Transcend (Origin Book 2)

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Transcend (Origin Book 2) Page 2

by Scarlett Dawn

  The man was a few inches taller than I was, and a decade older, by immediate appearance. His bold silver hair was askew atop his head, sticking up at odd angles—but not unattractively so. And even though the evening weather was pleasant outside, he wore a silver, hooded fur coat over his broad shoulders, the hem of the material brushing the floor. Two impressive swords crossed over the fur, sheathed at his back, the handles erect on either side of his head.

  His long, strong fingers gripped the balustrade as he leaned forward, his eyes sharpening as he caught sight of whatever he had been searching for. The plain white t-shirt he wore under his fur coat strained against his powerful chest as his muscles tensed, his black leather pants a far cry from the tuxedos the men behind him wore.

  His feet were bare, no shoes covering his toes.

  My eyes narrowed as I examined each foot.

  No dirt smudged them despite walking barefoot.

  Perhaps he had lost his shoes somewhere?

  I lifted my glass and downed the rest of the alcohol, sighing as the warmth settled in my stomach. A glass table nearby held many empty glasses, so I added mine to the mess. The stranger didn’t peek in my direction as I strolled and settled directly next to him. My right hip rested against the railing as I faced him, my arms loose yet crossed against my chest.

  A full ten seconds had passed before I admitted defeat, the man not taking notice of me even though I stood a mere foot from him. But instead of introducing myself, I turned my head and peered down into the atrium to examine what entranced him so.

  I snorted as my blonde brows rose. “I believe she’s taken.”

  Everyone knew this. Even those halfway across the world knew Ms. Poppy Carvene was dating Mr. Godric King. The social media on them was astonishing. Anytime they were out in public there were photos taken of them. Ms. Carvene’s father was the great General Carvene of the Liberated Army, while Mr. King was the owner of the Corporate Army. The LA was the only standing resistance against the CA—and Mr. King’s lawful dictates. The fact that Ms. Carvene and Mr. King were together was shocking, despite the obvious, that he was a monster.

  I often wondered if she knew what she slept with.

  The stranger’s chuckle was soft, his eyes never leaving his prey. “I’m not interested in that woman. Not in the way you just insinuated, anyway.”

  “You could have fooled me.”

  Still, he stared at her as she spoke with a CA guard.

  He shrugged his right shoulder, the long fur covering his arm swaying with the movement. His response was shocking in its bluntness. “I prefer tall blondes with big boobs. Ms. Carvene has none of those three characteristics. She has nothing physically I’m interested in.”

  My wide eyes glanced down at my cleavage, my large breasts tastefully filling out my black gown. I shook my head of pristine blonde hair, my tall height allowing me to watch everyone in this room if I wished.

  The stranger wasn’t spotting his ‘ideal’ woman right now—directly beside him. Instead, he favored watching a woman he claimed to have no interest in.

  An unbidden snicker escaped my lips.

  He did grace me with his attention then. His eerie eyes sparkled with mirth as he only stared directly into my blue gaze, not glancing down at my cleavage on display. The corners of his eyes crinkled as he smiled, and stated, “You’re taken as well, so I have no interest in you either, despite your lovely attributes.”

  My brows furrowed in confusion. “I’m not dating anyone.”

  Who was this man?

  Where had my sense gone? Or my manners?

  I uncrossed my arms and raised my right hand. “My name is Mina Kramer. And you are?”

  He claimed my hand with his own and lowered his head to place a gentle kiss on top of my wrist. When he straightened and released me, he answered, “My name is Cassander. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”


  I crossed my arms once more, and pure curiosity overrode my polite breeding. “Why are you staring at her like that if you’re not attracted to her?”

  He placed his hands back on the railing and returned to watch Ms. Carvene as she began to ascend the marble, curved staircase up to the balcony. Instead of answering my question, he whispered his own, “Do you want to know a secret, Mina?”

  His quiet voice made mine just as soft. “Tell me.”

  Cassander was a peculiar man.

  “Everyone believes I followed her in Port because God was destined to be with her, resulting in protection for her well-being. But that wasn’t why I did it. I tracked her down because I have this feeling about her, a vital and personal interest in that woman. I can’t see what it is yet, but…it’s just this feeling. It’s dark right now, the air around her.” His brows furrowed on his strong forehead, deep in thought. “Ms. Carvene has the power to change my life. And I’m not sure I’ll like it.”

  My blink was so slow, I wasn’t certain I hadn’t fallen asleep for a moment. “I don’t understand.”

  Deniability was best in these situations. If he were planning to assassinate her, I didn’t want to be on Mr. King’s ‘monster’ side for speaking with this man.

  I held up a quick hand when he opened his mouth, my interest in him now diminished from his own missing rationality. “It’s fine. You don’t need to explain further.”

  He wasn’t just peculiar. He was possibly insane.

  It was time for me to find a different person to talk with, my eyes roaming the other individuals on the balcony.

  “Oh, my damn! Cassander!” Ms. Carvene stopped directly next to us. The top of her head didn’t even reach his shoulders. She had to peer far up to hold his gaze, her cascading red hair hanging over her back. “I can’t believe Godric told me to wear this shit tonight. I’m a soldier in the CA, not someone who wears frilly crap.”

  My jaw was gaping. I didn’t care.

  Ms. Carvene knew the crazy man. Her stalker.

  She even seemed ‘friendly’ with him.

  I shut my mouth and glanced back and forth between them. Cassander’s steel eyes no longer held the narrow focus they had before. Now they stared down at her with patience and amusement. He had flipped a switch, no longer the confused predator wondering who was prey—he or she—if his previous blather of a ‘secret’ was any indication of his real thoughts.

  “You’re not working tonight, Ms. Carvene,” Cassander stated with kindness. “There’s no need for a soldier’s uniform.”

  “How many times do I have to tell you to call me Poppy before you’re actually going to do it?”

  “That answer is uncertain.” His lips trembled with hilarity as she fussed over the strap on her shoulder, her dress jiggling enough to show her feet. He instantly crouched and lifted the hem of her dress, a few inches from the floor, and peered at her shoes. The man began to laugh with unhindered delight. “If God wanted you to wear this dress, I doubt he wanted you to wear your combat boots.”

  Her tiny right hand jerked the material from his fist in irritation, but she glanced all around, peering at each individual, before whispering quickly, “Don’t tell him.”

  Cassander rose to his full intimidating height and rested back against the railing, a devious gleam entering his gaze. “You’ll owe me.”

  Her nose crinkled. “Cassander, I can’t kick anyone’s ass if I’m wearing heels. My boots are practical.”

  He lifted a lone brow, staying silent. Waiting.

  She threw her hands into the air. “Fine. Fine.”

  “That was fast.” He grinned in victory.

  “I’m late. I was running behind at work.” Ms. Carvene huffed. She stood on the balls of her feet, making her a whole half-inch taller, as she attempted to look into the party room. “Is the big man in there?”

  “He is.” Cassander cleared his throat—loudly. “But first, I’d like to introduce you to Ms. Mina Kramer. And, Mina, this is Ms. Carvene.”

  Her brown eyes flew to his, hurt flashing over her delicate feat
ures. “You call her by her first name?”

  My gaze darted between them. Their exact relationship was still unclear to me, but it was evident they had affection for one another, their bodies unconsciously too close to one another for decency’s sake. They weren’t at all aware their teasing and bickering could be construed as…flirting.

  Cassander didn’t respond to her aggravation.

  He remained quiet, his eyes patient.

  I hurried to incline my head to her. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Carvene.” I paused for full effect and glanced at her from under my lashes. I deadpanned, “Or do you prefer I call you Poppy?”

  The tension between them promptly broke.

  Cassander snickered and pointed a finger at me. “You’re going to fit right in with our group.”

  Ms. Carvene blinked, and suddenly, her eyes sharpened on my person. She tipped her head to me in greeting, her tone pleasant and curious. “It’s lovely to meet you too. And, yes, please call me Poppy, as long as I may call you Mina?”

  “Of course,” I mumbled absently. The alcohol I had consumed tonight churned in my stomach as an unsettling notion began to furrow into my thoughts. My blue eyes flicked back to Cassander. “What did you mean ‘our group?’”

  “I’m a silver fox.” Cassander winked, his wicked lips curling up at the edges—just a little. “And not only because of my amazing silver hair, sexy-fine looks, and wise old age.”

  Poppy’s surprised eyes snapped in his direction.

  My brows furrowed together. I barely breathed. “I don’t understand.”

  “That’s twice you’ve said that to me.” A gentle shake of his head as he leaned forward into my personal space. “And both times have been lies, Mina. That’s very naughty for such a good girl.”

  He was a monster too.

  When would this freefall to madness end?

  My chest pumped with harsh breaths, and my ears began to ring as the world tipped to the side. I repeated, “I don’t understand.”

  He lifted a finger and twirled it in the air. “Before you run away, I need you to remember something.”

  I swallowed, the bile in my throat burning.

  “When you see the green light, don’t stare at it.”

  My unblinking eyes began to water, watching him for any sign of attack—not that I knew how to defend myself. My parents hadn’t trained me to fight. I was a peaceful scholar…

  For however long I managed to stay alive.

  The monster leaned back and tipped his head to the side. He grabbed Poppy’s forearm, pulling her directly next to him, and his left hand made a sweeping motion to the staircase.

  With a smile on his handsome face, he whispered in delight, “When the first blood falls, I’ll find you, Mina.”


  I grasped the length of my dress and lifted the hem to my ankles. I was a flash of diamonds and silk as I raced past them, my heart in my throat. My long legs took me to the staircase in seconds.

  I glanced back to see if the beast was following.

  But Cassander and Poppy were in an animated discussion, their heads close together as they conspired. My eyes widened of their own accord when the situation only proved more dire. Mr. King’s intimidating presence made itself known, the corporate high king walking out of the party onto the balcony, his eyes homing in on Cassander and Poppy in surprised confusion at their blatant, heated discussion.

  Poppy peered directly at her lover, as if she could feel his mere gaze upon her, and waved him over with quickly fluttering hands, demanding his attendance in the argument.

  I didn’t hesitate any longer.

  I grabbed the marble railing of the stairs and ran down the curved structure as fast as I could. Quick glances behind me kept them in my sights, all three individuals now talking in tones that were more subdued. My heels clicked on the marble stairs in a rapid rhythm that matched the beat of my frantic heart.

  Click-click, click-click, click-click.

  With one last furtive glance at the balcony, no one giving chase yet, my hand slipped off the railing. I lost my balance and toppled down the last step.

  Strong, warm hands caught my shoulders as I fell forward, the tops of my shoes dragging along the atrium tiling from my forward motion. My forehead smacked against a broad, muscled shoulder as I clutched at the gray tuxedo covering a massive male frame. The top of my dress strained against my chest with each labored and panicked breath I took.

  I wanted to cling to my savior who had protected me from a header into the unforgiving ground. His intoxicating smell invaded my entire sphere of reality. Sunshine and snow, the dawn during the winter’s first snowfall. I kept my face against his shoulder as I regained my footing, my shaking fingers digging into the lapels of the fine material, his tux even softer than my father’s.

  Whoever he was, he was warm. Safe.

  He slowly released his grip on my arms to slide his palms carefully around my body, holding me close as I trembled in his embrace.

  He dipped his head down to mine, his mouth against the side of my head, probing softly, “Are you okay, miss?”

  I gasped in air, attempting to regulate my out-of-control breathing. The shudder that tormented my body was all encompassing, the man’s arms tightening around me as if he could rip the fear right from my soul.

  One of his hands slid up and down, up and down my back as he soothed me. He inhaled against my hair, his face still against mine.

  Surprised, he mumbled, “This is probably inappropriate to say given the situation, but you smell absolutely decadent. Are you wearing perfume that’s been modified for aphrodisiac results?”

  My eyelashes fluttered against his tuxedo. I couldn’t control the bubble of soft, hysterical laughter that erupted. I shook my head against his shoulder, and panted my reply, “This night’s one fucked up mess.”

  He pressed his nose closer against my hair, sniffing again. “So that’s a no to an enhanced perfume?”

  “That’s a no.”

  His lips brushed my temple, purring, “Tell me your name.”

  To hell with propriety.

  His strong body was paradise to rest against.


  “Last name?”


  His palm continued to rub my back, the tremors in my frame lessening under his care. “Aren’t you going to ask me mine?”

  My breathing calmed with his touch. “What is your name, sir?”

  Easy and sultry. “Finn Baker.”

  I sucked in a sharp breath. “Hell on earth.”

  The monsters were everywhere tonight.

  He stood quiet for a moment, uncaring that my body had turned rigid in his arms. “I see my name has inspired you to divine joy.” His shoulder shrugged under my frozen face. “But I did catch you. I could have let you fall since, by all appearances, you were running from friends of mine.”

  Why does the monster feel so right against me?

  Steeling my inner strength, I tipped my head back to face the beast. White hair cropped in a severe, older military style shone under the overhead lights. An olive-colored skin tone glowed with perfect health. Red lips made for sin were currently straight and serious. His regal jaw was clean-shaven, not a whisker showing. His black lashes were thick over a reserved gaze.

  The white tiger had stunning blue eyes.

  Monsters shouldn’t be so attractive.

  Or feel so delicious…

  Ingrained dignity kept my voice from shaking as I stated, “Let me go, sir. This is inappropriate, as you stated.”

  With one more sniff in my direction, he released his hold on me. The beast did it so quickly, and without any tensing of his body to warn me, I was the one still clinging to him.

  I straightened my cramped fingers, removing them from his impressive, muscled chest, and mumbled, “Thank you.”

  Blue glacial eyes continued to stare.

  I took a step back from him. Another one.

eyes flicked up to the balcony, to the railing.

  Cassander. Mr. King.

  The two were watching us with intent expressions.

  Silent predators waiting to strike.

  I jerked my attention back down to the monster in front of me. My eyes widened in shock, the man only an inch away from me again. I grasped the skirt of my dress and dipped my head once as I whispered, “Thank you for catching me, Mr. Baker.”

  His head tipped to the side, an animal watching his prey. “You’re welcome, Ms. Kramer.”

  My heels squeaked on the tiling, and my shoulders cringed at the horrid show of fear as I sprinted across the atrium, fleeing Baker Corporation with hardly any poise intact. Father would be appalled at my actions. Mother would be clawing the monster’s face for daring to touch me.

  It was only a blessing my parents hadn’t noticed my long absence yet. I knew Father wanted to introduce me to the corporate kings, show off his pride and joy who had finally grown up into a beautiful woman. Father had been patient, biding his time, and grooming me, always waiting for the opportune second to make the most advantageous business transaction. His daughter was at the ripe age to trade now, the thought whispered into his head by wayward words from Mother.

  If he had witnessed Mr. Baker’s interactions with me, and my resulting dash from the building, I’d never leave our townhouse again. Not until a marriage contract had been struck with an elite New City citizen who didn’t mind a willful bride-to-be. Mother couldn’t help either since she was born a female.

  Mr. King’s laws were set. Marriage by twenty-five signed off by a legal male guardian. No one argued, not even me. Marriage and babies would save our existence.

  Stopping on the street in front of Baker Corporation, the stars twinkling in a sheet of the navy sky above, I pressed a button on the streetlight for a train cabin to take me home. One quickly stopped before me, the iron stairs lowering to the ground.


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