The Wicked Pleasures Bundle (Wicked Pleasures: Volume 1/Wicked Pleasures: Volume 2/Wicked Pleasures: Volume 3)

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The Wicked Pleasures Bundle (Wicked Pleasures: Volume 1/Wicked Pleasures: Volume 2/Wicked Pleasures: Volume 3) Page 2

by Cole, Abbie

  Taking a deep breath, I reluctantly pull my eyes away.

  At once he responds with a smile, as if he knows exactly what has captured my attention from the very beginning.

  Blushing, I can’t help but become flustered as he catches me ogling him once again.

  After watching me for a long moment, “Quid pro quo, why are you here by yourself?” He questions as he begins rolling once again to his side.

  “I’m also here for a seminar.” I reply glancing at him through my lowered eyes. “All the speakers are absolutely boring.” Rolling my eyes once again, “It’s boring.”

  “What seminar?”

  “Tax. I’m an accountant.”

  “Really?” He looks impressed. “I would have never guessed that you are an accountant.”

  “What would you have guessed?” I question with a grin, waiting to hear his reply.

  His eyes are now freely roaming over me from head to toe. “A supermodel?”

  “Whatever! That’s a terrible line. Is that the best you’ve got? Is that how you usually pick up women?”

  “I’m not giving you a line.”

  My brow instinctively quirks as I stare at him. “I must admit that you have a fabulous voice, but the other women you’ve tried this on must have been desperate.”

  A devastating smile spreads across his face, taking my breath away. Reaching over he lightly runs his finger down my arm. Goose bumps begin to rise on my sensitized flesh.

  “What did you do this evening after you left the bar?” He leans forward, glancing heatedly into my eyes and blowing a warm stream of air over my skin. Oh, my God.

  My eyes widen at his erotic play. “After dinner I went to the gym and tried to burn off the calories from my two servings of Tiramisu at dinner.” I reply while wrinkling my nose mischievously.

  “Two servings?”

  Closing my eyes, I recall the heavenly dessert. “It was divine.” I sigh.

  “I wish I could have been there to witness your debauchery. I would have been able to stare at you all night and watch the pleasure flooding your face as you took each decadent bite.” A wicked glimmer appeared in his eyes.

  Seeing the wicked glint, I am doing all that I can to calm my jumpiness. “I can tell you that you would have been bored. Even though you believe you would have had a sensual time watching me eat, your ears would have been inundated with unexciting discussions about next year’s tax laws.”

  “Oh, I think I could have survived.” He scooted closer.

  “What seminar are you here for?” I whisper.

  “Taxes,” he answers. “I own an accounting firm.”

  I can feel all the color draining from my face. “What accounting firm?”

  “Whitley, Gibson and Clayton.” He grins.

  Oh great, why do I always put my foot in my mouth. There goes my night of unadulterated sex. “And are you Whitley, Gibson or Clayton?” I question as I flush from the heat of his gaze.

  “I’m embarrassed to say now that I know this seminar is boring,” he whispered back. God, he is way too tempting not to touch. I am starting to get dizzy.

  Slowly he sits up in front of me and pushes a fallen curl behind my ear before leaning forward and placing a delicate kiss on my nose. “Your freckles intrigue me.” His finger runs lightly down my nose, starting at the bridge and ending at the tip. “I cannot understand why they are frowned upon?” He looks as though he is about to gobble me up. “I want to find out if your delightful freckles cover other parts of your anatomy.” His finger lightly traces back and forth over my exposed skin right above the edge of my bodice.

  With my juices now flowing, I moan as his mouth glides down the curve of my jaw taking succulent bites of my neck.

  “I thought we were playing chess?” Playfully placing my hands on his shoulders I can feel his muscles bunch beneath my palms. God he feels good.

  “Do you want to play chess?” He prods, with an all too familiar gleam in his eyes.

  My mouth goes dry as I once again feel completely dizzy. I am having difficulty focusing on the question he is asking, no matter how hard I try, I can’t bring myself to respond.

  “I’m afraid I have been too distracted by your freckles.”

  “Just my freckles?”

  “I don’t think I could concentrate even if my life depended on it.”

  “Hopefully it will not come to that.” I can’t stop the full-fledged smile spreading across my face as I lean back to give him better access to my neck, sighing rapturously. “What would you like to do?”

  His lips lift from my neck as his mouth quirks into a wry smile. “Tell me something that I would never guess about you.” He inquires, as he takes his tongue and slowly swirls it in my ear.

  “I can run a mile in eight and a half minutes.” Shivers begin running down my spine as his wicked tongue licks my jaw.

  “Nice.” He laughs. “Athletic. I like that in a woman.”

  “What else would you like to know?” I don’t recognize my own voice. Purring. Really?

  “Hmmm…let me try a different tactic.” His breath whispers across my skin. “Your favorite drink?” I sigh as his face presses against my neck.

  “Did you just smell me?” I press against him, closing my eyes with a dreamy half-smile. “I love amaretto sours.” I moan in ecstasy.

  I can feel his grin.

  “What is your favorite movie?” I murmur, measuring the width of his broad back. He smells expensive, exotic, and very manly. His heady scent envelopes my senses.

  Breathing fast and hard, I can tell it is a struggle for him to respond, “The Good the Bad and the Ugly.” I can hear his desire. His hands running hungrily down my sides.

  “Why do all men like that movie?” Laying me back, he leans over me capturing my mouth with a groan, his lips so soft and warm. With exquisite thoroughness, he ravishes my mouth. Sensations flood through me as his rock-hard erection presses against my thigh.

  I meet his demanding kisses without any hesitation, clinging to him, arching closely I can feel his heart beating against my breasts.

  “I have been longing to be alone with you since the bar.” The suggestive tone in his voice sends wet, heat rushing between my legs.

  I lay back further letting him lower the bodice of my dress, pleased with the hungry look in his eyes. I can feel my rosy nipples pebble with desire.

  Gripped by a primal fever, he touches all of me. His fingers trace a fiery trail down my throat over my naked flesh until finally resting in the vulnerable hollow where my pulse pounds erratically.

  My body turns into jelly at the new sensations, taking a ragged breath I cry out with anticipation. My eyes full of wonder as I watch him lower his eyes to my exposed breasts.

  Dipping his head, he traces the peak of my breast with his tongue, taking my ripe flesh firmly into his mouth, suckling my taut nipple, swirling his tongue around my scorching sweetness until I begin crying out in a raw uncertain sound.

  Nevertheless, that isn’t stopping him from continuing to devour my breast like a starving man devours a crumb of bread.

  The hint of his whiskers scraping against my sensitized flesh shoot a wicked thrill straight through to my core as moist heat pools between my thighs. Restless, the decadence of his firm lips on my sizzling flesh causes me to cry out again. I hold his head tightly to my breast willingly surrendering to the intense dark pleasures. My eyes close, I moan out in ecstasy, arching shamelessly against him trying to figure out how to beg him for more.

  His breath is shallow and fast as he lowers his hand until he wraps it around my ankle, teasing his way up my leg.

  I am trying not to squirm; squeezing my eyes shut to ease the overwhelming desire, bewildered by my inexplicable loss of control, so rich, so potent that it is taking control of my senses.

  I feel a rush of coolness as little by little he runs his calloused hands up every smooth inch of my slender legs past my knees, pushing my skirt up to my waist.

  I can t
ell he is reaching the limits of his willpower by the sounds escaping his throat, his need is proving to be too intense.

  I have pictured this moment in my mind many times since this afternoon. Groaning deep in my throat with satisfaction, I watch as the firelight plays across his face. Tugging me closer, he crushes my curves to his hard body. Fascinated, he captures my mouth in a frenzied kiss. I open my mouth under his, making way for him to slide his tongue deep into my mouth, and greet his assault fervently.

  The pull of his gaze slowly brings me out of my passion-filled daze.

  My eyes fly open as his fingers slip under the edge of my panties and find my pussy. His long fingers rifle through dewy curls, covering my most feminine secrets, sending ripples of delicious tension throughout my entire body.

  A breathy sigh escapes my lips, wiggling my hips searching for something. The tension is slowly building within as his steady strokes make a sizzling heat flood me from head to toe.

  I ache for his cock. Reaching down I grab it. Touching him.

  Emboldened by my reaction, he traces my seam, delving inside my folds to find the hidden nub of my desire making me cry out in shock at the intimacy.

  “So wet.” He groans into my throat.

  Watching me, I can tell he is enthralled by the sight of me fighting the storm about to break as he caresses me shamelessly.

  I flush with desire, taking deep gulping breaths. The heat rises like an uncontrollable fever and with each stroke the temperature increases.

  Beads of sweat dot his forehead as he runs his tongue back and forth over my puckered nipple almost putting me over the edge, but it is nothing compared to the feel of his mouth as it replaces his hand. Licking, now pressing his tongue into my heat, tasting deeply.

  I writhe urgently beneath him, thrashing and bucking as pleasure washes over me. A strangled sob of wonder escapes me as he hurriedly captures my rapturous cries with a deep kiss.

  Taking me into his arms, he places me on his lap, stroking my back, whispering soft words in my ear. Lowering his hands he begins pulling up my skirt, raising it higher, his fingers trail a path up my leg, cupping my inner thigh, teasing me. He rubs his slick fingers over and over my swollen flesh. Raising myself up on my knees I reach down unbuckling his belt, releasing the snap and lowering the zipper. He raises his hips and slides his pants and briefs over his hips and down his thighs. I cup my tiny hand around his cock and he lets out a groan. He grows and swells with the gliding motion of my hand as it goes up and down his straining shaft. I am so hot, wet and ready. Looking up at him at the same time he thrusts upward I take his hardened length deep into my body. Closing my eyes as he starts to move I pick up his rhythm. The sensual feelings overwhelm my body growing with each rapid thrust of his hips. I clench my inner muscles around him as I slide my body up feeling his hardness and the ridges of his cock.

  He leans forward to lick my breasts and suck one of my nipples into his mouth, pulling and teasing with his lips. He grips my hips in his hands and begins to match my movement, pumping his hips, rocking his body in and out of mine.

  I start to come and he covers my mouth with his to quiet the loud noises. I am determined to milk him completely, my muscles wet and tight around him.

  Sighing languidly, I crumple boneless in his arms. “Heavens,” I sigh, taking slow even breaths, savoring the feel of this big, virile man, gazing deeply into his eyes, my face aglow in the golden firelight lightly flushed with desire as he makes one more final thrust before emptying himself into me.

  Laugh lines fan out from the corners of his eyes. “Yes indeed.” His laborious breathing echoes the cadence of mine.

  I watch as his expression turns thoughtful. His hands smooth over my back in soothing circles.

  “That was amazing.” I heave a deep sigh, trying to catch my breath. “You do realize that someone could walk in at any time.” The words burst out of my mouth, causing him to chuckle quietly.

  “I could care less”

  I enthusiastically replied. “Check mate.”


  OF COURSE IT IS A GIVEN THAT I WOULD LOOK POSITIVELY HORRENDOUS AFTER A REALLY INTENSE WORKOUT. “Ugh.” Sweat is pouring down my face after my workout. An hour on the elliptical and then weights and my legs and arms are feeling like jelly. I’m feeling pretty good right now until I look up after scrubbing my face with my white gym towel and zero in on him.

  He is gorgeous and he hasn’t escaped my notice for one second. I’m not blind. He is exactly the kind of man that I fantasize about. He’s tall with bulging muscles rippling everywhere. I must be at least six foot three or four. Blue eyes, strong cheekbones, square jaw, and chiseled everything. He has really short black hair, almost buzzed and tattoos. Sexy tattoos on his shoulders and a tribal tattoo circling his right arm. My mouth salivates just by thinking about him; I want to run my tongue over each tattoo, tasting the salty flavor of his sweating body as my tongue traces each pattern. He looks like he could throw me over his shoulder and carry me away to ravish me. God I must be desperate.

  Desperate and fucking horny as hell.

  I shiver at the thought. The thought of him pummeling me with the muscle between his thighs.

  How disappointing that he is never here at the beginning of my workouts when I am fresh and looking good. No. He has to waltz into the gym with a sexy swagger after I am panting, red in the face, and dripping with sweat.

  I watch him staring at my chest, which I must admit is pretty impressive, especially since I keep myself in pretty good shape. My tiny waist makes my boobs look huge, that’s what all my girlfriends tell me.

  I almost chuckle when his gaze finally rose to meet mine and he froze. I cock my head and raise one brow. I don’t know where that came from, but I am tired of only watching. I’m ready for some action and he’s obviously attracted.

  Just as I am getting up the nerve to actually do more than look, a friend yells at me from across the room. So I am left with little choice but to turn around and acknowledge their greeting which really irks me. I keep looking over my shoulder to make sure he is still working out until about the fourth time I glance back and I don’t see him any longer. I can’t help but heave a huge sigh.

  “Do you need to go?”

  “I’m sorry; I guess I’m just a little distracted today.” I shrug. “I had a rough day at work.”

  “No worries. I can let you go.”


  I was walking out of the gym heading towards the locker room when an arm snakes out of one of the empty aerobics rooms. A strong hand grips my upper arm pulling me into the empty dark room and up against a strong chest covered in thick ridged muscles. The instant zing of energy from the touch causes immediate goose bumps to pop up on my flesh; I shiver at the intensity of sensations.

  “Excuse me?” My voice is muffled against a wet t-shirt. Tilting my head I peer into deep blue eyes, stumbling back a little when he releases me, my hands fisted in his t-shirt, holding onto him to keep from falling.

  “I saw you watching me.” I have never heard his voice before but my body reacted instantly. His voice is perfect, deep, gravely, and extremely masculine. He exudes raw masculinity. Just the sound turns me on; I can feel my panties becoming saturated with my juices.

  “I think you mean I saw you watching me.” I like the hungry look in his eyes.

  He lifts one eyebrow. “Whatever turns you on?”

  I glance down to where his shorts were tented with a full-on erection. “Really?” He was sporting a massive hard-on and I was praying it was all as it appeared to be.

  He doesn’t even look embarrassed, just matter-of-fact. “Really.” His gaze rakes over my body, lingering on the swell of my breasts, motioning with his head.

  I glance down; my nipples are poking out like the erasers on the end of a damn pencil. Damn. I chuckle. “What’s your point? Are we going to get busy right here, right now?” As I look around the mirrored room.

  A sexy smile curves his mout
h; the steamy look in his eyes sends shivers down my spine. “We can toss a few yoga matts on the floor, that should do it.” Without warning, he spins me around, my back hits the mirrored wall grinding his hips into me making it obvious just how hot and hard I was making him. The hard length of his erection, hot through his shorts. The impact rattles me for a moment; but there is no denying the hot ache between my thighs. Bending his head he captures my lips in a hot, searing kiss thrusting his tongue deep into my mouth.

  A moan escapes me. Another. Tingles skitter down my spine and I lean my head back, giving him complete access to whatever he wants.

  God, I don’t need anything else but his mouth on mine and his tongue deep in my throat to arouse me further. His mouth is magical. My breasts grow hot and heavy, my nipples already puckered and aching. I am a quivering mass, dampness gathers between my thighs and he hasn’t even really touched me yet. Oh, but I am going to touch him.

  I slide my hands under his sweaty t-shirt over the ridges of his stomach and lay them over the curve of his pectorals; the rasp of his chest hair tickles my fingers. God, he feels so good. Hot, hard, and slick with sweat. I let my hands explore every hard angle of him.

  He slips his hand inside my shorts and panties pressing his fingers on my wet folds, rubbing in light circles, smearing my cream around. “Who wants who?” He is wearing a smug grin.

  A rush of adrenaline surges through me; I twist and arch against his hand unable to control the almost violent urges spearing me. I gasp and feel a blush spread on my face before gathering my courage determined to give him as much as he was giving me. I inhale, his scent washing over me, he is all sweat and man. Well, here goes nothing. I swallow the saliva pooling in my mouth leaning up on my toes I sweep my tongue around his bicep, tracing the tribal tattoo circling his arm.

  He shifts, then his knee slides between my legs, letting me ride his thigh. I close my eyes, clenching my legs tightly around his leg, riding, rocking against his muscled thigh. I don’t even recognize the sound that escapes, something primal, almost animal in nature. I grip his hips, trying to rock against him, trying again, again, again. My breath coming wilder, faster. My head thrashes; my cries growing more frequent. I climb and climb, higher. Rocking, arching up as fire ripples through my body. I can feel my orgasm pulsating against his thigh as I open my eyes, my breath coming in small gasps as the aftershocks continue.


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