Invisible Armies: An Epic History of Guerrilla Warfare From Ancient Times to the Present

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Invisible Armies: An Epic History of Guerrilla Warfare From Ancient Times to the Present Page 71

by Max Boot

  38 Stirling, Safety, 94.

  39 100,000 vs. 69,000: Bruce, Crusade, 208. 8,000 Arab regulars: 217.

  40 Lawrence, Pillars, 370; Winterton, Tumultuous, 71; Wilson, Lawrence, 557–60; Woodward, Hell, 202–3; Bruce, Crusade, 77, 242; Barr, Desert, 293.

  41 Shotwell, Peace Conference, 131.

  42 Wilson, Lawrence, 630; Fromkin, Peace, 498.

  43 Fromkin, Peace, 507.

  44 New York Times, May 26, 1935.

  45 Fromkin, Peace, 9–10.

  46 Brown, Letters, 246.

  47 Ibid., 343–44.

  48 Thomas, With Lawrence, 3.

  49 New York Times, May 26, 1935.

  50 Lawrence to Robertson, Feb. 13, 1935, IWM/LTEL.

  51 New York Times, May 26, 1935.

  52 Ibid., May 20, 1935.

  53 Sex life: Wilson, Lawrence, 703–5, 750–51; Mack, Prince, 415–41 (“disorder”: 427); Lawrence, To Liddell Hart, 163 (“sexlessness”); Brown, Letters, xxvi–xxvii.

  54 “Strange”: Abdullah, Memoirs, 170. “Madness”: Lawrence, Pillars, 32.

  55 “Charlatan”: Edmund Ironside to Wingate, June 8, 1939, OWA. “Lied”: Leebaert, To Dare, 406. Leebaert claims, at 405, without offering any evidence, that Seven Pillars was “heavily fanciful.” The most thorough biography of Lawrence, which Leebaert does not cite, finds it, to the contrary, “remarkably accurate on questions of fact” (Wilson, Lawrence, 12).

  56 Liddell Hart, Lawrence, 382–84.

  57 “Side show”: Brown, War, 272. “Minor”: Lawrence, Pillars, 23.

  58 Papen, Memoirs, 80–81.

  59 “Witty”: Wavell, Soldier, 59. “Impish”: 61.

  60 Brown, Letters, 249.

  61 Brown, War, 260–73.

  62 Bray, Sands, 156.

  63 Brown, War, 142–47.

  64 “Incuriousness”: Lawrence, To Liddell Hart, 75. “Active”: 140.

  65 Lucas, Kommando, 24.

  66 Durnford-Slater, Commando, 14 (“terror”); Young, Commando, 8–13 (urgency).

  67 Foot, SOE, x.

  68 “Arson”: Box 180, folder 4, NARA/OSS. “Hedy,” “Jemima”: “New Weapons for Sabotage,” Oct. 13, 1943, box 200, folder 8, NARA/OSS.

  69 See Leebaert, To Dare, for an overview of special operations that applies that label promiscuously and anachronistically to various units throughout history.

  70 Allen, Guerrilla War, 9.

  71 Foot, SOE, 69.

  72 Clarke, Assignments, 219.

  73 “Popularity”: Mosley, Gideon, 146. “Mountebank”: 6.

  74 Tulloch, Wingate, 24.

  75 IWM/ACP.

  76 “Gloom”: Bierman, Fire, 11. “Damnation”: IWM/OWP, 97/20/2.

  77 “Suckled”: Mosley, Gideon, 10. “Guide”: Yehuda Yaari, “Wingate as a I Knew Him,” IWM/OWP, Chindit box 5.

  78 Thesiger, Life, 320.

  79 Anglim, “Formative Experiences.”

  80 Tulloch, Wingate, 74.

  81 Dodds-Parker, Ablaze, 65. See also Mosley, Gideon, 115; Burchett, Adventure, 47.

  82 Bierman, Fire, 155.

  83 Meeting Wingate: Hay, Genius, 18–22. His height: Bierman, Fire, 16. “Sandpaper”: James, Chindit, 88.

  84 Bierman, Fire, 48, 389.

  85 Palestine: OWA (“rose”: Wingate to mother, Oct. 14, 1936; “anti-Jew,” “soldiery”: Wingate to “Cousin Rex,” Jan. 1, 1937; “virtual control,” “bodily,” “feeble,” “ignorant”: “Appreciation . . . of the Possibilities of Night Movements,” June 5, 1938; “zigzags”: “Principles Governing the Employment of SNS,” June 10, 1938; “silence,” “surprise”: “Organization and Training of SNS,” Aug. 1938; “nugatory”: “Remarks of General Officer Commanding,” July 10, 1939; 140 killed: “Brief History of SNS,” Oct. 13, 1938); IWM/ACP; King-Clark, Blast (“gangsters”: 160; “iron”: 162; “courtesy”: 164; “stony”: 171; “calmly”: 189); Bierman, Fire (“for them”: 63; 140 men: 99; rampage: 115; “dust”: 131); Morris, Victims, 148–49; Dugdale, Baffy, 80 (“fanatic”); Oren, “Friend”; Mosley, Gideon, 40–78; Rooney, Wingate, 34–47; Sykes, Wingate, 135–205; Dayan, My Life, 46 (“path,” “infected”); Bethel, Triangle, 37 (“forfeited”); Mockler, Selassie’s War, 281 (“risk”); Mosley, Gideon, 78 (“risk); Weizmann, Trial, 398 (“intenseness”); Burchett, Adventure, 46 (Lawrence); Sykes, Wingate, 132–33 (Lawrence).

  86 Abyssinia: IWM/OWP, box 7 (troop strength, casualties, “patriot population,” “men of integrity”: Wingate, “The Ethiopia Campaign,” Aug. 1940–June 1941; “Italian rations”, “patriot support,” “corps d’elite,” “paralyze”: Wingate, “Appreciation of the Ethiopian Campaign,” June 18, 1941); NA/AAD (“clear off”: 11); IWM/MT; Dodds-Parker, Ablaze, 54–73; Thesiger, Life, 311–54 (“curse”: 320; “when we meet”: 330); Allen, Guerrilla War (camels: 38); Mosley, Gideon (“favorable”: 115; camels: 117–21; killed and captured: 126–27; bluff: 133; “rude”: 136); Foot, SOE, 251–64; Playfair, Mediterranean (“ruthless”: 1.404; size of force, “remarkable”: 1.427); Bierman, Fire (“goading”: 202; “tell them”: 206); Spencer, Ethiopia, 87–99; Mockler, Selassie’s War (“favorable”: 286); Rooney, Wingate, 48–75; Sykes, Wingate, 236–320; Shirreff, Bare Feet; Haile Sellasie, My Life, 2.141–67; War Illustrated (April 25, 1941) (“mud”).

  87 Thesiger, Life, 333.

  88 Ibid., 353.

  89 First Chindit expedition: IWM/OWP, Chindit box 1 (“maintain forces”, “90%”: Wingate, “Report to Commander, 4th Corps, on Operations of 77th Indian Infantry Brigade in Burma, February to May 1943”); Fergusson, Chindwin (“horrid”: 146; “acute”: 149; “weak”: 173; “éclairs”: 192; 70 pounds: 249; “not much”: 241); Fergusson, Trumpet, 174 (“grossly”); Calvert, Mad, 112–32 (1,500 miles: 130; 1944 offensive: 131–32); Slim, Defeat, 162–63 (“failure”, “press”); Tulloch, Wingate (“anatomy”: 63; “maintain”: 62; “endemic”: 58; casualties: 89; 1944 offensive: 91–92); Stibbe, Return (“shock troops”: 57; “beautiful”: 61–62; “circus”: 68; “thick,” “steep”: 82); Masters, Mandalay, 214 (“flying fruit”); Bierman, Fire (Robert the Bruce: 297; casualties: 307); Rooney, Wingate, 76–102; Thompson, Enemy Lines, 130–72; Lewin, Chief, 211–14; Allen, Burma (“shock troops”, “ordinary”: 149); Rolo, Raiders (“Tarzan”: 33; “circus”: 45; mile-wide: 107; “swiftly flowing”: 111; spare kilts: 63; “emaciated”: 175); Burchett, Adventure; Sykes, Wingate, 360–432; Chinery, March, 20–91; Kirby, Against Japan, 2.309–31; Thompson, Hills, 19–33; Hoe, Re-Enter.

  90 Moran, Diaries, 113.

  91 Wingate to Michael Calvert, Aug. 8, 1942, IWM/OWP, Chindit Box 1.

  92 Second Chindit expedition: IWM/OWP (“machan,” “orbit”: Wingate, “The Stronghold”); HIA/ACW, box 80, file 5; IWM/LFMS; Masters, Mandalay, 177–291 (“threshold”: 268; “111 Company”: 282); Fergusson, Green Earth; Calvert, Prisoners (“silence”: 27); Calvert, Mad, 132–83 (“brilliant”: 139; “rending”: 143; “shrouds”: 155; “exhausted”: 176; 300 men: 180); Slim, Defeat, 216–18, 258–81; Tulloch, Wingate, 114–255 (2:30: 202; “approach”: 156; “war”: 136; casualties: 253; 90 percent: 239); Towill, Chronicle (no seatbelts: 19; vocal cords: 73); Bierman, Fire (“any time”: 346); Rooney, Wingate, 111–201; Thompson, Enemy Lines (“waste away”: 234); Kirby, Against Japan, vol. 3 (“guts”: 183; 3 months: 410; 3,628 lost: 415); Pownall, Diaries, 2.142 (“nasty”); Mosley, Gideon, 5 (“marsupial”); Allen, Burma (400 aircraft: 319); Sykes, Wingate (“guts”: 522); Chinery, March, 110–239; Romanus, Command Problems, 220–23; James, Chindit (“wayward”: 87); Stilwell, Papers (“Limeys”: 276, 287, 306); Milner, To Blazes; Van Wagner, Air Commando; Baggaley, Chindit Story; Thompson, Hills (“stream by stream”: 58; “scarecrows”: 61); Allen, Burma, 348 (“villainously”).

  93 Ogburn, Marauders, 273. See also Romanus, Command Problems, 238–56.

  94 Substantially: Rooney, Wingate, 199. “Few months”: Kirby, Against Japan, 3.445.

  95 “Genius”: Rooney, Wingate, 207. “Maniac”: 205.

“Awe”: Thompson, Enemy Lines, 137. “Terrified”: 138.

  97 James, Chindit, 87.

  98 Kirby, Against Japan, 3.223.

  99 Masters, Mandalay, 160. Cited in Thompson, Enemy Lines, 256.

  100 Burma: Smith, OSS, 264 (“successful”); Peers, Burma Road (10,000: 220); Cruickshank, SOE, 163–91; Hilsman, American Guerrilla; Dunlop, Japanese Lines.

  101 Japanese empire: Mazower, Empire, 588–90; Lapham, Raiders, 213–18 (“stupid”: 217); Hartford, Sparks, 108 (“there alls”); “The Viet Nam Government,” July 29, 1947, NARA/CREST, CIA-RDP82-00457R000700750001-5 (“terrorism”).

  102 Philippines: Lapham, Raiders (800 towns: 209; 225,000: 226); Greenberg, Hukbalahap, 17 (15,000); Kerkvliet, Huk, 88; Hunt, Behind; Volckmann, We Remained.

  103 Foot, SOE, 281.

  104 Mazower, Empire, 478.

  105 Bennett, Swastika, 101.

  106 Hitler admired British: Mazower, Empire, 581. “Counter-productive”: 7.

  107 Ibid., 462.

  108 Ibid., 456.

  109 Slepyan, Stalin’s Guerrillas, 51.

  110 Two German soldiers: Cooper, Nazi War, 144. For an overview of COIN ratios see Goode, “Force.”

  111 Mazower, Empire, 472–73.

  112 Jackson, Dark Years, 557.

  113 Cancian, “Wehrmacht”; Kennedy, Antiguerrilla, 44, 49; “Yugoslavia,” June 30, 1943, NARA/OSS, box 211, folder 8.

  114 “Gentle”: Vuckovich, Tragedy, 39.

  115 Tito: Djilas, Wartime; Djilas, Tito; Dedijer, Diaries; Dedijer Tito Speaks; Maclean, Approaches (Tito’s name: 280); Maclean, Barricade; Roberts, Tito; Deakin, Embattled (“no front”: 14; “annihilation”: 27); CAM/DEAK; West, Tito; Tomasevich, Chetniks and Occupation; Kurapovna, Shadows; Pavlowitch, Disorder; Vuckovich, Tragedy; Rootham, Miss Fire; NA/TITO; John G. Goodwin, “Final Report of Mulberry Team,” March 1944–March 1945, NARA/OSS, box 88, folder 11; Robin S. Newell, “Report of Geisha Mission,” May 19–Oct. 13, 1944, ibid. (“teaching”); Rex D. Deane, “Redwood Team Report,” Jan. 31, 1945, NARA/OSS, box 58, folder 3; Lindsey, Beacons (“indoctrinate”: 237); Jackson, Dark Years, 557 (more than Italians or French received); Mazower, Empire, 518 (“only place”); Berenbaum, Victims, 64 (over 1 million killed).

  116 Moss, Ill Met.

  117 Thompson, Enemy Lines, 52–55 (“failure”: 55); Gordon, Desert War, 78–82.

  118 Slim, Defeat, 546–47.

  119 Verney, Going, 145.

  120 Hawes, Resistance, 197.

  121 Successful operations: Foot, SOE, 298–99, 323–24, 336–37; Foot, Resistance, 180, 281; Mackenzie, History, 452, 623, 654–55; Haukelid, Skies.

  122 North Africa: Maclean, Approaches, 199–62 (“fractured”: 226); Thompson, Enemy Lines, 94–98 (“fiasco”: 96); Wynter, Special Forces, 142–46, 167–75; Mortimer, Stirling’s Men, 47–48; Gordon, Desert War, 95–96, 126–28.

  123 Thompson, Enemy Lines, 106.

  124 Alexander, Shadows, 5.

  125 Cohen, Commando, 56.

  126 Hunt, Japanese Lines, 269.

  127 Maclean, Approaches, 256.

  128 Foot, SOE, 98.



  1 Britain: Kynaston, Austerity, 102 (“blitz”), 20 (750,000 houses), 71 (“queues”), 105 (whale), 196 (Amis), 191–92 (Isherwood).

  2 France: Beevor, Paris, 264 (height), 77 (women shaved), 265 (bakeries), 101 (paper); Gildea, France, 65–100; Jackson, Dark Years, 570–99 (10,000: 581).

  3 Life, Oct. 12, 1942.

  4 McMahon, Colonialism; Westad, Cold War, 114.

  5 Bayly, Forgotten Wars, 221.

  6 Bayly, Forgotten Armies, 146.

  7 Hyam, Declining, 94.

  8 Ibid., 162.

  9 Wolpert, Shameful Flight, 132.

  10 Hyam, Declining, 109.

  11 “Warfare”: Orwell, Essays, 4.467. “Heard”: 4.469. “Shaking”: 4.463.

  12 Zionists: Bethel, Triangle, 358 (338 killed, “hell”); Begin, Revolt; Bell, Terror; Morris, 1948, 44 (“coup”).

  13 Gildea, France, 21; Grimal, Decolonization, 243, 357.

  14 Shanghai: Bergère, Shanghai; Clifford, Spoilt Children; Sergeant, Shanghai; Dong, Shanghai.

  15 Population, income, ownership: Guillermaz, Communist Party, 7. “Semi-colonial”: Mao, Military Writings, 77. Positive: Dikotter, Openness; Waldron, From War.

  16 Party Congress: Chang, Rise (“pale-faced”: 1.140); Short, Mao, 117–22; Guillermaz, Communist Party, 57–60; Chang, Mao, 25–27; Saich, Power, 3–19; Kuo, Analytical History, 1.14–37, 341–50.

  17 “Guests”: Snow, Red Star, 96. “Greenish”: Li, Private Life, 99. Bathe: 100. Privy: 133. Smoking: Ch’en, Mao, 211. “Pepper”: Snow, Red Star, 93. Spence, Mao, 98, notes his “deliberate cultivation of a coarse manner.”

  18 Snow, Red Star, 131.

  19 Wilson, Long March, 26.

  20 Ch’en, Mao, 25.

  21 Young Mao: Snow, Red Star (“scholar”: 133; “forcibly”: 140 ; “liberalism”: 149; “exist”: 151); Li, Private Life, 122 (“ruthless”); Spence, Mao, (“ignorance”: 18; water: 15); Short, Mao; Siao-yu, Mao and I; Chang, Mao; Terrill, Mao; Schram, Road, vol. 1; Ch’en, Mao.

  22 Short, Mao, 147.

  23 Taylor, Generalissimo, 38.

  24 Band, Two Years, 242.

  25 Zhu De revolt: Gao, Zhou, 59–61; Smedley, Great Road, 199–25; Guillermaz, Communist Party, 150–56; Kuo, Analytical History, 1.281–85.

  26 Saich, Power, 198.

  27 Mao, Military Writings, 75.

  28 Ibid., 274.

  29 Snow, Red Star, 165.

  30 Wilson, Long March, 41.

  31 Terrill, Mao, 99; Smedley, Great Road, 176.

  32 Mao-Zhu slogans: Mao, Military Writings, 72; Schram, Road, 5.499; Snow, Red Star, 173–74; Short, Mao, 222; Braun, Agent, 55; Mao, Aspects, 50 (“fish,” “dry”).

  33 “Interview with Mao Zedong,” Oct. 25, 1937, HIA/NW, box 22, file 591.

  34 Saich, Power, 199.

  35 Band, Two Years, 244. See also Forman, Report, 177: “the Chinese Communists are no more Communistic than we Americans are.”

  36 Schram, Road, 3.74.

  37 Mao’s methods: Short, Mao (“merciless”: 269; “hanging”: 273; “confess”: 281); Li, Private Life, 120–21 (“devoid”, “sacrificed”); Rittenberg, Stayed Behind, 450 (“designs”); Sun, Long March (“leniency”: 53); Griffin, Counter-Revolutionaries (186,000 killed: 18); Saich, Power, 496, 530–35; Chang, Mao, 89–109; Guillermaz, Communist Party, 216–17; Benton, Mountain Fires, 71–72, 81–82; Saich, Perspectives, 79–116; Kuo, Analytical History, 2.331–44.

  38 Hartford, Sparks, 187–88, offers differing estimates of the number of blockhouses.

  39 Saich, Power, 533.

  40 Number of marchers: Salisbury, Long March, 2; Wilson, Long March, 227; Chang, Rise, 2.445. Rearguard: Benton, Mountain Fires, 6–8. Mao claimed the Long March covered 25,000 li (7,700 miles), but according to Jocelyn, Long March, 326–27, it was only 12,000 li (3,750 miles), still a long trek.

  41 Wilson, Long March, 233.

  42 Chang, Mao, 153. Regarding the supposed “Reds-for-son swap,” the authors concede (135), “It was not an offer that could be spelt out.” For a critical examination of their claims, see Benton, Monster.

  43 Salisbury, Long March, 63.

  44 Luding Bridge: Braun, Agent, 119–20; Salisbury, Long March, 220–30; Sun, Long March (“through”: 146); Snow, Red Star, 194–99; Wilson, Long March (“rice bowl,” “roar”: 168); Jocelyn, Long March (30 feet: 248; locals in lead: 250).

  45 “Interview with Mao Zedong,” Oct. 25, 1937, HIA/NW, box 22, file 591.

  46 “Traitors”: Sun, Long March, 21. “Dick”: 29. 30,000: 79; Salisbury, Long March, 103.

  47 Grasslands: Braun, Agent (24 rivers, 18 mountains: 146); Sun, Long March (“vultures”: 167; “bloated”: 171; leather: 172; “intake”: 175); Snow, Red Star, 200–206; Wilson, Long March, 175–84, 204–21 (“sat
down”: 178; “bitter”: 209; boiled hides: 216); Peng, Memoirs, 380–84; Jocelyn, Long March, 258–303.

  48 Yang, From Revolution, 2.

  49 “Record,” “invincible”: Schram, Road, 5.71. “Heroes”: 5.92.

  50 Braun, Agent, 101.

  51 Saich, Power, 643–48, 1168.

  52 Mao’s ascent: Hsiung, Bitter Victory, 92–94; Guillermaz, Communist Party, 363–68; Chang, Mao, 240–49; Short, Mao, 379–96; Saich, Perspectives, 299–338; Saich, Power (“correct”: 1164); Short, Mao, 379–96; Kuo, Analytical History, 4.396–423.

  53 Thomas, Season, 136.

  54 Ibid., 132.

  55 “Lincolnesque”: Snow, Red Star, 90. “Humor”: 92. “Moderating”: 95.

  56 Mao’s wives: Chang, Mao; Snow, Red Star, 459–61 (“slender”: 460); Li, Private Life, 356–64 (young beauties); Snow, Communists, 250; Barrett, Dixie Mission, 83 (“chic”); Short, Mao.

  57 Saich, Perspectives, 263–98; Kuo, Analytical History, 3.595–603.

  58 Ch’en, Mao, 209.

  59 Arthur Waldron and Edward O’Dowd, “Introduction to Second Edition,” in Mao, On Guerrilla, 13–14.

  60 “Formation,” “Centre,” “morality”: Mazzini, Writings, 1.369. “Retiring”: 1.375.

  61 Mao’s precepts: Mao, Military Writings, 278 (“guerrilla-ism”), 246 (“outcome”), 210–19 (three stages), 247 (“primary”), 66 (“base areas”), 168 (“roving”), 66 (“Red Guards”), 33 (“concentration”), 247 (“originally”), 78 (“laws”). For assessments, see Connable, Insurgencies End, 7 (“nearly”); Wilson, Scales, 117–43; Osanka, Guerrilla Warfare, 131–77; Graff, Military History, 229–49; Stout, Perspectives, 126 (Al Qaeda).

  62 Casualties: Waldron, “Remembering.” 90 percent KMT: Taylor, Generalissimo, 7.

  63 Hsiung, Bitter Victory, 83.

  64 Ibid., 79, 102; Guillermaz, Communist Party, 328.

  65 Westad, Decisive Encounters, 69.

  66 Levine, Anvil, 130; Chang, Last Chance, 52.

  67 Eastman, Seeds, 203.

  68 Westad, Encounters, 209.

  69 Courtois, Black Book, 463–64.

  70 Bigeard: Bigeard, Gloire; Bergot, Bigeard; Roy, Dienbienphu, 185 (“profile”); Fall, Street (Tu Le: 66–70); Singer, Cultured, 267–345 (10 to 1: 286); Roy, Dienbienphu (“possible”: photo caption); Windrow, Last Valley, 120–21; Morgan, Valley, 192–94.


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