Royally Yours: A Bad Boy Baby Romance

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Royally Yours: A Bad Boy Baby Romance Page 49

by Amy Brent

  The more I thought about it, the more I let myself imagine a life with Calla. I didn’t really know what it would look like. Would she live with me? Or maybe she would pop in for regular visits and then leave again to live her life. I wasn’t sure I could live with that. I liked having her with me. I didn’t even know why I was letting myself go down this road. She had a boyfriend. They were probably together right then, doing whatever it was they did.

  The crackle of the radio interrupted my musings.

  “I’m home, don’t bug me, I’m going to take a nap,” Gabe’s surly voice filled the room.

  I grinned, but didn’t bother getting up to answer his radio message. I could happily pass out myself now that I knew he was safe. I couldn’t wait to fall asleep and meet Calla in my dreams, where she was always waiting for me.

  Chapter Thirty-four


  “Are you sure you don’t want another coffee?” Holly asked me for what had to be the third time in five minutes.

  “Holly, no. If I have another coffee, I’m going to be acting just like you.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You’re freaking out. Relax. Chill. We’ve done this before,” I said, trying to calm the flighty woman down.

  She nodded. “I know. You’re right. I just get so nervous with all those people out there. Their all waiting for you!” she shrieked.

  “Thanks. As if I needed any more help being nervous. Just relax. You can get me some water. Get yourself some as well. No more coffee, Holly.”

  “Okay. Water. I can do that. Do you need anything else?”

  I took a deep breath. “No. I need to get out there. Please, just get me some water and don’t forget to remind the bookstore owner I’m done at noon. I don’t want to be here all day,” I reminded her.

  The book signing had been a last-minute addition to my calendar. The publishing house wanted to take advantage of my willingness to do press and insisted I do a two-hour book signing. I didn’t truly mind, but I hated the actual signing.

  Walking out of the back room, I waved to the people lined up in front of the table where I would soon be sitting. I knew I should be thankful for my success, and I was, but I really wished I could do my job without actually having to talk to people. I wasn’t unappreciative, but I was reserved and not that great with the public. I always felt awkward answering questions about my stories.

  “Hi everyone! Let’s get this started!” I said, loud enough to be heard.

  I took my seat, picked up the first marker and pasted on my best smile. The wig on my head was making my scalp sweat, but it was a price I was willing to pay. I didn’t want people to recognize me in my daily life. The woman at the table, Lacy Darling, was my public persona. Lacy was a risqué woman who dressed provocatively and flirted outrageously with men and women. The long brown hair and heavy makeup helped conceal my true identity, while promoting the image of the naughty writer who liked to play dirty in the bedroom, on the backseat or on the beach.

  She was my alter ego. Lacy was the woman who had come to life in Jake’s cabin. I had stepped into her role and realized deep down, I truly was Lacy. I just hid it behind my good girl persona, otherwise known as Calla Fanning.

  The hour dragged on. My hand was cramped from repeatedly signing my name and my face hurt from all the smiling.

  Holly’s hand was on my shoulder. “Couple more,” she whispered close to my ear.

  I nodded and kept on smiling. When the last person had their book in hand, I was quickly up and out of my seat, racing for the back room.

  “You did great!” Holly assured me. “We only went over by five minutes. Come on, Janice is waiting for us at the coffee shop. We need to go.”

  I groaned, pulling off my wig and putting on the trench coat and dark sunglasses I wore to hide my appearance in case someone recognized the low-cut, very tight, bandage style dress I was wearing. I didn’t have time to change before meeting with my editor.

  “I’m ready,” I announced, following Holly out the back door.

  A driver was waiting for us out back and whisked us down the street a few blocks to the coffee shop. I hated wearing my sunglasses inside, but I couldn’t risk being recognized.

  “Hello,” Janice said, rising out of her chair to do the cursory air kiss on my cheek.

  “Hi,” I said, taking my seat.

  “I’ll get your coffee,” Holly said, rushing up to the counter.

  “How was the signing?” Janice asked.

  “Good, full house for the whole two hours,” I announced, feeling proud of what that meant.

  She smiled, “Good, I booked another signing for you. It starts at three.”

  My mouth fell open. “Janice!”

  “Calla, you need this. We need to keep your name fresh in people’s minds. You want your next book to be a success, right?”

  “Yes,” I groaned.

  “Speaking of, did you bring the manuscript?”

  I nodded, “Holly has it.”

  “Good. How do you like Boston?”

  I shrugged, “It’s nice. I haven’t seen much of it though. I had planned to do a little sight-seeing later,” I complained.

  “Next time.”

  Holly appeared at the table, deposited my coffee in front of me and took the seat next to me.

  “Do you have the manuscript?” I asked.

  Holly always looked frazzled and appeared neurotic, but she was very organized and stayed on top of things.

  “Sure do. Right here,” she said, reaching into the bag she carried everywhere.

  Janice took the folder and opened it up, scanning the pages. I took the time to sip my coffee and stare out the window. I loved to people watch. Behind my dark glasses, no one could see me watching them. It was a lot like using a hidden camera, I mused.

  “Calla!” Janice exclaimed. “God Almighty, this is hot! This is some of the best stuff you’ve ever written!”

  I smiled, thinking of the inspiration behind my newest manuscript. It had been more than halfway complete before I met Jake, but I had stayed up for nearly two days, revising and letting my imagination run wild.

  “Thank you.”

  “What inspired this? I heard you took a weekend trip to some ski lodge. Is that where you found your muse?”

  I grinned, “You could say that.”

  “She got lost in the woods the first night and was rescued by a man,” Holly chimed in.

  Janice looked at me, her eyebrows raised in question.

  “Yes, he is what inspired this,” I said, waving at the papers in her hand. “While I was living it, I got the idea I was living a real live rom-com. I had to get it on paper.”

  “My God, I must meet this man,” she breathed, fanning herself with one hand. “It is just perfect, Calla. I love the naughty parts. I’ll be taking this home to read, alone,” she winked.

  I smiled, thinking about Jake and wishing I could be back there with him.

  “Well then, I’ll get this turned in and let you know about any revisions. You better get moving. The next signing is across town.”

  “Another signing?” Holly sputtered.

  I groaned, “Yes.”

  “I’ll send you the details,” Janice told Holly.

  She tapped on her phone and seconds later Holly’s phone chimed. I sat there while they planned my day, lost in my own thoughts.

  “We better get going,” Holly announced.

  I stood up and prepared myself for another round of signings.

  By the time I was finished for the day, my hand felt as if it was permanently curled around a pen. I couldn’t wait to take off the tight dress and slide between the covers. I had thought to take a hot bath, but I was too tired. I’d really pushed hard to get the manuscript done in time, and now I was owed a little sleep.

  My phone buzzed on the bedside table. I picked it up, read the message from Holly and nearly threw the phone across the room.

  A breakfast meet and greet had been crammed
in for tomorrow. They were trying to kill me. That had to be it.

  I put tomorrow out of my mind and crawled into the comfy bed. I closed my eyes and wondered if Jake was in bed. Maybe he was reading his book. I missed him. My dreams were filled with images of Jake. Sometimes we were having sex, other times we were walking through the forest in spring.

  When I woke up the next morning, that familiar longing was there to greet me. I wondered if it would ever go away.

  “Calla?” Holly’s voice on the other side of the hotel room door brought me back to reality.

  I threw on my robe and pulled open the door. She was holding a coffee and a garment bag.

  “What’s that?” I asked.

  “You can’t wear the same dress you wore yesterday,” she said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.


  I took the bag and the coffee and walked inside. Holly followed me.

  “Now, don’t freak out when you see the dress,” she warned.

  “Oh no. What did you do?” I groaned, slowly unzipping the bag. My eyes practically fell out of my head.

  “This wasn’t me. This was Janice. She said the dress would really help promote the, uh, naughtier book you have coming out.”

  “Holly!” I shrieked, staring at the minimal amount of fabric that was more sheer lace than actual coverage.

  “You’ll look great in it,” she said, sheepishly.

  I pulled the dress out of the bag and shook my head. “My tits are going to be popping out every which way! Please tell me you brought boob tape?”

  She grinned. “Of course. Two rolls, just in case.”

  I shook my head, staring at the dress with a huge cut-out in the bodice. The sleeves were lace and the sides were nothing more than wide bands of lace, which meant no panties. The minimal amount of black fabric that stretched down the front and back skirt provided minimal coverage.

  “This should be illegal. Don’t they think this is taking it too far? Where is this breakfast anyway?”

  “Some restaurant. I don’t really know where.”

  “They expect me to walk in through the front doors, don’t they?” I groaned.

  She nodded. “Which is why they really wanted to make a statement. The shoes are in the bottom of the bag.”

  I reached in and pulled out the strappy stiletto heels. “Of course. I hope they provided a cane as well.”

  I went into the bathroom to change, taking the boob tape with me. I didn’t want to have a wardrobe malfunction.

  When I walked out, Holly’s hand slapped over her mouth. “My God, Calla. You look hot!”

  I giggled. I did feel sexy. Not exactly what I would have chosen to wear to a breakfast, but it did make me look thinner and taller.

  “Let’s get this over with,” I said, adjusting the wig on my head.

  We headed out the door. It was a little slow going at first as I got used to the shoes, but once I found my balance, I worked those shoes like a model on a catwalk.

  Just as my publisher had wanted, I made quite the entrance. People would be talking about me for weeks. I wasn’t exactly thrilled to be part of a gimmick, but if it made the publishing house money, it made me money, so I could suck it up.

  I didn’t bother changing before we jumped in the car for the ride home. I was anxious to get back to my parents’ house so I could pack and move into my own house—for good.

  Leaning my head back on the seat, I was glad the company had provided me with a ride home in a comfortable SUV with blacked out windows. I closed my eyes and listened as Holly talked on the phone.

  “Calla?” Holly said, softly.

  “Hmm,” I answered, not opening my eyes.

  “There’s a man sitting outside of your parents’ house. I guess he’s been there a while. That was the neighbor on the phone; the one watching your dog.”

  I groaned, “I’m sure it’s just Blake. He isn’t getting the hint.”

  “I don’t think so,” she said, in a voice that had my eyes popping open.

  “What do you mean? Who is it?”

  “She said it was some big guy with long blonde hair.”

  My mouth dropped open. “What?” I said, not believing what I was hearing.

  Holly nodded. “Is that who I think it is?”

  I grinned, leaned forward and tapped the driver on the shoulder. “Can you go a little faster?”

  The man obliged, but it wasn’t nearly fast enough for me. I wanted to be there that instant. Had Jake really come to find me? My heart was racing and my palms were sweating. It had to be him.

  Chapter Thirty-Five


  It had been a complete spur of the moment decision. Now that I was doing it, I was regretting my impulsiveness. I didn’t do this kind of shit. This wasn’t me. I thought it would be some grand gesture and we would ride off into the sunset.

  “You’re an idiot. That shit doesn’t actually happen in real life,” I told myself.

  I felt like an idiot now and the longer I sat outside the house, I grew to realize I was behaving like a fool. I had managed to track her down with a little help from Tom and Don at the lodge. I knew she had been on some writing thing, but I assumed she would be home today. Her last engagement had been yesterday. Knowing the little I did about Calla, I guessed she would have gotten up and been on the road home. Maybe I had assumed wrong. Maybe she wasn’t even staying at her parents’ house. Calla did say she crashed in various places.

  Checking my watch, I saw I’d been sitting here for over an hour. I had noticed the woman peeping at me through the blinds next door and expected the police to roll up at any minute to arrest me for stalking. I knew what I looked like.

  “Just go, man. This was a waste of time,” I said to myself, running my hands over my face. I wasn’t really sure about what I’d hoped to accomplish. A quick fuck? Her phone number? Pour out my heart?

  Looking at the scratch paper I had in my hand, I had written a note and was going to leave it on the door. In the end, I couldn’t bring myself to leave without seeing her. I drove all this way—I had to see her at least.

  I looked at the phone I had bought at a store earlier. It felt weird in my hand, foreign. I had owned a cell in the past, but had lost it and never bothered to get another. We didn’t get service on the mountain anyway, and I never felt the need to call anyone. It was time I started to live like a man in the twenty-first century. The phone was some month-to-month thing. I didn’t do a contract. I couldn’t. That was a commitment I wasn’t willing to make. Baby steps.

  “Fuck it,” I groaned, standing and brushing off my butt. It was cold and it was pretty clear she wasn’t coming home anytime soon.

  I wrote down the number for the new phone and moved to put the note on the door. As I was walking down the steps, a dark SUV pulled in behind my truck.

  “Shit,” I cursed, figuring it was a detective or some other law enforcement person coming to check out the guy sitting in front of some woman’s house.

  I kept walking, hoping to get in my truck and leave before I had to explain myself. The back-passenger door opened, and a woman climbed out. I didn’t look directly at her. I wasn’t interested, but something made me look again. The dark shades, the hair, the fuck-me shoes and the slutty dress were a good disguise, but my body knew Calla’s. I was staring at a woman I didn’t recognize.

  I couldn’t move or draw breath.

  “Calla?” I croaked, staring at the woman who looked nothing like the one I had spent the weekend with.

  She smiled and pushed up the dark sunglasses. “It’s me. Ignore all this,” she said, waving a hand over her body. My eyes followed the hand, focusing on the copious amounts of cleavage on display.

  I shook my head, not believing my eyes. The woman standing in front of me was a knockout, but she wasn’t as pretty as the woman that stumbled into my life a week ago. This girl in the sleazy black dress was the type I would pick up at the bar for a dirty night. Calla was not that kind of
woman, even if she pretended to be.

  She walked towards me and all I could do was stand there with my mouth hanging open. The dress was mind-boggling. All the blood in my brain had run south. I shifted uncomfortably, trying to easy the ache in my groin.

  “Hi,” she whispered, standing directly in front of me.

  A man got out of the SUV, deposited a suitcase on the curb, and then jumped back in before pulling away. I saw a woman’s face pressed against the glass in the backseat as the vehicle sped away.

  “Hi,” I replied, a split second before I grabbed her face and kissed her soundly.

  She leaned into me, arms wrapping around my back, pulling me in close. Her mouth welcomed me and I felt the familiar passion flaring between us. I pushed my tongue inside her mouth and moaned at the sweet taste. It had been too long.

  My hand ran down her side and around her waist. I wanted her something fierce, but I wouldn’t disrespect her by making a scene in front of the house. I couldn’t let her go. I felt her breath hitch and a low moan in her throat.

  “Calla,” I breathed against her lips. “We need to get off the sidewalk.”

  The next thing I knew, she was pushing me away. “You’re right.

  “Wait, where are you going?” I asked, reaching out to stop her.

  “I’ll be right back. Go ahead and go on up,” she said, walking away on killer heels that lifted her ass, making it appear much perkier than I knew it to be. She stopped and turned back to look at me. “Can you take my suitcase up?”

  I nodded, unable to speak. Seeing her in that dress was going to kill me. I could feel my cock hardening and lengthening. I liked Calla just the way she was, but that dress was something I could really get into—literally. I watched as her hips swayed as she walked down the sidewalk to the neighbor’s driveway and then up to the front door.

  She turned to look over her shoulder at me, giving me a look that nearly had me at her knees begging for mercy.


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