Dark Fates: The Vampire Prophecy Book 1

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Dark Fates: The Vampire Prophecy Book 1 Page 8

by G. K. DeRosa

  Solaris grabbed the mug of tea again, holding it between her delicate hands. “Okay. You can try to compel me tomorrow then.”

  I scoffed. “I wasn’t asking your permission.”

  She shrugged. “Well, I’m giving it to you.”

  I shook my head. She was a funny little human. A pretty one too.

  Shut up!

  I spun around and grabbed the other bag, laying its contents on the small round table. “I brought you some clothes and food. You must be hungry.” I held up a wrapped sandwich.

  A grimace curled her lips. “That sandwich isn’t, like, slathered with some kind of bloody synth sauce?”

  I made a face. “Uh, no. Just mustard.”

  She slumped against the headboard. “Oh good. I wasn’t sure I could handle that.” A shiver rippled down her spine. “I don’t have a taste for blood.”

  “You seemed to like mine just fine.” I pulled up short. Did those words just cross my lips?

  Memories of Solaris cradled in my lap, drinking my blood sped through my mind. Heat flooded my veins as forbidden thoughts swirled between the images. I wasn’t allowed to go there and yet it was happening right in front of her, the girl I shared a blood bond with.

  I prayed she couldn’t feel the uninvited emotions simmering through me.

  When I finally lifted my gaze to hers, she was wearing a curious expression. An ache suddenly shot through my fangs.

  “Your eyes are doing that silver thing again,” she pointed out.

  I turned my back on her and took several deep breaths. Too bad those breaths were full of air scented by her and her blood. This was a disaster. How was I going to make it another day with her in the confined space of this cabin?

  Solaris cleared her throat. “Maybe I should get cleaned up first.”

  I nodded and motioned toward a door. “There’s a bathroom in there. The shower should be working, I mean, if you can manage with your leg.”

  “I traipsed through the forest and fought starving taranoi, remember? For a shower, I can manage all right.”

  I reluctantly turned and started for the bed to help her up, but she held her hand up.

  “I got it, prince of darkness.” She stood, wobbling on one leg.

  I shot her a wry look. “Prince of darkness? Really?”

  Her mouth tipped up in a crooked smile. “Technically speaking, you are.” She motioned toward a window. “It’s always dark in Draconis.”

  It was hard to fight the smile trying to break free. It was lame. But cute.

  While Solaris was getting cleaned up, I kept myself busy by changing the bedding. I was the prince of Draconis, and I was cleaning up after a human. My father would be so proud. I crumpled the bloodstained sheets and tossed them in a bag. Hopefully the scent of her spilled blood would evaporate.

  I found an old t-shirt of mine in a cabinet. It was a bit snug, but it was better than walking around half naked in front of Solaris.

  The edges of my lips twitched. She didn’t seem to mind though.

  Pain suddenly sliced through me just as a gasp echoed from the bathroom. I barreled through the door, my heart ramming against my ribcage. Solaris’s leg had given out as she stepped out of the shower. Her towel-wrapped body was already falling backwards, her head on a one-way collision course toward the edge of the porcelain tub.

  My arms reached out, and I snatched her out of the air. “Are you all right?”

  Her body was crushed against mine, her tiny hands gripping my shoulders. “Y-yes. I’m fine.”

  Thank the gods she was in a towel.

  My gaze flickered down. Just a towel. Her golden hair was wet, trails of water running down her skin. I licked my lips.

  She caught the movement, a flush coloring her cheeks. “Thanks. I thought my leg could handle it.” Her voice was a breathy whisper. “It feels better.”

  “It does look good.” I wasn’t looking at her leg.

  She was so warm and soft. I liked the way she felt. Small and fragile, but a fire blazed in her, one that demanded attention. Solaris wasn’t as breakable as she looked.

  A nervous laugh bubbled up from her. “I think I’m good, Kaige. You can—”

  “You took a shower and you still smell like that?” I blurted.

  Her lips frowned. “Like what?” She sniffed her shoulder. “I don’t smell anything.”

  “Honey and jasmine.” My head dipped, my nose running along her cheek. “It’s all over you, covering every inch of your skin.”

  “Oh, uh…” Her pulse spiked, but fear wasn’t the cause behind it.

  My nose wasn’t the only thing touching her skin now. My lips brushed along her jaw. I licked them, tasting her sweet scent.

  She shivered in my arms.

  My fangs were out again as my eyes lingered on the artery throbbing in her neck. How had I managed to get this close?

  “Kaige,” she whispered, “you should probably go.”

  It didn’t exactly sound like she wanted that.

  Sense slapped me in the face as I realized what I was doing. I snapped back, holding her at arm’s length. Her eyes were wide and cheeks rosy. “S-sorry. I didn’t…” I shook my head.

  “Uh, yeah. Can I get dressed now?” Her arms were holding up the towel as if her life depended on it.

  I dropped her roughly onto the closed toilet seat and shut the bathroom door behind me. I shot out of the cabin and leaned back against the door, gulping fresh air.

  This was bad. This was so bad.

  Had she felt what I was feeling through the bond? Did she know what I had wanted to do?

  I jammed my fingers through my hair, yanking on the roots so hard every strand could have ripped out. I had to get Solaris out of here and far away from me before I did something I couldn’t take back. And I wasn’t only talking about sinking my fangs into her neck.

  Chapter 12


  I made the prince of darkness squirm.

  What was I doing? I shouldn’t be proud of myself for that. And yet, I couldn’t forget the feeling of Kaige’s arms wrapped around my half-naked body. My skin still tingled where his fingertips grazed my flesh.

  I pulled the delicate purple fabric over my head and stared at my reflection in the mirror. My cheeks were still flushed from the memory of his touch. The soft top felt like silk on my skin. It was nothing like the standard issue polyester clothing we got in Imera. Even my prized thrift store finds were nothing as precious as this. Focusing on the clothes Kaige had brought me was easier than thinking about the nocturne prince.

  He was the next king. He was only a step away from being the most powerful man in Draconis, and I was essentially his prisoner. Fear gripped my chest, sending painful spasms across my lungs. Just breathe, Solaris.

  I ran my hand through my wet hair, wishing for a brush to get the tangles out. I glanced at the mirror. At least I looked semi-presentable again. After the plane crash and the taranoi attack, this was a vast improvement. Kaige didn’t seem to mind though. His raging emotions barreled through the blood bond, but it was hard to distinguish them. One moment it was anger, then hunger, then something else—something more primal. It’s just your blood, Solaris. That’s the only thing he could want from me.

  I took a breath and opened the bathroom door. Kaige stood by the entryway, his muscles tense as his eyes skimmed over me.

  “Good. The clothes fit.”

  I hobbled over to the bed and sank down. “Yup. Thanks for bringing them; they’re really nice.” I wrapped my arms around myself. Half a sandwich sat uneaten on the bedside table. My stomach growled.

  He chuckled, and the tension in his shoulders released. “Go ahead and eat. I have to get back to the castle. I have a meeting with my father and brother to discuss the trials. They begin in a week, and I have to prepare.”

  I swallowed the huge bite of crusty bread and fresh cheese and looked back up at him. “This is ah-mazing by the way.”

  His navy eyes sparkled as he watched me
inhale the sandwich. I should’ve been embarrassed, but it was just too good and I was starving.

  “I’m glad you like it.” He walked over to the kitchenette and pulled another sandwich out of the bag. “There’s another one for later, and I’ll bring you more tomorrow.”

  I nodded, unable to speak with my mouth so full of deliciousness.

  He strode toward me, pausing a few feet before reaching the bed. His nostrils flared, and he clenched his fists at his sides. “Solaris, I need you to promise me that you won’t try to run away again.”

  I raised a hand. “I’m not going anywhere.” I pulled up my pant-leg and glanced down at my knee. It was the first time I’d really seen it without all the bandages. Purple and blue splotches mottled my leg, but it wasn’t twisted at that awkward angle anymore. Kaige stared at it too. “It feels much better.”

  “Good. With any luck, we’ll be able to get you out of here soon. As long as you tell me the truth.”

  I rolled my eyes at him. “Right. I just have to pass your inquisition, and I’m free?”


  “And how exactly are we going to get me back to Imera?”

  His dark brows scrunched together forming a deep crease in his forehead. “I’ll tell you once you pass my inquisition.” He winked, and I almost died of shock.

  Was the prince of darkness trying to be cute?

  He eyed the restraints still fastened on the bedposts. “You’re sure I won’t need to use those?”

  I narrowed my eyes at him, trying to look as intimidating as possible, which was hard at five feet nothing with a semi-broken leg. “Don’t even think about it.”

  He shot me a smile and turned to the door. “Behave, Solaris.”

  “Of course, your highness.” I tipped my head, wanting to bow so badly, but I was scared my leg would give out and I’d fall flat on my face.

  The door slammed behind Kaige, and I was surprised at the twinge of disappointment it sparked. I shrugged it off. It was totally normal to want some company. I was lonely, that was all. I just had to survive one more night in Draconis. Tomorrow, Kaige would compel me and find out I knew nothing about those crates, and he’d get me home. I took the last bite of my sandwich and pushed down the churning unease in my stomach. Everything would be fine.

  The no sun thing was a real bummer. I didn’t think I could ever get used to the eternal night in Draconis. It was majorly depressing. When I awoke the next morning, I thought it was still the middle of the night. Luckily, my watch had survived the crash. It was already 8am. I stretched, and a dull ache stirred through my leg. That was a definite improvement. The pain wasn’t even strong enough to make me scream.

  I pushed back the covers to examine the break. My knee was still bruised, but my bones seemed to be fusing back together. It was unreal. When I was ten, I’d broken my wrist trying to jump out of the second-floor window of our house, and I’d had to wear a cast for six weeks. It had only been two days since taking Kaige’s blood, and I was almost fully healed. He had said nocturnes weren’t as strong now that they didn’t consume human blood. I couldn’t imagine how powerful their blood must have been before. They could save countless human lives in Imera.

  Damn prophecy. Why did it have to ruin everything?

  The front door creaked, and I reached for the broom I’d tucked underneath the bed. I gripped it tightly, pointing it at the entrance until Kaige’s dark hair appeared through the opening.

  “Relax, it’s just me.” He held his hands up with a smirk playing on his lips. “You know any nocturne worth his salt could disarm you faster than you could blink, right?”

  “I’d like to see one try.” Unless they had the prince’s disarming smile, of course.

  Molten silver swirled in his irises. “Don’t tempt me, little human.”

  I put the broom down and slid to the edge of the bed. I rolled my neck out and pushed back unruly waves of golden hair.

  “Were you frightened last night?” He stood right in front of me, his legs practically grazing my knees as he stared down at the broom at my feet. How did he get so close that quickly?

  A sharp pang pulsed through the bond. My hand flew to my chest from the pressure. “No. I just figured it wouldn’t hurt to be prepared.”

  “Smart.” His eyes flicked to my mouth and then trailed down my neck. He licked his lips, and for a second I wondered how they would feel on mine.

  I inhaled sharply as heat rose in my middle. Focus, Solaris. My gaze drifted up to meet his, and my breath caught in my throat. The way the silver lit up his eyes should have scared me, but instead I couldn’t tear myself away from its breathtaking beauty. My eyes wandered down his broad shoulders to his firm chest and the rippling abs hidden beneath. They strained against his tight t-shirt, mesmerizing me with each inhale. My fingers itched to set them free.


  His deep voice yanked me from my lust filled haze. Oh my God, what is wrong with me? I couldn’t be thinking about him like that. He was a nocturne. A nocturne who still might kill me at any moment.

  “Sorry. I… um…” I couldn’t string together a single coherent sentence. It had to be the blood bond.

  He crossed his arms over his chest, blocking my view of his perfectly sculpted torso and my mind cleared. “Are you ready?”

  My lips parted, my heart rate picking up, and I wanted to smack myself. “Ready?” I squeaked.

  “To try the compulsion?”

  My shoulders slumped, and I cursed myself for feeling disappointed. That’s what he’s here for, Solaris—to hypnotize you and make sure you’re not some sort of spy. This bond thingy was playing tricks with my mind.

  “You have to promise me something first,” I finally said.

  His deep navy eyes regarded me skeptically. “What’s that?”

  “How do I know what you’re really going to ask me? You could dig around in my head and uncover all kinds of personal things. I need you to swear that you’ll only ask about the crates on the plane.”

  “Fine. I promise I will only ask you about the crates.”

  “Swear on something important to you.”

  His jaw clenched, and a low growl rumbled in his throat. “I swear on my little sister Zabrina’s life.”

  There was something about the way his lips curled up and eyes brightened when he said her name that made me believe he was sincere. “Okay, prince of darkness. You may proceed.”

  I shifted on the bed as he neared. He sat beside me, his leg brushing my thigh. My skin tingled, sending a wave of goose bumps over my arm. I looked up and his face was inches from mine. Did he feel it too?

  He sucked in a breath and clamped his jaw shut.

  The air crackled between us.

  I closed my eyes and swallowed hard, my heart thundering frantically against my ribs. It wanted out and so did I, but I couldn’t move.

  “You have to open your eyes.” His voice was rough with emotion.

  Two silver orbs fixed on mine. I squeezed my hands together in my lap to keep them from shaking.

  “Don’t be afraid. I’m not going to hurt you.” The words flowed from his mouth like honey. My erratic breathing normalized, and a sense of calm washed over me. Warm hands gripped mine, and it was like the sun had finally risen in Draconis. Streaks of silver danced in his pupils, mesmerizing me with every spin. “I’m going to ask you a very important question now, Solaris. Are you going to answer me truthfully?”

  I nodded.

  “Do you know what was in the crates stamped with the Draconis emblem?”


  “Did you see anything unusual on the plane before you took off?”


  “Why are you here in Draconis?”

  “I crashed my airplane when I was out on a stupid joyride, and now I’m stuck here.”

  “Thank you for your honesty.”

  The swirling stopped, and my eyes widened as the foggy haze lifted. “Did it work?”

  “It did,
” he growled.

  He leapt off the bed, tension radiating through the bond. He kicked the broom that had been lying on the ground and sent it flying across the room. It cracked in two and wood splinters torpedoed across the floor.

  “What’s the matter?”

  “You really don’t know anything…” He raked his hands through his hair and yanked at the dark strands.

  “Um, yeah. That’s what I said from the beginning.”

  He grabbed the teapot from the stove and hurled it against the wall. The steel clanged against the wood, making me jump.

  “What the hell, Kaige?”

  “Do you have any idea what I’ve done?” He tugged at the hem of his shirt, stretching it so far I was sure it would rip. “I brought a human into Draconis for nothing! I risked the lives of all my people for no reason. I’m tempting the gods by forbidding the prophecy. I’ve committed treason—and for what?” He was pacing now, the fury rolling off him in waves.

  I shuddered. What could I say? “I’m sorry.”

  “You’re sorry?” He threw his hands in the air. “Well that’s just great. I’m going to be sentenced to death and you’re sorry.”

  I got to my feet and reached out to him. I don’t know what possessed me to do such a stupid thing.

  He recoiled, spinning back to the far wall. “Don’t touch me!”

  I wrapped my arms around myself as tears stung the back of my eyes. I will not cry.

  “Do you have any idea how hard it is for me to control myself around you? How much I have to fight every second to keep from sinking my teeth into your warm flesh? You’re all I can think about.”

  I took a step back. The broken broom was on the other side of the room, far from my reach. Dammit! Not like it would have made much a difference. If he wanted to bite me, I would’ve been powerless to stop him.

  He slunk down to the floor and buried his head in his hands. Molten silver blazed in his eyes. It was no use covering his face; I knew exactly what he was trying to conceal. I could almost feel his fangs forcing their way to the surface. “What have I done, what have I done?” he murmured.

  The rage coursing through the bond relented, replaced by blinding despair. It felt like I was suffocating. An invisible hand clutched my lungs and squeezed.


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