Rosalee Station

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Rosalee Station Page 12

by Magro, Mandy

  Oh, please do, Sarah thought. She moved closer to him so that her body sat snugly against his, feeling her breasts pressing against his muscular back. As she wrapped her arms around his waist, she felt his abs under her hands. Matt reached back and touched her on the leg, causing her to start. ‘You good to go, mate?’

  ‘Right as rain!’

  ‘Let’s head,’ Matt called, addressing the five men in front of him. They were off.

  Sarah loved the feeling of the wind whipping across her body as they rode through the outback. There was a sudden roar above them and she held on to her hat as she watched Jimmy fly overhead. The downward pressure from the chopper’s blades threw dust up around the quads, making Sarah feel like she were in a tumble dryer filled with a tonne of dirt. She covered her mouth and nose in an attempt to avoid sucking up half the countryside before they’d even begun. Slim had been right. The dust was going to be a firm part of her by the end of the day.

  Sarah felt goosebumps run up her spine as they spotted the first of the cattle way off in the distance, gathered under a massive gum tree. Jimmy flew close by overhead again, edging the mob out slowly towards the men. Sarah watched carefully as he switched positions, hovering dangerously close to the swaying treetop as he kept the cattle together. Dust surrounded the chopper as Jimmy worked his magic, coaxing the cattle into a steady pace towards the motorbikes. The cruisy atmosphere of the ride changed in the blink of an eye as the men rode out wide on their bikes, pushing the bellowing cows in the direction of the yards where they were to be branded and drafted.

  ‘See that one? We’ll try and get him,’ Matt yelled over the noise of the engines and the cattle. Sarah looked to where he was pointing and saw a micky bull that was trying to break away from the mob, causing upheaval at the back of the pack. She hung on for dear life as Matt went full throttle towards the wayward beast. Her adrenaline levels peaked as the bike hit a dip in the rocky terrain and flew through the air, but gravity swiftly pulled it back down. As the quad hit the earth Sarah let out an involuntary squeal of delight. Her hat flew off and toppled in the air behind her like it was attached to an acrobat but she let it go, her arms wrapped tightly around Matt’s waist.

  Matt got past the bull rapidly and, with a quick turn of the quad, positioned the bike directly in front of the snorting, aggressive beast. Sarah held the gaze of the temperamental animal, terrified of what its next move was going to be. Time seemed to slow as the stand-off lengthened. She felt her body suddenly tense as the micky snorted viciously, deciding to charge the bike. Matt quickly rubbed her thigh, as if to say he’d take care of her. A heatwave flooded through Sarah, but she barely had time to register it before Matt threw the bike into reverse. Sarah could hear shouting in the background as the men tried to distract the bull and stop it from charging them, and the bike screamed hysterically as they went full throttle backwards. Just when it seemed like the bull was almost on top of them, the chopper swooped in, sending up clouds of dust. It hovered centimetres above the ground, separating Sarah and Matt from the bull. Even so, it took close to a minute before the bull decided to return to the mob, and another couple for Sarah’s pulse to return to normal.

  Less then ten minutes later the micky made another dash for freedom, this time running for a patch of scrub, causing the mob to break as well. Matt was once again hot on the bull’s heels, Sarah clinging to him with all her might. She felt the bike skid to a halt as they reached the edge of the scrub, and watched in complete disbelief as Matt bounded from the quad and ran on foot after the bull. Sarah screamed as the bull swung around and charged Matt, and she wanted to jump from the bike and save him but was frozen to the spot. The men had come to Matt’s rescue, though, and were closing in from the rear while Matt danced around in front of the bull like a rodeo clown, eventually getting a firm grip on the beast’s tail and throwing it off balance. Sarah watched in amazement as the one-tonne animal fell to the ground. The men piled on top of it and soon the bull was being shepherded back to the mob. Sarah let out an enormous breath she hadn’t even realised she’d been holding.

  Matt dusted off his jeans nonchalantly and leant down to pick up his hat from where it had fallen on the red earth. He slid it on his head with a casual grace and gave Sarah a cheeky wink. As he got back on the quad, she felt her body ache with desire, and had to fight the urge to slip her hand under his shirt. He’s spoken for, she told herself. But that didn’t stop her body responding to him in a way she had never before experienced.

  After lunch they spent the afternoon in the yards. Sarah worked the crush with Matt, branding the young cattle, whilst the rest of the men drafted. With the sun beating down relentlessly it was extremely strenuous work, but Sarah enjoyed every second of it – not least because of Matt. By the end of it, though, she was exhausted.

  Walking back to the quad after everything was finished, she took a big slug from her water bottle and passed it to Matt. He accepted with enthusiasm, letting the water splash over his face and down his tanned throat. ‘Thanks, mate. I needed that. I must say I’m mighty impressed with your efforts today. You can certainly pull your own weight.’

  Sarah blushed, and was glad for the red dirt that covered her face. ‘I’ve really enjoyed today. I love getting out and getting my hands dirty.’

  ‘I wish Brooke would take a page outta your book, Sarah. She bloody thinks dirt is gonna kill her.’

  ‘Some people just aren’t cut out for the bush, I spose.’ Sarah shrugged, looked at Matt and and instantly realised she’d put her foot in it. She felt her heart tug as Matt’s gaze became distant, emotion filling his deep brown eyes.

  ‘Oh, shit, I’m sorry, Matt. I didn’t mean to – I just meant—’

  Matt interrupted, still looking away from her. ‘I know you’re right, Sarah. I guess, ah … I just keep holding on to what we used to be, not what we are now. I can’t believe I’m telling you all of this. Sorry.’

  Sarah’s heart melted, and she desperately wanted to hug Matt, but didn’t want to embarrass him. Instead she gave him a friendly slap on the back. ‘Hey, mate. Don’t apologise. I’m all ears, anytime you feel like getting it off your chest.’

  Matt looked at her. ‘That means a hell of a lot.’ He smiled, and Sarah couldn’t help but smile back.

  Over a dinner of heated-up leftovers the phone rang loudly, demanding attention. Sarah was the first to jump up.

  ‘Lily! Oh my God! It’s so good to hear your voice.’

  ‘Hey, Sarah! Likewise, mate. It feels like you’ve been gone for a year, not a month!’

  ‘I know. Hey, guess what? I went mustering today and had an absolute blast! Matt caught a bull with his bare hands.’

  ‘Ooooh, do I detect a change in tone there? Not falling for the cowboy, are you, Sarah? Just remember he’s taken, my friend. But it doesn’t hurt to have a bit of a perve, hey?’

  ‘Yeah, I know he’s taken, Lil, but I’m not sure it’s going too well,’ Sarah said, dropping her voice to a whisper. ‘His relationship with Brooke is sounding a little rocky. He opened up a bit today and told me a few things that made me think it wasn’t going to last too long. But I can’t hang out waiting for that, I know. I’ve just gotta get on with things.’

  ‘If it’s distraction you’re after, I’m your woman. What would you say to another visit from Dan and me?’

  Sarah squealed with delight. ‘Lily, that’s fantastic! I’d love to have you guys come back out again. How long for?’

  ‘Only a couple of nights, but it’s better than not at all, hey? Greg’s coming to Rosalee in a couple of months to buy some bulls from Matt, and he’s asked Daniel and me to come along.’

  ‘I’ll be counting down the weeks til you get here! So how’s everyone else there?’

  ‘How about they tell you themselves? I’m at your parents’ place and everyone wants to speak to you,’ Lily replied.

  Sarah hung up the phone half an hour later, feeling high with happiness. Any pangs of homesickness she had were ease
d. Jack had basically hogged the phone, not letting Maggie get a word in edgeways until she finally tickled him so he would let go of the receiver.

  While Sarah dried the dinner dishes – the men had kindly washed up – she daydreamed about all the things she could get up to with Daniel and Lily on their visit. Putting the last piece of cutlery in the drawer, Sarah let out a long contented sigh and switched off the light to the kitchen. She was ready to hit the sack.

  Chapter Sixteen

  A kookaburra laughed noisily, distracting Sarah momentarily from her task. She wiped the sweat from her forehead and wished the flies would lay off for a bit. They just wouldn’t go away, no matter how much she threw her hands around in the air. It was nearly midday and her belly was growling like a lion, but she concentrated on the job at hand. She and Matt were trying to fix the water pump at the main dam. It sent a fresh supply of water to the paddock for Matt’s prized bucking bulls and had kicked the bucket overnight. In this heat, leaving the bulls without water would be as bad as sticking them in a paddock full of king brown snakes.

  Matt was leaning over a huge puddle of muddy water, doing up the last of the screws on the pump. It had been a couple of weeks since they’d been motorbike mustering, but she had barely stopped thinking about him since. The longer he bent down over the pump, the longer she was able to admire his arse, but the muddy puddle presented an irresistible temptation. Sarah gave Matt’s arse a shove, and he lost his balance and started to fall. But as he did, he turned and grabbed hold of her Bonds singlet, pulling her down with him. Sarah barely had time to be surprised before they both fell to the ground and rolled about in the puddle, laughing and wrestling until she could no longer see for the mud caked over her eyes. She flopped onto her back and lay there, trying to catch her breath. Matt sprawled out beside her, stinking of the stale, muddy water.

  ‘Geez, Matt, I love the aftershave you’ve put on today. It’s enough to drive a girl wild!’ She cheekily sniffed the air, her white teeth gleaming through her muddied grin.

  ‘You don’t smell too bad yourself, Sarah,’ Matt said, sitting up on an elbow and pushing himself closer to her. ‘What’s the name of your perfume? La Stink, the pure smell of the muddy earth?’

  Sarah rolled to her feet, and Matt started laughing. She touched her hair and realised her blonde curls were caked to her head. Looking down she could see that every inch of her was covered in drying, stinky mud. She put her hands on her hips.

  ‘What’s so funny?’ she said, trying to keep a straight face. ‘Don’t I look ready for a night out on the town?’

  ‘We both look like we’re dressed to impress!’ Matt sat up and tried to wipe the mud from his arms. ‘I reckon we better wash this stuff off before we even think of getting back into the truck,’ he chuckled.

  ‘Race you!’ Sarah said, running for the dam. Within seconds Matt was running behind her. Ripping off her boots and jeans, Sarah ran into the cool, fresh water in her singlet and undies. Matt hopped on the spot comically as he removed his boots and jeans, then followed her into the water in his jocks and T-shirt.

  Sarah floated around on the top of the water, enjoying the serenity that the dam provided. It was ringed with massive paperbarks that shaded them from the harshness of the sun. All that could be heard was a gentle breeze shifting the leaves, and the birds calling out to each other from the trees. It felt indescribably good to get the sweat and mud off her skin.

  Matt was the first to speak. ‘Are you looking forward to mustering tomorrow? I bet Victory’ll have fun.’

  ‘I can’t wait, Matt. It hasn’t been long since I went mustering last and I’m getting withdrawal symptoms! And this time will be different, because I’ll be on horseback.’

  They were floating gradually closer together, and suddenly Matt’s leg brushed against Sarah’s thigh underwater. She felt electricity race through her, like Matt had just flicked on a light switch in her body. Her mind filled with images of his body, the taste of his skin and the feel of his lips pressing against her own. It was becoming an obsession. Matt was in her dreams every night, kissing and caressing her, bringing her to euphoria with his touch. She always woke with a sense of disappointment. She wanted to stay asleep; dreamland was the only place she could touch him.

  Matt’s husky voice snapped her out of her fantasies. ‘We better head back to the homestead, Sarah. I’m gonna chew my own arm off soon I’m that hungry.’

  ‘Sounds like a plan to me. I’m famished.’

  Sarah scoffed a sausage roll that she had just nuked in the microwave. She was too hungry to wait for it to cook in the oven. It was foul and burnt the top of her mouth, but filled the gap in her belly all the same. Duke danced around her feet, happy his master was home from her morning at work. She fell to the floor and gave him a hug, play-wrestling with him, giggling as he licked her face. She was still on a high from her morning with Matt.

  ‘Come on then, Duke, we gotta get dinner sorted.’

  Duke barked, like he knew exactly what Sarah was saying. She laughed and rubbed him under the chops.

  Chapter Seventeen

  WITH a steaming cup of tea in her hand, Sarah parked herself at the patio table, enjoying the splendour of yet another beautiful outback day unfolding in front of her eyes. In the short time before dawn it felt as though the earth was coming alive, preparing for the new day ahead, and it filled Sarah with a sense of pure bliss. She had made it her morning ritual to sit here with a hot cuppa, before the men had risen from their beds. It gave her time to gather her thoughts for the day. She gazed up at the stars above that were slowing dissolving into the lightening sky, making way for endless blue.

  Gulping down the last of her tea, Sarah heard movement in the cottage. She had breakfast to cook and then lunches to pack before saddling up Victory and joining the men for a full day of dust, flies, cattle and sweltering heat.

  Chris came out of his bedroom and into the kitchen while they were all eating breakfast, looking like hell and clutching his belly. ‘I ain’t gonna be able to work today, guys. I feel like I’m coming down with something.’

  Stumpy gave him the once-over. ‘You do look like shit, Chris. I’d rather you stay here than work when you’re liable to make mistakes. Maybe you should try to get to bed early one of these nights – it might be what’s wrong with you!’

  Chris didn’t even bother to answer, heading back to his room and slamming the door behind him. Raised eyebrows were exchanged around the table.

  ‘Gee whiz. Someone got out of the wrong side of the bed today,’ Sarah said, surprised.

  ‘Yeah, well, he’s his own worst enemy. I hear him coming in at all hours of the night. God knows what he’s doing out there in the dark, and to be honest I don’t wanna know. I need him on the ball when he’s at work, though, and he’s just not,’ Stumpy said with crumpled brows.

  ‘I agree with you, boss. I’m sick of having to pick up his slack at work,’ Slim said.

  ‘One of these nights I’m gonna follow him and see what he’s up to,’ Patrick said casually.

  Sarah shook her head. ‘Seriously? Do you really want to know? Count me outta that one, Patrick. I ain’t no detective. I’ll leave the mystery solving to you.’

  ‘Just call me Sherlock Holmes,’ Patrick said, trying to do a posh English accent. They cracked up laughing.

  Victory could barely stand still once Sarah was in the saddle. He was following her lead, as always, but with an added spring in his step. He held his head high as Sarah took in the scenery. She felt goosebumps travel up her spine when she saw the chopper fly overhead, remembering the motorbike mustering, and wondered what the day held in store. It looked like she was slowly getting over her fear of the chopper. She might even be able to go for a flight with Jimmy one of these days. Maybe it had something to do with Brad’s recovery. He was doing well in Mareeba and getting around on crutches, according to his mum.

  There were always adventures to be had when mustering. Sarah couldn’t help grinning at
the thought. Her heartbeat sped up a little as she watched Matt riding in front of her, his muscular arm lazily holding the reins of his horse. It was getting harder with each passing day to hide her feelings for him.

  After an hour at a steady pace they reached the area where they would be working for the morning. The cattle needed to be rounded up and pushed into the yards for branding and sorting. Some would be going to the saleyards, and others would be let back out to roam and fatten up some more for the next muster. Not quite sure of what she should be doing, Sarah decided to hang back with Victory and watch the men work the cattle, eager to learn their ways.

  She felt as though she was part of an outback adventure film, but instead of John Wayne and Clint Eastwood, the stars were real men. She watched in awe as Jimmy hovered above the men and horses in the chopper, pushing the cattle in the right direction. Two hundred head of cattle rushed about in a scene of wild exhilaration, creating thick clouds of dust, and at some points Sarah struggled to see the men amongst the red. The cattle rarely laid eyes on humans other than at mustering time. Some bellowed loudly, expressing their unhappiness at being so rudely torn away from their daily rituals, while rival bulls went head to head like they were opponents in the ring. Cows mooed noisily in the throng for their lost calves, making Sarah want to run into the midst of the turmoil and find their babies for them. Mustering was a massive change of pace for the herd, who spent most of their days roaming about looking for the next bit of fodder to graze upon.

  As she watched, an unruly beast with horns big enough to kill an elephant decided to try and break free from the mob. Straightaway Matt came galloping in from the side, his roo-hide stockwhip cracking into the air with a sound like a gunshot. His horse turned on a three-penny bit to head off the incoming bull. Sarah admired how sure-footed Matt’s horse was, at the same time unable to stop from noticing how sexy Matt was as he cracked the whip powerfully. Stumpy rode in from the opposite side and the bull snorted, clearly undecided about charging the two men and their horses. Luckily it gave up on the idea and headed back to join the adrenaline-charged mob.


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