The Author's Challenge

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The Author's Challenge Page 6

by Raven McAllan

  “My way.” He moved again and Jenissa felt that first heady triumph of her lover deeply inside her, as far as he could go. He was big, hard and oh-so-perfect. She clenched her muscles to hold him there. Rob lifted his torso far enough to be able to tweak her clit and recommence his tugs and nips on it.

  The tingles and shafts of sweet pain returned threefold.

  “I need this.” Would he understand? Had she even spoken the words out loud? There was so little time. Shit, I must stop my ovaries going into overdrive. One look at him and they’re screaming “yes please, now.”

  Scant seconds before it would be too late, Jenissa tugged him down toward her, clenching and unclenching her pussy muscles so he moved inside her, and bit Rob hard on the shoulder. Hard enough for blood to flow. Once she saw that, she let go. Wave after wave of hot emotion filled her as she flew into the abyss of sated bliss.


  “What the fuck? You like it rough?” He moved his hands and mouth and shook her. “Want me to bite as well, eh? No dice, Jen, no dice.” Rob was breathing heavily. “Why?”

  Dammit. It wasn’t supposed to be like this.

  “I need…argh…I need…no, fuck it, come Rob, come now.” She screamed the words, moved frantically under him and sobbed as he stiffened and groaned his completion.

  He slumped on her, breathing heavily, and Jenissa sighed with total satisfaction. Not only was she a woman in every sense of the word, she’d bitten him and not shifted. Content, she stroked his back with her hands and admired the red nail varnish that glinted in the lamp light. She’d always been a sucker for that shade of red, especially on her claws. It enhanced the shape so perfectly. She held one up…


  Oh, fuck, shit, and buggery.

  Rob looked up and rolled off her. “My love.” He kissed her nose and then stretched out by her side. “Let me dispose of the condom, and then we’ll share the bath.”

  Condom? Oh, fuckety fuck. That explains it. No cum in me.

  Rob swung his legs over the edge of the mattress, stood up and looked down at her with a sparkle of love in his eyes. She wasn’t quite quick enough to hide the evidence.

  The sparkle changed to sparks, and not ones of pleasure. She felt burned as he glared down at her, disbelief uppermost in his expression, and swayed on his feet.

  “Claws? With red nail varnish? Claws? What the fuck is going on?”

  Chapter Eight

  “So much.” Jenissa’s expression was sorrowful and it made his stomach churn. “So much is going on.”

  Still, that bloody fucking claw waved in front of his eyes, almost mesmeric, teasing him, drawing him to wonder…why?

  “Explain.” He knew his voice was terse, his word clipped and hard, but he needed to know. “What’s going on?”

  Her face wavered in front of him, and he squinted to see her more clearly. Surely he wasn’t that tired?

  “I need you. I need all of you.”

  That puzzled him. “You’ve had all of me. My cock in your cunt, my mouth on your tits. What more do you want? Me in your arse? Give me half an hour and I’ll oblige.” His crude words were so unlike him, he wondered where they had come from. Apart from a split second when she paled, she didn’t seem to be over-worried by them. In fact, if her quickened breath was anything to go by, she was excited.

  Rob was uncomfortably aware that so was he.

  “I’ve fucked up,” Jenissa said. “I’ve spell-bound you. You’re bewitched. Or should that be be-wolfed? Whichever, I’m holding you under a spell. Oh, you can get out of it, just say, ‘no more.’ However, I need to be fucked bare-back. If I don’t get your cum in me as I climax, I’ll shift. If I don’t bite you as I come, I’ll lose my powers. I could have spell-bound you and not told you. You’ll forget all about it anyway, but you’d not have even had the chance to say yay or nay, I’d just have my wicked way with you. But that would be a cop-out, unethical in my eyes, almost rape, and I couldn’t. If you’re gonna screw me senseless and spill in me, I want you to agree to it.”

  “Shift? Stop buggering around. What the fuck do you mean?” He never had dreams like this, and what the hell did “spell-bound” mean anyway? “Shift how?”

  She leaned in and squeezed his cock. It responded as he knew it would, and drops of pre-cum seeped from its slit.

  “You rubbered up last time.”

  “I thought that was ethical, not life-threatening.” Rob laughed. Why am I laughing? Why am I not running out of the door, shouting “weirdo” and sending for the cops and asking for her to be sectioned? Shit, I believe her. That was the weird thing, not her actions.

  “I nearly had a heart attack when you bit me and licked the blood. Every vampire story I’ve ever read flashed through my mind.” He paused. Was he crazy, talking to a dream? Whatever, why not? If it was what his lady wanted, who was he to argue? “Bloody hell, you’re not a vampire, are you?” Even that sounded rational, not strange.

  She shook her head and stroked his cheek with her claw. “No, just a wolf shifter from a unique pack whose mum was a witch.”

  Jenissa spoke matter-of-factly and made it sound so normal, Rob nodded. “Oh, well then, why am I worried?”

  “Because I’ll bite you again as we both come, and then one day, when you accept us, you’ll let me bite you ceremonially, and shift as well. The problem is, as you’re spell-bound, you won’t remember any of this.”

  Rob had the strangest sensation of standing outside his body and watching his reactions. He dipped his head in agreement.

  “Simple. Un-spell-bind me and let me remember.”

  “I can’t.” She wailed the words. “I’ve fucked up good and proper. Once the spell is cast, I have to go through with it. No option. Do you think I haven’t been trying? Believe me, I have, and no dice. We fuck and you forget, or well we stay like this forever, I guess.”

  “Sounds good.”

  “Eh?” She stroked his cheek. “Really?”

  “Yeah. Just get on and do it. Fuck me, bite me, and lick the blood and whatever. Then remind me when it’s all over what it’s all about.” Sounds good? I hate blood.

  * * * *

  “Okay, fess up. What the fuck is going on? Who screwed you over and why? Who does Jacob need to maim? Why are you dogging school and still in bed at silly o’clock?” Ari stood over Jenissa, hands on hips, her nicely-rounded tummy sticking out and pointing an accusing bump at Jenissa. “You are the most conscientious person I know. What the fuck has happened to you?”

  Her voice rose to a shriek and Jenissa winced before she shrugged and popped another chunk of chocolate into her mouth. She’d denuded every piece of its wrapper ages ago, and now was able to eat without hindrance.

  “I’m sick. Busy. Need my own space.” She took a gulp of her drink. It might look like Champagne—hell she wanted it to look like it—but in fact, it was soda doused in lemon juice. “Go away.”

  “Not a chance.” Ari grabbed the glass and sniffed. “Soda?” She took a sip. “With lemon. You hate soda water with lemon.”

  Jenissa gave up the fight. “Seems I don’t. Why not? It’s good for you. Lemon clears your pores or something.”

  “So does shifting. Now tell me what the hell is going on. Jacob wants to do something drastic, Rob is holed up in Devon and won’t communicate, and you look like hell on earth. Last I thought was that you and he were headed to a happy-ever-after.”

  “Yeah, well, you were wrong.” Jenissa took her glass back and had another sip. It was true. She really didn’t like soda water. It was fizzy for all the wrong reasons. Her stomach churned, not only with the liquid, but as she replayed Ari’s words back in her head.

  Devon? Ah, fuck.

  “So why was I wrong?” Ari was like a terrier with a rat. “Come on, Jen, help me out here. Jacob is like a wolf with a sore head and is threatening to go and dismember Rob, even if he has no concrete reason. All he keeps growling is it must be Rob’s fault, and that’s reason enough. I can’t have that
. Rob’s my brother and Jacob’s the Alpha and is going to be a dad. I don’t want him in prison and me giving birth with him handcuffed to the bed or something.” She giggled. “Not for that reason, anyway. So, dearest Jenissa, tell me all. Do I need to invade your mind? I’m almost good at it. Mind you, I might auto-suggest you shower or howl at the moon by mistake. I do get my signals mixed. Last night, I had every dog for miles around meowing. Jacob nearly wet himself before he sorted it out. Now, tell me. Or do I just go to Devon in my condition”—she rubbed her bump—”and save my brother and husband from killing each other? I love both of them, and you. How do I choose who to champion?”

  Ari sighed dramatically. Jenissa decided her friend really did do the woe-is-me thing well.

  “The wonder horse.”

  “Eh?” Ari looked puzzled, as well she might. It was all a bit convoluted.

  “Champion. The wonder horse. A TV program from my mum’s childhood. Ah, forget it, I’m rambling. Just ignore me.”

  “I can’t,” Ari said simply. “You are my friend. Okay, there would be no contest. It’d be you I’d root for, but then my poor babies would grow up without a daddy.”

  That was the last straw. Jenissa burst into tears. “So would mine,” she said, and hiccupped.

  Ari sat down on the edge of the bed with a thump. “Say that again,” she said faintly. “Slowly.”

  “Oh hell, I’ve been so, so bad,” Jenissa sobbed and spoke in staccato bursts. “Gone against everything I know and done all the wrong things.” She flung her hand out and hit the box of sweets. Chocolate chunks went everywhere and rained down on them like confetti.

  Ari ducked, snagged one mini bar, and crunched it. Then she stroked Jenissa’s hair. “Is it that bad?”

  Jenissa nodded. It was a relief to admit it. “Oh, yes. The worst. I broke my oath.”

  Ari’s jaw dropped and her hand stilled mid-stroke. “You what? Right. Now, I know I’m new to all this, but what oath are you going on about? I don’t have any oaths or stuff. Is it because I’m brought in, not born into the pack?”

  “Nope, don’t worry it’s not that. It’s because of who Mum was and what I should be. I sort of have powers that come from Mum. She wasn’t only a wolf shifter. I can’t say more than that. Except…” She hesitated. “If I tell you it all, you need to take an oath and swear you won’t tell Jacob. Or let him read your mind.”

  “Don’t tell me,” Ari said instantly. “He’s a devious bugger. I give him half a thought and he tugs it all out. Always has. Even though I know he won’t abuse his gift generally, if he thinks it’s for my best, he’d do it like a shot. And if he thinks you’re involved there’s not a wolf in hell’s chance I’d be able to block him. So don’t say a word… Hold on.” She stood up again. “Babies. You said your babies, not mine. You’re pregnant.” Her voice rose. “You’re expecting and you didn’t let on to me.”

  “Oh, tell the world, why don’t you,” Jenissa said irritably. “I don’t know why you sound so hurt. You didn’t tell me, and you’re all snuggly-subbie married. I’m single, unpartnered, Domme-y alone. Sick, fed up, and oh, hell.” She flung the covers back and headed for the loo to spew her soda and chocolate up. It was a ritual she’d soon tired of, especially as the word “morning” didn’t apply to her sickness. It was more “whenever it felt like it” sickness.

  “Any better?” Ari stroked a cool flannel over Jenissa’s forehead. “You do know you can’t keep this from Jacob, don’t you? He’s your Alpha as well as your brother. Talking of brothers, I thought mine was old enough and ugly enough to remember to practice safe sex.”

  Jenissa stood up and used mouthwash to cleanse her mouth. She sighed. “Give me five minutes to grab a shower and I’ll meet you in the lounge. Could you make me some ginger tea? The sachets are next to the Earl Grey. Then I’ll spill the beans—not literally, I’ve gone right off them since I became pregnant—and be ready for the volcano known as Jacob to explode.”

  As she stood under the shower and let the warm water stream over her skin, Jenissa let her mind flick back to when she’d forgotten all she should do, and done what she wanted instead. To be rewarded with Rob stretched out on his back, holding her on top of him, encouraging her to ride him hard. His cock had risen to the occasion in more ways than one. It was longer, harder and filled her cunt to such a degree she wondered if she’d be able to move.

  Of course, she had, and the increased friction as she slid up and down his shaft soon had them both teetering on the edge of a climax so powerful, she swore it seared her soul. His hot seed flooded her, filled her and spilled over her pussy and thighs as she milked him until not one drop was left. Even then she was loath to let him leave her and stayed slumped on him, her vaginal muscles clenched tightly around him, until he softened so much he plopped out of her. It wasn’t the end. She’d shifted as she’d expected after such an intense climax. Although she ached to run and stretch, she contented herself with a few basic once-shifted exercises and shifted back. After she’d tidied them both up, she couldn’t resist keeping him with her, snuggled up together until the first rays of dawn told her it was time to move.

  Now, she washed the shampoo out of her hair and switched the water off. There was no two ways about it, Jenissa ruminated as she detangled her tresses. She was deep in the mire. To say nothing of up the creek without a paddle, and in the words of her mum’s youth, up the duff, bun in the oven, pregnant. With a man she’d tricked.

  Because even if she’d told him at the time what it was all about—and he’d agreed—he didn’t know the consequences. Then she’d compounded the issue by picking an argument with him so he left in high dudgeon.

  He’d stretched and smiled at her. “C’mere and let me snuggle. I’ve had such a great sleep. I’m sorry, Ma’am. I was going to beg you to make love to me, but I have to go. I have a deadline looming.” He’d smiled and kissed her.

  The enormity of what she’d done had hit her, and she’d recoiled as if he’d struck her. The puzzled look on his face made her want to weep and take him close once more, but she couldn’t.

  And she hadn’t. Instead, she’d told him thanks but no thanks, it was good, but not to be repeated. The names he called her as he dressed were cruel, harsh—and justified. Then he’d left, and to all accounts was in Devon, with no idea he was going to be a father, and as, to his knowledge, the only time they’d made love he’d worn a condom, he’d probably not believe her anyway.

  Jenissa discovered she didn’t like herself one little bit.

  Nor, it seemed, did Ari. Or Jacob, who’d arrived as Ari poured the tea, saying he sensed something was up and he wanted to know there and then. His best Dom voice was enough for Jenissa to confess.

  “You what?” His roar rattled the teacups. His thump on the table tipped one over and tea dripped steadily onto the floor. After a cursory glance Jenissa ignored it. A stained carpet was the least of her worries.

  “I spell-bound him and made love to him without a condom, and he doesn’t know.” The defensiveness in her voice made her wince. “I know it was wrong, but we’d made love with one and I knew my bite only half worked, I was so late giving it to him. He saw my claws and I had to do something to make him forget. And I had to do it there and then, or he would have remembered. And then, well, okay, I know it was wrong, but I needed him in me without any covering whilst I bit him and didn’t shift, or whatever. I told him I’d spell-bound him, and he wouldn’t remember about it, and he said okay.”

  “So that makes it right, does it?” Jacob’s voice was deceptively level. Only the pulse that jumped erratically on the side of his lip showed how wound-up and tense he was. “Even though you knew the poor sap would know nothing about whatever you did to him. I can not believe you behaved like that.”

  Jenissa put her hands over the hardly-there swell of her stomach. This, she accepted, was the moment she’d discover if she was to remain a member of the Kinfoyle pack or become an outcast. Even her abilities wouldn’t save her if
Jacob decided she’d gone beyond the pale.

  “I didn’t bite him, but I did make sure he was still under enough not to see.”

  Jacob didn’t say a word, just stared at her with condemnation in his eyes.

  “I didn’t know I’d get pregnant.”

  “Didn’t you?”

  Chapter Nine

  It was that sodding dream again, the one where he was tied up and Jenissa rode him, crooned soft words in his ears as he spilled and came inside her. Her low, sensual voice spoke to him. “Forgive me.”

  Rob struggled to open his eyes. It was always the same. As he started to ask her what she needed forgiveness for, he woke up, tangled in the sheets with a hard-on to break ice and sheets covered in cum. It was galling to realize he couldn’t remember fisting himself and jerking off. If it was the only way he got relief, couldn’t he at least remember it? Perhaps even enjoy it a little? Anything to ease the fucking ache in his cock, his balls, and his bloody heart. Mind you, it would take more than a few hand jobs to do that impossible task.

  He sighed and untangled himself yet again. Time to get up, strip and remake the bed, have a shower, and spend yet another unproductive day in front of a blank screen.


  Where had that come from? It sounded like Jenissa. But she was back in Scotland, pissed with him, and with no intention of letting him be part of her life. He hadn’t thought he’d been so bad a sub. Hell, she’d seemed to enjoy letting him take charge, but evidently not, as she’d basically fucked with him in both the sexual and emotional sense, then blown him off without a backward glance. Shit, it was a wonder he could get a hard-on, let alone come, the way she just about emasculated him.

  Do not get maudlin again. Grow a pair. Big-boy boxers, pull ‘em up. Build a bridge and get over it, and stop fucking talking to yourself. Or at least, if you have to do it, do it out loud.


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