The Measure of a Man [The Exceptionals Book 1]

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The Measure of a Man [The Exceptionals Book 1] Page 22

by Jerry Kokich, Teel James Glenn

  "Still bugs you, doesn't it, Jason,” Lastshot said, “my being a clone?"

  "Of all the loopholes to my mortality I've wanted to find,” Firststrike said, “you're not the one I wanted.” He paused for a moment, looking for the right words, and then continued. “With all the uncertainty of life, the certainty of death is comforting."

  "I never really found a lot of comfort in death,” Lastshot said. “My own or anyone else's.” He rested his head back against the wall and sighed wearily. “I didn't ask to come back, Jason."

  Firststrike said, bitterly, “I'm sure some people have."

  "I can name a dozen it should've been instead of me.” Lastshot spoke with a great sadness in his voice. “Eddie Winters would have been one of them."

  "I can name only one...” Firststrike said, lost in a dark memory of his own.

  Temper murmured a Japanese phrase under her breath.

  "I didn't catch enough of that to understand, Tori,” Lastshot said. “What did you say?"

  Firststrike, despite his mood, laughed as he translated, “Coyote looks down and Coyote falls."

  "Where the hell did you hear that?” Lastshot asked, feeling his mood lighten, and thought, She is a cunning woman, indeed.

  "Well,” she said, “it was something Matthew says, calls it his motto in life.” The three of them laughed together.

  Lastshot looked to Firststrike. “Can you forgive me for being alive this time?"

  "I guess so...” Jason Stryker said. “It doesn't look like it's going to be for long, anyway."

  Firststrike and Lastshot look at each other and shared a wry smile.

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  Chapter 47

  In the Four Horseman's headquarters’ main computer room, Pestilence kept his face pressed against the window glass and watched the slow progress of The Bodyguard team members.

  Skorpion, Goldstrike and Echo, sure they were screened from electronic surveillance, were still unaware they were being observed the good old-fashioned way.

  War and Famine were lying on a couch, she reading her Vogue and he resting his eyes; his fingers rubbing his temples as if to chase away a headache.

  "This is like taking candy from a baby,” War said with a sinister smile. “They exhaust themselves crossing the clearing and then we pounce like vultures from the cliff and take ‘em."

  "I took candy from a baby once,” Famine said. “But I didn't keep it—too fattening."

  There was the sound of a cow bellowing from off in the workout area and then a loud thud. After a moment, Death walked up to the couch and announced: “Dinner will be ready in about fifteen minutes."

  From the window, Pestilence whined. “I can't see them; they're too close, down at the base of the cliff."

  "Open the window, you idiot,” War said.

  "It doesn't open,” Pestilence said. “You know that."

  War picked up a high caliber Fuitake hand cannon and fired at the window, shattering the glass.

  "It does now,” War said in a bored voice.

  Pestilence leaned out and looked down. “They're gone!” he yelled.

  "Gone!” War jumped to his feet and raced to the window. He stuck his head out and scoured the base of the cliff looking for the Exceptionals.

  "We'd better get to our guests,” Death called from the door as he was on the way out. The rest of Four Horsemen followed him out.

  Famine's first action when she got into the training room they had secured the Exceptionals in was to go to each of the captives and lightly touch each of them on the forehead. This elicited groans, as their energy was slightly drained.

  "Ummmm, tasty,” the Famine fatale said.

  "It seems your teammates have some kind of idea of rescuing you,” War said to the captives.

  "My brother never did have any sense,” Firststrike said quietly.

  "But he is quite loyal.” Temper smiled.

  "In a dense sort of way,” Lastshot observed.

  "We have something that will penetrate any kind of density,” Death said. He brandished an immense man-portable rocket launcher. And proudly displayed it to the prisoners. “We don't have to take them alive,” the criminal said. “Our sponsor didn't ask how we stop them."

  "Didn't I see that mounted on a battleship?” Lastshot said. He didn't miss the ‘sponsor’ comment and filed it for future examination, if there was a future.

  "Where do you think I got it?” Death said. “War likes to collect toys like this for me to play with."

  "My brother rescuing me,” Firststrike said, looking at Lastshot. “Oh, how the mighty have fallen.” Lastshot laughed out loud and nodded his head in agreement.

  "Can we skip the idle banter time?” Famine said. “It tires me."

  "Yes, we have more pressing matters,” War stated. “Battle stations, everybody."

  The Horsemen took up positions around the room, facing the door. Nothing happened for a long moment. Lastshot started to whistle the theme from The Great Escape. Firststrike picked up the tune. Then Temper joined in.

  War, intent on the door, didn't notice that they were whistling until, after a few minutes of tense expectancy, he even started to whistle.

  Famine shivered with annoyance, listening to the concert for a minute longer. Finally, fed up, she leaned over and tapped War on the shoulder, making him groan.

  "Sorry, sorry,” he said.

  Lastshot and Firststrike faced one another and used Morse code via eye blinks to communicate without their captors being aware.

  Looks like we buy the farm this time, Lastshot blinked. So much for my second life.

  They seemed to want us alive for something, Firststrike blinked back. At least, until the gang got them backed against a wall.

  And who's this sponsor? Lastshot wondered, I thought these guys were major independents. I don't see them doing work for hire. Before they could conjecture further, there was a strange whooshing sound.

  "What the hell is that?” Pestilence asked.

  "Don't you watch any John Wayne movies?” Lastshot said with an evil grin. “This is the part where the cavalry rides in to the rescue."

  The wall opposite the door suddenly exploded and Goldstrike, riding his black and gold motorcycle, crashed through. He hit the floor, tires squealing, and skidded to a stop with both pistols firing, apparently wildly, over the heads of the Four Horsemen. The hole behind him caved in, immediately filling the gap with tons of debris.

  At that moment, there was an explosion at the main door and the heavy metal portal was blown into the room. Skorpion and Echo raced in through the empty doorway and headed for Lastshot, Firststrike and Temper.

  "Death!” War screamed, angry enough to spit. “He broke our wall!"

  "Do you have any idea what that cost?” Death yelled at Goldstrike. “That was Italian marble."

  Death rushed forward. Goldstrike holstered his two pistols and drew his Colt Thruster. Firststrike looked on in horror, recalling Matthew's training room failure, knowing the power of the gun. It would tear through the Horseman and kill the three Exceptional prisoners.

  "Matthew, no!” Firststrike called.

  Goldstrike just grinned and pumped two of the Colt's massive slugs into the floor, just in front of the oncoming Death. The floor buckled, and gave way beneath Death's feet. The massive criminal fell into the hole made by Goldstrike's shots, becoming stuck. The rocket-launcher skidded away, out of reach.

  "Got it covered, Brother,” Goldstrike crowed.

  "Damn you, Shiny!” Death screamed, struggling. “You've ruined our floor, too! I'll rip your arms off and beat you to death with them."

  Skorpion raced up to her shackled comrades. She grabbed the center of the interlinked manacles and short-circuited the system with a microburst of bioelectric pulse, so that in a moment, the manacles popped open.

  "Good to see you, Red,” Lastshot said. “This was beginning to look like a repeat for me."

  Across the room, Goldstrike was tormenting
Death, who was still stuck in the floor.

  "You need to cut back on the carbs, chubby,” Matthew jeered. “Might think about some lipo while you're at it."

  "Exactly what I've told him,” Famine said when she popped up beside Goldstrike. He smiled at her.

  "Hi, there?” Goldstrike said. He looked her up and down, appreciating her slim physique. “Do I know who you are?"

  Famine stroked his chest, then touched his face. “Ooo, nice muscles!” she said.

  As she touched his face, Goldstrike swooned and fell right to the floor at her feet with a loud thud.

  "Too bad they don't do anything for me,” she finished.

  Lastshot saw what happened and looked at Firststrike. The one-eyed Exceptional just shrugged his shoulders.

  "I do keep praying he's adopted,” Firststrike said. Famine rushed up to the two Exceptionals; Firststrike touched Lastshot's arm. “I got this one; family honor to redeem. Go deal with War."

  The thin woman ran up to the one-eyed Exceptional and attempted to touch him.

  "I love men in tights,” she said. She reached out with her right hand toward his face, but he was able to slap her arm near the elbow with the back of his hand so her flesh never touched his.

  "Sorry,” he said, “but, I never hug on the first date!” He bobbed and weaved, staying away from her touch as she kept trying to touch her flesh to his.

  Lastshot didn't get far across the room. Instead, he watched Firststrike and the fatal female. He knew that Firststrike could only avoid her palsying touch for so long and couldn't risk a joint lock or a direct strike to her head to render her unconscious. He looked around for a way to debilitate her remotely and spied the Four Horsemen's wet bar.

  "Red!” Lastshot called to Skorpion. “Whiskey!"

  Skorpion didn't question, she just grabbed a bottle of whiskey and tossed it to Lastshot. Firststrike continued to dance away from Famine in the background, looking for his own solution to stop her.

  Lastshot caught and opened the bottle. He prepared to throw it, stopped for a moment and took a quick swig. He then threw it at Famine's feet. The liquid spread around her feet in a tiny pool.

  "Now, Red!” he yelled.

  Skorpion dashed forward, touched the edge of the whiskey puddle and sent a high energy burst of electricity to shock Famine. The criminal dropped like a rock, unconsciousness. She hit the ground with a splash.

  "Some women just can't handle their liquor,” Skorpion quipped.

  "Sure as hell ain't talkin’ about you, Red,” Lastshot said. “Damn waste of Jameson's, though."

  Across the room, War had made it to the open main doorway.

  War paused to look at Famine's unconscious body and then headed out of the door.

  He was livid. “How exceptionally rude!” War yelled.

  Pestilence was right behind him in racing out the door.

  "Running away!” Pestilence blubbered. “Running away is good!"

  A massive stone block slid down from the ceiling as the two criminals fled, slamming into the floor, sealing the doorway completely and cutting The Bodyguard off from The Horsemen.

  Goldstrike ran up and pounded his fists against the stone door.

  "Losers! Cowards!” he screamed in frustration, “I'll bite your—"

  "Matthew—” Temper said in a firm tone. Goldstrike immediately shut up. Skorpion looked at her.

  "You really must teach me how to do that,” Skorpion said.

  Goldstrike leaned against the door, deflated. He looked from Famine over to Death, still struggling in the floor.

  "Well, at least we've got them!” Goldstrike said with relief.

  "That's what you think!” The behemoth Death boasted. He raised his fists and slammed them down on the floor, smashing a huge hole. The whole floor tilted from the concussion, knocking the Exceptionals down. As Death intended, Famine slid toward him and he grabbed her around the waist. Both of the Horsemen fell through, out of sight.

  Goldstrike and Lastshot rushed over to the hole and looked down. They saw Death just disappearing out of sight, three levels below them.

  "Just wait till you get our bill!” Death yelled up at them before racing off.

  Suddenly, an alarm klaxon started to sound.

  "That can't be good. Sounds like a self-destruct to me!” Goldstrike said with concern in his voice.

  "Caesar,” Lastshot said, “time for a little remodeling!"

  "I was hoping you'd ask; although, for something like this—” He indicated the stone door. “—I'll be out for quite awhile."

  "Do you have enough stored energy?” Firststrike asked.

  "With all of Matthew's shooting and shouting,” Echo said with a smile, “I should be able to bring the whole mountain down."

  "Just a nice little hole will be fine; I don't mind bending to get through,” Lastshot said.

  "Yes, sir.” He saluted with mock solemnity. “Please stand clear."

  The team moved back, and Echo stood in front of the stone door. He tensed his body, brought his hands together, palms facing the door. A hum built from within him. His body started to vibrate.

  The distortion wave passed between him and the massive stone barrier. Suddenly, there was a resounding boom. The radiating circles burst forward and a huge hole was blasted clean through the stone door.

  Echo staggered and calmly fell forward. “Could somebody catch me, please?” he said nonchalantly.

  Skorpion darted towards him and scooped him up in her arms.

  "Gotcha, handsome.” She smiled.

  "Okay, you get your butts out of here, tourists, before the whole place comes down on you.” Lastshot moved toward the hole that Death had gone down.

  "Where are you going?” Skorpion asked.

  "I gonna get those sons of B's before I call this one over,” he said as he wiggled down the hole.

  "We can—” Skorpion began.

  "Everybody out,” Lastshot yelled over the klaxons. “It's my call. Move it!"

  The team all headed out the door as he dropped through the hole, but Firststrike came back and dropped through after the team leader.

  "What the hell are you doing?” Lastshot asked as he wormed his way down the next level of the floor.

  Firststrike reached down a hand to help lower Lastshot. “If you get yourself killed again, I don't want the team leader job,” the one-eyed Exceptional said. “It's less complicated if I get killed with you."

  Lastshot looked up at his teammate and smiled. “Still won't do you any good; your clone will be ready before my mark three."

  The two of them made it to the floor of the final level and could easily see the way Death had gone by the knocked over furniture as he had raced pell-mell through the bottom level. The two Exceptionals started off at a dead run after him.

  "Yeah, but,” Firststrike said, “by then, Matthew will have gotten everyone killed, so it's a moot point."

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  Chapter 48

  Death carried Famine down the emergency evacuation tunnel at the best speed his massive legs could manage. He knew that the other Horsemen would be in their ‘rabbit hole’ escape ship, but that they would not wait long. The tunnel ran for a quarter mile beneath the mountain and came out in a hidden hanger on the other side of the ridge.

  "You're real light,” Death said to the unconscious Famine, “but you feel sturdier than you look."

  "I'd be offended any other time, big guy,” Famine said weakly as she awakened, “but I appreciate the lift.” The metal-armed giant smiled.

  The two of them arrived in the escape hanger just as War and Pestilence had finished rolling the hover-car into position to launch and were standing by it.

  "You made it,” War said with obvious joy in his voice. “We were—"

  "Yeah, I know,” Death, said. “I'd a done it, too, by now, but you waited as long as you could.” He set Famine down and she shakily walked to the side of the hovercraft.

  "Let's blow this popsi
cle stand, dears,” she said. “I'm feeling in a Bahamas mood.” They all nodded and turned to enter the hover.

  Suddenly, two objects came rocketing out of the darkness of the corridor and slammed into the back of Pestilence and Famine's heads. The two Horsemen collapsed forward and fell into the side of the hover-car, sliding to the ground unconscious. The two objects that clattered to the ground were a pair of two-inch bolts.

  Before the two remaining Horsemen could react, Lastshot and Firststrike raced out of the corridor directly at the criminals.

  "You ready for another beating, Shotzee?” War said. “This time I'm gonna cripple you."

  Lastshot had little to say, he came in with a spinning heel kick that slammed War backward into the hover-car. He followed up with a furious series of punches directed at the soft tissue connections at the elbows and armpits.

  Firststrike looked as if he, too, would fly into Death, but just as the behemoth braced for a collision, the nimble Exceptional stopped, wove beneath the grasping steel arms and struck upward with a small piece of rebar he had picked up in the tunnel. He drove it like an ice pick into the metallic bicep of Death's right arm. Death roared with anger and stepped back as the servomotors in the arm began to short and sputter.

  Firststrike dropped beneath the massive left arm as Death swung it with a fury that would surely have pulped his head. The Exceptional lashed out with a snake-quick left leg in a kick to the muscles of Death's left thigh. The sound of the hit sounded in the hangar like a hammer hitting an anvil. Death roared in pain and dropped to his knees.

  War rebounded off the side of the hover-car, driving his body into Lastshot, taking him down to the ground so that both men rolled over and over. They cascaded across the stone floor, a tangle of arms and legs. War was no longer making threats; he had been reduced to an animal level, growling his hatred for Lastshot as the two men rolled across the floor.

  War ended up on top and got his hands round Lastshot's throat and began to inexorably press his hands together. His eyes were bulged with madness and the joy of murder to happen.

  Lastshot felt darkness beginning to overtake him and red spots danced before his eyes. He saw Eddie Winters once again yelling something at him, but he couldn't hear what. And he thought, So, here I go with a whimper instead of a bang.


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