Falling for Him 10: Karen and Robert, Book 2

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Falling for Him 10: Karen and Robert, Book 2 Page 2

by Jessica Gray

  When she was put into the back of an ambulance, she asked the paramedic, “Where are you taking me?”

  “To the hospital to get you checked out. You passed out. Has that ever happened to you before?”

  “I don’t think so.”

  “Well, we’ll need to make sure it’s nothing serious.”

  “I’m fine. I just…I don’t really need to go to the hospital,” Karen protested.

  “Sorry, sweetie. Protocol. You passed out and didn’t answer most of my questions correctly. Have you been under a lot of stress recently?”


  “That’s probably it then.”

  “What is?” Karen asked.

  “Why you passed out. You’ve had a nervous breakdown and the only way your body could protect your mind and heart was to shut down. Temporarily. It’s our body’s way of telling us enough is enough.”

  “You’re suggesting I’ve had a nervous breakdown?” Karen asked in confusion.

  “Possibly. They’ll check you for other things as well, but that’s what it sounds like to me.”

  Great. Just what I needed. They wheeled her into the emergency room, where a nurse prodded and pricked her. Karen was too weak to protest and let everything happen, strangely distant from her own body. They ran a basic blood panel, did a complete exam to make sure she hadn’t injured herself when she collapsed, and then called for a psych consult.



  “Miss Prescott,” the elderly doctor repeated, pulling a chair closer to her. “Can you tell me how you’re feeling right now?”

  “Horrible,” Karen replied without forethought.

  “Do you know what is causing you to feel this way?” he asked.

  Karen was quiet for a moment, silent tears running down her face as Robert’s hand on Marcela’s back came to mind. She nodded, her world nothing but a big mess.

  “Miss Prescott, why are you crying?” the elderly doctor insisted, handing her a box of tissues.

  She gave the doctor the Cliff Notes version of her current struggle, and he listened patiently before he answered. “This is a lot to handle. And now your brain and heart need a break. You’ve suffered a severe breakdown and by passing out, your body is trying to get your attention. I’m going to prescribe a light sedative for you and I want to keep you here overnight for observation.”

  Karen merely nodded her assent.

  “Is there anyone I can call for you?”

  “No.” She swallowed back the tears forming. “I’m on vacation and don’t have anyone in Los Angeles. I’m fine to go back to my hotel room.”

  “Sorry, Miss Prescott, but in your current agitated state, I cannot allow you to leave.”

  “For how long?” she asked, growing more agitated.

  “Until you can calm down. The nurse will take you up to your room and get you settled.”

  The nurse showed up and guided her to her room, made sure she was comfortably settled in her bed, and then made her drink some bitter-tasting liquid. Karen dozed off even before the nurse left the room.

  A noise startled Karen awake and she jerked her head toward the sound, trying to remember where she was. Oh yes, hospital. L.A.

  The door was pushed open and a petite Latina with long shining black hair walked in with a tray of food in her hands. “Hey, you’re awake. I ordered you the club sandwich, but if you want something else, just let me know. My name’s Marcela.”

  Karen was buried under a wave of emotions. Her pulse ratcheted up and her palms were covered in cold sweat. If it weren’t for the remainders of the sedative still traveling through her system, she’d have freaked out or broken down again.

  With a little effort Karen managed to keep up the appearance that everything was fine. “Thanks,” she murmured after Marcela pushed the hospital bed tray over her lap.

  “You are very welcome. Eat up and I’ll be back in a few,” the abhorred rival said with a warm and caring voice before she left the room.

  Only when the door closed behind Marcela’s back did Karen notice she’d been holding her breath. With a desperate inhalation she sagged back against the pillows, letting her tears slide down her cheeks.

  What a brilliant idea it had been to follow Robert to Los Angeles and spy on him!

  Chapter 4

  Karen closed her eyes in an effort to push the images of the gorgeous woman who’d just left her room out of her mind, but it was impossible. With every breath her jealousy increased, until it transformed into anger. Anger at Marcela for existing. Anger at herself for being such a stupid sucker. But most of all, anger at Robert for doing this to her. How could he claim to love her if he caused her so much pain?

  She must have fallen asleep again, because once again she woke at the sound of footsteps approaching her bed. She turned her head and opened her eyes to see the lovely Marcela smiling at her.

  “How are you feeling, Karen?” Marcela asked, making some notes on the chart hanging on the end of the bed.

  Karen scowled at her. “Fine, I guess.”

  Marcela ignored the unfriendly response and flashed a disarming smile. “I understand you gave the people over at the restaurant quite a scare.”

  How could Karen hate such a friendly and caring person? “Well, that’s what the paramedic told me.”

  “Don’t you worry. The doc thinks you’ve just overtaxed your brain and it shut down on you. Nothing a good rest can’t heal. Do you want to talk about what made you so upset?”

  Karen frowned. In other circumstances she would have jumped at the opportunity to unload her burden on someone. “Could I get some water?”

  “Of course,” Marcela said. “How about some orange juice instead? Those vitamins really help to lighten your mood.” When Karen nodded, she gave her a small pat on the shoulder and headed for the doorway. “Be right back.”

  Marcela came back a moment later with a cup of orange juice and several packages of crackers. “Here you go. You didn’t touch your meal. Would you like me to get you some soup?”

  Karen shook her head, unable to handle the friendliness of the woman she wanted to hate so much. As much as she longed to rail at her and demand she give Robert a divorce, doubts crippled her. What if Robert no longer wants a divorce? What if, now that he’s seen Marcela again, he wants to stay married to her?

  She felt the anxiety rising and Marcela picked up on it. “Karen, calm down. Whatever is causing you so much distress, it can’t hurt you now. You’re safe here.”

  Karen’s eye widened. Safe? In the hands of the enemy?

  “It really does help to talk about these things. I promise you I’m a good listener,” Marcela said.

  Tears slipped from Karen’s eyes and she noticed the look of growing concern on the nurse’s face.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you. Can I get the doctor for you?”

  Karen shook her head. “No, please don’t.”

  She took the tissues the nurse offered and blew her nose, before taking a deep breath and giving her a shaky smile. “I’m just…I saw my boyfriend with another woman and I can’t get it out of my head.”

  “Oh. That’s harrowing. No wonder you’re so upset.” Marcela appeared to be truly shocked. “I’d kill my boyfriend if he ever pulled something like that on me.”

  New hope filled Karen and she asked, “You have a boyfriend?”

  “No, I was speaking hypothetically.”

  “Oh.” A troubling thought crossed Karen’s mind. Did Marcela not have a boyfriend because she was pining for Robert?

  Flashes exploded in her head and she had to close her eyes. “Do you think I could get something for my head?”

  “Is it hurting?” Marcela asked.

  “Yes. Maybe some aspirin or something?”

  “I’ll get you some pain medicine. Shall I turn the light down as well?” she asked, closing the blinds to keep out the bright sun.

  “That would be helpful. Thank you.” Karen needed th
e woman to leave her alone. Marcela’s niceness was starting to cloud her thinking. How could she like that deceitful bitch? But then, Marcela was nothing like Karen had imagined her and she didn’t appear to pose any imminent threat. Under different circumstances they might even become friends.

  When the nurse had left, Karen sighed and allowed herself a moment to think. Suddenly she was swamped with shame. Her ears started burning when she imagined Robert finding out she’d followed him. She had to get back to Santa Clara as soon as possible. Pretending she’d never been in L.A. Spying on her boyfriend. Causing a scene. Messing up.

  Oh my god. Another wave of embarrassment rolled through her body. What if I’m in tomorrow’s newspaper?

  For the first time since her breakdown at La Trattoria she consciously touched her hair. The wig was gone, as were the horn-rimmed sunglasses. God knew where her disguise had ended up, but she was actually glad to look like herself again.

  Karen rolled over onto her side, pretending to be asleep when Marcela returned ten minutes later. The nurse didn’t wake her, but moved quietly around the room, organizing things, putting something on her nightstand, and switching off the volume on the television completely.

  A phone beeped a moment later and beneath half-closed eyelids Karen observed Marcela checking her phone and typing a short text. Off course Karen couldn’t know what the text had said or from whom it was, but it must have been rather disturbing. Karen almost felt sorry for her.

  A jolt visibly traveled through Marcela’s body and she started pacing the room, gesturing with her hands in the air. Then she began muttering to herself in Spanish, and while Karen didn’t understand every word, she understood enough to get the gist of what was happening.

  “Now Robert appears in my life … after four and a half years … and wants a divorce. What will I do? They will send me back to Mexico and my uncle will find me…he’ll torture me for his revenge…I’m as good as dead.

  “My uncle will know the minute I cross the border and will send his people for me…he’ll never forgive me…I ran away from him…nobody crosses him…he told me many times when he came to my bed…the more I was terrified, the more he enjoyed it…I was only a child…and nobody protected me…everyone was afraid of him.”

  Karen had to dig her fingernails into her palms and press her lips together to keep quiet. From the fragments Karen understood and from the apparent terror in Marcela’s posture, this uncle must be a true monster. Marcela’s voice was trembling with despair as she whispered her monologue into the dark room, not suspecting that the girlfriend of the very man who’d saved her five years ago by marrying her was eavesdropping on her misery.

  The nurse finally took several deep breaths, blew her nose, wiped her eyes, and then left the room to resume her nursing duties – leaving Karen alone with the shocking discovery.

  Karen had wanted to hate Robert’s wife. She wanted to find her nothing more than a conniving woman who had lied to get a free pass. What she’d found was so far from her wildest imaginings, it humbled her. Marcela had lived in a child’s worst nightmare, but she’d not allowed it to break her spirit and she’d escaped.

  There was no way Karen could live with the guilt of Marcela’s being sent back to such a horrible existence. But if Robert remained married to Marcela, she couldn’t be with him.

  Karen felt more tears slip from her eyes as she realized she was caught between a rock and a hard place. She needed to make some decisions, and fast. Three lives and their happiness were held in the balance. God, why me? What am I going to do?

  Chapter 5

  Robert pocketed his phone again, pacing his hotel room. He didn’t know why, but immediately after checking into his hotel, he’d called Karen. Hearing her voice suddenly seemed important to him. But she didn’t answer and he didn’t leave a message. What should he say? Sorry, I can’t divorce my wife or I’ll be responsible for sending her back to a hell she barely escaped from?

  This sure wasn’t the good news Karen was waiting to hear from him. He sighed and looked out his window, admiring the city view. The street down there was bustling with activity and while it was nice to watch, he was glad to live in tranquil Santa Clara and not here.

  He called the reception desk to ask for dinner recommendations and they answered that this neighborhood was deserted after office hours and the only places to go for dinner were La Trattoria or their own restaurant.

  After checking out the restaurant on the main level, he deemed it nice enough and sent Marcela a text message, giving her the name and address of his hotel. Her response came within seconds. “Will be there at 6 p.m.”

  Robert used the remaining time to take a shower and try to come up with a solution for his dilemma. But his brain was fried. Shortly before the agreed time he took the elevator down to the hotel lobby to wait for Marcela.

  She arrived, her lips pressed to a thin line and after a short “Hello” he escorted her to the reserved table.

  “How was your afternoon?” he asked, scrutinizing her face. Her eyes were slightly puffy and her breath uneven.

  “Fine,” she said with a tight smile. Her earlier happiness at seeing him had faded away and he could sense her worries. Instantly guilt settled in his chest. It seemed he was destined to hurt every woman he cared about. Karen. And now Marcela. It was only a matter of time before she’d start crying.

  “Did you give any more thought to granting me a divorce?” he asked, once their meals had arrived.

  Marcela paled and the food fell from her fork. “Why do you need a divorce now?”

  “I told you earlier. I’ve fallen in love with another woman and I need to be free to marry her.”

  Marcela was quiet for a moment and then murmured, “I don’t want to stand in the way of your happiness, I really don’t. But I can’t go back to Mexico. I just can’t.”

  “I don’t want to see you hurt either,” Robert said, taking her hand.

  “So, what is to be done?” Marcela asked him on a note of despair. “Even if I wasn’t against being sent back to Mexico, once they found out our marriage was a sham, they might arrest you. You know they can do that.”

  “They don’t have to find out.” Robert wasn’t sure where the sudden confidence came from, but nobody had asked in almost five years. “Marriages end in divorce all the time.”

  When tears rolled down her cheeks, Robert felt lower than dirt. He turned his chair and pulled her into his arms, smelling the fruity fragrance of her shampoo, the same fragrance she’d used several years ago.

  Maybe I should just try to be happy with her and forget about Karen? Marcela needs me and Karen is so self-reliant, she’ll get over it.

  But then he recalled those miserable weeks where they’d tried to make it work. It hadn’t worked then, and it most certainly wouldn’t work now.

  Marcela’s tears dried up and she moved in his arms, wiping her eyes. “Can I see a photo of your girlfriend?”


  “Because I want to see the woman who has stolen your heart. Something I couldn’t do.” She almost giggled when she said it.

  Robert shrugged and pulled his wallet out. He slid a picture of him and Karen, taken on a camping trip last year, across to her.

  Marcela picked up the photo and then paled as if she’d seen a ghost.

  “Marcela? What’s wrong?” Robert wanted to take the photo from her trembling hands, but she resisted.

  “This is your girlfriend?” she asked in a whisper. When Robert nodded, she shook her head, “Oh my god. Robert, I’m so sorry. She was admitted to the hospital this afternoon.”

  “What? No. You must be mistaken, Karen is in Santa Clara.”

  “No, she’s not. I treated her myself this afternoon.” Marcela turned the picture in her trembling hands, slowly grasping the full dimensions of the events.

  Robert shook his head. “Now you’re inventing stuff. Karen didn’t come here with me.”

  “I’m telling you she’s in the hospital.�

  “Is she okay?”

  “I can’t discuss her medical conditions with you. You should know that.”

  “I…I need to go see her.” Robert’s chest hurt. Could this day possibly become any worse than it already was?

  “I agree.”

  They jumped up and rushed past a very puzzled waiter whom Robert told to put the meals on the room bill. Marcela led the way from the hotel to the hospital, which was only a few blocks. They didn’t talk on the way, both lost in their own thoughts.

  Robert was scared – and angry. Why hadn’t she told him she was in Los Angeles? Had she been spying at him? And why? Didn’t she trust him? Apparently not, and perhaps she was right. Who would trust a man who’d lied for three long years?

  He was just short of accepting that their relationship had been damaged too much by his actions for him to ever hope to fix it again. Still, they rushed up to the third floor, only to find Karen’s room empty. “Where is she?”

  Marcela looked worried, “I don’t know.” She headed for the nurse’s station. “Genevieve, do you know where the patient from room 316 is?”

  The charge nurse looked up. “She checked out. I tried to get her to wait until the doctor examined her again, but she was adamant. She signed the paperwork before she left.”

  “Paperwork?” Robert inquired.

  The charge nurse explained, “She left against medical advice.” Then Robert heard the elevator doors at the end of the hall open and an older man dressed in a white coat walked toward them. “There’s the doctor now,” Genevieve said.

  Robert met the man in the hallway. “Doctor, about Karen Prescott.”

  “She’s gone. I was hoping to meet up with her in the hospital foyer, but no such luck.”

  “You look concerned,” Robert said.

  “I am. But she’s an adult and free to leave whenever she wants. There is nothing I can do at this point.”

  “What’s wrong with her?” Robert shifted his weight from one foot to the other.

  The doctor looked him up and down, “And you are?”


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