Changing Lanes (Bounty County Series Book 2)

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Changing Lanes (Bounty County Series Book 2) Page 4

by Maren Lee

  “Thank you, ma'am.” Her client looked down at the table.

  “Now, Tom. May I call you Tom or do you prefer Thomas or Mr. Walters?”

  “Tom is fine, Ms. Bennett.”

  “Lane,” she stated.

  “What?” he looked confused.

  “My first name is Lane. I preferred to be called Lane,” she smiled.

  “Oh… alright, Ms. Lane.”

  “Just Lane is fine, Tom. We’ll be spending a lot of time together. Today all I need you to do is to plead ‘Not Guilty.’ I’ll handle all of the talking. When I need you to stand with me, I’ll stand first and then place my hand on your shoulder. If I need you to speak, I’ll let you know. Just ‘yes, your honor’ or ‘no, your honor.’ Sound good, Tom?”

  “Yes Ms.-- I’m sorry, yes, Lane.”

  “Okay, good. After the plea, I’ll bring up the issues at the facility and my safety concerns for you. Do you have any issue with me bringing it up?” she asked.

  He shook his head.

  “I’ll be by the jail tomorrow so we can go over everything. We’ll discuss the specifics of your case and establish your version of the events completely. I’m not going to lie to you - the facts don’t look good. But we’re gonna build this case and I’m going do my best to get you out of here, Tom. That, I promise.” She squeezed his shoulder.

  He nodded. He did not look optimistic. Nor should he.

  “Good. I’m gonna head into the courtroom now. I’ll see you in a few.”

  He nodded again and sighed heavily, shoulders slumped. She gave him a tight lipped smile, though it was hard. It seemed like everything was stacked against them. “I’m gonna work my ass off for you, Tom.” Lane took a deep breath and put on her game face. Here we go.


  Lane was furious with the judge's decision to keep Tom in segregation and away from general population. His reasoning that doing so would “protect him from any possible threats” was complete bullshit. It wasn’t other inmates causing him grief, it was the city jail guards!

  Judge Corcoran refused to listen. Fucking prick. That was a thought she would forever keep to herself. You just can't piss off a judge in a small town.

  Thankfully, Lane got Tom on board to keep a log of every guard that threatened him in any way, even if it was just a verbal threat. She wouldn’t stand for a quite possibly innocent man being treated with such contempt. What the fuck happened to innocent until proven guilty? If the guards at the city lockup were actually doing this, this town had even bigger problems than she’d realized.

  Her other cases had gone better today, so the day wasn’t a total loss.

  Lane grabbed her briefcase and exited the courtroom to find Jake leaning against the hallway leading out to the dusty parking lot. God dammit. This hot fucker better not say a word about the Walters case.

  Oddly enough he didn’t approach her to talk. He just winked and tossed his head to the side signaling her to come over. She fucking hated being beckoned like a dog. Ugh. But people were filing out of the courtroom behind her and she didn't want to make a scene.

  It didn’t help that he'd given her a staggering number of orgasms in their one night together. She didn’t even know it was possible to reset that many times. It also didn’t help that he was handsome. So handsome. But in a rugged, non-obvious way. Jake Hamilton was a large man. Lane was short and curvy, but being with Jake made her feel tiny. Like he could pick her up and put her in his pocket for safekeeping. He had messy, dirty blonde hair, a strong jaw, crows feet wrinkles at the corners of his hazel eyes that didn’t age him at all but were indicators that the man laughed and smiled and loved life at all times, and a slightly crooked nose that looked was probably the result of a few bar fights back in his younger days. Jake was not perfect. Not by a long shot. But he was beautiful.

  Lane moved toward him until they were close enough that he could lean down to whisper in her ear, “Keep those shoes on when I get to your place. You can lose the rest of your clothing.”

  Lane blushed every possible color of pink. She shook her head and mumbled, “Jesus, Jake. Hold that thought, okay? I still need to talk to Connor.”

  She hated that she was ready to give in. She hated that Jake had such an effect on her. But engaging him in any kind of witty banter right now wouldn’t do any good. She still needed to talk to Connor before rumors started flying in this small town.

  “You better fucking talk to him, Red. You’ve had hours since I left your office. What’s taking so long?”

  “Give me a break, Sergeant. I’ve been working. I left my office approximately five minutes after you left. I have a tough caseload right now, no thanks to your department.”

  He smiled his panty-dropping smile. “I love hearing that we’re kicking your ass at work, Lane. But at the same time, I feel like I should help you out somehow because I want more naked time with you and you need to relax. Something tells me you aren’t relaxed if my department is torturing you.” Jake grabbed her hand. “Our relationship is gonna be a sticky situation to maneuver, ain’t it?”

  Lane hadn’t even begun to seriously consider the potential conflicts of interest if she were to get involved with Jake. She guessed she could call the Montana State Bar Association and work through some of the ethical issues if it looked like she and Jake had staying power. The thought made her laugh a little. Staying power? Ha! With Jake Hamilton? Yeah right. You’ll end up killing each other before you even come close to finding out if you have “staying power.”

  “We’re not in a relationship. But yeah, Jake. Like I keep telling you...this is a bad idea,” Lane decided to leave it at that. She yanked her hand from his and walked out of the courthouse into the crisp November air. She hadn’t brought a coat, but it felt good after being in the stuffy courthouse for hours. She managed to get to the parking lot without letting Jake get in a parting shot.

  Wouldn’t luck have it that Connor was leaning against the driver's side door of her white Toyota Land Cruiser? Could this day be any more fucked up?

  Lane did not want to deal with this right now. But after Jake's ultimatum, that really wasn’t an option. She could feel Jake’s eyes burning holes in her back.

  Fuck it. Here goes.

  “What are you doing here, Connor?”

  “What do you think I’m doing here, Lane? You haven’t answered my calls in a month! You’re never home when I stop by. I’m starting to think that you’re avoiding me, Lane!” Whoa. Lane hadn’t heard him raise his voice in their few short months together. Connor was pissed. Push back. You’re the one who has the right to be pissed, Lane.

  “Some people might take that as a hint,” she snipped.

  “I ain't just some people, Lane. What the fuck? We need to talk.”

  “What’s the point?”

  “We’re in a relationship, Lane. And I haven’t seen you since the wedding. I looked for you everywhere that night, and then I heard you were dancing with Jake motherfucking Hamilton and then suddenly disappeared. Who, incidentally, is standing over by his rig glaring at me. Excuse me for imagining you’re steppin’ out on me.”

  “I figured you were too busy with your hands all over that fucking blonde Barbie to even notice I was gone.” Bomb. Dropped.

  “What are you talking about?” Connor seemed surprised, but was still yelling.

  Lane closed the gap between them, “Keep your voice down! I am a professional in this town!” She lowered her voice to a whisper. “Don’t play stupid with me, Connor. I saw you with her. I didn’t ever see you as the type to cheat, but I guess I was naive. Never thought you would hurt me. Guess I was wrong.”

  “Laney, you don’t know the whole story. I swear, I’ll give you the whole story. But not until you tell me what’s going on with Hamilton.”

  “Do not call me Laney. I don’t owe you anything. I was dancing with Jake. He was the only one who even noticed something was wrong after I saw you with ‘whoever the fuck she is’ making out in the hallway. You know my
story. You know what happened to me in Chicago. And yet you still strayed. Save your fucking ‘poor me’ story. We’re done.” It was cold outside, but Lane’s blood was boiling.

  Connor looked away from her. Yep, he knows he’s busted.

  “Lane. I never. You have to understand. The woman you saw me with was Breanna.”

  “As in, Breanna Breanna? Your high school sweetheart Breanna?” Lane didn't give a shit.

  “Yes.” She could see the look of sadness in his eyes any time he talked about her, but sadness was now being back-lit by something else. Hope? Happiness? Yeah...I’m outta here.

  “Listen, Connor. We both know that there’s no reason to delay the inevitable here. I was hurt, you were hurt, let's leave it at that. We don’t have to be friends, but I’m hoping that we can at least be civil with one another.”

  “Of course, Lane. You know everything I ever felt for you was real.”

  “Me too, Connor. Look, I don’t want rumors to fly and you to get pissed. There is something between Jake and me. I’ve been ignoring it and trying to push him away. I’m completely on the fence. I don’t know what’s going to happen with him, but something might. I don’t want any drama, so you’re the first to know.”

  “How long has this been going on?” He looked pissed. Are you fucking kidding me? Like you have any say, buddy.

  “It doesn’t matter how long, Connor. You lost the right to care.”

  “Fine. But don’t be surprised if you see me around town with Breanna.”

  “I couldn’t be more surprised than I was when I caught you making out with her in the hotel hallway. You certainly did a shitty job of being discreet about it.”

  That’s it. This is done. “Goodbye, Connor.” He didn’t move. He was still blocking her driver side door. “Can you move please? I’ve got places to be.”

  Connor nodded and stepped away, “See you ‘round, Laney.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Don’t call me Laney.”

  As Lane climbed into her car, she saw Jake out of the corner of her eye walking toward Connor.

  Dammit, I almost got out of here with no drama.


  “Hey, asshole! What the fuck are you doing talking to my woman?” Jake shouted.

  “Excuse me?” Connor snapped back.

  “Look, Mr. Perfect. I can see through all your ‘gentleman cowboy’ bullshit.” He gestured from his cowboy hat down to his boots.

  “I’m not sure what ‘bullshit’ you’re referring to buddy, but whatever it is ain't your business.”

  Jake closed the distance between them so they were standing toe to toe. He gritted his teeth, “The moment you hurt Lane it became my business.”

  “How do you figure that?”

  “She deserves better than to find you with another woman in your arms, you hillbilly piece of shit.” Jake was seething.

  “You don’t know what the fuck you are talking about, son. I never meant for Laney to see me with Breanna--”

  Jake put his hand up in between their faces, “First, don’t you ever call me son. You’re like two years older than me, you fuck. Second, don’t you ever call her ‘Laney’ again, understand?”

  “What are you going to do about it if I do, asshole?” Connor taunted.

  “I’ll knock your fucking teeth down your throat, son.”

  “Do it. I fuckin’ dare you. Or are you too much of a pussy to back up your big boy talk?”

  “You know damn well that I ain't no pussy,” Jake retorted.

  “Then do it. Hit me,” Connor challenged.

  Jake narrowed his eyes and cocked his arm back. Just as he went to swing he heard a loud wail, “No, dammit!”

  Lane was suddenly pushing her way between the two of them. “No fighting!” she shouted.

  “We aren't fighting.” Jake replied casually, “I’m just gonna knock him on his ass.”

  Connor laughed, “In your fucking dreams, pig.”

  “That’s it!” Lane was pissed. “Connor, get the hell out of here. Jake, leave!”

  Connor hopped in his truck and slammed the door. The diesel engine roared as his tires spun and kicked up the gravel from the dirt parking lot, leaving Lane and Jake in a cloud of dust.

  “Lane, I was only trying-”

  “Save it, Jake. I don’t need you to fight my battles. You should know that the macho man bullshit doesn’t do a damn thing for me. I’m not impressed. If you would have hit him, you could have lost your job! That’s just idiotic, Hamilton!”

  “Sometimes you fight for what’s right and damn the consequences.”

  Lane rolled her eyes. “Consequences are something everyone has to face. I deal with that attitude on a daily basis. Grow up.” She turned and walked toward her car.

  “Lane!” She didn’t acknowledge him. “I’ll see you tonight, baby,” he shouted.

  “No, you won't. Dinner plans are cancelled, Hamilton. And don’t call me ‘baby.’ See you around.”

  Lane slid into her car, slammed the door, and drove off.

  “Fuck!” Jake shouted. Nobody was around to listen, but even if he’d had witnesses, he wouldn’t have cared. He needed to get to the store and get his now “apology dinner” ready for Lane. She said plans were cancelled, but he wasn’t taking no for an answer.

  Jake didn’t like leaving things on uncertain terms. But he knew he needed to figure out how to turn off his ego and let Lane feel a sense of comfort with him. It had been a long road for him to get to this point. He sure as hell wasn’t giving up now.

  Chapter 4

  Lane was fuming. Fucking Jake. Connor too, for that matter.

  In Lane’s opinion, both dipshits were acting like high school boys fighting over a girl. She didn’t need the added stress in her life right now, no matter how depressing it was to think about not having a man’s large, muscular arms around her tonight. God dammit, Jake. Why do you have to be such a man-child? A stupid, sexy, fucking man-child whose dick just happens to be made of magic. And he’s so good at hugging, too! UGH! Get ahold of yourself, Lane!

  When she got home, Lane went straight to the fridge and pulled out a cold bottle of Pinot Grigio. Wine makes everything better.

  Now that Jake wasn’t coming by to make her dinner, she needed to find something to eat before the wine crept up and cut into her drive to get work done tonight. She opened the cupboard to find two boxes of wheat thins, cheetos, some marshmallows, an unopened box of pasta, and a case of Lacroix Sparkling Water. Well, looks like wheat thins it is.

  Lane took her “dinner” from the kitchen and headed to the living room. She loved the open floor plan of her house. She lived in a newer subdivision in the suburbs of Imminence in a quaint two story craftsman home. Three bedrooms and two bathrooms were more than enough room for her, but she fell in love with the house and had the money for it after cashing out on her Chicago condo, so why not? She finished the interior off with dark Brazilian cherry hardwood floors, white cabinets, white ice granite countertops, a teal and black mosaic tile backsplash, and copper fixtures.

  The focal point of her great room was the large, fluffy, down sectional sofa in grey with teal, white, and black pillows. Her coffee table was black, which matched her entertainment center housing a 65” flatscreen television. She loved that TV. It was only on during football and hockey season, but it was awesome. A plush white rug tied the entire living room together. You are a classy bitch, Lane. She smiled.

  Lane’s house was awesome. Her two best friends in Imminence, Chloe and Sierra, told her so too. But she honestly didn’t care what anyone else thought. It was her forever house.

  Though Lane had only been dating Connor a short while, she did have a mind to the future. Connor had a ranch that had been in his family for generations. Connor wasn’t about to leave his family’s property to move to the ‘burbs. If there was to be a future between the two of them, Lane would have to consider moving in with him. The thought of leaving her house for Connor made her more sad than the thought of
actually breaking up with Connor. Yeah, that was probably going to end no matter what.

  The fact that Lane wasn’t too upset that the ship to a life with Connor had sailed sure was illuminating. It wasn’t meant to be, Lane.

  She sighed and her thoughts strayed to the handsome-as-fuck asshole cop who got her blood pumping like no other.

  From what Lane knew, Jake lived in the middle of town with roommates -- two other cops in the Department that Lane had the pleasure of questioning more than once on the stand. Smitty and Wesson. Two cops living and working together named “Smith & Wesson” was quite the coincidence. The humor was not lost of Lane.


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