Unraveled - A Short Story Collective

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Unraveled - A Short Story Collective Page 7

by KR Bankston

  “Girl, what am I gonna do about this fool?” Alisha was asking breaking Kina’s thoughts and bringing her back to the present.

  Kina sighed deeply and almost told Alisha she really didn’t give a fuck what she did, as long as she stopped bugging her about it, but didn’t.

  “Well, you know Sammy is gonna keep trying to get with you,” Kina began halfheartedly. “So I suggest you either stop messing with him for real, or you go ahead and get back with him, because you know how Sammy can get,” she added for good measure and Alisha sighed again.

  “You right, but girl, that dick is so damned good,” she replied referring to Sammy.

  “Yeah, but if you really wanna be with Lathan like you say, you can’t keep doing Sammy, cause you gonna get busted,” she warned and Alisha nodded her understanding.

  Kina was watching her closely and already knew Alisha would continue to screw Sammy. She is such a whore, Kina thought to herself distastefully.

  “Well girl, thanks for the ride,” Kina told her, as she hurriedly exited the car. Next week was her week to drive, as they alternated to save money and gas.

  “No problem girl, you want me to call you later?” Alisha asked and Kina told her she could, but she was really tired.

  “Oh its cool girl, you know that,” Alisha told her cheerfully as Kina closed the door and Alisha proceeded down the street.

  A collision is on the way in that shit, Kina thought to herself of Alisha, Lathan and Sammy. She sighed deeply once more and pushed it from her mind as she unlocked her door and headed directly for her shower. Tae was going to be there in an hour and Kina definitely wanted to be ready.


  “The reservation has been made, so let everybody know,” Lathan was telling Jackie as they talked about Devon’s birthday party.

  Lathan was throwing him a surprise party and Jackie was helping him with the arrangements. Are you gonna be able to handle seeing him and Chrissalyn together all night? Lathan thought to himself as he made another call. He sighed deeply and pushed it from his mind. He knew he was going to have to find a way to deal with it or find the courage to step out and change it. He recalled the scene in his office with Alisha again and became immediately irritated. That was another huge consideration he had to take into account. He didn’t need her going to HR with any false claims of sexual harassment. Lathan worked hard to attain his position and he couldn’t let Alisha and her stupidity destroy it. What about the woman you love, his mind pestered him.

  Lathan knew they hadn’t slept together yet, but he also knew if they did it was over for him. Chrissalyn was the type of woman who only slept with a man if she were fully and completely committed to him. Lathan’s head began to hurt again. This was the hardest thing he’d ever dealt with in a while. He knew he loved her and wanted her. What he didn’t know was how to get rid of Alisha without it costing him everything and if Chrissalyn would even have him. Lathan rose to go grab himself another beer when his cell rang. He looked at the display and grunted disgustedly seeing Alisha’s name on the display. He pressed the ignore button as he opened his beer and headed into his room.

  Alisha sighed deeply once she got his voicemail. He’s still mad at me, she thought becoming slightly alarmed. She couldn’t lose this man; she’d worked too hard to get him. You need to learn to control your damned temper, Alisha scolded herself. Alisha was no fool; she knew full well that Lathan had deep seeded emotions for the woman. Thankfully Chrissalyn didn’t seem to return the emotion, especially with her dating Devon now. If they would just sleep together all my problems would go away, Alisha thought again knowing Devon would tell Lathan and thus dispel any hopes Lathan had. What the hell does she have that I don’t? Alisha continued to muse, I’m finer than she is, I freak him any way he wants to be freaked, she finished her thought before

  sighing deeply again and pushing them all to the back of her mind. She dialed Sammy’s number and waited on it to connect.

  “You almost made me come to your house,” he greeted her through the receiver. Alisha sighed softly before asking about the purpose of his call. “What you think I want Alisha?” Sammy threw back slightly irritated at how she was brushing him off.

  Alisha sighed again. “Sammy I told you that one night was good, but I can’t do that anymore,” she replied tiredly.

  Sammy grew angry, tired of this game she insisted on playing.

  “Fuck all that bullshit Alisha, I want you over here,” he told her his tone leaving no room for questioning.

  Alisha sighed deeply again. She knew Sammy’s temper and how crazy he could be. She didn’t need Lathan finding out that she’d slept with Sammy, giving him the way of escape she knew he wanted.

  “Ok, I’m on my way,” Alisha told him “But we can’t do nothing Sammy, seriously.”

  Sammy sucked his teeth before answering. “You are mine, Alisha. Your pussy is mine and don’t ever get that shit twisted,” he replied breathing harder now. “I don’t give a fuck about that fool, so stop stepping to me with that bullshit, ya hear me?” he finished and Alisha quietly told him she did. He grunted his approval, told her he’d see her soon and disconnected.

  “What the hell have I gotten myself into?” Alisha said tiredly to herself as she turned the car toward his apartment.

  Sammy was still brooding. He’d really had more than enough of Alisha’s unwillingness to comply with his plans. He sucked his teeth once more as his plans solidified in his head. Sammy was going to put and end to this and he knew exactly when and where. He rose and headed to his shower, whistling cheerfully.


  “How was your trip?” Chrissalyn asked Devon as he hugged her tightly.

  He’d just arrived at her apartment to pick her up, heading to dinner and perhaps a movie.

  “It was good, you know meetings and the usual drama,” he returned chuckling lightly.

  Chrissalyn smiled and nodded her agreement. Chrissalyn was pleased to see they were at Fuscoli’s. She loved Italian food and they served some of the best. As soon as they entered, the alluring smells of the garlic rolls and decadent sauces hit them. Chrissalyn inhaled deeply enjoying every nuance. They were quickly seated at one of the booths in a romantically lit corner of the restaurant. The tablecloths and napkins were linen, and the centerpiece was a lighted candle inside a volcano candleholder, brightly colored, making the light from the candle dance on their faces. Devon reached across the table and took her hands as he looked into her eyes. “I’ve really missed you Chriss,” he said softly as he stroked her hands.

  Chrissalyn smiled returning the sentiment. Are you gonna do what he wants? Her mind asked as their server came and took their drink orders. Chrissalyn was mulling over the menu but not really seeing the contents. Her mind was still racing thinking of the new level Devon wanted to take their relationship to. It wasn’t that she hadn’t thought it was coming; she’d just spent so much time pushing it out of her mind that it’d snuck up on her now. She sighed lightly again.

  “After dinner maybe we could go back to my place for a little while and just relax,” Devon told her never taking his eyes from her.

  Chrissalyn didn’t think that was a good idea. Not only would it mean being there with Lathan knowing she and Devon were in the other room, but if Alisha found out she was over there, all hell would break loose.

  “Why don’t we go back to my house instead,” Chrissalyn returned and Devon graciously accepted.

  He knew she was probably thinking of Alisha’s reaction if she happened to be there, but he couldn’t also help but wonder if Lathan’s presence was also a factor. Devon pushed it out of his mind. Chrissalyn was here and she was with him. In the entire month that they’d been together she’d never given him any reason to believe she cared for Lathan in any other capacity besides friendship. Please let her give me her heart tonight, Devon thought to himself. The server arrived with their meals, jolting them each from their thoughts. They both began to enjoy as they sampled each other’s dinner, laugh
ing and conversing as they ate.


  Alisha couldn’t believe how much Sammy still turned her on. He’d pulled her inside once she arrived and immediately began kissing her. His hands found her breasts as his lips kissed her neck softly. She was breathing hard trying to pull herself together as he unbuttoned her shirt.

  “You know you want it bad, just like me, so stop tryna front girl,” Sammy told her as he took off her bra.

  Alisha did want him, her body was on fire and she needed his hose to put it out. Sammy pushed Alisha back onto his bed and removed her panties. He wanted to plunge inside her but thought better of it knowing she was still messing around with Lathan.

  “When you fucked him last?” Sammy asked and brought Alisha crashing back into reality.

  “Why would you ask me that?” she returned opening her eyes and looking into his.

  “Cause I wanna know,” he said plainly, his expression unwavering.

  Alisha sighed deeply and told him she hadn’t been with Lathan for the past week.

  “Your period come?” Sammy asked again.

  Alisha couldn’t figure out where he was going with this line of questioning and frankly he was beginning to kill her arousal.

  “Just answer my question” he threw back.

  Alisha sighed again and told him that it’d come earlier in the month. Sammy grunted then questioned her again. “You use a condom with him last time?” he asked as he began fingering her.

  Alisha felt herself heating up again, glad that he was going to finish what he started. “Yeah, we did” she managed to murmur as she moaned from the pleasure Sammy was bringing her.

  Satisfied, he didn’t ask her anything else. Sammy began licking her nipples gently again as he pushed her legs open widely and entered her. Alisha moaned from the feel of him as he thrust into her. Sammy took her legs into his hands and held them in the air still slamming into her deeply as she cried out in ecstasy. He felt himself getting close to his own end as he rode her.

  “Alisha, shit girl,” he moaned as he came and the hot fluid shot inside her.

  Alisha cried out loudly feeling the force of his orgasm coupled with the pleasure of her own. “Oh Sammy, oh yes,” she cried as she reached her full peak.

  Sammy stayed inside her as he began kissing her again. The held each other kissing and caressing their bodies as Sammy grew hard again. He began to thrust into Alisha, when she rolled him over and mounted him, riding him hard and fast. Sammy grabbed her hips and held her tightly in place as his felt the orgasm rising up in him again. She cried out as she reached orgasm and Sammy released another full stream inside her as he too reached his peak. Afterwards, Alisha drifted off completely satisfied from their session together. Sammy carefully rose from the bed and headed to the bathroom. He paused quietly as he picked up the camera on the dresser underneath the clothes he piled to conceal it, and pressed the stop button.


  Chrissalyn chuckled slightly as she looked at Devon. He was fast asleep. Guess he was more tired than he thought, she continued to muse. They’d returned from the restaurant and made themselves comfortable, settling in

  to watch a movie. Devon soon decided he wanted to talk, so she’d turned the movie off and turned on the CD player instead. Chrissalyn was recalling the things he’d said to her, bringing a smile to her face, but also forcing her to make some serious decisions.

  “Chriss, you know how much I care for you,” Devon told her as they talked “I definitely see us as something long term,” he went on. “Something permanent,” he added looking directly into her eyes the meaning of statement very clear.

  She’d smiled and told him she cared very much for him too. He’d kissed her then, softly at first, then more insistently. He was still a gentleman however. Devon stopped kissing her and looked into her eyes again.

  “I want very much to make love to you Chrissalyn,” he began again. “I don’t want it to be just physical between us,” he told her never taking his eyes from her. “When we come together, I want it to be love we’re sharing, not lust,” he finished and kissed her again.

  Chrissalyn couldn’t believe how sweet this man was. Why couldn’t she let go of Lathan? Why wouldn’t she allow her heart to truly be over him and be with Devon? Chrissalyn sighed softly. After they’d finished talking, Devon held her and they listened to music together. He’d fallen asleep soon after and Chrissalyn didn’t want to disturb him. You’ve gotta make a choice Chriss and you gotta make it now, she chided herself. I need to talk to Lathan, get some things off my chest once and for all, she thought once more. Chrissalyn was getting a headache with all the possibilities. She sighed softly once more as Devon shifted and pulled her closer to him. Her back was to him and his lips were close to her ear.

  “I love you Chriss,” Devon said softly before drifting back into a fitful sleep. Chrissalyn was stunned and the triangle had just gotten tighter. She closed her eyes, tuned out her thoughts, and drifted into a troubled sleep.


  This is gonna be one long night, Lathan thought to himself as he watched Devon and Chrissalyn enjoying themselves. The party was a roaring success. They were at Core, which was a restaurant and nightclub. Lathan continued to watch the couple as they laughed and talked with each other. Devon leaned over and softly kissed Chrissalyn on the cheek as she smiled at him.

  Lathan was furious. He gripped the glass in his hand tightly and turned away. Take a deep breath and relax fool, he chided himself.

  “So are you going to put it out there tonight, or you gonna wait till they get married?” Jackie threw at him calmly as she ordered another drink.

  Lathan sighed deeply. He knew she was right, but there were so many things to consider. He opened his mouth to speak but was rudely interrupted.

  “Hey baby, you having a good time?” Alisha asked, drunk as usual. “This party is great, it was a nice thing you did for Devon,” she told him as she ordered yet another drink.

  Lathan watched Chrissalyn walk toward the back of the club where the restrooms were located. “Yeah Alisha, I’m straight,” he told her as he prepared to walk away. “I’m going to the bathroom,” he told her as she paid for her drink.

  “OK baby, I’ll be here waiting for you,” she replied.

  Lathan rolled his eyes in disgust and walked away. Devon watched as his friend made his way to the back of the club in the direction Chrissalyn had gone. What is he up to? He wondered to himself wanting to rise and follow, but was stopped by several more well-wishers who’d come and were now sitting at the table with him. Devon was annoyed with Lathan’s continual hovering over Chrissalyn. He had his fucking chance, he thought angrily.

  Devon was deeply into Chrissalyn and he believed she was feeling the same for him. They’d spent a passionate few moments together before arriving, kissing and caressing each other. He hadn’t disrespected her by touching her intimately, but holding her and caressing her body had been wonderful. Chrissalyn had completely responded to his touch and he knew that soon they would make love. This muthafucker needs to stay with psycho bitch and leave my girl alone, he thought once more taking a deep breath and conversing with the guests.


  “Hey Chriss,” Lathan greeted her as she headed back from the restroom, mind wandering.

  “Oh hi Lathan,” Chrissalyn returned slightly startled by his presence. “The party is really nice, and I know Devon is having a good time” she replied sweetly as she prepared to walk by him.

  Lathan moved in front of her blocking her path. “Are you having a good time too?” he asked still looking directly at her.

  Chrissalyn was slightly confused by his behavior and demeanor. His voice had a slightly irritated edge, like he was jealous or something.

  “Well yeah, I’m having a good time too,” she replied still confused.

  “Mhmph,” Lathan returned noncommittal still looking at her hard. “Have you slept with Devon?” he asked point blank and she saw his jaw clench.
r />   “Wow, that’s pretty personal Lathan, don’t you think?” Chrissalyn returned purposely not answering his question.

  “We’re friends aren’t we?” he returned pointedly.

  “Yes, but still,” Chrissalyn returned wanting very much to know where he was going with this, and becoming slightly agitated herself.

  “So you have,” he threw at her and Chrissalyn refused to be drawn in.

  “It’s whatever you want it to be Lathan,” she replied calmly.

  Lathan was furious at the thought of Devon touching her and being with her. Still, she hadn’t said yes, so that led him to believe she was bluffing him and they hadn’t slept together.

  “Why the 3rd degree Lathan?” Chrissalyn threw at him, deciding to put him on the spot for a change. “I mean, aren’t you and Alisha together?” she asked again and Lathan continued to remain mute, growing angrier by the moment. “So why would my sleeping with Devon or anyone else for that matter concern you?” she finished breathing a little harder from her annoyance and tired of the game.

  Lathan looked at her hard for a long time without speaking. Finally he angrily grabbed her and pulled her close to him, holding her tightly. “Chrissalyn, don’t fuck around and piss me off,” he told her as he looked into her eyes. “Don’t sleep with Devon,” he told her point blank before kissing her hard on the mouth and releasing her, leaving her standing in the darkened hallway in tears.

  Chrissalyn hurriedly pulled herself together and returned to the restroom to wash her face. She couldn’t let Devon know she’d been crying or was upset. Why is he doing this to me, she asked herself as she returned to the party, the kiss and Lathan’s warning still fresh in her mind.

  Lathan was still trying to calm down. He couldn’t believe how angry he still was. He’d wanted to slap Chrissalyn a few moments ago, but he knew it wasn’t her he was angry with. He was angry at his own inability and impotence to remedy the situation he found himself in with Alisha.


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