Desire: Ten sizzling, romantic tales for Valentine’s Day!

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Desire: Ten sizzling, romantic tales for Valentine’s Day! Page 28

by Opal Carew

  Only when he offered them a double-fingered salute did they fly off again, laughing.

  Waverly hadn’t finished with her freestyling, though.

  She swerved her way from island to island on the general course to their destination. Lush foliage and even a waterfall they spotted along the way made for an amazing tour of the area.

  If Archer didn’t have a stomach of steel and immunity to motion sickness after years of working on a boat, he might have ruined their afternoon. Instead, he whooped and cheered as she took him for the ride of his life.

  Even if he did clutch the seat in a death grip a time or two.

  The highlight of the trip came when they passed over a marshy inlet on one of the bigger landmasses. An entire flock of flamingos launched themselves into the air, not high enough to be a concern. Looking down on a sight he’d seen numerous times from the ground in Bonaire gave him a new viewpoint.

  Just like Waverly kept doing to him in other aspects of his life.

  For one, he hadn’t felt so aggressive with her, didn’t always need to be in control like he had with other partners. Though, there went his cock again…the thought held some appeal. Maybe someday, after their unfortunate start was further in the shadows of the past, he could ask her to explore the clubroom with him.

  For now, playing in the sunlight with her was everything he could hope for.

  His restlessness, and most of his bitterness, had vanished, too.

  He felt weightless. As if he could fly without the chopper, though he didn’t plan to put that to the test.

  “Are you sure you gave me the right coordinates?” She glanced at him then, looking a little nervous as she punched buttons on her various monitors. “I don’t see any outposts for the supply run.”

  “Don’t worry, Waverly.” He smiled. “We’re in the right place for what I had in mind. There’s a clearing right over there that you can put us down in, if that works for you.”

  Given that she often landed helicopters on postage-stamp-sized pads that were essentially moving targets, he had figured it would be a cakewalk for her.

  The guys had scoped it out for him and taken pictures that he’d reviewed with Captain Alex, who also had an extensive knowledge of aviation from his own time in the Navy. The guy had given Archer the thumbs-up on his selection. Just in case, they had plenty of gas to make it back if she didn’t feel comfortable for whatever reason.

  “Archer?” she asked. “Is this really a business thing we’re doing?”

  “Nope.” He grinned then, knowing the jig was up. “It’s a very, very personal thing. A romantic-as-fuck date thing.”

  “Seriously?” She raised her brows but kept her eyes forward as she descended, landing dead-center in the clearing.

  “Yes. This whole helicopter pilot business is awfully convenient. I loved my life before all this, Waverly. I swear I did. But some of these perks…”

  “I totally know what you mean.” She finished shutting down, hopped from the helicopter, then waited for him near the edge of the palm trees. “I mean, in my old job, I never got to make out with my boss.”

  They kissed for a while, forgetting where they were or that the rest of the world even existed outside of this slice of heaven. Eventually, he entwined their fingers and led her toward the beach on the south side of the islet.

  When the path opened up and he could see what his friends had prepared, he realized why they had taken so damn long. They’d gone overboard for him today. Twice, he thought with a chuckle. Knowing they cared enough to help him score points with Waverly only made the day that much more meaningful.

  “Oh, Archer.” She dropped her shoes and jogged the rest of the way toward the set up, her hair and dress blowing in the breeze as if she were a sea goddess. He’d never seen someone more elegant and gorgeous than her right then.

  He wished he were a painter so that he could capture the moment forever.

  When she looked back at him, the undiluted bliss on her face—rosy cheeks, sparkling eyes, and captivating smile—made the mountain of suffering they’d done before finding each other again worth it. If he could spend a day like this with her even every once in a while, he’d die happy.

  In the midst of hundreds of currently unlit pillar candles that dotted the beach, she spun around, her arms out.

  At their very center was a humongous heart drawn in the sand. Of course his smartass friends hadn’t been able to resist and had also written Archie + Waverly 4Ever. He felt less guilty about Miguel’s impromptu dip after that, though Waverly seemed to love it.

  She took out her phone and snapped pictures of the setup from every angle, as if she never wanted to forget a thing about it.

  Two upside down, squared off U’s constructed of driftwood at least as tall as him had been pounded into the sand and draped with a long panel of sheer fabric, which fluttered in the wind. It provided shelter from the afternoon sun for the blanket spread and staked beneath it. A dozen or more oversized pillows made the space seem comforting and inviting.

  Nearby, a table for two was set, and an ice chest waited for them to unpack it.

  A handful of tiki torches scattered around completed the masterpiece.

  Everything they needed for an exclusive, romantic retreat…they had it.

  Most importantly, they had each other.

  After the double drama of the day before—their emotional turmoil and the near-mugging, which the local authorities weren’t interested in investigating—they could use a day away from the rest of the world.

  He planned to give her that.

  Hopefully complete with lots of bone-melting sex.

  What better way to relax was there than that?

  Chapter 17

  Archer thought for a change of pace he would try drawing things out instead of pouncing on Waverly immediately. Each time they’d fucked the night before he’d had intentions of going slowly, taking her impossibly gently, but never seemed to make it past a few kisses before he lost every shred of restraint he possessed. Just like he had in the hotel in Caracas. Or hell, even the night she’d come to him the first time.

  She didn’t help his cause, though, when she asked, “We’re alone here, right?”

  “Completely,” he confirmed.

  It was only a three syllable word, but by the time he got to the end of it, she’d grabbed the hem of her dress and whisked it over her head. Her bra and panties followed soon after as she made a beeline for the shore.

  He started to jog toward her, leaving his own clothes in a trail on the sand as he ran to catch up with her. When he did, he growled, “Damn, you are something.”

  “Something good, I hope.” She peeked up at him, still a tiny bit shy at her very core, giving him a glimpse of the girl he used to know.

  “Magnificent.” He wrapped his arms around her bare shoulders and drew her to him for a kiss that felt more sensual to him than fucking had with other partners in the past. He savored the coconut and lime flavor of her lip gloss as he attempted to seduce her mouth with his own.

  Her hands ran down his sides to his ass, kneading the muscles there even as she attempted to yank him closer to her. He resisted, not wanting to get carried away too soon.

  Breaking their kiss, he said, “Come on.”

  Their fingers automatically found their way to each other again, knitting together as they headed for the surf. It broke gently on the pristine white beach. When they reached it, Waverly kicked, splashing and laughing as if neither of them had a care in the world.

  Did they have worries anymore? It didn’t seem like it when they were together.

  Right now the only thing on his mind was making this a perfect afternoon and evening for her.

  For them both.

  He led her deeper, first up to their knees and then a little more. His hips were below the surge. Taller than her by a half a foot or so, he was steadier at that depth. So he braced her by putting his arms around her in another tender embrace.

  The guy
s would never let him hear the end of it if he admitted that this—staring into her eyes, laughing together, and simply enjoying life—would be enough to satisfy him. Even if he didn’t know they were about to rival the intensity of the sun with their lovemaking, he would have been content just to hold her.

  “You know, before you came back into my life, I’d sworn off meaningless affairs,” he told her then.

  “Whatever.” She rolled her eyes. “I saw that woman leaving your cabin less than an hour before we were reintroduced, remember?”

  “Yeah, that was a moment of weakness. One that made it clear I was over that kind of hook up.” He grinned. “But thanks for making my vow of celibacy a short-lived one.”

  She laughed.

  He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear even though it only blew loose again immediately, wild and free, just like her. “I knew as soon as I saw you again that it hadn’t felt right because I wasn’t with the right person. I’ve only barely gotten you back, so this probably sounds crazy, but you’ve always been the one for me, Waverly. I know that now. It doesn’t feel like this with anyone else.”

  “For me either.” She burrowed into his chest before continuing, “I dated. Slept with a handful of guys who were nice enough. Polite enough. Successful enough. But none of them ever made me desperate to be with them, like you do.”

  “Does it scare you?” he asked.

  “A little. After I left home, I swore I’d never depend on anyone again. But I’m starting to feel like if I don’t have you, I can’t be happy now that I see what it’s like already and the potential for what we could become to each other. It’s hard to give up control of my own destiny like that. And I have a feeling it’s only going to get more intense.”

  He nodded, understanding perfectly. “Then at least I have company. I’m terrified, Waverly. Of fucking this up, of not deserving you, of not being able to be what you need.”

  Silently, he thought of the clubroom on the Divemaster and what it would be like to tuck that facet of his sexuality away for good. It wasn’t as if Waverly was a submissive woman. He would miss it, but he thought he could make compromises, if it meant keeping her in his bed.

  And his life.

  “Don’t worry, Archer. You tick all my boxes. Everything I’ve ever wanted—everything I looked for in a man—was someone like you.” As she said it, she hopped, wrapping her legs around his hips.

  He caught her, groaning as the heat of her pussy seared his bobbing erection, which had been chilled by the sea a moment earlier. “I’m falling for you, Waverly. All over again. Twice as hard, for this new and improved version of you.”

  Her tight little nipples scored his chest as she rubbed against him.

  “I’ve been obsessed with you since I was sixteen. I don’t see that changing any time soon. Especially not if you keep rocking my world in bed…or on the beach. It’s better every time. More than I could have imagined possible.”

  Neither one of them dropped the L-word. He was okay with that. It was too quick for her to really mean it, considering how wary they’d both been forced to become about their surroundings and the people closest to them. When she said it to him, he wanted to believe it completely.

  He’d work on earning it. Forever if he had to.

  Starting right then.

  When she was ready to hear it from him, he was prepared to say it.

  “I can’t give you back your first time—our first time. But I can try to make every time even more special than the last.” Archer palmed her ass, making her squirm. The motion only aligned them better, his cock nudging her pussy. He kissed her again then, spending an inordinate amount of time exploring the textures and tastes of her mouth with his tongue, teeth, and lips.

  When neither of them could stand to be teased any longer—by the warm water washing over them, the heat they generated, or the intimacy of the moment—he carried her up onto the beach.

  He didn’t go far.

  Couldn’t, honestly.

  So he sank to his knees right where the waves kissed the shore and laid her out before him. Her spread hair floated and moved each time the water came up to swirl lightly around them, making her look like a siren. Especially as she beckoned him nearer by spreading her legs.

  When she cupped her own breasts as she stared up at him stroking himself a few times to the sight of her, he buckled.

  Archer leaned down and took her nipple into his mouth, lapping and tugging until she cried out his name. He left it with a kiss then did the same to her other side, balancing his attentions. Meanwhile, his hand traveled along her softly rounded stomach to her mound and began to rub gentle circles around her clit as he devoured her breasts.

  “Please, Archer. Fuck me,” she begged when she finally cracked.

  His cock pulsed at the thought of her welcoming heat and slickness. But no, not yet.

  “Not until you’ve come on my face a few times. Feed me your pleasure, Waverly. I want to learn what it tastes like. Get my fill so I can never forget.” He slithered down her body until he could blow lightly over her pussy.

  She moaned and arched as if she might come from that alone.

  He sank a couple fingers into her, loving the way she hugged him tight, just before he applied his open mouth to her outer lips. He let her adjust before easing closer to her center. When his tongue licked her clit for the first time, she shattered, surprising them both.

  Waverly’s orgasms were sweet.

  To watch, and to taste. He wanted more of them.

  To be the cause of them.

  Archer eased up until she’d recovered, then started the process over again, bringing her up and letting her crest a few times. His cock leaked, dripping pearly fluid into the water where it swirled before disappearing into the ocean.

  But he still didn’t take her or the release her body would so easily grant him. Not yet.

  He gathered Waverly into his arms and stood when he noticed she shivered slightly. In the sun, blanketed by his full form, she’d warm right up.

  She curled into him, utterly relaxed, trusting, and docile as he transported her to their makeshift cabana. Her complete surrender transfixed him. The strongest woman he had ever known was putting herself in his hands. It made him wonder if someday she might be up for testing deeper waters with him after all.

  Was this her true self? The one at the core of the tough-talking, fiercely independent warrior he adored? If so, he knew he had to be delicate with her now because she wouldn’t often expose this vulnerable part of herself.

  Archer deposited her as gently as possible on the soft blanket and propped her hips up with a pillow. He wanted this to be perfect for her.

  “Please, Archer.” She drew his attention to her wide eyes, which blinked slowly up at him despite the sunshine illuminating the world around them. “I need you.”

  “I need you, too.” He’d never spoken a truer vow than that.

  Except he wasn’t only talking about her body.

  He needed all of her. For keeps.

  It seemed only a fair exchange since he’d given her all of himself and never wanted it back.

  Surrendering to primal desire, Archer gathered her wrists in one hand and pinned them to the blanket. The force of his hold made a divot in the sand below, helping him keep her securely in place. With the other, he strangled the bottom of his shaft, certain he’d never been this hard in his entire life before.

  There was nothing left to say. Instead, he stared into her eyes, which were a reflection of the bluest skies and the deepest oceans, as he fed her his cock inch by inch.

  Agonizingly slowly, he penetrated her, giving her everything he had.

  And when they’d locked together, as tightly fused as possible, he began to move.

  With subtle rocks of his hips, he pressed into her again and again, never retreating very far. It was a whole new kind of fucking for him but it felt right, so he kept doing it. Slow, steady, rhythmic pressure. Whatever it was, it seemed to be work

  Waverly’s eyes had turned glassy and dazed as she took what he gave her and loved every second. Her channel clenched around him, threatening to milk him dry far too soon.

  He bent down to kiss her, craving connection at every possible pleasure point.

  And when he slipped his tongue into her mouth, she screamed, vocalizing her climax. How he didn’t break then and pour himself inside her, he didn’t know.

  He could tell she had more left in her.

  Stopping before she was fully satisfied wasn’t an option.

  Archer sat up a little, kneeling between her legs to gain leverage so he could fuck the old-fashioned way.

  They both groaned as he took those first ultra-deep lunges within her.

  Soon he was sliding his cock in her as far as he could reach, then withdrawing until he would have slipped free if it wasn’t for the perfectly timed flex of her muscles, which locked around the head of his cock and held him within her. His balls got in on the action, slapping up against her ass when he really dug in.

  The soft impact was another stimulant. There were too many to resist now. It wasn’t a matter of if he was going to come, but when.

  Waverly made the decision for him when, on a particularly vigorous thrust, she rose up. Strung tight, she shattered. She yelled out his name over and over, begging him to join her in rapture.

  It was an unnecessary request. A blaze of pleasure at the base of his cock was followed by the pumping of every bit of his come directly from his balls into her pussy. He came so hard and so long that he overflowed her.

  Waverly levered up onto her elbows to watch the spot where they were joined. Both of them witnessed his seed spilling out of her and trickling toward her ass.

  The sight had him mesmerized.

  He hoped she realized that with this act, he’d staked a claim, one he never intended to forgo.

  Waverly crashed then, a slave to her ecstasy and the endorphins pumping through her bloodstream. So he tended to her, using some of the washcloths and supplies the guys had left on the sidelines to clean her up and make her comfortable.


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