Lost Girl (The Lost Series Book 1)

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Lost Girl (The Lost Series Book 1) Page 3

by Lantz, Kristen

“Get yourself and your things settled in your cabin while we set sail. We’ll take our meal after we get our start.” James directed.

  Lily had butterflies of excitement. She could feel the ship slowly move from port.

  “It’s happening!” She told herself.

  She walked into her cabin and took in the sight. There was a small wooden bed attached to the wall and a large cabinet protruding from the back. There were White linens on the bed and a small round window just above where her head would go. It wasn’t much, but she loved it. After sharing the attic bedroom with Thomas for so long, this felt like a dream. An actual room of her own. She unpacked her things and placed them in the cabinet. She hadn’t brought much with her because she didn’t own much. A night gown, 2 dresses, a brush, the pocket watch from her father, handkerchief from her mother and Toodle’s marbles. That was all she needed in the world.

  After Lily finished setting up her room, she headed up to the deck. They’d only been an hour into their trip, but she was already starting to feel sick. Fresh air was exactly what she needed. She could feel the cool breeze as she stepped foot on the deck. It was an instant refresher. Her hair blew and tangled. And she could smell…. Something. Salt? Fish? Cigars? Probably a combination of all 3. She looked ahead at the open skies and sea and was filled with excitement for her new adventures. The types she’d only ever heard of in hers and Toodle’s tales or Peter’s stories.

  Seven days into her trip and Lily’s excitement hadn’t wavered. But the crew’s tolerance of her excitement had. They didn’t understand how a nine year old girl could be excited by everything, right down to mopping the seagull poop off the deck. They often complained to James about him having brought her aboard. They all understood why he did it, he needed her, but man were they tired of her. James was sick of hearing their complaints. He needed to expedite this trip. He walked down below deck and slipped into Lily’s room. She was busy chattering cook’s ear off. He needed to go now, while she was preoccupied. There weren’t many places to stash things in her room, so he didn’t expect this to take long. He opened her cabinet door and immediately found what he was looking for. He grabbed it, stashed it in his pocket and left, as quickly as he’d come.

  Lily was listening to cook describe how to gut a fish in preparation to eat it. Cook was the only person on the entire ship that really paid attention to her. And since she’d always done so much cooking at home, they actually had a lot in common. She enjoyed listening to him. It wasn’t really all that fascinating, but at least she understood what he was talking about and could relate.

  “Lily, what are you doing here?” Cook asked her one day.

  She was surprised by his question. She had always been very clear about what she was doing. She was traveling with them to Neverland.

  “I know you are wanting to go to Neverland, but why are you here?”

  There was an urgency in his voice that made Lily panic. After she still didn’t respond to him, he pleaded with her to be careful and stood up to go into the panty.

  The cook’s questions and pleading made Lily very uneasy. She enjoyed her trip so much so far and had never had a reason to feel unsafe. But for some reason his words made her doubt everything. She skipped dinner that night. Her worrying made the thought of eating unbearable. Instead she went to bed early. But even lying in bed under her covers left her feeling exposed. She pulled the blanket over her head and let the ship rock her sleep. An uneasy sleep, that left her sore and exhausted.

  After 3 weeks at sea, Lily had gotten bored. Since the cook’s warnings, she had tried to keep to herself. He hadn’t said much, but it was enough to make her want to keep a low profile. One day while dozing off against at pole, Lily noticed land in the distance. Was it possible that they were to Neverland already? Oh Lily hoped! She needed off this boat. As they got closer to land, Lily saw that it did indeed appear to be an island.

  “This is it!” she thought, excited. The closer they got, the more she started to question everything Peter had told her. This place didn’t look green or lush or magical. None of the things Peter had described. It actually just looked like a bunch of rocks. Lily felt that familiar rush of emotion trying to come up her throat. She tried to push it down as it became very clear that they were docking at this dusty rock. She couldn’t let anyone see her disappointment. What had she done?

  Lily headed below deck as the ship came to a halt. She didn’t think she could handle watching them head out on the island. She hoped they had already known about what Neverland actually looked like and weren’t as disappointed as her. She was sitting on her bed, trying not to cry, when she heard a knock on her door.

  “Miss Lily,” She heard James call, “can I come in?”

  She hadn’t had a chance to respond, when he barged in.

  “I think it’s time you and I had a chat” he announced.

  Lily’s heart fell into her stomach. This was it. The final blow. She knew now that she had made a terrible mistake. James grabbed her by the arm, not too tight, and led her to the deck. The crew had already gathered there.

  “Now Lass,” James started, “It’s time for you start explaining some things.”

  Lily was confused. What could she possibly have to explain to these men? Then she looked to James and saw what he carried in his hand. Sitting flat on his palm was her watch. The watch that her father had given her. But what in the world did James want with it? She knew nothing about it, except that it had a map on the back. A fact she was sure James had noticed.

  “Where’d you get this?” He asked her, shoving the watch in her face.

  “My father gave it to me before he abandoned me.” She replied, trying to stay calm.

  “And where did he tell you it led?” He pressed.

  “He didn’t. I was only four.” She explained.

  “So you expect me to believe that you traveling to Neverland has nothing to do with this watch?” He pressed again.

  Lily was confused, why would the watch have anything to do with Neverland….She started to open her mouth to reply and then stopped herself as a thought occurred to her. Maybe the map on the back was to Neverland! But if that’s the case and James is wanting the map, then this island they are at now is probably not Neverland. Relief filled Lily. She didn’t have to be disappointed at all. Peter never lied to her. The only one who has ever lied is James.

  James… what was Lily supposed to do about James. He was still talking, but she had been ignoring everything he said. It wasn’t really to her anyway and she was trying to figure out a way to escape her current situation. On a boat with 20 men and the only place nearby to go was this dusty rock. That wouldn’t really put her in a better place than she was in now.

  “So Lass,” James was walking toward her again. “You ready to tell me about Neverland and the watch and why you are headed there?”

  Lily just shook her head.

  There was no way she was cooperating with this foul man.

  “Ok, so you need some persuading.” James laughed. Lily wasn’t sure why that was funny. She wasn’t obeying him. Shouldn’t he be getting angry? James then grabbed her arm and dragged her to the edge of the boat, where she could now see the cove.

  The cove that had been affectionately dubbed “Crocodile Cove”. Lily could hear the powerful snapping of the crocodile’s jaws. They looked hungry or mean. She wasn’t sure which because she knew absolutely nothing about crocodiles.

  “I’m sure they could convince you.” James replied, gesturing to the crocodiles below. After a minute, he added “Perhaps you need some time to think it over. We can chat again in the morning”

  And he handed her off to another large man, whose name she hadn’t bothered to learn. The man took her to her room and shut the door. She plopped down her flat bed and fret about what to do.

  She’d really gotten herself into a bind. She wished she were back in her attic with her dear moon. The moon! She stood on her bed and looked out, seeing if she could get a good look at her
dear friend. She wouldn’t be surprised if he were upset with her. After all, she had tossed him aside the minute she made another friend.

  There he was, loyal as ever, shining brightly overhead.

  “Oh Mr. Moon, I have missed you! I’ve gotten myself into some trouble and I’m so scared. I can’t tell these men about Peter or else they may try to hunt him down. And I know nothing about the watch. I’m afraid that tomorrow I will become crocodile food. What should I do, my dear Moon?” Lily asked and paused for his reply.

  After their chat was done, she sat down on her bed and told herself that between herself and the moon, they’d come up with a plan. And then she fell asleep going over that plan in her head.

  Chapter 6

  Without a knock on the door, it swung open to reveal the same burly man who had dragged her to her room last night.

  “Good morning.” Lily stated to him. He just grunted and grabbed her by her should. This time he took her to James’ cabin.

  “Well good morning, Miss Lily.” James stated as she entered the room.

  “At least he hadn’t forgotten his manners”, Lily thought.

  “Good Morning, James.” she replied.

  “Are you ready to tell me what I need to know?” He asked.

  “I’m not exactly sure what that is.“ She replied in an innocent tone. James huffed.

  “I want you to tell me everything you know about this watch, the map and Neverland.” He bellowed and slammed the watch on the table between them.

  “You claim to not know of their connection,” he continued, ”so then how do you know about Neverland?”

  “Stories, I guess.” she shrugged.

  James was losing his patience, quickly. It was bad enough that he’d had to listen to the crew complain about her for weeks, but now she wasn’t cooperating. She didn’t seem to understand that her role here was quickly losing its value.

  “Lily, you don’t seem to grasp how serious I am about this whole thing. I don’t give idle threats and I don’t give threats twice.” He growled through his teeth.

  He turned to look out his window. He needed to come up with a more convincing way to get to this girl. He wasn’t a complete monster, he didn’t relish the thought of tossing her tiny body to the crocodiles, but he was also known for being a man who would always do whatever he had to. He needed another minute to calm down. Boy this girl had a way of trying his patience.

  Lily slowly crept her hand along the table to her watch. She was hoping that if she could grab it quietly and slip it away in her pocket, that James might forget he had left it there. Her fingers found the cold metal and began to pull the chain back toward her.

  A hand slammed down hard on the watch. Cold eyes leveled themselves with hers and stared hard.

  “Lily, I’m giving you one last chance. Tell me now!” he shouted.

  Lily just sat back, the bravery she had felt a moment ago was gone and she let the tears fall. She looked up at James with her big tearful eyes, wondering how she had ever thought him handsome. All she saw now was a monster. With tears still pouring, she crossed her arms across her chest and hardened her own look.

  “Have it your way.” James resigned.

  He knocked on the wall and the big man came back and grabbed Lily. Again, he forced her back to her room and slammed the door.

  “Well, that didn’t go according to plan,” She thought to herself.

  She was all out of ideas. He still had her watch and now that she knew of its link to Neverland she couldn’t leave without it. Of course, now that she was trapped in her room with the door locked, she couldn’t leave anyway. She dozed off, waiting for the inevitable.

  Lily awoke to a creaking above her head. It was her window being opened by the outside. Then, in popped a head. A head that she was always glad to see, under any circumstances, but under her current ones, she was especially happy to see.

  “Peter!” She squealed.

  The head smiled.

  “How in the world did you find me here?”

  “I’ve been following you since you left your house in the middle of the night. Why in the world did you get on this boat with these people?” He asked, full of frustration.

  “I was trying to find you.” She replied and put her head down in shame. “You never came back and I needed to find you and apologize for the things I said.”

  “Lily, I came back every night, I just stayed out of sight, like you asked. I told you I would always come back.” He explained.

  And he had. He’d made that promise to her a number of times. She had just never fully believed him. Which was unfair of her. Peter had always kept his word before.

  “Why don’t you pull me through and get me out of here?” She finally asked, anxious to leave this place.

  “I can’t, you won’t fit through the window. My head barely does.”

  He was right, of course. The window was way too narrow. She felt discouraged again.

  “I do have a surprise for you though.” He offered.

  Lily couldn’t imagine what he would have for her here. His hand shot through the window and Lily was ecstatic to see what was wrapped in his hand. It was her watch!

  “How did you get it?!” she squealed.

  She snatched it out of Peter’s hand and slipped it in her pocket without missing a beat. She needed it close to her where it was safe again.

  There were footsteps approaching her door. Peter backed out the window and she slammed it closed.

  “Let’s go,” burly man grumbled.

  To avoid his touch, she hurried to follow his directions. Her panic had faded, she knew Peter wouldn’t let anything happen to her. Of course she had no idea how he could even help her against all of these men, but she had to believe in him. She had no choice and, after all, he deserved her trust.

  It was bright out when burly man took Lily above deck. Again, everyone was gathered there.

  “Last chance, Lass.” James shouted over the crowd, “Anything you’d like to tell me?”

  “Nothing!” Lily shouted back.

  “Ok, haul her over.” James commanded burly. Burly man grabbed Lily’s arm, but she didn’t even fight him. She knew Peter would come for her any minute. She let him pull her away. The closer they got to the edge of the boat, the more her confidence, ever so slightly, wavered. She knew he’d come, she just hoped it was in time….. Where was he? The crowd watched burly drag her from afar. Lily was surprised they all stayed there. She’d figured those monsters would want to watch the crocs tear her apart. They reached the edge and stopped. She looked down at the crocs. They were definitely hungry.

  “This is it.” Burly growled at her.

  And pushed her over. Just as she felt herself tipping over, something grasped her wrist. She looked up. Peter had come, just like she knew he would. Unfortunately he wasn’t strong enough to fly with her in tow.

  “Oh no!” Lily shrieked.

  She hadn’t thought about that. Burly swung his arms toward her. She ducked, just in time and his missed. She started crawling toward the center of the ship as Peter swooped back down and kicked Burly in the stomach, knocking him off balance.

  “Run!” Peter commanded.

  Lily hesitated. She didn’t know where to go. Everyone on the other side of the boat was headed her way. Then there was an explosion. The far side of the boat had been blasted and most of the crew was falling into the water. Lily looked up and saw Peter at the boat’s cannon. He had just saved her again.

  “Run!” He urged again.

  And started flying towards her. She ran to him as fast as she could. As she approached him and reached out her hand, she hoped he would lead her to her freedom.

  He grabbed her hand and shouted “Trust me and believe in you!”

  As he shouted, Peter reached into his pocket, pulled out his hand and threw something at her.

  Lily started sneezing uncontrollably. What had Peter thrown at her? Her entire body started to tingle. She couldn’t focus on anyth
ing but the feeling of her skin.

  “Lily, focus!” Peter called, dragging her back to the present.

  Then she felt her herself slowly floating up toward him. Was she flying? She was flying!

  Peter saw James notice him throw the dust on Lily. He had to get her out of here. She was completely preoccupied with the fact that she was floating, so much so that she had forgotten they were supposed to be getting away. He needed her to concentrate, but he didn’t have time for her to adjust. He yanked on her arm.

  “Let’s go, Lily” he pleaded.

  She finally snapped out of her haze, as she felt hard fingers wrap around her ankle and pull her back down. Lily started to panic. James had her leg. And she didn’t have enough force to kick him off. As he pulled her down his hand found the chain of her watch. He shifted his focus there and hurried to get it free. It was enough of a distraction for Peter to pull her away. Lily kicked off of James and launched herself into the air. As she kicked, she knocked the watch lose from his hand. It fell against the railing, broke open and tumbled down over the side of the boat.

  Lily was too preoccupied with her departure to notice, but Peter watched James as he realized there was something leaking from the watch. Something green and gold. Something glowing. Peter began to panic a bit. He couldn’t leave that here, unattended. He thought about heading back, then sighed with relief as a crocodile jumped up and snatched it midair air. That watch was safe, now he needed to make sure Lily was. And unfortunately, there was only one place he could be sure she was.

  Chapter 7

  Lily had never felt so free, or strange, for that matter. She weighed nothing at all. To lift her arm took no effort. She continued to swing both arms around in front of her. Every part of her body was completely aware of every tiny shift in the breeze. After only a few moments, Lily couldn’t picture ever living on the ground again. She’d rather soar up here with the birds.

  She watched below as they followed the endless ocean toward land. Lily could not believe she wasn’t tired yet. This trip would have taken weeks walking. In fact, it had taken weeks on ship. As they got closer to land, she realized they were approaching the docks of Boston. That deep panic arose in her chest again. She couldn’t go home. She had been gone long enough that Aunt Emma would never allow it. Or least have beaten her upon her return. But she was afraid to tell Peter. After all he’d done for her, she didn’t want to rekindle that same fight. The one that had started all of this. No, she decided to keep her mouth shut and accept her fate. She had, after all, brought it upon herself.


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