Empire's Birth (Empire Rising Book 9)

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Empire's Birth (Empire Rising Book 9) Page 35

by D. J. Holmes

  “I hope in time we will be able to prove the falsehood of that statement,” James said. “But I understand your fears. I expressed them myself when Christine and Koroylov brought this document to me. That time may come, but I have more important things to do now. So, does anyone wish to join us? We are leaving now.”

  “You are leaving?” Soult asked. “Are we not?”

  James smiled at the Frenchman’s perceptiveness. “Sergeant,” he called loudly. Through the doors that led into his large office, six British marines stepped in. “I am now the King of the British Star Kingdom, you are visitors at one of my official residences. Sergeant Armstrong will ensure your safety while I address the public. After that you will be free to go.”

  “You will hold us prisoner?” Hoffman protested as he jumped to his feet. “Is this how you intend to steal power?”

  James shrugged. “It’s a necessary evil. Like I said, in time I hope to win you over. For now, you may enjoy the refreshments I have ordered for you. Now, we are leaving, does anyone wish to follow?”

  Bernard turned aside and spat onto the wooden floor. Both Soult and Hoffman vigorously shook their heads. To James’ surprise, Admiral Allende stood. “What you’re proposing is unprecedented, but so too is the Karacknid threat. I will stand with you when you address the public.”

  “As will I,” Rear Admiral Nogamoro said as he stood. “Accepting this constitution will bring great upheaval to my nation’s society, but great upheaval has already struck us thanks to the Karacknids’ attack. If the Chinese people will accept this, then so too will the Japanese. At least, I will recommend it to them.”

  James bowed deeply to Nogamoro, he was even more surprised by the Japanese leader’s words. “Your support honors us. Whether you choose to pursue the career of Admiral or politician, I’m sure your contribution to this new empire will bring great honor to you and your family.” Nogamoro returned James’s bow and then moved to stand beside Allende. James waited for several more seconds, but no one else spoke. Most would not meet his eyes. “Very well, it goes without saying this is the last meeting of the Emergency Council. Farewell to you all.” Without wasting another thought on them, James turned and led Christine, Koroylov, Nicholls, Allende and Nogamoro out of the meeting. He had much bigger fish to fry now.

  Chapter 31

  The wonder of modern technology is that we can still go back and watch what was said to the people of Earth during the founding. Not many today are keen to deal with the source material; it does require some expertise in archaic technology. Yet the benefits out weight the time spent learning how to access such material. In all my first year naval history classes I allow my students to hear the speeches that were given. We must know from where we have come it we are to live up the ideals of the Empire.

  -Excerpt from Empire Rising, 3002 AD.

  Badminton House, 10am.

  “People of Earth,” James said as he rested his hands on the podium. “I’m speaking to you from my ancestral home. Many of you know that I was crowned King of the British Star Kingdom just yesterday. However, I do not speak to you now as Chairman of the Emergency Committee nor as a King. I speak to you all as a fellow human being, a fellow member of our species.

  “Grave news has just reached us. Several months ago I dispatched Commodore Becket to Varanni Prime to request aid in our time of need. That aid arrived several weeks ago. I know we all rejoiced. Commodore Becket remained behind to assist the Varanni Alliance in their war with the Karacknids. I am afraid that war is not going well. Several weeks ago the Alliance suffered a major defeat. A Karacknid fleet several times the size of the one that attacked Earth has broken through the Alliance’s border worlds and now threatens several homeworlds of Alliance species. If the Karacknids can take or destroy these worlds, our war with them will be lost. Alone we will never be able to defeat the Karacknids, but with the Vestarians and the species of the Varanni Alliance, we can still prevail.

  “However… this situation demands that we take decisive action now. The only way to relieve the pressure on the Alliance forces is to launch a counter offensive. We are the only ones in a position to do so. This means we must gather our forces and strike hard and fast. In this endeavor we will be seeking revenge for what has happened to our homeworld and attempting to bring relief to our allies. Such a move will be risky. If it fails, Earth will fall to the Karacknids. Yet if we do not act, we will be defeated anyway. Those are the stakes we now face.

  “I’m telling you this now because I believe the Emergency Council has come to the end of its usefulness. If we are to act decisively as one species, we must do so under one banner. There must be no debate or squabbling or disunity. Everything we have must be thrown against the Karacknids. Not only in this battle, but in the war that looms before us. No longer can our species be hindered by internal strife between our nations, we must be united. United under one government, united as one people, led by one Emperor. This is why I, as King of the British Star Kingdom, Empress Na as Emperor of China, President Koroylov of the Russian Star Federation and Senator Nicholls speaking on behalf of the United Colonial States have written a new constitution for a new form of political governance for our entire species. One single democratic government that will span our entire species. One government that will end the constant squabbles between our differing nations. One government that will not do away with our cultures, our history or our values; but one that will embrace all these and forge us into a weapon that we will thrust into the heart of the Karacknids. When the Karacknid Admiral who attacked Earth retreated, he sent us all a message. You have heard it. He told us our doom was upon us. It is my intention that we will be the doom of the Karacknid Empire and all that it stands for. But, to be this, we must unite.

  Therefore, I and those you see beside me intend to hold a referendum four days from now in each of our nations here on Earth and on Mars and on our other holdings in the Sol system. If this constitution is ratified then an Emperor will be appointed to lead our nation. The first act of this Emperor will be to dispatch our forces to launch the counter-attack that our Allies so desperately need. Even as I speak, the constitution we have put together is being made available on the data net. Every one of you should read it carefully and decide what is best for the future of our species. After our four nations choose their future, we will call on all other Human nations and all of our colonies to vote to do the same.

  “Now…” James said as he paused and allowed a smile to spread across his face. “You may be wondering, who could possibly fill role of Emperor? When you read the constitution you will see that the Emperor’s authority is limited to military and diplomatic affairs. Nevertheless, it is an immense responsibility that this person will take upon themselves. They will become the figurehead for our species; the focal point our allegiance, loyalty and energies will work towards. They will also take on the responsibility for all of our hopes and dreams and freedoms. There is no one I would trust more with these things than Empress Christine Na of China.” As James revealed who he wanted to take the role, he had to fight not to turn to see Christine’s reaction. Instead he pressed on. “Already she unites the nations of the British Star Kingdom and China. The British Princess who now rules China as Empress. She is the one who can unite all of our nations as one. I will gladly swear my allegiance to her and serve her with my life and death… I will now let her speak to you all.” Turning, James finally caught Christine’s eye for the briefest of seconds. The surprise and rage he saw there quickly made him look away. Though he felt guilty about what he had just done, he didn’t feel that guilty. She had been pushing for him to be Emperor despite his insistence he didn’t want it. He had simply turned the tables on her.

  Stepping back beside Koroylov and Nicholls, James did his best to keep his face impassive despite the emotion of the situation. As Christine walked past him, he sensed she was staring at him, but he kept his eyes on the floor. Only when Christine started speaking did he look at her. From her chest u
p, she held herself rigidly as she looked out over the podium towards the live broadcasting equipment. Her right foot, however, was tapping vigorously on the floor. James bit back another smile, so you’re not quite as composed as you always seem, he thought. His feelings of guilt swelled. It wasn’t every day someone got thrust into being Empress of the entire Human species. And certainly not without even a moment’s warning.

  “I too wish to speak to you, not just as the leader of the Chinese people, but as a fellow citizen,” Christine began. James only half listened as she ran through her prepared speech. He had read it beforehand. When she came to the part where she had planned to nominate him as Emperor, he refocused his attention. He felt bad for putting her on the spot; she’d have to completely change what she had prepared, but he knew she could handle it. “And now, let me explain why the four of us feel we as a species must be united behind one Emperor. Too many times in the recent past and even over the last several centuries the political leaders of our nations have become too focused on the present. Long-term goals, policies and actions that would reap great benefits to our species in future decades have been passed over for short term political gains. The kind of strategic thinking that is needed to prepare for and face the many threats this universe contains our governments have failed to provide. Why? Because our leaders have been too focused on maintaining popularity, winning the next vote, and preferring what is expedient rather than what is for our good. An Emperor who does not need to win re-election, whose focus is on long-term goals and responsibilities; that is what we need to balance the democratic system of legislative governments our constitution proposes. Yet I am all too aware this is no small task. Growing up, I saw the pressures and responsibilities that my father, the King of the British Star Kingdom, faced. Then, as wife to Emperor Na and Empress in my own right, I saw what it takes to lead the Chinese people.

  “I am therefore under no illusion that I could unite our differing nations alone. Nor would I wish to make the attempt. But, we all must do what is demanded of us in the face of the Karacknid threat. If you will have me then, I will be your Empress. I will commit my life to protecting the freedoms of our species. Nonetheless, I cannot and will not do it alone….” As Christine paused, James sensed she wanted to turn, instead she gripped the podium and continued. “That is why King James of the British Star Kingdom and I will be married. We will truly unite the peoples of China and Britain under one monarchy. Moreover, if you, the citizens of our species will have us, we will unite all of us together, and together we will rule as Emperor and Empress and stand against the Karacknids. James is one of the greatest Admirals the British Star Kingdom has known in its one thousand year history. He is the leader we all need if our species is to survive this war. I will gladly serve at his side and aid him in any way I can. To that end, I will be entrusting the future of our species into your hands this Saturday when we hold our referendum on this constitution.” Stepping back, Christine gestured for Koroylov to take his turn at the podium.

  James stared at her open mouthed as she walked past him. For the briefest of seconds she shot him a grin and a wink before her face straightened again. A hundred emotions ran through James’ mind. There were so many he had to remind himself to breathe. She had completely turned his trick around on him. He couldn’t back out of being Emperor now! If he did it would cast a shadow on the entire constitution. No one would vote for it. And you can’t back out of the marriage either, he told himself. Christine had tied them together. To back out of one was to back out of both.

  His mind went to Suzanna. Anger boiled within him. He loved her and no other! She was his wife. Christine had no right. Though he had been trying to ignore it, he knew Christine still had feelings for him. It had been obvious for months. But he didn’t feel the same. Yes, he still loved her, he had always loved her, but that was nothing compared to the love he had for Suzanna. “She has no right,” he growled under his breath as he ground his teeth together. A cough from off the podium made James look over. Fairfax was staring at him with a chiding gaze. For the sake of the broadcast, James forced himself to keep his thoughts and feelings off his face. As a coldness settled upon his heart, he barely registered what Koroylov and Nicholls said. As soon as the recording stopped, James stepped off the stage that had been erected and walked out of the room. Quick footsteps told him Christine was following, but he didn’t stop or slow down. Bursting through a reception room and then into the kitchens, James didn’t notice the cooks staring at him. Only when he walked out onto the rear patio that overlooked one of the artificial lakes did he stop.

  “You had no right,” he shouted as he turned and raised a finger at Christine. “I am not yours to order around.” He spun back around and waved at the patio and lake. “This was our house, our home. Ours, not yours.”

  Christine reached forward and grabbed one of his wrists with both of her hands. Gently she lowered it to his side. “I have no desire to steal any of this from you. Especially her,” she said as tears ran down her cheek. “She will always be your wife and your love. That will never change.” She blinked away her tears and looked up at James with a determined stare. “But don’t play the innocent with me. You have forced me into becoming Empress of our entire species without my say so. I think I am within my rights to force you into a marriage. I’ve already been compelled into one political marriage. I did it for my country. You can do it for yours. If I’m to be the Empress of Humanity, I’m going to do it with the man I love at my side. The man I have always loved.” Tears returned to her cheeks. “I cannot do this alone. You cannot force me into this and then abandon me. Please, don’t be angry. I know you love her, but can’t you love me as well?”

  James closed his eyes at the pleading tone of her voice. He turned away from her. It was all too much for him to process. He hated the idea of being Emperor. He knew Christine would be far better at it than him. That’s why he had done what he did. Yet deep down he knew she would need help. And she does love you, he said to himself. That much was clear. Could he spurn her and jeopardize the new constitution before it even got off the ground? Could he jeopardize the need to counter-attack the Karacknids? Of course I can’t, he thought as his anger began to grow again. That was why she had done it. I can’t escape.

  Gently, Christine let go of his wrist and reached up and touched his cheek with the back of her hand. She gave him a tentative smile. “I know how you’re feeling. Anger, betrayal, a sense of helplessness. Remember, I was in your shoes once. I’ve never told you because I knew it would have only hurt us both more, but I wanted to back out. With all my heart I wanted to back out. I even tried to run away. But my father... Eventually, I knew I had to put my country, my duty before my heart. I’m asking you to do the same now. I hope in time you will remember the feelings you had for me. If not, I still need you by my side. Our people need you. What do you say?”

  With his eyes still closed, Christine’s words brought him back to the day he had heard about her marriage to Na. He had been so full of dreams and hopes of a future with her. The news had devastated him. He had been furious at her, and her father, and everyone. In the years that followed, he had come to understand why she had done it. Then he had met Suzanna and though their marriage had been born out of political necessity, they had developed a far deeper love for one another than he had thought possible. Opening his eyes, he looked at Christine and tried to hide his anger. “I do not know if there’s room in my heart for another. I miss her still, every day. But I know that what you did all those years ago was for your people. If you could do it then, perhaps we can do it again now.”

  Christine beamed at his words. She grabbed both of his hands in hers. “I promise, I will make this up to you. I will never try to make you forget Suzanna. But I will make it up to you. I need you beside me and I want you beside me. Together we can do this. Together we can unite our people.”

  Though James still felt anger, frustration and betrayal, he didn’t want to let them dictate his re
sponse. If he did, he would say something that he might never be able to take back. Instead, he simply nodded. “I hope that we can. It is our duty to our people and ourselves.”

  “There you two are,” Fairfax’s voice called out as he stepped onto the patio. “Perhaps you want to explain yourselves? What is all this messing around? Somerville, you never once mentioned nominating Christine as Empress. Did you know about this?” Fairfax asked as he looked from one to the other.

  James quickly removed his hand from Christine’s. “No, she knew nothing.” He pulled a datapad out of his pocket. “I had Andréa and Scott do some polling. Christine is just as popular a choice as I would have been. And she has far more experience. I never said I would accept the position. Just that I had decided what I was going to do. She will make a better figurehead for our people.”

  Fairfax waved the datapad away. “What makes you think Andréa and Scott, or yourself for that matter, are a good judge of such things? And you,” Fairfax said as he turned to Christine. “If you didn’t know, then what is all this about marriage and an Emperor and Empress?”

  Christine looked up at James then back to Fairfax. “What was I supposed to do? He just foisted this whole thing on my shoulders. I’ll not do it alone. We were in love once. We were to get married. Now we will, and it will serve our purposes. The two of us are better together than either one of us is on our own. James may not be a real politician, but I know it can only help our chances in this referendum.”


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