Hunting Shadows (Shadow Series #3)

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Hunting Shadows (Shadow Series #3) Page 12

by S. H. Kolee

  Simon was up and out of bed instantly. “I thought she didn’t fit the description.” he said as he changed clothes as well.

  “She doesn’t! She’s tall enough but her chest is way too big to match the person in my vision.” A part of me realized how ludicrous it was to be discussing a woman’s breast size when her life was in danger, but I still didn’t understand how it could be her. “I saw her face and it was definitely her.”

  I checked the time and saw that it was almost five o’clock in the morning. I rushed out into the living room, not waiting for Simon. “Ryan! Wake up! It’s Britney!”

  Ryan shot up off the couch, understanding immediately what I was talking about. He didn’t question how it could be her and instead just pulled on his jeans.

  I opened Sarah’s door without knocking and burst in. Both she and Grant were fast asleep and I shook her awake.

  “Sarah, I have to go,” I said in a rush. “I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

  “What?” Sarah said groggily as she rubbed her eyes. She looked at me in confusion for a few moments and then her expression cleared. “Why? What’s happening?”

  “I saw the person’s face in my vision. It’s Britney.”

  “But how—?”

  I shook my head, cutting her off. “I don’t have time to explain right now.”

  When I rushed back into the living room, Ryan was lowering his cell phone from his ear. “She’s not picking up.”

  “You go to her apartment. Simon and I will go to the auditorium.”


  I interrupted whatever Ryan had been about to say. “We don’t know where she is. The odds are she’s either peacefully asleep in bed or she’s at the auditorium. I don’t even know if it’s going to happen now, today or even this week! But I can’t shake the feeling that we don’t have much time. I need you to go to her apartment in case she’s there. As much as I trust my vision, I can’t trust it completely and she could be in danger anywhere.”

  I was relieved when Ryan agreed. We parted ways outside in front of the apartment and Simon and I headed towards the auditorium. I had hidden the palladium coin in my closet but I still checked every pocket and hiding place on me to make sure I didn’t have it.

  Our pace was quick but my sense of urgency was screaming at me to hurry even more. “Simon, we’re running out of time.”

  He didn’t argue how I knew, he just nodded and we both took off into a run. I was breathless when we reached the auditorium, the cold air hurting my lungs, but Simon was barely winded.

  The auditorium was completely dark when we opened the door. None of the lights were on and the sun hadn’t risen yet. Simon felt around the wall for the light switches but only succeeded in turning on one light, casting an eerie glow into the auditorium.

  “None of these other light switches are working,” Simon said in frustration. “They must be on timers or something.”

  “It’s good enough,” I said softly as my eyes scanned every dark corner. Simon took my hand as we walked the perimeter of the auditorium. We were as quiet as possible in case anyone was there, but we were alone.

  “Let’s wait where we can’t be seen,” I whispered and Simon followed me as I hid behind the bleachers. I texted Ryan quickly to see if Britney was at her apartment but before I could press “send,” my breath caught in my throat as I heard the distinct sound of a door opening. Slowly, a figure emerged from the darkness and made its way to the fencing strip. Britney was already in her fencing uniform but her mask was in her hand. Her figure exactly matched the one in my vision and I was confused by the difference in her appearance. Her generous chest was now flat and I wondered if she had bound them. She pulled her hair into a ponytail and then slipped on her mask.

  She raised her saber and started practicing, feinting and retreating as if she had an imaginary opponent. Simon and I were silent as we watched her, waiting for the moment when her shadow would make itself known.

  Suddenly she froze, raising her saber in the air, and that’s when I saw it. Her body seemed to shimmer as an outer skin slithered off her, taking shape into an exact replica of her. I made my move, running out from behind the bleachers and concentrating all my strength into funneling my energy.

  The vardoger whipped its head towards me when I rushed out and it froze for a fraction of a second as it stared at me. Before I could blink, it rushed towards me in a flash. I heard Simon yell something but my focus was on the orb of light and energy I was building inside myself. The instant the vardoger crashed against me, sinking into me, I shot out my energy with as much force as I could. I felt myself falling to the ground and was helpless to brace myself, my body weak from the exertion of using my powers. Simon huddled over me, his face a mask of concern, but I could only think of one thing.

  “Did I do it?” I asked shakily, trying to gather enough strength to sit up.

  “You did it,” Simon said, grabbing my arms as I pushed myself up. Britney was crumpled in a heap on the fencing strip and I struggled to get to my feet.

  “We have to make sure she’s okay,” I said in a stronger voice as I felt the disorientation and weakness start to recede.

  Before we could get to her, the door crashed open and Ryan ran in looking frantic. His eyes zeroed in on me and he ran straight towards me.

  “Are you okay?” he asked urgently, reaching out to touch my arm and completely ignoring Simon.

  I nodded. “I’m okay. We just have to make sure Britney isn’t hurt.”

  Simon pushed Ryan’s hand away while giving him a hard look. Ryan’s jaw tightened but he didn’t say anything as we walked over to Britney’s prone form.

  “Britney,” I said softly, shaking her gently. Her eyes fluttered open and she looked at me in confusion. She struggled to sit up and I helped her prop herself up on her arms.

  “What the hell happened?” she asked in a hoarse voice. She looked around the auditorium and then back at us. “Did I have an accident? What are you doing here?”

  I tried to lie convincingly. “Ryan called you and he got worried when you didn’t answer. He went by your place to see if you were there, and when you didn’t answer the door he figured you would be here. He asked us to come with him. When we got here you were on the floor. You must have fallen and hit your head.” It was a weak excuse but it was the best I could come up with at the moment.

  Britney raised a hand to her head and touched it gingerly. She frowned at me. “But my head doesn’t hurt.”

  “I guess you’re just lucky,” I said, not knowing what other explanation to give.

  Ryan helped Britney get to her feet and she looked at him with renewed interest. “Why did you call me?”

  Ryan raised an eyebrow and paused before answering. “I lost my watch and wondered if I had left it at your apartment when I was over for the fencing get-together.”

  I wanted to roll my eyes at his excuse but Britney seemed to buy it as she pulled her arm out of his grasp in anger. “I don’t have your stupid watch.”

  “Do you remember anything that happened to you?” I asked, wanting to make sure she wasn’t aware of what had just transpired.

  “I always come here to practice early in the morning before a match. The last thing I remember was practicing with my saber and the next thing I know you’re hovering over me.” She frowned and looked around, the tension on her face easing when she saw her saber lying on the ground. She reached down to pick it up but yelped in surprise when the blade nicked her finger.

  “What the hell?” she said, looking at her bleeding finger in confusion. She looked back at her saber. “How the hell did that get so sharp?”

  I could only imagine what her vardoger had influenced her to do without her being aware, such as sharpening her saber. I needed her to stop asking questions so I looked at Ryan pointedly. “Why don’t you take her to the health center to make sure she’s okay?”

  The corners of his mouth turned down but he nodded and turned to Britney. “Let’s g
o. I just hope it’s open.”

  Despite Britney’s disappointment with Ryan’s reason for calling her, she didn’t refuse. I hesitated as they were leaving and then called out her name.

  “What?” she asked as she turned around, looking disgruntled.

  “You just look…” I trailed off and then forced myself to start again. I needed to know why her body looked so dramatically different in one area. “You look completely different. Your chest, that is.”

  Britney flushed beet red, shooting me a death glare. “What’s your problem? You’ve never heard of a padded bra?” Her glare turned even fiercer. “You’re such a bitch.”

  Ryan looking highly amused but he pulled her arm and led her out. I sighed deeply when they were gone. “I don’t blame her for getting upset. It was a pretty insulting question.”

  Simon grinned and pulled me close. “You were just trying to understand why she looked so different in your vision.”

  He kept me close as we walked home and the morning air felt invigorating as dawn broke and the sun peeked out of the horizon. It felt good to know that I had succeeded in destroying a vardoger, that I was fulfilling my role as a seer. I also realized how nice it was to have Simon by my side and I wondered if we would spend the rest of our lives together like this. I could think of nothing I wanted more.

  Chapter Thirteen

  The next few days settled into somewhat of a normal routine, although the presence of Ryan always reminded me that everything was far from normal. Simon and I both started attending classes again. At first he had been reluctant to let me out of his sights but slowly he was beginning to realize that I could take care of myself. Classes were a way to occupy my time while I waited for more visions, but it was also a reminder that despite accepting my calling as a seer, I needed a way to financially support myself. A college degree wouldn’t hurt in getting a job.

  I was happy when the Henchmen started practicing again because I knew Simon truly enjoyed playing music. It was often hard to remember that he was a vardoger because he was so human in so many ways. Even Sarah and Grant seemed to become more comfortable around him. It was also a relief to be able to envelop Marcus and Jenny back into our lives. I had missed them both and tried to make up for shutting them out previously, even if it had been for their own good.

  It was Saturday and the night of the Henchmen’s first performance at the East End since everything had happened. Everyone was over at the apartment for dinner before the show and I felt a true sense of contentment as I listened to the happy chatter around me. I leaned back in the recliner and looked up when Simon casually ran a hand through my hair. I smiled up at him, his warm expression of affection sending tingles down my spine and reminding me how easily he could affect me with just a look or a touch.

  When I turned away, I caught Ryan watching us and I swallowed. The one thorn in my side during these few days of contentment had been Ryan and my feelings for him. As close as I felt to Simon, I still felt a pull towards Ryan. I tried to tell myself it was just because I felt a connection to him as a seer, but I knew it was more than that. Somewhere along the way I had developed feelings for him. I just didn’t know how deep they went.

  I never would have imagined it was possible to have feelings for someone else when I was so in love with Simon, but I couldn’t deny the situation or my emotions. I just hoped they would pass with time because there was no way I was going to act on them.

  Grant, Marcus and Simon left early to prepare for the show and I started clearing away the food.

  “Do you think my top looks weird?” Jenny asked as she stood to help clean up. “It makes me look pregnant the way it blouses out in the front.”

  “You’re crazy. There’s no way you look pregnant,” Sarah said, picking up empty glasses and carrying them into the kitchen. She popped her head back out immediately, her eyes narrowed. “Unless there’s something you’re not telling us.”

  “Of course not!” Jenny shrieked with a horrified laugh. “Don’t even say that!”

  I saw Ryan smiling to himself as he picked up the salad bowl. “Here, I’ll take that,” I said, taking it from him. “Don’t worry about cleaning up.”

  I was aware of Ryan watching me but I made a point to not make eye contact and hurried into the kitchen where Sarah and Jenny were still discussing the merits of her top.

  “I still think you look cute in your top but you can borrow something if you want,” Sarah offered.

  Jenny eagerly took her up on her offer and they disappeared into Sarah’s bedroom. I stood in the kitchen for a few minutes, feeling foolish that I was hesitating in going back into the living room. I had been alone with Ryan plenty of times, but now that I had finally admitted to myself that I had feelings for him, I wanted to avoid being left alone with him.

  I wasn’t given a choice in the matter when Ryan walked into the kitchen with a couple of dirty plates. I automatically reached for them with a quick smile that I hoped looked genuine. “Thanks.”

  I jerked back abruptly when, instead of releasing the dishes, Ryan gently but firmly took hold of one of my wrists. I tugged my arm but I was unable to break his grip.

  “Look at me,” he said in a grim voice. I looked up, not wanting him to think he was affecting me. My rapidly beating heart said otherwise.

  “What?” I said shortly, trying to sound annoyed.

  “What’s the problem?”

  I frowned at him. “I don’t understand what you mean.”

  “You’ve been avoiding me the past few days and you’ll barely even look at me.”

  I finally succeeded in breaking his grip and I grabbed the dishes from him, careful not to brush my fingers against his. I turned around and placed them in the sink, giving him my back. “That’s ridiculous. I’ve just been busy getting back to my normal life.”

  He leaned one hand on the sink next to me and I was uncomfortably aware of how close he was. I refused to turn around and kept my gaze on the sink.

  “This isn’t your normal life. As much as you’d like to believe it is, this is no longer your reality. The sooner you accept that, the easier it’ll be for you.”

  Anger at his presumptuousness made me whirl around but I immediately pressed back against the sink when I realized how close he really was. I could see the flecks in his hazel eyes as he bent his head towards me.

  “Just because your life is a certain way doesn’t mean mine has to be. Just because you have no friends and no life beyond vardogers doesn’t mean I have to be the same way.”

  I regretted my harsh words as soon as I said them, but I had said nothing I didn’t believe. Or at least hoped was true. Ryan seemed to live a solitary life, a lonely life, and I didn’t think I could resign myself to the same fate.

  His jaw tightened at my words but that didn’t deter him. “We’re getting off topic. I want to know why you’re avoiding me.”

  I made a sound of frustration. “I’m not avoiding you!” He was physically too close and I could feel the heat radiating off of him. If I were to just lean up, to press closer, a kiss would become inevitable. The thought scared me and I raised a hand to his chest to push him back. I held my breath when he grabbed my hand and held it to his chest.

  “Tell me why you’re avoiding me,” he repeated, his voice much lower. I shook my head in panic, wanting to escape the kitchen yet feeling transfixed by his gaze and the feel of his warm, hard chest beneath my hand.

  “I know why you’re avoiding me.” He lowered his head, his eyes piercing into me. “It’s because you’re feeling the same thing I am. You want me as much as I want you.”

  I felt hypnotized by his gaze as he lowered his head even more. His breath was a light caress against my lips and I felt a mixture of panic and desire pumping through me. His lips were a whisper away when panic finally won out and I pushed against his chest hard. He stumbled a little but quickly regained his balance. He looked at me with an enigmatic expression.

  “You’re wrong!” I spat out, sca
red by how close I had been to betraying Simon. “I don’t want you! Don’t ever try that again!”

  A muscle started twitching in his jaw but his voice was calm when he spoke. “Tell me you don’t have feelings for me. Convince me that I’m wrong.”

  “I don’t have to convince you of anything! But you can rest assured that I don’t have any feelings for you.” It was easy to lie when I was so angry with him. “If this is your way of helping, you can leave!”

  Ryan’s lips tightened and he studied me for a few moments before speaking again. “Don’t pretend like you don’t need my help. What we’re facing is beyond just you and me. Don’t get it tangled up with personal emotions.” His expression relaxed and he gave me a sardonic smile. “I won’t push you about your feelings if you want to play it this way.”

  “Asshole,” I muttered as I turned around. I started washing the dishes with a vengeance, hating that he was right. I needed his help, no matter how messed up my emotions were. I just needed to get a better handle on them, to control them. I swore to myself that I would never let Ryan affect me again like he had tonight.

  I was relieved when he finally left the kitchen. My shoulders slumped as righteous indignation gave way to guilt. If Simon knew what had just almost happened, not only would he be devastated but he would be on a warpath. I couldn’t chance any violence erupting between Ryan and Simon. We had enough problems to deal with as it was.

  “Don’t do the dishes. You cooked. Just leave them for later and I’ll do them.”

  I jumped at the sound of Sarah’s voice but I forced my tone to be cheerful when I replied without turning around. I didn’t want her to see how flushed my face was. “I’m just about done anyway. It’s no big deal.”

  I heard Sarah putting things away in the kitchen as I finished up the dishes. I hoped that I looked composed as I turned around. “Did Jenny find a top she was happy with?”

  “Yeah, but it took forever. I think she tried on every top I had.” Sarah frowned as she studied me. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, why?” I hoped my voice sounded nonchalant but my heart was hammering against my ribcage. I wondered if she could see the guilt plastered across my face.


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