Invisible Armies: An Epic History of Guerrilla Warfare From Ancient Times to the Present

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Invisible Armies: An Epic History of Guerrilla Warfare From Ancient Times to the Present Page 91

by Max Boot

  wars of national liberation supported by, 323

  in World War II, 290, 308–9, 312

  Spain, 46, 51, 157, 343, 527

  in Africa, 182

  anarchism in, 203, 229, 230, 233–34

  barbarians in, 29

  in imperial wars, 136

  Latin American independence and, 102

  Peninsular War in, 57, 81–91, 99, 102, 107, 120, 123, 130, 205, 290, 561, 566

  Roman, xxxii, 20, 22, 54, 215, 507, 565

  in Santo Domingo, 95

  Spanish-American War, 108, 198, 415, 426, 428, 469, 560

  Spanish Civil War (1936–39), 90, 123, 234, 273, 431

  Spanish irregulars, xxii, xxv

  Sparta, 4–5

  Spartacus, 20, 52

  Special Air Service (Borneo), 382–83

  Special Air Service (SAS), 289, 291, 453

  Special Branch, 229, 381, 385–86

  Special forces, South Vietnamese, 419

  Special Group, Counterinsurgency, 414

  specialization, 9

  Special Night Squads, 294–95

  special operations:

  use of term, 290

  in war on terror, 176

  in World War II, 288–91

  Special Operations Executive (SOE), 289, 296–97, 306, 307, 309, 311, 379, 409

  force 136 of, 379

  special operations forces, xxii, 273

  Special Operations Forces, U.S., xxix, 64–65, 418, 413, 521, 526, 547

  Speke, John, 443

  Spetznas commandos, 290

  spies, 60, 251

  Spitamenes, 54

  “spot of oil,” use of phrase, 127, 179

  Squad, the, 251, 252, 264

  squatters, Chinese, 381–82, 385

  Sri Lanka, see Ceylon

  Stalag 12A, 348

  Stalin, Josef, xxiv, 109, 242–45, 263, 343, 346, 430, 434, 476, 562

  Mao compared with, 333, 340

  Tito’s break with, 363

  World War II and, 308, 310

  Stalinism, 350

  State Department, U.S., 497–98

  steamships, 129, 229, 242

  steel, 136

  Stepniak, 261–62

  Stern Gang, see Lehi

  Stilwell, Joseph, 304

  Stinger antiaircraft missiles, 497–98

  Stolypin, Pyotr, 241–42

  “Stolypin’s necklace,” 241

  Stormberg, 184, 191

  Strategic Hamlets program, 416–17

  Strategikon (Maurice), 54

  Street without Joy (Fall), 354–55

  strikes, 324, 370, 468

  Stuart, J. E. B., 216

  Stuarts, 50

  Students for a Democratic Society, 457

  Suchet, Louis-Gabriel, 88, 89

  Sudan, 12, 124, 130, 182, 191, 266, 296–97, 318, 395, 478, 514, 524

  bin Laden in, 521, 522

  independence of, 324

  Sudan Defense Force, 293

  Suez Canal, 280, 370

  Sufis, 155, 488

  sugar, sugarcane, 93, 428, 442

  suicide, 154, 298, 467, 505

  suicide bombers, xix, 241, 261, 531

  in Afghanistan, 500

  in Iraq, 529, 530, 531

  in Israel, 470–73

  in Lebanon, 500, 504

  suicide knifers, 206–8

  Sukarno, 307

  Sumerians, Sumeria, 14–15, 201

  Summary of the Art of War (Jomini), 90

  Summers, Harry, 425

  Sumner, Charles, 214

  Sumter, Thomas, 72, 73, 188


  Hamas and, 512

  in Iraq, xviii, xix, xxix, 505, 530–33, 544, 545

  Sunni Awakening, 544

  Sun Tzu, 31–33, 333, 342, 524, 558

  Sun Yat-sen, 331

  Sûreté, 364

  Suri, Abu Musab al-, 524, 527

  Suru, 19–20

  Swat Valley, 174, 175

  Sweden, 157

  Switzerland, 113, 451

  anarchists in, 231

  Sykes-Picot Agreement (1916), 281

  Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA), 456, 457

  Syria, 13, 318, 395, 513, 523, 531, 539, 545

  ancient, 1, 14

  Assassins in, 203, 207, 208

  Fatah and, 461, 462

  French in, 282, 326

  Hezbollah and, 503, 507–10, 512

  Lawrence in, 276, 280, 281–82

  Syria Palaestina, 7

  Taber, Robert, 398, 437, 524

  Tacfarinus, 20

  Tacitus, 21, 22

  Taft, William Howard, 199, 384

  Taiping Rebellion (1850–64), 329

  Taipings, 39

  Taiwan, 319, 345, 346

  Tajbeg Palace, 486

  Tajiks, 487, 499

  Tajik Soviet Socialist Republic, 479

  Takuma, Baron Dan, 272

  Tal, Wasfi, 464, 466

  Tal Afar, 478, 542

  Taliban, 340, 479, 493, 499–500, 516, 521, 526, 552, 555

  Pakistani, 479, 546, 547–48

  Tamil Tigers, 472, 514

  Tandy, Napper, 101

  Tanganyika, Lake, 395, 443

  Tanjong Malim, 319, 385

  tanks, 224, 344, 418, 468, 486, 510, 512, 522

  Tanzania, 318, 325, 395, 443, 517

  U.S. embassy bombed in, 516

  Tanzim, 471

  Tarleton, Banastre, 71–72, 73, 78, 142

  Tartan Rebellions, 46–50

  Taruc, Luis, 401, 404, 405

  Tatars, 17

  Tawil, Suha, 470

  Taylor, A. J. P., 121

  Taylor, Maxwell, 414

  Technical Group, 242

  technology, 129, 152, 163, 176, 559, 567

  al Qaeda’s use of, 517, 523, 531

  anarchism and, 233

  Tecumseh, 139, 173

  Tehran, 505

  hostage crisis in (1970–81), 169, 478, 481–82, 485

  Tehrik-i-Taliban, see Taliban, Pakistani

  Tel Aviv, 450, 453

  telegraph, 152, 209, 229, 335, 404

  telephones, 335, 364, 517

  television, 392, 451, 457, 486, 531

  bin Laden and, 516

  satellite, 229, 508, 512, 513, 517, 523

  Templer, Gerald, 71, 378–81, 383–89, 399, 404, 449, 543, 545, 562, 565

  Tenth Parachute Division, French, 366, 370

  Ter-Petrossian, Simon (a.k.a. Kamo), 263

  terror, war on, xxvii–xxviii, 22, 176, 332, 526–28, 549

  terrorism, terrorists, xx–xxi

  in Assyria and Rome, 19–25

  causes of, 264

  cost of, 522

  definition problems with, xxi–xxiv, 205

  failure vs. influence of, 210

  first age of international, 202–3, 205–65

  FLN start of, 365, 367–70

  growth of, xxv

  guerrilla warfare compared with, 209

  international, second age of, 449–59

  in Northwest Frontier, 176

  in Palestine, 325

  portraits of, 261–65

  as “propaganda by the deed,” 229

  as psychological weapon, xxii

  purpose of, 451

  World War I and, 269–71

  World War II and, 271–73

  Terrorist Faction of the People’s Will, 240

  terrorist manuals, 232

  Tet Offensive (1968), 253, 356, 422–23

  Teutoburg forest, 21

  Texas, 221, 520

  Thailand, Thais, 319, 387, 395

  in Vietnam, 347, 353, 360

  Thatcher, Margaret, 258–59, 476

  Third Armored Cavalry Regiment, 542

  Third Colonial Parachute Regiment, French, 370, 371

  Third World, 130, 324, 475

  Thirteenth Amendment, 218–19, 224

  Thirty Years’ War, 46, 51, 59

  second, 273

  Thomas, Lowell, 284

  Thompson, Robert, 383, 385, 398–99, 403, 408, 422, 476, 538, 540, 565

  Strategic Hamlets program and, 416–17

  Thoreau, Henry David, 217

  Thucydides, 4, 5

  Thuggee cult, 209

  Tiananmen Square, 468–69

  Tibetans, 337

  Tiflis, 242–43

  Tilden, Samuel J., 225

  Time, 464

  Times History of the War in South Africa, The, 199

  tin, 380, 388

  Tirah Valley, 174

  Tito, Josip Broz, xxiii, xxv, 115, 273, 310–12, 340, 352

  Castro compared with, 429, 430, 431

  Titus, 23

  TNT, 201, 290, 502

  Tokyo, 175

  Tolstoy, Leo, 158, 159, 160, 163

  Tomahawk cruise missiles, 516

  Tone, Wolfe, 101, 475

  Tonkin, Gulf of, 417

  Tora Bora, 479, 526

  Tornau, Fedor Fedorovich, 155–56

  torture, 101, 105, 197, 263, 334, 364–66, 403, 505, 520

  in Afghanistan, 488, 492

  in Algeria, 364–66, 371–72, 375, 376, 386, 527

  in Cuba, 432

  in Indochina, 354, 355, 376, 386

  in Malaya, 386

  September 11 attacks and, 526, 527

  water cure (waterboarding), 198, 365

  totalitarianism, 259, 273

  total war, 51, 174–75

  Touré, Samory, 162

  Toussaint Louverture, 94–98, 100, 159, 215, 343, 429, 475

  Trail of Tears (1838–39), 124, 140

  Transjordan, 282, 283

  Transvaal, 124, 186, 187, 189, 195, 197

  Treacy, Sean, 247–48

  Treatise on Partisan Warfare (von Ewald), 63

  Trenton, Washington’s attack on, 69

  “tribal areas,” 172

  tribal territories, 514

  tribal wars, ancient, 8–12

  Trinquier, Roger, xv, 353, 369, 371, 376

  Tripolitza, 105

  Trotsky, Leon, 242, 435

  Trotskyites, 447

  Troupes de la Marine, 61

  truck bombings, 507, 516, 525

  in Iraq, 529

  in Lebanon, 502, 503, 504

  trucks, 289, 418, 486, 496, 499

  Truman administration, 323

  Truong Chinh, 564

  Tufeili, Subhi, 503

  Tu-Lê, 319, 348

  Tunis, 373

  Tunisia, 266, 318, 372, 373, 467, 524

  Tunku Abdul Rahman, 387

  Tupamaros, 447, 476

  Turgenev, Ivan, 235

  Turkestan, 485

  Turkey, 13, 157, 524, 539

  navy of, 105, 107

  Turkish Seljuks, 207

  Turks, 30, 42, 53, 157

  Tutsi, 509

  tuyau, 368

  TWA flight 847, 505

  Twain, Mark, 198

  “Twelve Apostles,” 251

  Twenty-Fourth Marine Amphibious Unit, 501–3

  26th of July Movement (M-26-7), 432, 433, 435–41, 443, 456

  “Twenty-Seven Articles” (Lawrence), 286–87, 557

  typhus, 300, 302, 337, 495

  Tyre, 201, 207–8, 478, 504, 506

  Tyrol, 81, 91

  Uganda, 395, 476

  Entebbe hijacking and, 451–56

  Ugly American, The (Lederer and Burdick), 400–401, 413

  Ukraine, xxxii, 17, 308

  anarchists in, 233

  Ulyanov, Alexander, 240

  Umayyad caliphate, 42

  Umberto I, King of Italy, 230, 231

  Underground Railroad, 214

  Underground Russia (Kravchinski), 262

  Union army, 119, 121, 142, 212, 217, 221

  Union League, 218, 220

  United, 452

  United Fruit Company, 434

  United Kingdom, 256, 257, 391, 557

  see also Great Britain

  United Nations, 325, 374, 410, 466, 471, 505, 529, 537

  PLO and, 466

  United States, xx–xxi, 12, 51, 123, 124, 264, 449, 525–28, 566, 567

  in Afghanistan, see Afghanistan, U.S. war in

  anarchism in, 230, 232

  AQI and, 529–34

  bin Laden and, 496, 515–17, 519, 524, 525–26

  Black Panthers in, 397, 398

  Cuban revolution and, 439, 441, 444

  decolonization and, 323

  French aid from, 354, 356, 361

  Garibaldi and, 113, 118–19

  Hezbollah and, 501–6

  Ho Chi Minh and, 350

  Indian policy in, see American Indian wars; reservations

  in World War I, 527

  Iran Hostage Crisis and, 169

  Iranian hostage crisis and, 481–82

  in Iraq, xvii–xx, xxvii–xxix, 84, 127, 161, 180, 194, 287, 345, 469, 472, 486, 507

  Islamists and, 481–84

  Japan’s relations with, 272

  John Brown’s attacks in, xxv, 202, 211–17, 228, 261, 432, 447, 457

  Ku Klux Klan in, see Ku Klux Klan

  legitimacy established by, 563–64

  “manifest destiny” of, 157

  mujahideen and, 495–98

  Nationalists aided by, 344

  Nicaragua and, 448

  Philippines Insurrection and, 198–99, 565

  PLO and, 464, 466, 467

  post–World War II world and, 321, 323

  Saudi relations with, 520–21

  in Shanghai, 328

  in Spanish-American War, 108, 198, 426

  Suez Canal and, 370

  terrorism in, 202, 210–25, 456, 457

  torture used by, 198

  tsarist Russia compared with, 157, 158, 163

  in Vietnam War, see Vietnam War

  war on terror

  in World War II, 290–91, 307, 312, 401, 418, 527

  universities, 209–10, 559

  in tsarist Russia, 235, 241

  Untermenschen, 307

  Ur, 15

  Uribe, Alvaro, 449, 562

  Uruguay, 110–11, 394, 447

  Ustaša, 261

  Uzbekistan, 479

  Uzbeks, 499

  Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic, 498

  Vaillant, August, 230–31

  Valens, Roman emperor, 27

  van der Lubbe, Marinus, 271–72

  Vann, John Paul, 422, 424, 476, 563, 565

  Vanzetti, Bartolomeo, 230

  Veliaminov, Alexander, 155

  Vendée revolt, 57, 81, 91, 120, 180, 205, 257, 561

  Venice, 112, 118

  Vercingetorix, 52

  Verdi, Giuseppe, 114

  Verdier, Jean-Antoine, 83

  Vespasianus, Titus Flavius, 4

  Vetilius, Gaius, 22

  Victor Emmanuel II, King of Italy, 115, 118

  Victoria, Queen of England, 185

  Vieira de Mello, Sergio, 529

  Vienna, 106, 394, 466

  Viet Bac, 319, 351

  Vietcong, xxiii, xxv, 355, 412, 417–20, 422, 423, 456, 463, 473, 495, 511, 531, 566

  Vietminh, 347, 348–49, 351, 353–63, 392–93, 409, 412, 511

  conspiracy claims about, 369

  Vietnam, 346–63, 476–77, 524

  division of, 363

  independence of, 354

  Vietnam, Democratic Republic of, 351

  Vietnamese National Army, 356

  Vietnamization, 423–24

  Vietnam War, xviii, xxv, 31, 54, 395, 397, 412–26, 537, 561, 565

  Afghanistan compared with, 487, 494, 495, 496, 499

  bombing campaign in, 417, 418, 420, 423, 424

  deaths in, xxiii

  Ho Chi Minh Trail in, 419, 425, 496

  Iraq War compared with, 533–34

  limits of firepower in, 363, 413–26

  public opinion and, 79, 393, 420, 425, 494

  U.S. defeat in, 42, 326, 473, 474, 528

  Vikings, 30, 40

  Villa, Pancho, 51
/>   Villa des Tourelles, 371

  Virginia, 74, 78, 212, 215, 447

  Virginia Company, 133, 134

  Viriathus, 22, 52, 54, 86, 507, 565

  Vis, 312

  Vlasov, Andrei, 308

  Vo Nguyen Giap, 352–53, 355–59, 361, 373, 489, 524, 565

  Castro compared with, 429, 430

  Vietnam War and, 422–23, 424

  Vorontsov, Mikhail, 161

  Vuono, Carl, 538

  Waffen SS units, 308

  Wahhabi movement, 155, 481, 483

  Wallace, William, 48

  Wall Street, 230, 291

  Wampanoag, 137–38, 139

  Warburton, Robert, 173–74, 176

  War Department, U.S., Freedmen’s Bureau in, 222

  warlords, 329, 330, 332, 335, 336, 343

  War of Austrian Succession, 57, 60–61

  War of the Flea, The (Taber), 398

  Warren, Joseph, 76

  Warsaw, 266, 310, 465

  Warsaw Ghetto uprising, 310

  Washington, George, 216, 408, 475

  American Revolution and, 67–69, 73, 74, 75, 79, 90, 189

  Indian wars and, 132, 135

  Washita, Battle of the (1868), 124, 142–45, 150, 151

  water cure (waterboarding), 198, 365

  Waugh, Evelyn, 276, 291

  Wavell, Archibald, 298, 299

  weapons, 9, 13, 39, 47, 522, 548, 567

  in Afghanistan, 486, 489, 492, 496–98

  in Algeria, 367, 368, 371, 372, 373

  of Arabs, 278, 279

  in Boer War, 186, 199

  in Cuba, 430, 432

  Hezbollah and, 510–11, 512

  in imperial wars, 128, 134, 135, 136, 199

  in Indochina, 351, 356, 358, 360

  in Irish struggles, 247, 251, 252, 257

  in Malaya, 379, 386, 388

  OSS, 290

  of Palestinians, 472

  in siege of Constantinople, 43

  terrorism and, 209, 270

  Westerners’ spreading of, 201

  in World War I, 197

  see also guns; landmines; suicide bombers

  Weathermen, 259, 456, 457, 564

  Weems, Parson, 73

  Wehrmacht, 308, 311

  Wei Liao, 32–33

  Wei Liao-tzu (Wei Liao), 32–33

  Weimar Republic, 271

  Weinberger, Caspar, 498

  Weizmann, Chaim, 296

  Wellington, Duke of, 87–89, 130, 566

  West, Bing, 544

  West Bank, 3, 64, 283, 395, 462, 463, 468–73, 478, 513

  First Intifada in, 468–69

  “Western Way of War,” 31, 33

  Westmoreland, William Childs, 418–21, 423, 533–34

  Westphalia, Peace of (1648), 51, 59, 80

  West Point, 536, 537

  We Were Soldiers Once . . . And Young (book and movie), 418

  Weyler, Valeriano, 192

  Whampoa Military Academy, 331, 345

  Whigs, Whig Party, 70, 76, 77, 362–63

  Whistler, James McNeill, 185

  white supremacy, 375

  see also Ku Klux Klan

  “Wild Field,” 157

  Wilhelm I, Kaiser of Germany, 120, 230

  Williams, Jim, 221, 224

  William Tell (Rossini), 230

  Wilson, Charlie, 497


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