Big Girls & Bad Boys: 8 Scorching Hot BBW Alpha Male Romance Novellas Box Set

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Big Girls & Bad Boys: 8 Scorching Hot BBW Alpha Male Romance Novellas Box Set Page 21

by D. H. Cameron

  When I wasn’t thinking about Margo, I was thinking about my life. I was a mere spectator. I read about and photographed other people’s adventures but I didn’t live my own. I thought my travels were an adventure but I stayed in familiar hotels, ate familiar foods and when I did have a chance to take a risk, live on the edge or explore beyond my personal experience, I shied away from it.

  I did so in my everyday life too. I dressed in clothes that were safe and sullen. I spent my time reading, usually about other people having adventures. I didn’t go out, I didn’t meet people, and I didn’t engage others. My best friend was a gay man from the library. Ted was a great guy but if he wasn’t so gregarious I probably wouldn’t have any friends. I was pathetic. I always thought I was happy but after the night with Margo I found out what real happiness was. I discovered what I thought was happiness was simply comfort and routine.

  With Margo, however, I felt things I rarely did otherwise. Seeing other’s experience the elation and excitement I felt with Margo brought a smile to my face but that’s all. I got no personal satisfaction. Margo scared me but I got it now. That fear was a part of life. Taking chances and moving beyond the comfort of everyday life was what made life worth living. I’d read about it my whole life, even jotted down stories about it, but now I needed to live it for myself.

  And that’s where my inspiration came from. My idea scared me to death. It was so not Emily. But Emily, the girl I’d become over the years, the introvert, and her dull and boring life had to go. Emily had to evolve. I decided to do what so many of the heroines in the books I read and the silly stories I wrote did. I was going to grow, to dismiss the fears and trepidation that held me frozen in place and embrace life and maybe love. I was going to be the heroine this time and go out and grab my happily ever after. If that was with Margo, so be it.

  “Ted, I really need your help,” I told him when I went to work the next day. I explained my thinking and my plan. He loved it and was more than willing to help.

  “So, what can I do?” he asked.

  “What can’t you do? I need a makeover. Clothes, hair, everything,” I said.

  “Say no more, Emily. I don’t know much about that stuff, for girls anyway, but I know some men that do. I’ll pick you up tomorrow. Get your credit card warmed up, girl,” Ted told me. My tummy was all butterflies but I was smiling. This was what I needed. If I was scared, I figured I must be doing it right.

  “Margo says she sees a wild bitch in me. I want to find her and let her out,” I said blushing and giggling at saying it out loud.

  “Oh, girl! Don’t you worry. We’ll set you free,” Ted told me. I hoped so.


  I looked in the mirror and I gasped at the woman I saw. It was me but so different. My usually straight sandy hair was now a lustrous blonde that bounced over my shoulders seductively. My figure wasn’t any different, I was still overweight, but it wasn’t hidden under ill-fitting dresses, oversized blouses and baggy pants. No, little was left to the imagination now but those assets were accentuated. My gray pencil skirt, form-fitting pink blouse and black open-toed pumps looked fantastic, but on me they looked plain scary. I mean I looked good but I couldn’t help but feel self-conscious dressed like that. I had no idea the right clothes could make what I considered ugly look so enticing.

  Underneath was also new and different. No more utilitarian undies. Now I wore a white lace bra, which did wonderful things for my cleavage, and matching panties. Ted insisted I let the lacy bra peek from my blouse to let the world see my cleavage. “Flaunt it if you got it,” he told me. I wore a delicate gold chain around one ankle, matching earrings and a pendant around my neck that matched those. My makeup was much heavier than I was used to, in other words, I was wearing some. It was tasteful but made me look so pretty.

  Of course, this all scared me beyond belief. I could barely bring myself to walk out of the salon in my new clothes and hair. But it felt nice to look so pretty. Maybe Margo was right. Maybe there was more inside of me than I realized. But this was just part of my plan. Now I had to confront Margo, apologize and maybe win her back. The thought was arousing to say the least. I found myself looking forward to making up.

  After Ted took me home and wished me well, I stood in front of my mirror and just stared. I knew I had to call Margo again but I had to work up the courage. I’d looked at other women over the last week and though I could appreciate their beauty, I wasn’t sure if I felt more. I wasn’t even sure what that might feel like. It didn’t matter though. I felt it for Margo. If she didn’t answer the phone, I was going to go to her.

  “Margo, this is Emily. Look, I’m sorry. I’ve come to my senses. If you don’t call me back, I’m coming to see you. I’m not going away. I’m not going to stop bothering you. Even if you want nothing to do with me, I want to apologize in person. I heard everything you said and I’ve taken it to heart. You were right. I’m pathetic but I’m changing. I know it was only one night but I miss you. I’m leaving in half an hour to find you unless I hear from you,” I said and hung up.

  I looked in the mirror again and my phone rang. I picked it up, “Hello?”

  “You’re persistent but you’re not pathetic,” Margo said.

  “I hope my persistence proves I’m serious. I am sorry,” I said.

  “Look, you hurt me. I didn’t do any of those things you accused me of. But I’m sorry too. I got upset when you turned on me but I should have known you were fragile. I should have taken things slower but I couldn’t help myself. I miss you too, Emily,” Margo said. I tried to understand what about me she found so attractive but hearing Margo tell me she couldn’t help herself where I was concerned felt nice.

  “I’m not fragile anymore. I heard what you said. I’m through being timid and afraid. Well, maybe not afraid but I’m not running from my fear anymore. I want to show you. Will you come see me?” I asked.

  “No, you come see me. It sounds like you already know where I live,” Margo countered.

  “I do. When?” I wondered. Inky pawed at the shiny gold chain around my ankle and then rubbed up against my leg purring.

  “Now is perfect,” she told me. I told her I’d be over soon and hung up. Margo sounded...cautiously optimistic maybe. She definitely wasn’t brimming with excitement but she seemed as if I’d said what she wanted to hear. I picked up Inky and scratched behind the calico’s ears. “Wish me luck,” I told Inky and as if he could understand, he meowed.

  I set Inky down, checked myself over and prayed silently for courage. I took a deep breath, grabbed my handbag and left. As I drove to Margo’s house in my Camaro I felt like I belonged in car for the first time since I bought it. My car was always so much flashier and more daring than I was. I’m sure I’d disappointed many a man when drab old Emily climbed out of the flashy black and pink muscle car instead of something sexier.

  I stopped by the grocery store, bought a bottle of wine and some flowers. I was buying flowers for a woman and it felt kind of wild and exciting. I wondered what the checker would think if she knew I was on my way to see a woman. I couldn’t help but feel a little daring. It was scary too but I let myself feel it instead of running from it. As I checked out I wondered if Margo and I might end up in bed again. I hoped so and wondered what the checker might think about that.

  “Looks like someone has a date,” the woman observed as she scanned my items. Wow, part of me wanted to tell her. The wild bitch Margo claimed she saw inside would have.

  “I do. I’m going to spend a romantic evening with a beautiful woman,” I said nervously but damn saying was exciting.

  “Sounds nice. Good luck,” was all she said and smiled at me. Whether that was genuine acceptance or the result of sensitivity training I didn’t know and I didn’t care. It warmed my heart no matter why she said it.

  “Thanks,” I replied. It took me some driving around and two stops to check the map on my phone, but I finally found Margo’s house. She lived in a nice neighborhood, nothing too
fancy but not your run of the mill tract homes either. I parked and walked to the door. I was nervous. Margo hadn’t seen my new look. I’d only seen it a few hours ago and it’s probably not something I could reproduce without many weeks of practice.

  I took a deep breath and rang the doorbell. Would Margo find my new look pleasing? I don’t know what she saw in me before but I was amazed at what Ted’s friends had accomplished. I hoped this was what Margo meant when she said she saw something hidden within me. The wild bitch as she called it.

  “Hi, may I help...Emily?” Margo said as she opened the door. I knew the feeling. I hardly recognized myself either. This wasn’t a costume but it was different. It was me but prettier. Margo was in a casual pair of capri pants, a white tank and barefoot. Today her finger and toe nails were a dark plum color that contrasted her pink glossy lips. She looked beautiful.

  “Hi, Margo. These are for you,” I said holding the bottle of wine and flowers out for her. She took them but the look of wonder on her face was amusing. I had truly shocked her.

  “Thank you. You look...amazing,” Margo told me. I heard the surprise in her voice but I also heard what sounded to me like recognition of something she’d seen all along. “Come in,” she said inviting me inside.

  “Thank you. I hoped you’d like it,” I told her once I was inside.

  “You did that for me?” Margo asked, a hint of suspicion in her voice.

  “No, not entirely. I mean, I hope you like it but I did it for me,” I admitted.

  “Good for you. Honestly, I thought you were one of the real estate agents combing the neighborhoods trying to drum up business. If I hadn’t seen your car...,” Margo told me and I laughed.

  “I’m a little shocked myself. Tell you what, why don’t you show me the wine glasses and I’ll pour us two big glasses while you put those in water,” I suggested. Margo handed me the bottle and bade me to follow her. Her kitchen was beautiful, all French country with professional appliances. She showed me where the wine glasses and opener were and then she went about finding a vase for the flowers and getting them settled in their new home.

  “Your house is beautiful,” I said. The kitchen was perfect but the living room looked comfy too. She seemed to like that provincial look and everything had the French farmhouse look about it while still being classy and sophisticated.

  “Thanks,” she replied.

  “So I came to talk. Here or in the living room?” I asked.

  “Here is nice,” she said and offered me a seat at the wooden table next to the windows overlooking her backyard, which was full of flowers, shade trees with a patio shaded by a vine-covered trellis. I didn’t waste any time.

  “You were right. I slipped into my drab life so slowly and painlessly I hardly noticed. One day I was a, well, not wild but maybe...less timid girl and then one day I woke up and I’d become all but a hermit. I read and travel to experience adventure but I never live it. Never. I’ve always watched and read about it. Even my travel was so meticulously planned and orchestrated I never had a chance to just enjoy a place. You made me see that and it scared me,” I began. Margo’s cat, Cecilia I assumed, sniffed at my new heels.

  “But what we did went beyond mere adventure. Has your opinion on that changed too?” Margo asked.

  “Yes and no. That scared the hell out of me but it was the best night of my life at the same time. If you’d been a man, I’d likely not have reacted the way I did. I’m not saying I wouldn’t have reacted poorly but the fact you’re a woman didn’t help,” I said.

  “So, you’re not a lesbian?” Margo asked as much as stated.

  “I don’t know. Maybe I am, maybe I’m not. I’ve come to realize that it doesn’t matter. You were the first person that had ever made me feel that way, sexy, desirable and beautiful. Maybe I’m just smitten, maybe I’m into women and just discovering it or maybe I just like you. I do like you, Margo,” I said and the urge to run from that statement was strong but I resisted. I stood by it because it was true.

  “I like you too, Emily. I don’t know why either. I love women, that’s a given, but it’s not just physical. I really did see something in you but I also saw that you can be skittish. Honestly, you’re very...immature, Emily. Don’t get me wrong, I’d love to jump into bed with you. Just the thought of your sexy curves makes my head spin. But how do I know you’re not going to freak out again?” Margo asked. Her words hurt but she was right.

  “You don’t. I don’t. This is all very new to me, being so open and honest with you and myself, these clothes and believing I really am pretty. I’m used to reading about girls that do stuff like this, not doing it myself,” I told Margo. She sipped her wine as she mulled over what I said. I took a gulp myself to calm my nerves. Why did I so dread this going wrong? I discovered I was desperate to have this woman back.

  “Fair enough, Emily. Let’s call this an adventure...for both of us. We’ll just see where it leads,” she told me. I liked the sound of that.

  “Deal. So what now?” I asked.

  “Well, you look pretty good in that skirt and blouse. I bet you’d looked even better out of them,” Margo said and then added, “You’d look absolutely delicious tied to my bed if your game, sweetie” I swallowed the sip of wine I’d just taken and gasped.

  “Tied to your bed?” I wondered. I think I knew what she meant and the idea was both terrifying and thrilling. My gut instinct was to shy away and tell her no. I ignored that, however. “I’d love to let you tie me up, Margo,” I told her.

  “There’s the wild bitch I saw. If you’re going to freak out, we might as well find out right away,” Margo said and stood up. She wiggled out of her clothes as I watched. My goodness she was beautiful. Margo was tan, firm and shapely. I longed to touch her again, feel her soft skin against my hand, her hands roaming my ample body. I wanted to scream for her and make her shudder with passion. Maybe I was a lesbian. Maybe I wasn’t. All I know was I ached for Margo.

  “You look so beautiful,” I told her.

  “Come with me, sexy,” Margo said invitingly and turned to go. I followed, staring at Margo’s perfect ass the entire way. Her room was bright and airy with French doors looking over her beautiful back yard. Everything was white, lacy and soft. Margo walked past her bed and to her closet. Before she disappeared Margo told me, “Off with the clothes and on the bed. Leave the heels on though. I like those.”

  I did as she asked while she busied herself in her walk-in closet. Once I was naked, I lay on the bed and fought the urge to cover up. Damn it, I was pretty and sexy. I was a wild bitch. I forced myself to believe it. Instead, I spread my legs further and waited. Margo appeared a few minutes later. She was in high-heeled leather hip boots and carried handfuls of rope, chain, cuffs and such. However, it was the rugged looking harness about her hips and the thick black dildo that hung from it that really got my attention.

  “What is that?” I asked although I wasn’t that naive.

  “Word on the street is lesbians don’t like these. That’s utter bullshit. I prefer a pretty pair of lips on my pussy, but there’s nothing quite like getting fucked. But doing the fucking is what I really like. I wondered what fucking you might be like from the moment I saw you. I’m going to make you cry and scream and send shockwaves through that luscious body as I slam my hips against your sexy backside,” Margo said.

  My pussy swelled and warmed at her words. Margo came and knelt on the bed and took one of my arms and fastened a cuff to my wrist. I let her have the other and she did the same. Then Margo went about placing cuffs on my ankles. Not knowing what she had in mind was frighteningly delicious. Soon, Margo had her soft rope strung through the rings on my cuffs and wound through her ornate headboard. With a single tug, my legs were pulled over my head and my arms yanked towards the corner posts. Margo secured the end and left me exposed with my legs spread above my body. I thought I felt self-conscious before.

  “Lovely,” was all she said as her hands kneaded my round ass and then dragg
ed her nails up the back of my thighs. I moaned. I was at her mercy and my breath was coming in short, ragged gasps.

  “What are you going to do?” I wondered.

  “Whatever I feel like doing, sweetie, but whatever it is, the end result is going to be you coming like the wild bitch you are,” Margo told me in her smoky voice and then flopped onto her stomach and began eagerly pleasuring my pussy. I inhaled sharply and giggled at the sudden move. Margo’s hands slid up my sides, squeezing my soft flesh the entire way. Then her nails sunk into my succulent breasts as her tongue found my clit.

  “Oh my goodness!” I hissed as the sudden and unexpected sensations swept me up and took me for a ride. The tension built, my body clenched and before I knew it, Margo had me crashing headlong into bliss. Suddenly, Margo took her hands from my breasts and sank two fingers into my surprisingly wet tunnel. She wasn’t gentle or subtle. Margo fucked me fast and hard as she massaged the magic spot within me.

  “You’re either going to run away in terror or beg me to do this every night when I’m done with you, sweetie,” Margo said as she drove her fingers into me with enough force to shake my entire body. I just stared back as the pleasure consumed me but as Margo looked into my eyes and teased my clit with her tongue, I threw my head back and climaxed.

  Screams came from somewhere deep inside of me, utterly spontaneous. Margo refused to relent and the ecstasy built in intensity as each torrid climax tore through me. I barely had time to ponder what she was doing, instead just letting the wonder wash over me. I lost count as Margo tormented my pussy in ways I couldn’t even have imagined. Finally, the room began to sparkle and my vision dimmed.

  “Fuck!” I screamed as the most incredible orgasm I’d ever felt stole my sanity momentarily. I tried to move, to get away from the sensations that were proving too much to handle. Apparently, there was such a thing as too much pleasure. I writhed as my body and mind were ravaged by Margo’s amazingly skillful tongue and strong fingers. She wasn’t having any of it though. Margo wrapped her free arm around my thigh and held me firmly.


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