Empire's Birth (Empire Rising Book 9)

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Empire's Birth (Empire Rising Book 9) Page 8

by D. J. Holmes

  “I’m sure she understands,” James replied. “Here,” he said as he threw another datapad towards Emilie. “You’re going to need this as well. Intrepid only has a skeleton crew. You’ll need to pick your own. That’s a list of crewmen who do not currently have ships, you may gather as much of a crew as you can from them and bring them with you. Otherwise you’ll have to beg the system Admiral in Britannia for the people you need.”

  “More work,” Emilie said as she slotted the datapad under the first.

  “But good work,” James responded.

  “Aye,” Emilie replied with a smile.

  “Commander,” James called as Emilie turned away. “Good luck.”

  “Thank you uncle, I won’t let you down,” Emilie responded. Then she spun and quickly headed out of the briefing room. James chuckled, he remembered feeling exactly the same about his first command. It was nice to bring someone such joy in the midst of all his other duties. I just hope I’m not sending her to her death.

  Chapter 6

  To this day the Karacknids are still considered one of our most fearsome enemies. Their attack on Earth has left a specter in our psyche. Now, nearly six hundred years later we still watch over their colonies with a rigor. For we all know the threat still remains. They were defeated yes, but our ancient enemies are far from de-clawed.

  -Excerpt from Empire Rising, 3002 AD.

  Marauder, Jaranna

  Over Admiral Hurlang paced back and forth in front of the massive holo-display of the borders of the Karacknid empire. Four years ago the entire section of space that was being projected hadn't been a part of the Imperium. Thanks to his efforts, the Mindus had been conquered and its systems and those surrounding it incorporated into the Imperator’s territory. He had personally overseen one of the largest expansions his species had ever achieved. Despite that, what he was now looking at dwarfed those accomplishments. Extending out from what had been the Mindus territory, he had brought a large swath of empty systems formally under Karacknid control. The edges of the new territory were defined by eight frontier worlds which were heavily fortified and protected by large fleets. The frontier worlds carefully mapped out the border with the systems owned by the Varanni Alliance.

  Already several skirmishes had broken out between both forces. They managed to get in the first blows, Hurlang begrudgingly admitted. The handful of enemy squadrons that had snuck past his frontier worlds and ambushed several supply convoys had been nothing more than a passing bellyache. Yet they had angered him. He was the one who had come to conquer them. Their audacity in attacking the Karacknid Imperium would come back to haunt them. But now the real fighting will begin, Hurlang thought. It is time, he decided. All his forces were in place. His diversionary attacks could begin as soon as he gave the order. In his mind he allowed his plan to play out again. Along the border worlds, four fleets would launch probing attacks. Each fleet numbered at least three thousand warships. In and of themselves, they were powerful enough to be a real threat. And their time will come, Hurlang knew. But just not yet. Now it is our time, he thought as he glanced at the secondary holo-display in his flagship’s briefing room. It showed the fleet still stationed in the Jaranna system. Four thousand of the best Karacknid warships were ready to depart. The final squadrons had arrived just two days ago. Hurlang intended to take them to the first fleet that was to launch a probing attack. After it had fallen back and the other probing attacks had been launched, he would combine the two forces and commence the real thrust into Alliance space. It will be a thrust from which they will not recover, Hurlang promised. I will not make Shurlang’s mistake.

  He had sent the Under Admiral back to the capital to face the consequences of his failures a month ago. Though he had respected Shurlang, they had become competitors and rivals. Shurlang’s failure to conquer the Human homeworld had put an end to that. The Imperator might be lenient, but Hurlang doubted it. In any case, he is of no more concern to me.

  “It is time,” he said to the subordinates he had gathered. “The orders for our forward fleets are to be dispatched today. Operation Counter Claw will begin. Prepare to move our fleet out of orbit. I wish to be underway within the hour.”

  “Understood Over Admiral, I will see to it right away,” an aide responded.

  “Send orders to Lower Admiral Kiskheck at Holstein,” Hurlang added. “He is to continue his raids against the unconquered Human colonies. I want every colony the Humans have fully surveyed. Somehow they managed to gather enough forces to force Shurlang to retreat. He may have devastated their homeworld, but we do not yet know their full strength. Kiskheck is to keep the pressure on the Humans and, if he can, finish what Shurlang started.” Emitting a low growl, Hurlang glanced at the area of the holo-map that included the Human territory. Human space lay almost directly between Jaranna and the line of border worlds that faced Varanni Alliance territory. Strategically, the Humans had the potential to be a thorn in his side. Curse you Shurlang, he thought, not for the first time. If he had the forces, or the time, he would have sent a follow-up attack to make sure the Humans were fully subdued. He had neither though, reports from the front suggested the Varanni Alliance civilizations were quickly increasing their fleet numbers. They had to be engaged now, while he still had the numerical advantage. But if they do become a threat, he said to himself, they will be crushed. If he had to, he would divert one of the reinforcement fleets he was expecting to Human territory to make sure they were no longer a concern.


  Varanni warship Autonomy, Sol system, 30th September, 2481 AD.

  “Something is not right,” Autonomy’s captain said moments after the Varanni heavy cruiser jumped out of shift space. “There are hardly any orbital stations around their homeworld.”

  “Look at the intersystem traffic, it’s almost non-existent,” another officer added.

  “They have been attacked,” Commodore Flew concluded. “The Karacknids did get this far.” It had been her fear from the moment her ships had entered the Holstein system and detected Karacknid warships in orbit around the planet. Since then, she had stealthily made her way through Human space towards their homeworld, hoping the Humans had somehow found a way to push back the Karacknid invasion. Now that hope was gone. As she closed her eyes, Flew remembered the conversation she had had with Admiral Ya’sia. Ya’sia had said she believed the Humans would become a critical ally in the war against the Karacknids. That hope has gone as well, Flew thought as she opened her eyes and surveyed the damage. The Varanni diplomatic envoy who had visited Earth had brought back a detailed scan of the Human’s home system. What her battlecruiser’s sensors were picking up suggested at least seventy percent of the planet’s orbital stations had been destroyed. And there were hardly any warships to be seen within the system.

  “We’re detecting increased levels of radiation from the planet,” Autonomy’s sensor officer reported.

  Flew’s heartbeat jumped. Radiation meant one thing. “Set course for Earth. They may need our help.” Not having been present at the battle of Jaranna, she hadn’t seen in person what nuclear detonations did on a planet’s surface, but she had seen the holo-recordings. This is not going to be pleasant, she thought.

  “We’re detecting a squadron of fast moving ships,” another sensor officer suddenly called. “They’re approaching us. Initial acceleration profile suggests they could be Karacknid.”

  “Show me,” Flew requested. On the projection in front of her a group of fifty-seven contacts appeared. They were moving swiftly towards her ships. Though as a more concrete estimate of their acceleration rates came in, she saw that they weren’t moving quite as fast as Karacknid ships. “Hail them,” Flew ordered. “Let’s see if they answer. Prepare firing solutions all the same.” She wasn’t going to take any chances.

  “They’re responding,” a COM officer reported moments later. “The ships are Human and Vestarian. Their commander is requesting to speak with you.”

  “Very well, I will speak wi
th them,” Flew replied.

  “Varanni fleet commander,” a Human said when his face appeared in front of her. “It is an honor to meet you,” he continued after pausing to bow. “I am Vice Admiral Lightfoot. Welcome to the Sol system. It is good to see friends appearing amongst us. What is your purpose here?”

  “It is an honor to meet you too Vice Admiral, I am Commodore Flew. My squadron was tasked with raiding Karacknid supply convoys. I couldn’t return directly to Varanni Alliance space so my orders instructed me to return via your territory. After encountering a Karacknid fleet in your Holstein system, I proceeded here to determine what has happened. Your homeworld, it has been attacked?”

  Though Flew had no direct experience with Humans, the answer was obvious from the look that came over the Human’s face. “It was,” he said through clenched teeth. “A Karacknid fleet of over two thousand warships launched a surprise attack. They defeated one fleet that was sent to delay them, then rapidly advanced on Earth. We managed to drive them away at great cost, however, they released a wave of missiles at our planet as they left. Eighty-four struck the surface. Hundreds of millions of our people have been killed.”

  “You have my deepest condolences,” Flew responded as she made a gesture of sympathy with her arms. “The evil of our enemy knows no bounds. How are your rescue operations going? It is my intention to proceed to your homeworld and offer our aid.”

  “I’m sure it will be gladly received,” Lightfoot said. “Operations have been going on for three weeks, but there is still much to do. I’m sure with your advanced technologies, you will be of great help.”

  “We will be glad to offer it,” Flew replied. “We can offer our protection as well. At least for a short period. What condition is your fleet in? How much damage did the Karacknids do?”

  “A great deal of damage I’m afraid,” Lightfoot explained. “Approximately eighty percent of our fleet was destroyed or severely damaged. Of the remainder that are battle worthy, the only ships that do not need to be refitted are those among my squadron. Your protection will be as gladly received as your assistance. Knowing Varanni warships are in orbit will put more than one mind at rest on Earth.”

  “May I ask, where are your ships headed?” Flew said. “There are many Karacknid warships still in your territory. Your fleet is heavily outnumbered. Surely they would be best held back to aid your defenses?”

  “My squadron is heading towards the colonies the Karacknid invasion fleet has occupied. We know they still have ships operating in the area. They have been raiding several of our colonies. I’ve been tasked with putting an end to that and doing as much damage as I can. Though I am under no illusions, it will be difficult. My people’s leadership feels we need to show the Karacknids they cannot return and simply walk over us.”

  Flew understood. The Humans had just received a severe beating. Their pride was hurt as well as their fleet and economy. They need to fight back. And perhaps they are right, but they’re taking a grave risk. “All right,” she said, making a decision. “I will lend you some assistance as well. I’m going to detach one of my medium cruiser divisions along with its escorts. They will bolster your numbers and give you a better chance to prevent the Karacknids from doing any more damage. I will also transfer all the sensor data we collected as we snuck through the systems the Karacknids have occupied. We came here via the Holstein system, so we have seen most of the warships they have operating in this sector.”

  “Are you sure?” Lightfoot asked as he sat forward in his chair. “Your ships would certainly enhance my squadron’s firepower.”

  “I am sure,” Flew replied, “the Karacknids cannot be allowed to get away with what they have done. “Though I will be giving my command express instructions. They will follow your orders, but they will not take any undue risks.”

  “I’m not sure it will be possible to avoid any undue risks,” Lightfoot replied more slowly. “But I will not say no to a division of Varanni warships joining my squadron. And your intelligence will no doubt prove priceless. I am greatly in your debt Commodore.”

  “The ships we observed in your territories are only a tiny fraction of those that are being amassed against my species and the rest of the Varanni Alliance,” Flew responded. “This war will likely last many years. There will be no debts between us, I’m sure your species and mine will come to repay each other many times over. If we are to win, it will be our friendship that will see us through. The Varanni Alliance will need all the help we can get.”

  “As long as there is a Human colony and fleet still alive, they will get it from us,” Lightfoot promised. “My species will not rest until what has happened to our homeworld has been avenged.”

  “I understand your sentiments entirely,” she replied. “I just hope they do not drive you to take too many risks.”

  Lightfoot smiled. “You have no need to fear on behalf of your ships Commodore, my anger is firmly under control. Yes, it is a tool I intend to wield against the Karacknids, but not blindly.”

  “That is good to hear Vice Admiral, we can speak again momentarily. With your permission, I need to make the arrangements to divert some ships to your squadron. I imagine you are eager to be on your way.”

  “Indeed I am,” Lightfoot replied with a nod. “It is been a pleasure speaking with you Commodore. Hopefully, we can get to know each other more when I return.”

  “Indeed,” Flew replied.


  2nd October 2481 AD (two days later).

  “That was quite the mission Commodore, I am impressed. I imagine your exploits will see you quickly rising up the ranks within your fleet,” James said when Flew finished telling the story of the raid she had carried out against Karacknid shipping. Both of their staff officers were meeting in a separate room discussing how her ships and crews could help in dealing with the aftermath of the Karacknid attack on Earth. “There cannot be many Varanni fleet commanders with as much experience as you now have,”

  “I believe I will be second only to Admiral Ya’sia in terms of battle experience,” Flew replied. “At least, that would be the case if nothing has changed when I return home.”

  “Yes,” James agreed as his mind went to the same place Flew’s obviously was. “If the Karacknids felt confident enough to attack us here, their attempts to push into Varanni Alliance territory may have already begun. How do you think they will fare?”

  “It all comes down to numbers,” she said as she swished her tail back and forth. “The reality is, we simply don’t know. If they have us outnumbered two to one in terms of ships, with our defenses and our artificial shift passages, we should be able to use our shorter interior lines to negate their numbers. Yet if their advantage is more like three or four to one, then we will be pushed back from our fortified worlds. If the Karacknids make it to our colonies, we will be in serious trouble. We do not have the numbers to defend everywhere at once.”

  “It is a common problem,” James replied. “One the different nations of my species have faced a number of times over the last century. The defender is always at a disadvantage unless there is a bottleneck to be defended. Trying to defend three or four different colonies at the same time means the invader can almost always concentrate their forces and overwhelm an opponent. I have discussed this at length with Ya’sia and the Admirals of the Varanni High Command.”

  “Yes, we know the importance of our fortified border worlds. All our efforts have gone into making sure the Karacknids cannot break through them.”

  “And your western flank. What about it?” James asked.

  “We have several small squadrons spread out towards the galactic west,” Flew answered. “If the Karacknids try to sneak a force around our fortified worlds, we should get plenty of warning about it. Right now, my concern is more about our eastern flank.”

  “Understandable,” James replied. “I’ve already sent Commodore Becket to Varanni Prime to bring word of the Karacknid attack here. If they want to push a fleet through ou
r territory to attack your rear, we are no longer in any position to stop them.”

  “All the more reason why it is fortuitous that I am here. It may be a small contribution, but if my ships can help get your people back on their feet that little bit quicker, then it will aid all of us.”

  A beep from James’ COM unit interrupted his response to Flew. “Yes Lieutenant, what is it?” he asked his COM officer.

  “Unidentified ships have been detected entering the system,” she said quickly. “They are moving at a rapid velocity. Far higher than Varanni or Karacknid ships are supposed to be capable of.”

  James shared a glance with Flew and then replied, “Where are they coming from Lieutenant?”

  “The Alpha shift passage Vice Admiral.”

  “Inform Admiral Gupta that I am coming to the bridge,” James said and clicked off the COM unit. “Care to join me Commodore? I suspect a Kulrean delegation has just entered the system. That, or an even more advanced alien race has decided to invade us as well.”


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