In Hot Water

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In Hot Water Page 24

by J. J. Cook

  “That’s fine.” Bob grinned, as though sensing victory. “She can take all the time she wants—as long as she’s out of there in the next thirty days.”

  Ben wasn’t happy with that. “I think we should talk about Bob’s mental state that made him try to bulldoze the cabin without letting my granddaughter know what was going on, even though he was ordered by a Sweet Pepper police officer to stand aside.”

  “I had the right to do what I wanted to my property.” Bob defended his actions.

  “You mean to get rid of the ghost of Eric Gamlyn.” Steven picked up on where Ben was leading. “You truly believed a man you disliked, who has been dead for forty years, is inside that cabin? You believed you could get rid of him by tearing down the cabin. Is that right?”

  “Yes, that’s right.” Bob got painfully to his feet again, a cane in one hand. “We all know it’s haunted. How many people, besides Chief Griffin, have been able to stay there more than one night? That’s why the town put the property up for sale in the first place. If it was bringing in money it would be a different story.”

  Mayor Wando dropped his pen on the wood floor and spent the next few minutes searching for it. Bob sat down again with a smirk on his face that reminded Stella of the Grinch.

  Steven conferred quietly with Ben and then offered, “Suppose Chief Griffin were paying rent on the cabin?”

  “What? Where did that come from?” Eric asked.

  Before Hugh Morton could answer, Stella intervened. “I think I have another answer. Have any of you checked Eric Gamlyn’s will?”

  “I’m afraid his will was lost a years ago.” Mayor Wando answered her query as he finally managed to retrieve his pen. “It was the only copy, as far as we know.”

  Stella took the will out of her bag. “You might want to have Sandy make a few copies of it this time.”

  “Where did you find that?” Hugh Morton asked. “How do we know it’s legal?”

  “Well first,” she explained, “you can see the old notary stamp. I found it with some of Chief Gamlyn’s personal effects in the cabin—the cabin Bob wanted to get rid of right away. Maybe he remembered that the chief only willed the property to the town. It could never be sold. He stipulated that it was always to be used for the fire chief and the fire brigade.”

  Steven assessed the old will and then passed it to Hugh.

  “It looks valid to me.” Ben had read the clause while his lawyer studied it. “I’d say Stella gets to stay in the cabin as long as she’s the fire chief.”

  Bob snatched the document from the town attorney. “This can’t be right. I’ve never laid eyes on Gamlyn’s will before. I think we should have this carbon-dated. She could’ve made this notary seal on it herself. She’d do anything to keep his ghost up there.”

  Hugh Morton called Sandy into the conference room. “I recognize this seal,” Sandy said. “Bonita Wando was this town’s first clerk and notary. I’m sure you recognize her name don’t you, Mr. Mayor?”

  Mayor Wando took a peek at the faded blue seal. “That’s my aunt. You remember, Bob? She clerked for the town before we could even pay someone to do it.”

  Bob threw the document on the floor. His face was dark red with rage and frustration. His coloring made his facial bruises stand out even more prominently. “I don’t care who put their seal on this paper. I bought the land. It belongs to me. The cabin is coming down.”

  Sandy had already joined them in the conference room. She leaned down and retrieved the document. “I’ll make a few copies, Mr. Morton.”

  Hugh Morton turned back to Mayor Wando. “You’d better get him some help or I’ll start a petition to have him removed from the council. Good day, Mr. Carson. Steven.”

  Stella nodded back to the town attorney before he left the room. Bob was actually crying in one of the chairs. Mayor Wando seemed embarrassed, but he didn’t leave his friend’s side.

  Ben hugged his granddaughter. “You have to let me buy you lunch to celebrate even though I’d rather buy you a new house so you wouldn’t have to live in that tiny old thing.”

  Stella agreed to lunch. “I’ll have to meet you somewhere. I need to have a conversation with Chief Rogers before I leave.”

  “Not a problem.” Ben glanced at his watch. “I’ll meet you at the café in thirty minutes.”

  Steven Morrow shook hands with Ben and then with Stella. He seemed a little befuddled by what had happened. Maybe he wasn’t as sharp as she’d thought.

  “That’s done at least,” Eric said. “Are you sure you want to stay there? We could move somewhere else. I know the cabin is small.”

  Stella smiled at Sandy and stepped into the ladies’ room. “I don’t care if the cabin is small. It’s got plenty of room and it’s cozy. Besides, it has great views and it’s only two minutes to the firehouse. And where else could I live that Hero could run up and down the road without getting into trouble?”

  “Thanks.” Eric grinned. “I could hug you.”

  He proceeded to do just that. Stella’s feet were a few inches off the floor when a woman in a purple suit emerged from one of the bathroom stalls. Eric hurriedly put her down.

  “Oh my!” The woman adjusted her glasses and glanced at Stella again. “You won’t believe what I thought I just saw. I’ve been putting off the appointment with my eye doctor for too long.”

  Stella washed her hands and left the bathroom. “Next time make sure we’re alone before you try something like that.”

  “Are you suggesting I should check to see if there are women in the stalls?”

  “Never mind. Let’s get this over with.”

  Chief Rogers was in his office as Stella walked by. She knocked on the open door.

  He motioned for her to come in. “I believe you know Agent Whitman.”

  Brad Whitman nodded to Stella and got to his feet. “Stella.”

  “We were just talking about the analysis of the cocaine you found in Barney’s house.” Chief Rogers gave nothing away. Stella kept her mouth shut, unsure if it was a good idea to speak freely about the investigation.

  “What I don’t understand,” Brad said, “is why the state arson investigator is denying all knowledge of finding cocaine during her investigation of the site.”

  Stella glanced at Chief Rogers. No matter what, she wasn’t giving Gail away. “I’m more familiar with drugs being found in fire investigations. We had special training for that in Chicago. Gail Hubbard is very good at what she does. I took it on myself to have the powder tested by Chief Rogers.”

  Brad smiled at both of them. “I don’t understand why you didn’t simply point out the powder to Mrs. Hubbard and allow the investigation to proceed through her office.”

  Chief Rogers nodded. “I think I can help with that. I asked Chief Griffin to keep a look out for anything unusual that had bearing on us here in Sweet Pepper. She was only respecting my wishes. I’m sure you understand that we don’t want to be known as the Tennessee capital for drug dealers, don’t you, Agent Whitman?”

  Stella thought it was plausible, though no such conversation took place between her and Don Rogers. They had never worked together in that manner.

  “Smooth,” Eric said. “See? I told you. You have to give the good guys a chance to be good.”

  Brad rubbed the back of his neck. “I thought Chief Griffin and I had a similar understanding at the start of this investigation. You should’ve come to me with this. The TBI will take it from here.”

  Chief Rogers shrugged. “That’s fine as long as I don’t meet up with some drug dealer on the streets of Sweet Pepper. This is our town, Agent Whitman. It’s up to me, and Chief Griffin, to keep our citizens safe.”

  Eric laughed. “Okay. Don’t faint, Stella. I think he’s really on your side now.”

  “I understand.” Brad turned to Stella. “Is there anything else I should know about that came out of the investigation? There was no evidence turned in by Mrs. Hubbard. I hope that means that you found no sign of foul play.�

  Stella’s words were guarded. “The investigation was abruptly shut down. We may never know the truth.”

  “I guess what we have here will have to do then.” Brad shook hands with Chief Rogers and Stella. “I’ll be talking to both of you soon.”

  Stella waited for Brad to leave the office. She closed the door before she took out the detonator in the plastic evidence bag.

  “What was that all about?” she asked.

  “I don’t know for sure.” He took the detonator from her. “I’ll have someone take a look at this. It won’t be someone from the state, I can tell you that. Something else is wrong here. I can’t put my finger on it, but my gut is screaming at me to keep digging. Have you heard anything else?”

  Stella wasn’t sure if she should repeat what Walt had told her. She decided to tell Chief Rogers what she knew, but not how she knew it.

  When she’d explained what Walt had told her, he whistled and sat back in his chair. “Why’d they pick my town to mess up?”

  “It seems to me it was the only place they could take care of Barney Falk, his son, and his grandson. What are you going to do?”

  “Darn if I know. Let’s keep a lid on this. It’s probably gonna get worse before it gets better.”

  Chapter 30

  When Stella arrived at the Sweet Pepper Café there were colored streamers and balloons everywhere. A sign at the door said “Free Cake for Everyone.”

  Eric wondered what the celebration was.

  “Did you hear?” Lucille Hutchins’s face was wreathed in a huge smile. “My Ricky got parole. He’s coming home in a few days. I’m so excited. I can’t tell you how hard it’s been without him. Once he gets back you can have Little Ricky again for the fire brigade.”

  “I asked you not to call me that,” Ricky Junior protested, holding a gray tub full of dishes. “I know you and Dad like to think of us like the old TV show, but we’re not.”

  Stella was surprised at his unhappy tone. She congratulated Lucille and she followed Ricky into the kitchen.

  “What’s up? Where’s your excitement? You wanted to get back to the fire brigade. You’ll get your chance.”

  Ricky continued rinsing plates that were bound for the dishwasher. “I don’t know. I wanted him to come back. I’ve missed him as much as Mom. And you know I want to drive the engine again. I don’t know what’s wrong.”

  She looked at him with the elbow-high yellow rubber gloves on his hands. “You know sometimes getting to the end of something can be depressing, even if something good is happening. You don’t know what’s next and you’re not sure what to do.”

  He put down the plate he was holding and turned off the faucet. “That’s the thing. I’ve been thinking this whole time that I wanted to break away from the café. I’ve worked here since I was nine. I want to do something else—make more money, for one thing.”

  “You should do it. Once your father gets back and is settled in, tell them. Do something else—as long as it leaves you with time to work on my trucks. They miss you.”

  “See? That’s what I’m talking about.” He glanced around the busy kitchen and lowered his voice. “Ben Carson offered me a job working on his cars. He’s got a buttload of them, all classics, except the new ones. It’s good money, and I’d be my own man for once, not just Little Ricky—busing tables and flipping burgers.”

  “Bad idea,” Eric commented. “Don’t let him get mixed up with the old man.”

  Stella considered the proposition. Why not? Ricky was right about the big garage full of cars that had to be serviced. He was really good with engines. Maybe that was his calling.

  “Ricky?” His mother popped her head in the doorway. “There are three tables that need cleaning. Quick now. We can’t fall down on the job because we’re excited.”

  “Thanks, Chief.” He smiled at her when Lucille was gone. “I appreciate the pep talk.”

  “This could be a good opportunity for you,” Stella said. “Good luck. I’m looking forward to you coming back to the team.”

  “Yeah.” He rolled his eyes. “I bet JC isn’t. He’s giving up my engine. That’s all I have to say. It’s good to have backup for emergencies, but I’m the main driver.”

  She laughed as she left the kitchen. She really didn’t believe it would be a serious problem between the two men.

  “That’s a mistake,” Eric said again. “Nothing good will come of it.”

  She ignored him.

  “Stella!” Her grandfather hailed her from a booth near the front windows. “Over here.”

  “I’m going to wander around the café,” Eric told her. “I don’t want to have lunch with him.”

  Stella watched Eric disappear and then sat down across from her grandfather, surprised to find he was alone. She’d expected Steven Morrow to be with him. She ordered sweet tea, a grilled cheese sandwich, and a salad.

  “No fries?” the waitress asked.

  “Not today. I have to cut back on the fried foods.” Stella wasn’t surprised that the waitress knew her eating habits. She ate at the café several times a week.

  “Wise choice.” Her grandfather patted his flat stomach. “It’s good to eat fresh vegetables.”

  “Good for you. Not necessarily good tasting.”

  Ben laughed, his face wrinkling at the eyes and lips. He was picking up a tan from working in the new vineyards, where he hoped to turn a profit in a few years.

  “Didn’t your mother tell you not to eat so much junk food?”

  “If she did, I didn’t listen.” The waitress brought Stella a large Coke.

  “Good job today with the will,” Ben commended. “I’m sorry I let you down. I didn’t realize what a loser Steven was. At least he won’t be a loser on my payroll anymore.”

  “You fired him?”

  “I pay well for good service. I don’t pay anything for bad service.” Ben sat back and smiled at her. “Which reminds me—I’ve offered Ricky Hutchins Jr. a job servicing my cars. My mechanic left suddenly a few days ago. I know you think highly of Ricky.”

  “I do,” she agreed. “I’m sure he’ll do a good job for you. I’ll be happy to get him back at the firehouse too. I hope you realize he’ll need time for practice and calls.”

  “By all means. You know I’m a backer of the fire brigade. I plan to make a hefty donation tomorrow at the barbecue. I’m intrigued by the fireboat idea. I look forward to a tour when it’s ready. Kudos on that project too. Bob Floyd and Nay Albert must be off somewhere licking their wounds. Are you sure I can’t convince you to come to work for me too?”

  “Not as long as Sweet Pepper wants me for their fire chief.”

  Their meals came—Ben ate only a large salad.

  Stella looked at her salad and started on her sandwich.

  “I wasn’t happy about someone kidnapping you up off the road like that. I wish you’d let me hire a bodyguard for you. You’re the heir to everything I own—you and your mother. People could want to get at me through you.”

  “I appreciate that, Ben. In this case, it had nothing to do with my being your granddaughter.” She thought about how frightening Eric had been that night. “I can take care of myself in most situations.”

  “All right. I know better than to argue with you by now.” He smiled at her. “You’re good at making deals. So am I. I guess we get along best that way.”

  “I think so.”

  “What’s the news on your investigation into what happened to Barney? I’ve heard some crazy stories about that.”

  “I can’t really talk about it right now. I’m sure you know as much as I do anyway. I’ve heard you have spies everywhere.”

  “I’m not the king of Sweet Pepper,” he reminded her. “I hear things like you do. Talk gets around in a town this size.”

  She couldn’t argue with that. She sipped her Coke and finished her sandwich. A few bites of leafy green made it into her mouth before she stopped eating.

  “I did hear a rumor that you’
re dating Rufus Palcomb.” Ben finished his salad and patted his mouth with his napkin. “The Palcomb family has always been hardworking. Their boats are known all over the world.”

  “I hear a ‘but’ in there somewhere.”

  “Stella, let’s face it—he’ll never amount to much. I think he’s a fine young man from what everyone tells me. But he’s not the right man for you. You could do so much better.”

  This was always the part that made Stella angry. Ben manipulated so much in world. She knew he wanted to manipulate her life too—from where she lived to the job she did and the man she was dating. That wasn’t going to happen.

  “I like Rufus. I don’t know how far that will go. Right now I’m not serious about anyone. I can’t be. I’m very focused on making the Sweet Pepper Fire Brigade the best it can be. I’m a career firefighter, Ben. I don’t think that makes for good climbing up the social ladder.”

  “I understand, although I should mention that no granddaughter of mine would have to climb anything to have her pick of the wealthiest and most powerful men in Tennessee.”

  “Thanks anyway.” She took out her wallet.

  “Put that away. You know I’m not letting you pay for lunch.”

  “Thanks. Just so you know, buying me lunch doesn’t give you the opportunity to decide who I’m dating. I’ll see you later, Ben.”

  “What?” He got to his feet in a lithe move for a man his age. “No hug?”

  Stella hugged him. It was getting easier. He was so thin she felt like she could break him. “Take care of yourself. Don’t eat so much green food.”

  He laughed and left a hefty tip on the table.

  Stella spent the rest of the afternoon collecting recipes. Eric had joined her as she left the café. She had ten pepper recipes for the festival from new people who’d recently moved to the area.

  “Are you trying to get more recipes than anyone else ever has?” Eric asked as she went from place to place.

  “You saw how happy they were with three recipes. Imagine how happy they’ll be with a hundred.”

  “No, that’s not right. You have to start thinking slower and smaller. This is Sweet Pepper, Stella. No one is competing with you. They’ll be happy with whatever you do.”


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