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devon-the-betas-double-trouble Page 9


  “He will be fine. Both shots went through and through, so I did not have to find the bullets. He has lost blood and will need to be on bed rest for the next few days until his body fully recovers.

  I am a bit more worried about the knock he took on the head. I think it is just a concussion, we will have more tests run when we can get him to the office.” The doctor said and looked up at his Alphas and bowed his head a little.

  If the two men had not been holding Casey, she would have sunk to the floor in relief. As it was, they had to catch her when she slouched. Cami and Jo ran to their friend’s side and hugged her, whispering soothing things into her ear. It was then she realized she was crying.

  Quin and Jaden instructed Reggie to be taken up to their spare bedroom, after the doctor had run his tests. That is when a funny thing happened. Ruby growled at her Alphas, and leaned over Reggie, protecting him from the guards who were going to take him upstairs.

  “Ruby?” Cami said softly.

  Ruby was one of the single female wolves in the Pack, granted she was a little young but she had come of age. She was the female wolf who had been attacked savagely by Rogues a few months ago while working in her family’s restaurant. Cami had helped take care of the young woman, and since then they had been very close. Cami was surprised that the young wolf would ever growl at anyone, let alone her Pack Alphas.

  “Mine.” The young woman said and snapped at the guard who was the closest to her.

  Quin and Jaden looked stunned as they watched the small female refuse to let anyone close to Reggie. Cami slowly walked closer to her friend, knelt next to her, and softly said, “Ruby, what’s going on?”

  Ruby looked at Cami, smiled, and then said. “He is my mate.” Cami and Jo gasped loudly and the rest of the room held their breath. They all knew that Levi, one of the Enforcers, was also her mate, but as of yet he had refused to claim her because of her age. Levi had spoken to the Alphas recently about claiming her, but they had tabled the discussion until they returned from South Carolina. They had all been worried about Ruby, since she had been attacked. Cami insisted her mates do a little counseling with Levi while she talked with Ruby, so they would be able to make sure Ruby was ready.

  “Well, this is a surprise.” Cami said loudly. “Anyone know where Levi is?” Dally, another Enforcer stepped up and said quietly. “He is with Darien searching for those who attacked you.”

  “Let’s get them up to the room.” Quinn said. “We will deal with this cluster fuck in awhile.

  First, we have to get everyone safe. Devon, you and your mates should come with us to the apartment. We have a lot of stuff to talk about before you can take them to your apartment.” Devon nodded and pulled his mates behind him as he tried to make his way to the elevators. The sooner they were in a safer place, the better he would feel. Casey struggled against him still trying to get to her brother, who was still lying unconscious on the ground, with Ruby growling any time someone came close to them. Devon stood by the elevators and looked at his mate.

  She would not go quietly unless her brother was safe.

  Finally, Cami got Ruby to let Devon and Jaden carry Reggie to the doctor’s office. She had to promise that Ruby would be allowed to stay with him. Casey looked around at all the strangers and felt her anxiety begin to rise.

  Sid pulled her against him and said, “Breathe, baby.” Casey nodded and followed Devon. Cami and Jo each took one of her hands, and they walked into the elevator together.

  “Seriously, I think I feel another breakdown coming on.” Casey muttered and her new friends laughed and patted her on the back.

  “Tey is on his way.” Jo said. “He has some answers.” They all waited while the doctor ran his tests, he said he would come up and tell them the results later. Devon looked at Casey and knew she was about to pass out. He escorted them all out to the hallway to go upstairs.

  Silently, they waited for the elevator to open to the penthouse. Cami and the Alphas had the whole floor of the building as their apartment. Casey looked around when the doors opened up, and she saw the apartment for the first time. It was amazing. It was warm and inviting. She followed Sid as they went into what looked like the spare bedroom. They gently laid her brother on the bed. Then stepped back as Ruby ran to the bed and began fussing around him, putting the pillows behind his head and checking to make sure his bandages were still clean.

  Casey went to the other side of the bed, put her hand on Reggie’s head, and pushed his hair back.

  Ruby looked at her frowning.

  “I am his twin sister.” Casey said gently. Ruby smiled at her and nodded.

  “I am Ruby. It is nice to meet you. His name?” Ruby said shyly.

  “Reggie.” Casey said and sat next to him and continued smoothing his hair back into place. She knew it would make him crazy, but she could not stop touching him. After everything they had been through it seemed surreal that she had almost lost him. He was her brother and twin.

  “I have another mate also. His name is Levi, but he does not want me. I hope Reggie does.” Ruby said sadly and looked at Reggie. “I almost lost him before I even found him.” Casey stood and looked at her brother and his new mate. Wow, this was going to be crazy.

  When Reggie woke up, it was going to be quite a show.

  “We need to go into the living room. They are going to talk about what they found.” Sid said softly. “I think Ruby can take over for us.”

  Casey nodded and walked around the side of the bed and hugged the smaller woman and kissed her on the cheek. “Welcome to the circus.”

  Ruby giggled and nodded.

  Casey followed Sid to the larger room that held the Alphas, Devon, Jo, Tey and five others who were talking quietly until they entered and then Quin said, “Let's all get comfortable. Grace is on her way with food, and we can figure out this mess.” Casey settled between her mates and sighed. It had been such a long day. She had wanted to arrive at her new home and be happy. Instead, they had been attacked.

  She watched the other mates similarly cuddle, trying to feel safe after being shot at. Jo was rubbing her stomach, and Tey had his hand over hers. Casey thought about what it would feel like to be carrying her mate’s children. She was sure it would be amazing, and she wanted nothing more than to leave this room with her mates and reconnect with them.

  Sid growled into her ear and said, “Behave.”

  Casey grinned and looked at them. They could obviously feel what she was feeling. It was not the time or the place, but she thought of the shower they had all taken this morning together, and grinned when they both turned to her and growled.

  Tey stood up and said. “Okay, here is what we know. We have captured one of the Rogues who were involved in the attack. According to him, they received a message telling them the exact route we were going to take and the times we would be there. He refuses to name anyone, including his Alpha. He thought it was funny that we have a traitor. In fact, he took great pleasure in telling me the Rogues have a lot of information about us.” Quin swore loudly and looked around the room. Devon knew all the men in the room, and knew they could all be trusted. But that did not help the feeling of betrayal that they were all feeling.

  Casey and Sid were not going to be hurt by anyone if he could help it. It was bad enough that her brother was laying in the other room with two bullet holes in him. The thought of it being Casey, was almost too much for him to bear.

  Devon listened as his Alphas and the rest of the Enforcers outlined a plan for security. They talked about what they were going to do in the future with regards to finding the rest of the Council. It seemed the missing Council were going to be a sitting target, unless they found them and brought them here.

  He did not want to leave his new mates, but he knew that he was going to have to sooner or later.

  Looking at his mates, he wondered how long he would have to be away from them. As if he was reading his mind, Quin said, “Devon, we are going to have to talk about this. There
is going to have to be a change in the way things are done. You will be needed here, for your mates as well as the Council.”

  Devon nodded and then looked at his mates who were staring at him with a smile on their faces.

  Obviously, they had thought the same thing and had been worried.

  Casey sat forward and listened as they talked about what they were going to have to do for the next few days. She really wanted to get up and go and check on her brother, but she did not want to disturb the meeting. Devon patted her hand and nodded before pushing her past him and into the hallway leading to where Reggie was. Thank goodness, her men actually understood.

  Walking to the door, she watched as Ruby tucked the sheets and blanket around Reggie. He had still not woken up, and she was beginning to get worried. Ruby looked up, saw her, and motioned for her to come into the room. Together they finished cleaning up Reggie and getting him comfortable.

  “My baby!” Casey heard before she saw Reggie’s and her mother, Barbara, run across the room and go to Reggie’s side.

  “Great.” Casey said under her breath and watched as Reggie’s and her father, John came into the room. He went to her brother’s side, and stood hugging his wife as they looked at their unconscious son lying in the bed. Just like old times, she thought. Just when she thought, it could not get any worse, the man she thought was her father, Jeremy, came into the room, and instantly came to her trying to pull her into a hug. Casey resisted.

  “I am so sorry, Darlin’.” Her father said and she looked up surprised to see tears in his eyes. “I wanted to tell you a million times, but you were my little girl, and I wanted to protect you.”

  “Bullshit!” She screamed. “Jeremy, you were doing what would save your ass! As for them, well fuck them, I want nothing to do with them!” Barbara and John gasped and looked at her. Since she was small, she had wanted a family like theirs, but it was all a lie. She was their daughter and they threw her away. Hell, if Jeremy had not followed them to South Carolina, Casey knew they would have never looked for her.

  “But,” Barbara started to say, and Casey rounded on her.

  “No, you do not get a say in this. You have never had a say in my life. Jeremy gave anything I have ever wanted or needed to me. Yeah, he may not be my real father, but he will be the one I forgive and actually have something to do with. You and him, you are nothing but my best friend and twin’s parents, and you will never be anything more. If you wanted to be a part of my life, you would have tried to tell me. Just given me any glimmer of hope that you actually cared about me. I knew you hated that Reg and I hung out. I heard you one time tell John that you wished that Reg and I were not so close. You wanted him to find more appropriate kids to play with, not tomboys. Well, hell, I turned out this way, it is your fault. Tell me mother, was it easier for you to sleep at night if you ignored the fact you gave birth to me too?” Casey screamed and she knew the people in the other room could hear everything that was being said because she could hear Cami yelling at Quin to get the newcomers out of her house.

  John stepped forward and said angrily, “Listen here; you have no idea what we went through. I know you are upset, but your mother and I have nothing but love in our hearts for you. We did what was best.”

  “Right, you know you never answered my question before. How did you choose? Flip a coin?

  No, I bet you were happy to get rid of me.” Casey said.

  Jeremy stepped forward, took her face in his hands, and made her look at him in the eye.

  “Casey, I have taken care of you since you were a baby. There is not one day that I regretted making you my daughter. There are things you do not know, but now is not the time to go into them. Now, I want you to know that I am your father, and I will always be your father. I was the one who sat up with you when you had the croup. I was the one who taught you how to ride a bike. I was the one who came and got you the first time you got drunk and never said a word.

  I am proud of the woman that you have become and will be proud of you no matter what you do.

  I want to be a part of your life.” Jeremy said and Casey cried and threw her arms around him.

  She knew he was right. No matter what, he was her father. She sobbed into his shirt as she thought about all the things she wanted to tell him. He had lied to her, but he was not the one she was angry at. It was the Tarkens.

  Casey could hear Barbara and John arguing with Quin and Jaden about leaving, but she did not have the strength to care.

  “No, I want to be here for Reggie. Casey needs to know the truth. I am sorry. I am so sorry for everything that I have done.” Barbara cried and looked from her husband to the two men standing in front of her preventing her from going to Casey. “Jeremy, tell her. Tell her that it was best our way. We were just trying to protect them.”

  “No Barb, you were trying to protect yourself. When you had the twins you were overwhelmed, you kept telling me how tired you were because Casey was cranky and sick all the time. She was a baby; you were supposed to take care of her. You and John took Reggie because he was the easier baby. When we got word that we needed to run and hide, we decided to split up and meet in Arizona. Guess what, I was in Arizona, and you never showed up. When I found you in South Carolina, you said that Reggie had forgotten his sister. You said it would be easier to keep them apart; I wanted to tell them right away when I saw them play together. They were like two peas in a pod; you just refused to see it. If it were not for the fact that I refused to leave and John agreed you would have run again. John and I are the ones who wanted them together!” Jeremy yelled.

  Casey gasped and almost fell to the floor when she heard the truth. Devon and Sid came into the room and caught her in time. Her mother did not want her, ever.

  “You are a bitch; if it weren’t for my friendship with John, I would have never helped you. I am sick of getting the blame for your weakness. Casey is a wonderful woman, and I thank the Gods every day that I am the one who she calls father.” Jeremy growled and turned back to Casey and pulled her from her mate’s arms and hugged her. “I will apologize every day for the rest of my life for lying to you, but I will never say I am sorry I am your father.” Casey looked up and saw the man who had raised her and kissed her when she was scared and took care of her when she was sick and then smiled. “Daddy.” She said and hugged him.

  Quin and Jaden escorted the Tarken’s from the room telling them they would be given updates about Reggie, and that they were not to contact Casey until they were told that it was appropriate.

  Cami came into the room and said loudly. “Well shit, it’s not a party until there is a fight. Come on girlfriend, let’s get you cleaned up again, and then we can all calmly sit and eat dinner.

  Jeremy, you are welcome to stay as long as the drama is left at the door.” Casey nodded and went to the bed and kissed Reggie, who had slept through the whole thing, on the forehead and then followed Cami, who went into the hallway. She led her to the other spare bedroom which also had a bathroom.

  “Take a shower and relax. Grace has dinner going, and you have had another sucktacular day.” Cami said showing where everything was, including her favorite lavender body wash.

  “Thank you.” Casey said looking at herself in the mirror and grimaced again. Shit, she looked like a truck had hit her. She hated girls who cried and only looked cute and sad, while she looked like she had been drug through the wringer by her hair. Her face was red and splotchy, and her nose was still running a little.

  Glad she was finally alone, she turned to the shower and turned it on, so it as nice and hot. She slipped her clothes off, and then stepped into the shower, and let the water flow over her, it relaxed the tension that she had in her shoulders. She felt a little cool breeze and knew her mates had finally come into the room with her. She thought they would wait for her in the bedroom, but they had other plans. Casey could see Sid first taking off his clothes and then Devon and they slipped into the shower with her.

  “Thought you
would never come in here.” She muttered and leaned against both of the men who had surrounded her. Sid in the back and Devon in the front, the contact made her feel better.

  Devon leaned down and kissed her gently. “I am sorry about today. It has been a serious mess.

  I only wanted to bring you to your new home and rest and relax. It pisses me off that I could not give that to you.”

  “Once again, not your fault.” She said smiled up at her big warrior and pulled him back down for a more thorough kiss. She explored his mouth with her tongue and then groaned when she felt Sid begin to wash her breasts. Why the fuck had, she ever worried about taking two men?

  They were amazing and it was wonderful to have two men devoted to her pleasure and safety.

  “At least we have a few moments before we are expected back into the craziness.” Sid murmured behind her, bent, and kissed her wet shoulder. Casey sighed and leaned against him while Devon resumed exploring her breasts.

  Sid washed her hair gently, massaging her scalp and making sure to touch every area of her head.

  Casey felt like she was at a salon, he had the most amazing hands. Rinsing out the soap, he then did the same thing with the conditioner.

  Both men paused to put some of the wonderful smelling soap into their hands, and then began to wash every inch of her body while she stood and savored the feelings. Casey sighed heavily when Devon began to draw small circles on her stomach; Sid did the same on her lower back.

  They had magical hands. She wondered if they would complain too much if she fell asleep, because the sensations were relaxing her to the point that she thought she was going to fall down.

  “Let’s move this into the bedroom, shall we?” Sid murmured against her neck.


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