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About the Author
Morgan Llywelyn
Since 1978 Morgan Llywelyn, who lives north of Dublin, has published nineteen historical novels about Ireland and the Celtic peoples, including such international bestsellers as Lion of Ireland, Red Branch, Druids, and the five volumes of her critically acclaimed Irish Century series. Her published work also includes a non-fiction biography of Xerxes of Persia, a number of short stories and eight books for younger readers. She received the Best Novel of the Year Award from Penwoman International, the Poetry and Prose Award from the Galician Society, the Book of the Year from the American Libraries Association, the Saint Brendan Medal from the Brendan Society, two Bisto Awards and the biannual Readers’ Association of Ireland Award. She was named Exceptional Celtic Woman of the Year by Celtic Women International; nominated by the Irish Writers’ Union for the Nobel Prize for Literature 1996; was a judge for the Fish Short Story Prize 2001, and a judge for the Dublin IMPAC International Literary Award 2003; nominated for the IMPAC Award 2007; named to 100 Top Irish Americans, Irish American Magazine 2008; and received the Irish Books and Media Award for Outstanding Contribution to Literature in 2012. An early member of the Irish Writers’ Centre, Llywelyn has served as chairman of the Irish Writers’ Union and as a trustee of the Irish Children’s Book Trust. She also undertook long-distance walks to raise money for various charities, and in 1998 walked from Clare to Clontarf, the journey of Brian Boru.
This eBook edition first published 2014 by The O’Brien Press Ltd.
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First published 2014
eBook ISBN: 978–1–84717–655–4
Text © copyright Mor
gan Llywelyn 2014
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© The O’Brien Press Ltd.
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