blood for some reason. Mom said her vampire side may be dominate right now. As she gets older she may eat regular foods.” Kloe told them.

  “Well considering her being wolf and vampire I guess that’s natural. Does she have fangs or anything?” Kali asked.

  “You know, I never thought to look.” Kloe told her, sitting down and carefully opening her daughter’s mouth to look. She felt along her gums but felt nothing.

  “Nope nothing there. She is as normal as can be,” Kloe told her.

  “If you saw her on the street you would think she is a normal baby, I guess.” Gavin told them.

  “That’s a good thing, I think. I wonder if she will grow at a normal rate or faster like my pregnancy.” Kloe wondered out loud.

  “Well, I suggest you stay here for a little bit. Until we know. If you travel, you know what you’re in for.” Ahiga told them.

  “Ahiga! I didn’t see you join us. I agree with you though. It’s best that we figure out what you are in for.” Liam told them.

  Kloe looked at Kali who was cooing at Shiloh. She smiled. Gavin was watching as well. He put his arm around Kloe, pulled her close and kissed her.

  “You know we did well. We made a beautiful baby girl Kloe,” Gavin told her.


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