Celtic Mann: A Historical Viking Scottish Romance (Heart of the Battle Series Book 3)

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Celtic Mann: A Historical Viking Scottish Romance (Heart of the Battle Series Book 3) Page 11

by Lexy Timms

He smiled slyly. "Beautiful, with a wicked mouth. No wonder Erik was intrigued. He was an idiot to leave you here alone. You see, my cousin always was one who wanted the finer things in life. Beautiful women, castles with crystal, green lands as far as the eye can see." He paused and touched his fingers to his lips, the action mimicking and dark. "But the real Viking in all of us wants a dirty-mouthed whore to make our nights come alive. I bet you did just that for him, didn't you, lass?" He stretched out and laughed when she jumped back further out of his reach.

  Waves of terror crashed over Linzi's resolve to remain calm. She turned and ran for the house, her dress getting caught up in her legs as she moved. He was Erik's cousin. The one who had tried to murder him. The one that had miraculously brought Erik to her. Now he had come to claim her for himself.

  His strong hands wrapped around her hair first, jerking her back hard as she screamed. The door to the house flew open and Luke moved out as she found herself trapped against the firm body of the Viking. His fingers pressed against her mouth and she screamed past them, kicking and fighting him as he wrestled her toward the house.

  "Get away from me wife." Luke ran toward them, sword in hand.

  Linzi stilled as she realized Luke wouldn't survive an encounter with the man behind her. He stopped a few feet from her, his face draining of color. "No! Not you." He began to tremble and shake.

  "Yes me, boy. Have I haunted your nightmares? Kept you awake all this time?" The man pressed his face next to Linzi's and licked her cheek. He tightened his grip, one arm around her waist, the other holding her throat.

  She thrashed violently, kicking at his shins as he pressed his lips to her ear and bit at her. "If you don't stay still I'm going to tie you up and have you watch me gut the boy who gave up the last year of his life for you."

  Linzi quieted, but only a little, the behemoth removing his fingers from her mouth. Tears coursed down her cheeks as she stared at Luke. "Is this the man that hurt you? That killed all of those with you that day?"

  Luke stood board-stiff, his face as white as the sheet upon their bed.

  "Kill him. Kill him, and me, if you have to. Protect everything else. Do it." She jerked again as the man behind her laughed loudly.

  "He's not going to kill me girl. He's here because of me."

  Linzi felt her heart flutter in her chest. The conversation with Luke as clear in the moment as it had been that day eighteen months ago. Luke had come back looking for shelter, but offering protection. He had come back to keep her safe, to watch over her.

  "You knew he would come?" she whispered as a tremor ran down the length of her spine.

  Luke glanced at her before bringing his eyes back to Marcus and then slowly back to her again. "He told me he would."

  "And you knew?! You didn’t tell me? You planned this?” She couldn’t believe what was happening. She had never seen this coming, not in a million dreams or nightmares. “You stayed just to protect me for when he did?"

  The man laughed again, pulling Linzi from him and turning her around. His grasp was hard, his eyes filled with hate. "No, whore. He came to watch over you until the day came when I returned to collect you."

  "He didn't!” She wanted to cry, but couldn’t, she was too horrified. She jerked from the Viking and he let her go. She ran toward Luke, wrapping her arms around his knees as she fell before him. "Tell me you didn’t.” Her father, Sara, her baby, lay sleeping down the lane. Had Luke told this monster about them? She shuddered in fear and rose slowly, ready to protect her son at any cost. She reached for the sword Luke held at his side. “If you won't kill him, I will."

  "He said I could live..." Tears dripped over Luke's eyes and ran down his cheeks as Linzi stumbled back.

  "You coward!” Linzi turned to face the large man, the sword heavy, but she held on to it tightly as she raised it. "What do you want with me?"

  "You know, little dove, you know." He reached into his pocket and tossed a small bag to Luke. "There's the money promised to you."

  Luke caught it and began walking down the field toward the road. He didn’t look back or offer any word.

  Linzi screamed in anguish.

  The massive monster easily disarmed the sword from her and pulled her back against him, covering her mouth to muffle her voice. He whispered into her ear, "You should never trust a Viking, lass. We always do anything necessary to get exactly what we want."

  Linzi watched in horror as her captor flung the sword toward Luke. The boy who had grown up laughing with her brother and offered his hand to her, fell, his body rolling down the rest of the hill. He never made a sound, not even a gasp for breath could be heard through the wind.

  "You killed him!" Linzi beat against the large man, pulling and tugging as she tried to get free.

  "I did. He was of no more use. I killed his family and only kept him alive to get to you. Why would you want him alive?" He laughed. “Did he measure up to Erik?”

  Linzi stilled, her stomach turning upside down. If the man could kill Luke and his family, and laugh about it, who else might he be willing to kill? Was he planning on killing her? What about the baby? Had Luke told him about little Kenton? Her knees grew weak. He was going to kill them all.



  Things couldn't have worked out better. It had been a long, arduous wait to plan his revenge, but now that it had begun to happen, the world was right. The girl was feisty, full of angst and loud as hell. He tore at her dress, ripping a large strip from the bottom and tying it around her mouth. She cried for the boy he killed, but her tears should be spared. The lad hadn't wanted anything to do with her. He gave up information on her and Erik without so much as a prodding. He had been denied her hand because of the great King of the Vikings, and was scorned. She didn’t know he loathed her, hated her down to the depths of his soul.

  Marcus turned the girl toward him and seized her arms tight against her sides, leaning down until his lips covered over the tight cloth that kept her quiet. "I know about the bastard boy. If you struggle or give me any reason to become agitated with you... I'll kill him first. He's just another obstacle in my reach for the crown. Do not give me cause to tie you up and go to your father's house, laying waste to everyone inside, especially Erik's beloved bastard."

  Linzi nodded, her eyes wide as she panted softly. Marcus smiled and patted the side of her face before picking her up and hoisting her over his shoulder. She grunted softly, the sound sending a thrill of anticipation down to his stomach. Marcus would keep her at the house for the night and then early, before sunrise, take the wench back into town. No reason to travel so late at night. He bloody wanted to fuck the wench now, in her own bed where Erik probably had done the same thing. He grinned. He’d show her what it felt like to have a real Viking inside of her.

  He thought about his idiotic cousin. Erik had been in Denmark for nearly five or six seasons, it was hard to tell in this damn country full of rain. Marcus had moved along the shadows of the life his cousin wanted. It had almost been too easy, but restraining himself from moving in too quickly was the hard part. He wanted so badly to sweep into Linzi's life and lay a stranglehold on the beautiful little tart.

  She struggled against him as he moved them toward the house, stilling every so often when he’d place his hand on her rear or reach for the skin beneath her skirts. He moved into the house and threw her to the floor, before turning and shutting the door behind him.

  "Luke removed the knives from the house, so don't look for a weapon, you won't find one." He smirked and reached to remove her gag. She took a long breath and looked around, the poor girl unable to help herself in wanting to defend her own life.

  He stared at her, already sure she would enjoy his touch each time he raped her. He thought of the wench he’d kidnapped in town to keep him occupied while he waited. She had been thin and had mousy brown hair. She reminded him too much of the whores that crossed his path on the field, their bodies gangly and unattractive. He licked his te
eth as if trying to get rid of the thought and resounding flavor of disgust.

  "Sit," he barked at her. She was beautiful, buxom and curvy. Her long red hair reminded him of the dying embers of a night time fire, her eyes filled with passion. He had searched the world for a woman like her, never coming even close before her.

  "What do you want, Marcus?" she asked, her voice steady and full of authority. Her eyes held a spark that he knew still existed in her. Maybe she believed Erik wasn’t coming back, and yet had no way of knowing that he in fact was. The distance was too great and with the whole of Denmark on his plate, there was no way that Erik had the time or energy to deal with the life he left behind.

  "Marcus? You know my name! I’m Erik's first cousin. We grew up together in Denmark. My father was the middle child, second in line for the crown." Marcus ran his fingers through his dark hair before pulling off his shirt. He kicked his boots off, not caring where they landed.

  The girl stiffened as he watched her, her eyes adverted from looking at him. He ran his hand over his chest, loving the scars of battle among the muscle, the swell of his hard work drawing female attention without effort, but not from Linzi. She believed herself taken. How sad it must have been for Luke to live in a home with a wife who wouldn't relent from her dreams. Marcus smirked at the thought.

  "Why are you here? I never wanted Erik, what makes you think I’d want you?" She lifted her chin and narrowed her eyes.

  Marcus moved to sit beside her, his eyes racing across the creamy ivory of her skin. "You are exquisite, Linzi. How Luke didn't lose himself in you is beyond me."

  "Because he's, he was, a boy, not a man." Venom filled her voice as she crossed her arms over her chest, her actions causing her yellow dress to fall from her shoulder like it did the day in the clothing tent.

  "I can’t argue with you there. These Brits are not men, just sticks with pricks. But you, you could make a man of one or two of them.” He straightened, letting his cock push against the leather of his breeches for her to see. “I am a man. A man with needs, and those needs have yet to be met in this lifetime. I need a wench like yourself who can taunt me with your fever, beckon me with the strong sway of your hips." Marcus shifted closer beside her, sliding one leg over the bench seat and straddling the wood and he pulled her to him. She began to pull away and he tightened his grip. "I’ll not hurt you unless you force me to, but know that I want to. I want you bent over this table and screaming until your throat runs raw."

  "Hurt is a relative term." She tugged away from him again as he pulled the dress down over her shoulder, the top of her large breast showing for him.

  "Agreed. Perhaps I should feed myself off the milk of your breasts first?" he whispered against her ear as she shivered. He smiled. "How long has it been since you took a man to your bed, little vixen? How long since you felt the heat of desire between your tight thighs?"

  Her breathing shifted to a soft pant. He smiled and brushed her hair from her shoulder, pressing his hips forward so that she might feel his erection against her side. He wanted her to know that he could take care of her. Erik wasn't coming back. Maybe killing her wasn’t necessary. He would kill the babe, but maybe keeping the girl around for himself was not a bad idea.

  "This is beautiful." He traced his finger down the trail of roses, stopping just above her breast before replacing his finger with his lips. She jerked from him and he slid his arms around her, tightening them. "You know you want what I can give you. I’ll even let you close your eyes and pretend I'm Erik. I have many times in my life."

  "Stop. You'll not have me without a fooking fight on your hands. I'm nobody’s whore and I'm a free woman now that you butchered the coward that kept me locked in place for you." She reached up and touched her fingers to the bridge of her nose, her hair moving to cover her face.

  "I like to fight. It makes my cock harder.” He rubbed himself, feeling he could already burst at the seams. He would tear this woman in two with the power of his prick. “Wait and see, wench, I’ll prove I’m worth my time." Marcus kissed her shoulder again, dipping his fingers into her dress and caressing her pert nipple as he growled against her skin. He bit her shoulder, growing harder when she whimpered in pain. "I want a fight. The harder you fight me, the harder I’ll fuck.”

  He turned her and pulled her toward him, his mouth licking and kissing at hers. She was perfect and he was going to take her every way possible, marking her beautiful body, so when Erik arrived, he could see what it felt like to have the one thing desirable in the world destroyed.

  She bit at his lip, blood coating his tongue from her actions. He jerked back and laughed, letting the crimson liquid drip down the side of his mouth.

  "Every scar you leave on me I will repay. Keep that in mind, wench." He pulled her with him as he stood. He had time, and she needed more fear in her eyes, more fight. "Now, how about we have a drink to celebrate our union? Do you have a staunch mead here or anything worthy of breaking up our moment?"

  "We have nothing.”

  “Liar.” He pinched her bottom hard.

  Tears filled her eyes but did not fall. “We have dark ale.”

  He shoved her toward the kitchen. “Pour me a glass." He laughed as she stumbled. "Get yourself one too. You may need the spirits to loosen that perfect little body of yours."

  She huffed and walked to the kitchen. He chuckled and reclined against the table behind him, turning to watch her closely. The dress she wore hung loosely on her, which surprised him. She must have lost weight since having the bairn. The last time he saw her in town she was a little more filled out, her body carrying the weight beautifully.

  "Are you well?" he asked, tilting his head and running his eyes down the length of her.

  "Is that a joke?"

  "No, lass. I'm asking if you’re physically well." She was an idiot who spoke too much. She had a brain and he didn’t need her for that.

  "If I tell you no, will you leave me be?"

  "You know I can't do that." He stood and walked to the kitchen, taking the mug she extended to him. "I've gotten so close now. You've warmed my skin with the flames of your desires, Linzi. I want to be burned by you."

  "Then you shall." She pulled him down and pressed her lips to his, a wet spritz of her beer running down his throat as she pulled back and lifted her glass. "To burning to death."

  "Aye lass. To burning to death." He smiled. She was getting it. She wanted him. He could tell.



  The ride through the day and night was rough. The clouds covering the sky didn't leave much light from the moon to guide his path. The horse worked hard to stay on the path created by the footsteps of too many men. Erik rolled his shoulders, working to stay awake as his journey up to that point had left him with very little sleep due to worry. His horse was struggling as well after too many days at sea. It didn’t have much left before it too would fall and never get up again.

  The sound of a raven calling out above caused a chill to run down his spine. They were always a bad omen, or so his father used to say. He followed the bird as it flew in circles, seeming to hover right above him. No way was he too late... he had to make it in time. Surely Marcus hadn't found success in his nefarious intent.

  The clouds began to break, giving light from the stars by the time he saw the break in the forest, Linzi's land just up ahead. The moon lit the path he needed. He pressed the stallion to run faster, his heart racing as if trying to break from his chest. He couldn’t imagine Linzi anywhere but in her home.

  Erik dismounted his horse as his eyes caught the catch of silver. A sword lay upright in the ground. He approached cautiously. A body lay under the sword at the bottom of the field. He raced toward it, fear threatening to choke him as he approached. The recognition of the figure being a male and having blond hair gave way to relief, but death on Linzi's land wasn't a good sign. The moon broke over the clouds as Erik turned the man over.

  "Kenton's friend." He shook
his head and turned the boy back over, taking the sword. Marcus was here, or had been here.

  He ran toward the house, the air suddenly running from his greedy lungs. The door opened to the house and Marcus walked out in nothing but a pair of breeches, his hair a mess. He ran his hand over his crotch and yawned loudly. "I was hoping you would show up during the night. I wanted you to hear how bad your girl needed a good fooking." Marcus shrugged as Erik charged him, still too far away. "Hold up cousin. She's not here and if you kill me now, you'll not get her back."

  Erik stopped short, the knife from his belt pulled, poised to find its rest in the base of Marcus' throat. "How dare you! Where’s the girl?”

  “Where’s my crown?”

  “You knew I didn't want that damned crown. You believed your own poison that I stole it from you! I would have willingly given it to anyone to relieve myself of it."

  "Ahhh, but that's not how this works, is it?" Marcus ran his fingers through his hair, lifting an eyebrow. "Where is your hair? Your beautiful blond hair?"

  “Where’s my woman?" How long had Marcus been here with Linzi? The thought broke his insides apart. He had been a stupid, stupid man.

  Marcus smiled and it looked like a snarl. "I'm not so sure she would be considered your woman anymore. She's rather taken with me." He puffed his chest out and crossed his arms over it. "I've been here for quite some time now. The boy down there thought to come and try to court my woman. Look what happened to him."

  "She's not your woman." Erik charged, flinging the knife and hoping like hell it would hit his cousin in the chest. Marcus moved, but not fast enough, it buried itself into his shoulder. Erik slammed into him, jerking him toward the field as they landed hard on their sides. Erik rolled and sat up on his cousin's torso, pounding at his face over and over until Marcus twisted, flinging him off.

  "She’s mine. You can ask her yourself. She doesn’t want you!” Marcus screamed at Erik as he pressed his knee in his chest and punched Erik in the side of the face several times. He pulled the blade out of his shoulder and threw it to the ground.


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