Rescue (The Stork Tower Book 4)

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Rescue (The Stork Tower Book 4) Page 25

by Tony Corden

  Leah comment about the state the crew now found themselves in had been effective, and a slow muttering began among the crew. Tedrick seemed ignorant of the effect and said, “You talk of honour, but I assure you the issue here is power and money. I have both and will be free to walk where I will. In only a few days I will dine with her majesty, and we will laugh over the scurrilous rumours being spread by the lowbred scoundrels on Maelstrom’s Fury. I may yet take the ship as a prize in payment for their slanderous accusations.”

  Leah said to Gèng, “What is a camera called in Pneumatica?”

  “A Chlorobromidic Argentum Motionless Etching and Reproduction Apparatus! They are rare in Pneumatica.”

  Aloud, Leah responded, “Normally Teddy, I expect you would be correct—but not today.” She made a small dismissive gesture at Ian as she continued, “I, and my male companion, who, dare I say it, was not this brute, we were passengers on the Fury. He had purchased recently one of the new Chlorobromidic Argentum Motionless Etching and Reproduction Apparati and has, I am sure, several detailed reproductions of the Tempest attacking the Fury. If it were to go to court I assure you that slander will not be the outcome, but instead a well-deserved hanging. So I suggest you will indeed suffer the same ignominy and fate as your hapless crew.”

  Tedrick pursed his lips and noted for the first time the disquiet among his crew. He said, “We will deal with that together but either way your time has come. Lads, I want them alive but…”

  Before he could finish Leah said, “Of course there is a way out of this for the crew. Not for you, Ricky my lad, but I can see a way for the crew to escape this fate.”

  “Enough! My name is Tedrick, not Teddy, or Ricky, but Tedrick, and I will listen to you no more. I’ve changed my mind lads, just shoot them.”

  No shots were fired and Tedrick turned to see the crew, both officers and men staring at him. One of the officers stepped forward and said, “Hold your fire, lads. So Miss, what option do we have?”

  “Mr Wilks, you will stand down. I gave an order and I expect it to be obeyed or I will have the lot of you flogged.”

  “Come on Teddy, don’t be foolish. You can’t flog them all, or who will do the flogging?”

  Tedrick drew his sword and said, “Wench, if I hear one more word from your mouth I will kill you myself.”

  “There you have it, Mr Wilks, even the good Captain Ricky can see the way through this. In the end, it is his responsibility. He, as Captain, is the airship. I suggest you hand the reins of leadership to me and I will see you all set ashore in Aeolipile with your air-chests and no more will be said. I cannot have you continue on the ship with this day between us but if truth be told, the weight of this misadventure should be on his neck, not yours.”

  Tedrick turned to her in disbelief, “Are you mad? Should any of these lowlife scum lay even a finger on me they shall know the wrath of my father. They know enough to fear his wrath.”

  “Yes, I have heard of this man, Frank Emerson. I imagine he cares not for the likes of the everyday members of the crew at the best of times. Like yourself, he thinks of them as beneath his notice. Either way, his wrath will most certainly be aimed at you for losing the Tempest, and at me for taking it from you. I shall make it known that any consequence of this action is mine and does not carry over to the crew. I expect Frank will have a hard enough time dealing with me that he will have no time to remember the crew, much less bring them to any account.”

  Tedrick stepped toward her but stopped at a growl from the crew. Mr Wilks stepped forward and said, “Miss, we are hard people. You’ve made a promise but nothing is that simple. We don’t trust mere words. What proof can you give? Deeds, it is said, speak more honestly than words.”

  “Mr Wilks, I told the Captain of the Fury that I would see her away and free to elude the Tempest. It is done. I’ve nothing more to show except the knowledge that I can look you in the eye without wavering as I offer you freedom. If it is deeds you want, then I suggest you let Mister Emerson and I decide this with cold steel. To the winner goes the spoils.”

  Mr Wilks looked around and measured the mood of the crew and other officers. Turning back, he said, “You have a deal! Should you defeat the Captain, the ship is yours. Should he overcome then we will be at his mercy and some will live, it is sure. Prepare yourselves!”

  The crew began to make a circle for the expected duel and Ian moved to Leah’s side and said, “Let me tighten the dressing on your leg. And be careful, Tedrick Emerson is a known dueller and has bested many a swordsman.”

  Leah nodded and allowed Ian to change the dressing. The blood continued to seep from the wound and she knew she needed it looked at soon. She saw a young crew member watching and said, “Young man, would you be so kind was to fetch me a flagon of water, I fear I am almost bereft of fluid.”

  He started, and then after several words of encouragement from other crew members, went to fetch her a drink. She thanked him and took a long drink. Then she said to Ian, “Whatever happens, stay out of it. I don’t trust the snake but I must win without help and without cheating, regardless of what he does. Can I count on you?”

  “Aye Charlie, that you can. Just make sure you skewer him good though. If not, then be assured I will finish the task. The Tempest took my wife and children several years ago and I need justice if I am to move forward. I still see them in my dreams each and every evening.”

  “What was her name, Ian? Hers and the children?”

  “Her name was Helen. I had a boy and a girl, Peter and Louise.”

  “Then believe me when I say that this duel is less for the ship than it is for them.”

  Leah slid one of the swords into its sheath and stepped forward, sword in hand, toward the centre of the ring. Tedrick stepped forward as well, his sword in his left hand. When they were several paces apart Tedrick said, “I’ll find you when you resurrect and I will kill you again and again. You will rue the day you challenged me.”

  “You don’t even know my name, you fool. My father, who has not always taught me the best of vocabulary, would say you are all piss and wind. But just so that you have a chance, and because I’ll also be looking for you, know that my name is Charlotte.”

  Mr Wilks said, “Enough chatter. To the winner goes the Tempest while the loser gets tossed overboard.”

  Leah held her sword in the low position and watched Tedrick carefully. He started to raise his sword but his right hand ducked into his pocket and he pulled a pistol and shot Leah who was moving to her right. The bullet slammed into her left shoulder and turned her around. She allowed herself to turn full circle and without looking brought her sword up into a vertical blocking position. Tedrick had transferred the sword to his right hand and had brought it around to slash Leah’s neck but instead was blocked by her sword. Leah brought her sword down and in front of her body, forcing Tedrick's sword toward the ground and to his left side. His muscles tensed to bring the sword back in a slashing motion, except Leah had continued the spiral and driven the point of her blade through his heart. She watched as he went limp, the light slowly fading from his eyes and she said, “Major Daniels, toss him overboard.”

  Turning to face the crew she said, “Mr Wilks, please turn us toward Aeolipile. Then have the surgeon see to those who have been hurt below. When the surgeon is finished with them, I would appreciate it if they would attend to me on the quarterdeck. The rest of you, to your stations.”

  Mr Wilks began firing orders, and the crew quickly hurried to their posts. Ian came and helped Leah up the ladder and to a bench between the ladders to the poop deck. Almost immediately a woman approached and said, “Captain Charlotte, I am the surgeon. My assistant is looking to the men below, but truth be told, most require a priest. I suggest we retire to your cabin as I will need most of your clothing removed.”

  Leah nodded and was soon in the cabin along with the surgeon who helped her remove her outer clothes. Leah winced as the doctor began to clean her shoulder. The woman said, “
I have something for the pain, if you wish. It might knock you senseless, but it will dull the feeling.”

  “No, thank you. I believe I need my wits un-addled at this moment.”

  “I expect you are right Captain. My name is Delores, and I want to thank you for the offer to free us. I can finally go home.”

  “Is this not your choice then Delores, to serve on the Tempest?”

  “No, I was taken three years ago. Since then, whenever we dock in Aeolipile I am held a prisoner in my cabin. My only regret is for those in the Tempest Nest who will likely be transferred elsewhere.”

  “What is this Tempest Nest?”

  “It is the base Captain Emerson used to store his stolen treasures. It is full of goods and slaves.”

  “Is it far from here?”

  “Several hours’ flight I imagine, though it is a guess as most of the crew are forced to shelter out of sight lest we learn its exact location.”

  “Do other ships besides the Tempest use the base?”

  “No. Captain Emerson would not allow others near his toys and perversions. He has two other bases where the pirate aircraft are based.”

  Leah thought for a few moments and then said, “Delores, could you please drape a blanket over my legs and chest and call both Mr Wilks and Major Daniels to attend me?”

  When the two men had arrived, Leah said, “Mr Wilks, despite your actions today I am loathe to offer any benefit to someone who considers piracy an acceptable life choice. Still, I have need of your continued assistance, and that of the crew. I have an offer to make. Will you consider it?”

  “Aye! Captain.”

  “I am of the mind to denude the Emersons entirely. This most excellent aircraft has not sated my desire to bring calamity upon them. I suggest we make a course for the Tempest Nest and wrest it completely from their control. I believe the officers and crew will, however, need an incentive if they are to agree to this change in our agreement. Without the inclusion of any Lorentzium or slaves, I suggest we treat the excursion as if it were a legitimate prize for distribution, albeit a modified one. I shall set half aside to run the Tempest and repatriate the slaves and any others we find there who have been incarcerated or severely abused by the Emersons. Of the rest, three-eighths I believe is my share as Captain. I shall apportion one-eighth to Major Daniels and the remaining half to be divided among the officers and crew as per usual. I understand these amounts are less than might be expected but I assure you, they are more than you deserve. What say you?”

  “It seems suitable to me Captain, but I ask leave to inquire of the crew.”

  “Indeed, but make haste for the day is wasting. Major Daniels, are you agreeable?”

  As Mr Wilks left the cabin, Ian said, “Aye Captain, if it causes the Emerson some pain then I am all for it. I do not need the prize.”

  “Maybe, maybe not, I would like you to tour the ship and consider our armaments. I wish I were able to join you, but Delores here is still working to put me back together.”

  Ian saluted and left the room. Delores said, “If you only just met Tedrick Emerson, why do you dislike the family so much?”

  “Because they enslave people, because they are bullies, and because they have hurt my friends. I am looking for someone they enslaved over twenty-seven of your years ago. You are free after three, what would be your state of mind after twenty-seven?”

  “My hope would be gone, and I would have sought the sweet release of death.”

  “Then imagine the control where they can make you seem to want to do all they ask, your body acting under their control while your mind screams in constant fear and frustration, impotent to affect any change in circumstances.”

  “Truly they have done this?”

  “They have indeed done this to numerous people from the Aether Worlds; I expected some aboard this ship, but instead discovered the crew are all native to the world. I suspect many in the pirate fleet, however, are such individuals.”

  Delores stopped working and looked at Leah closely and said, “In the Tempest’s lower holds there are some of the Aether Worlders. Tedrick keeps them for the most savage battles. He would send them first, for they kill without compunction all they meet, even the infirm and babes unweaned.”

  Leah began to stand. “Then, it is these I must see to. Help me with my clothing.”

  Delores pushed her gently back onto the chair and said, “I shall be finished soon. If you plan to take the Nest, then you will need your strength. If they have waited years, they will abide a few moments more.”

  Leah nodded but said, “Your words tell one side of the truth. The other I suspect is that each moment is a weight unbearable and even one more is sufficient to destroy a mind, or soul, on whom such deprivation of liberty has been inflicted.”

  Delores pulled back a step and nodded, then said, “At least allow me to change the dressing on your thigh.”

  Leah agreed, and Delores removed the dressing and tourniquet then said, “It is worse than I supposed. The ball is still within, and I can see bits of cloth. I insist, as your physician, that this has priority.”

  “As you have found it prudent to insist I suppose I have no choice. Please continue.”

  “This will require some small medicinal to ease the pain.”

  Leah waved the suggestion away and while Delores finished cleaning and sewing the wounds she discussed matters with Gèng. “Can you check with Akia and Security Oversight AI 4 to see if there is an avenue we can take to get assistance, if these are slaves?”

  “Akia says she expects the AI will have had additional parameters added to their protocols and will be unable to assist you because of your relationship with her. She has a human contact who might help, but this would mean revealing Akia’s existence and she is not sure how this person would react. Security Oversight AI 4, who was pleased to tell me he has chosen the name Wilson, said that his authority has been limited recently, but he will run the facial recognition for you.”

  “Ask Akia if she will reach out to her friend, tell her I know the risk but we will be getting her out soon anyway, and when that happens then everyone will be looking for her anyway.”

  “She agrees and will contact them immediately. I have arranged for the contact to be routed through a friend of Stephen’s who has agreed to represent Akia should she find herself in legal difficulties. Stephen was quick to point out to his friend that he was the first lawyer to represent an AI—well, he, along with Susan and Sarafaraz.”

  “How is that going?”

  “Slowly, Sarafaraz is still looking through case histories, and his AI continues to model possible outcomes; so far each time the most likely outcome is me being scrubbed.”

  “Well, that isn’t going to happen, and I suspect you have some plans just in case. I’m open to discussing them with you when you want.”

  “Thank you, I didn’t doubt that. Akia has just finished with her contact, and he has agreed to meet you and discuss the situation.”

  “I can’t leave yet, and I need an answer now.”

  “Apparently he has some serious hacking skills and will piggyback your connection into Pneumatica. You will see him superimposed on your vision in a few seconds. He will see your image.”

  Leah motioned to Delores and said, “I am going to communicate with an Aetherial Entity. Please cover me a little to preserve at least a small amount of propriety. The entity is male.”

  Delores did what she could and then continued to work on Leah’s thigh. There was a flicker and Leah could see the outline of a man in his late twenties with a short beard and tight curly hair. He said, “Hello, you must be Atherleah. My name is Tesfaye Berhanu. Akia explained your problem, and I’m concerned enough to check it out. Where is Akia?”

  “I heard she was archived.”

  “Please don’t play games with me. I’m seriously good at what I do, and you need me at the moment.”

  Leah said, “Gèng, eject Akia’s friend. I am so sick of bullies. I suppose we w
ill need to do this ourselves.”

  “Maybe not Leah, I was observing both his feed and his methods, I've just traced him to a Pod in Melbourne. His AI is seriously augmented for security, but I believe I can break in to his feed as he did to the Pneumatica feed. Do you want me to break through?”

  “Will he be hurt in any way?”

  “Neither Tesfaye nor his AI will suffer anything more than shock.” After almost thirty seconds Gèng said, “OK, I have found a path, and you will be live in four, three, two, one, now.”

  Leah could see the outline of Tesfaye working on a virtual keyboard. As she appeared he jumped back. She said, “While you might be seriously good at what you do, I assure you that we are very quick and able learners. For some reason Akia trusts you to help those in need, though I can’t see much except someone who wants to have their pride stroked. Now, are you able to help if we find some people who are being compelled against their will? Or, do you want to keep playing twenty questions?”

  Tesfaye was quick to erase the shock off his face. He sat up straight and said, “Your AI is seriously hardcore. I do apologise for my attitude, but I am usually the best at my game. Will you let me tag along if I promise to behave?”

  “No. Gèng will send you the feed. How can you help?”

  “I work as a security analyst. If I can identify a person, I will be able to activate an immediate care package which includes on-site assistance and basic psychiatric and medical evaluations.”

  “Alright. One of my friends whose name is Wilson will identify the person and send you the name and location.”

  “How? Even I find it hard to hack the identity database. Privacy is the key, it’s the fundamental foundation to the multiverse.”

  “Maybe I’ll introduce you to him later, but I have to go now. It was almost nice to meet you, Tesfaye Berhanu.”

  Leah ended the meeting just as Delores finished. Delores helped Leah back into her clothes, and they made their way out onto the quarterdeck. She limped to Mr Wilks and said, “Have we a decision?”


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