Shiftr_Swipe Left for Love_Ryzard

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Shiftr_Swipe Left for Love_Ryzard Page 21

by Ariana Hawkes

  “Easy,” he muttered. “I’m in serious danger of losing control of myself.”

  “I want you to,” she whispered in his ear, trembling with anticipation. He cupped her jaw, looking deep into her eyes.

  “We’re going to mate. You know that, don’t you?”

  “Yes –” she replied uncertainly. “What do you mean exactly?”

  “It’s going to be intense. I want you, Neve, so much, and I won’t be able to hold my bear back.”

  “Then don’t,” she said, stroking his jaw, unable to think of anything other than how much she wanted him inside her. He grinned and, in a fluid motion, he lifted her up and laid her down on her back, and then he arched over her, huge and fierce, his muscles bunched. She quivered, a delicious shiver of anticipation running through her body. One of his large fingers slid inside her, and she gasped. It felt like liquid fire. It was joined by a second, and he slid in and out, preparing her, making her ready for him.

  “Now,” she whispered, and he gave a hungry growl. His cock pressed at her entrance, sliding on her wetness, and, little by little, he entered her. He was so big; she wasn’t sure if she could take him all, but her muscles yielded to him, and soon this huge, sexy man was all the way inside of her, filling her up, his mouth burning on hers.

  As soon as he began to move, waves of pleasure rippled all the way through her body, and she moaned and sighed, abandoning herself to the powerful thrusting of his hips. He was rough, unconstrained, but she wanted it all, wanted to take all he had to give. She clung to him, her nails digging in to his back and her legs wrapped around his hips, while he took her again and again. As a climax began to well up, from deep inside her, he suddenly flipped them both over, and she was on top of him, her hands on his shoulders, her hair forming a wild red cage around them, and his sky-blue eyes looking deep into hers with hunger and adoration. In this position, she could control the speed of the thrusts, and he gripped her hips as she rode him. One of his hands caressed her tender, pink nipples, while the other made small circles on her clit. It was an exquisite sensation, being pleasured in so many areas of her body at once. She tingled all over, every thrust, every caress driving her crazy. Her muscles clenched around him, and as she moved faster and faster, she suddenly exploded, intense ripples of pleasure coming from deep inside and shooting all over her body, filling her mind with multi-colored stars.

  When she finally opened her eyes, he was looking up at her, a sexy grin playing on his lips.

  “Wow,” he whispered. And then he turned her over, onto her hands and knees, before entering her from behind. He was rougher in this position, and she had the sense that he could barely control his bear, his fingertips sharp like claws as they gripped her hips. But she loved it; it was wild and exciting. As he thrusted increasingly faster and harder, his breathing became rougher and he let off all kinds of snarls and rumbles. Soon, his rhythm matched her own and to her amazement, another orgasm began to build, and she climaxed hard around him, her limbs shaking as she became helpless to the waves of ecstasy he was creating in her body.

  He held her tight, taking her with long, hard strokes, and at last he came too, his huge, perspiring body above her, his thick cock filling her with his seed, as he muttered her name over and over.

  For a long time, she lay exhausted in his arms, inhaling the mingled musky scent of their mating. So this is mating, she thought. Her previous sex life had been so poor that she felt like this was her first time. Braxton had left her raw and aching, and totally satisfied.

  “Are you okay?” he murmured, kissing her bare skin anywhere he could reach.

  “Yeah. I’m more than okay,” she said, locking eyes with him, and startled by the tender expression in his own.

  “I didn’t hurt you?”

  “Not in a bad way. That was pretty amazing.”

  “You’re telling me.” He pulled her closer into his arms.

  For a while, they kissed and caressed each other, getting to know each other’s bodies, Neve drowsy with bliss.

  “How are you feeling – about everything that happened yesterday?” Braxton said, breaking a contented silence.

  “To say I’m shocked would be an understatement. Kevin. The guns, the drugs. My stuff. I know I can buy most of it again, but to lose everything like that in one go – it’s quite a lot to deal with.” He squeezed her hand.

  “I understand. And I hope you know that none of this was your fault. Kevin got himself in this mess when he decided that getting involved in drugs and guns was a good idea.”

  “I do. And I don’t think I’ve loved him for a long time, and he put my life in serious danger yesterday. I feel sorry for him.”

  “Of course you do. I’m here for you, Neve. Whenever you need to talk, just speak to me. I understand what it’s like to lose everything.” Startled, she raised her head to meet his eyes. There was so much pain behind them, and she could see that everything that had happened to him was still alive in his mind, like a memory that was constantly playing.

  “You can trust me,” she said quietly, not pushing him, just giving him an opportunity. He sighed.

  “I know I can,” he said, his voice hitching in his throat. Something inside her lifted. She understood that Braxton saying something like that meant a lot.

  “I had a mom and dad once,” he said haltingly. It was her turn to squeeze his hand. “I grew up in a small community, which I loved. It wasn’t a big clan like here in Broken Hill, but just a few of us, and we were all very close. We lived up at the top of some mountains, and some pure-blood bears lived a few miles away. Everything was good for a long time – they left us alone and we left them alone. Until, one day, there was a bear attack on a human, and the humans went crazy, running around the mountains with guns, trying to take us all down. We hid from them, staying in our human forms, so they couldn’t catch us as bears. But it wasn’t enough for them. They decided to set fire to the forest to chase us all out. The fire started so fast. We didn’t have time to think. I still have nightmares about these giant flames engulfing everything – the land and the community I loved so much. My family all shifted into their bear forms to run away from the fire – all except me, as I was young and hadn’t started to shift yet. As they ran down the mountain, the humans were waiting for them, and they shot every last one of them. Except for me. I was riding on my mother’s back and somehow they avoided hitting me.” He paused, and his mighty chest heaved in and out. Neve discovered that her cheeks were wet with tears, in sympathy for this innocent bear-child who’d had everything stolen from him.

  “And then what happened?” she asked softly.

  “They called me the miracle child. Because no-one knew where I came from. Saved from the bears. Can you imagine that?” He snorted. “They put me in foster care. But I wouldn’t speak to them. I didn’t speak for many years, and the humans thought I was mentally retarded. I just hated them. I wanted to escape, but I had no idea where to go. Then I started to shift – always in private, so no-one saw me. And one day, the Broken Hill Bears came to town for a wrestling match. As soon as I picked up their scent, it all came rushing back to me, and I knew that I had to be with them. When they left, I ran after them, literally. Xander saw me and his father took me in, and ever since then I’ve been a Broken Hill Bear.”

  “I’m so sorry, Braxton,” Neve said, stroking his chest. “My heart breaks to hear of your suffering.”

  “I hope it helps you to understand why I’ve been so hostile to humans,” he said.

  “Yes. Now I know the truth, I’m amazed that you’ve managed to be around me, much less mate with me.”

  “You’re different, Neve. I know that humans aren’t all bad. But you’re an extra special one, with the brave soul of a shifter.” He raised her hand and pressed it to his lips.

  “Now, I’m sorry to leave you, but I need to go speak to Xander about the recent events. There’s plenty of food downstairs and espresso and filter coffee machines. I’ll be back as soon as I can.
” He pulled his clothes on, and in a flash he was gone.

  Neve wanted to laugh and cry all at once. So she did, sobbing under Braxton’s comforter until she was all cried out. She’d never felt so many things in such a short space of time before. So much happiness in Braxton’s company; so much sadness for his suffering. She understood what it was like to lose your parents, but at least she’d been raised by her grandma. She hadn’t been forced to live with a race of people that she hated. She was so touched that he trusted her enough to open up to her, and she hoped that he’d share more of his feelings with her in time.

  And then his words echoed in her mind. He said she had the soul of a shifter. What did that mean?


  Braxton was trying his hardest not to think about Neve as he ran over to Xander’s place. Unsuccessfully. He could still smell her incredible, arousing scent all over his skin, hear her cries of ecstasy – ecstasy that he’d given her – ringing in his ears. If he didn’t have something so important to do, he would’ve spent the day in bed with her. Claiming her again and again. When he’d said that she had a choice about being his mate, it wasn’t strictly true – according to his bear at least. He’d mated her, and shared his darkest secrets with her, which meant that they were already bonded. Of course, she could reject him, and run back to the human world, but he was going to do his damnedest to make sure that didn’t happen. He hadn’t been sure if there was a mate out there for him, because he thought of himself as too damaged, and he’d never had feelings like this for anyone before. But the way he felt about Neve left him breathless. Now he’d found her, he wasn’t about to let her go.

  “Braxton!” Xander said as he opened the door to him. “I didn’t expect you back so soon.” His Alpha’s face was ashen, his dark eyes dull.

  “Oh, things didn’t work out exactly as I’d expected.” He followed Xander into his cabin and they sat down on two brand new leather couches.

  “Is the girl okay?” Xander asked with his characteristic decency.

  “Yes. She’s in my bed as we speak, actually.” Xander’s eyebrows shot right up.

  “I’ll tell you about it later,” Braxton said, unable to hide a quick smile. “But tell me, what’s going on?” Xander sighed, pain and disbelief showing in his eyes.

  “We interrogated them. They admitted everything. They hero worship Maximus, and apparently they were devastated by him leaving. They’re clearly not the sharpest tools in the box, and they thought they were helping his cause by damaging the clan in his name.” Xander’s huge fists clenched. “They thought that if the clan was sufficiently weakened, I’d be kicked out, and he could come back and take over. I still can’t get my head around it. How could two bears be so illogical, and dumb?” he finished, his bear letting off a snarl. Braxton gave a grim smile. If there were two things Xander hated, it was disloyalty and illogic.

  “Where are they now?” he asked. Xander’s expression darkened further.

  “I left them alone for a minute, and Rocco got his hands on them. He went crazy. They’re both badly cut up. Gregor even needed to have stitches.” Braxton shuddered. Shifters healed themselves so quickly that stitches were very rare. “I don’t blame him,” Xander continued. “But he’s been out of control since he lost the match, starting fights with several clan members, and after he beat the crap out of them, he disappeared and I haven’t seen him since.”

  “He’ll come back once he’s calmed down. Don’t worry, you’re not about to lose both your brothers,” Braxton said, plugging into his Alpha’s thoughts. “But what are you going to do with the other two?” Xander sat up very straight in his seat and fixed him with a direct stare.

  “I’ve been waiting for you to come back. Braxton, I want you to be my Second, and since you’re the one who identified them, and saved the clan from ruin, it’s only right that you decide their fate.” Braxton swallowed hard.

  “But I thought I’d put myself out of the game by being away the past couple of days,” he said.

  “You were away helping the clan, and then you were helping someone who helped the clan. Nothing could be more important than that. Braxton, you’ve proved yourself to me. As you know, I had my doubts about you becoming my Second because I was worried about you not being able to cope with humans, but by protecting this girl, who was obviously in trouble, you’ve shown that you are more than capable.” Braxton’s throat tightened with gratitude.

  “I don’t know what else to say but thank you, Xander. I promise that I’ll always stay loyal to the Broken Hill Bears, and I’ll work tirelessly to benefit everyone in the clan.” Xander stood and pulled him into a rough bear hug.

  “That’s all I need to hear, partner,” he said. Then he sat down again.

  “So, Gregor and Dimitri. What is your decision?” Braxton sat down heavily and knotted his hands together. He thought about how he’d told Neve about his family. How she was probably in his bed right now, so beautiful and vulnerable. He thought about the violence of the previous day – how he’d been forced to take one human out and another one had died, all as a result of their stupidity. There had been too much bloodshed.

  “Let’s spare their lives,” he said. “They need to be punished, and they need to fully understand the impact of their actions. Let’s keep them under house arrest, with a full-time guard, until we’re confident that they’ve learned their lesson and understand the value of loyalty.” If Xander was surprised, he didn’t show it. Instead, he nodded.

  “After Rocco got his hands on them, I think their punishment is already underway. I support your decision. It’ll be good for some of the teenaged cubs to guard them, to teach them about discipline and loyalty.” His shoulders relaxed. “Is there a chance that anything’s left on the internet that could damage our next match?”

  “I’ll get Neve to take a look,” Braxton said immediately. Xander handed him a post-it note. “Here’s a list of the sites they used and logins, etc. They gave them up without being asked.”

  “Good. That will make things easier.”

  Xander settled back onto the couch – a sign that business was over.

  “Tell me – how did you meet this human?” he said. Braxton couldn’t stop himself from breaking into a grin, delighted to have the opportunity to talk about Neve.

  “You probably don’t remember, but I first saw her at a post-fight meeting in Rayville. She tried to give us legal advice, but I wasn’t willing to listen at the time –” The end of his sentence was cut off by a roar of laughter.

  “You were furious about the t-shirts, and all those humans were hiding under the table, crapping their pants, except for her,” he said. Braxton warmed with pride.

  “That’s right – she’s a tough cookie.”

  “But how did you find her for the second time?”

  “To cut a long story short, she came to find me, and at first I wasn’t keen to accept human help. But then you showed me that I need to be more open to humans. She saved the clan, Xander. She’s not only a lawyer, but a tech genius as well.”

  “And from the way you’re talking about her, I can see that she’s your mate,” Xander said, eyes sparkling.

  “She is. I knew it even when I couldn’t stand the sight of her. Now I just need to get her to accept me.”

  “Go do it,” Xander said. “Trust me, females like her – whether shifters or humans – don’t come along very often. Don’t throw your chance away.”

  Braxton didn’t need to be told twice. He leapt off the sofa and ran back to his cabin – back to his mate.

  He hurtled through the door and took the stairs two at a time, secretly hoping that Neve would still be in his bed, and he could slide in next to her beautiful, fragrant body again and enfold her in his arms.

  She was fully dressed and sitting on the edge of the bed, her body stiff with tension. He stopped dead, his heart hammering in his chest. I’ve freaked her out with the rough mating, and now she can’t stand the sight of me, he decided, and his bear buried it
s nose in its paws, letting off a pitiful yowl. There was pain in her eyes as they met his, the irises showing as pale gold, and the delicate skin beneath had a purple hue.

  “What is it?” he said, rushing over to her, noticing at the same time that she was holding her phone in her lap.

  “The police called,” she said tonelessly. “They found my car, burned to a crisp, along with two unidentified men. They said there’s no point in me going to ID them, due to the state of the bodies. They’re working to obtain dental records instead. And there’s no trace of Kevin.” She clapped her hand over her mouth, too overwhelmed to say anything more. Braxton sat down and put his arm around her and, to his relief, she let herself fall into him, laying the side of her head against his chest.

  “The call brought it all home to you, didn’t it?” he said.

  “Yes. The cop asked me if Kevin was mixed up with any drugs or gangs and I said that, based on what happened yesterday, it seemed he was. Then he said that it was being treated as a drug deal that went wrong, and that they’ll continue looking for him.” She started to cry, and Braxton stroked her hair, while his bear let off soothing rumbles.

  “Don’t worry, Neve, I’m here to look after you, to protect you, so nothing bad ever happens to you ever again,” he murmured. She lifted her head, her eyelashes starry with tears.


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