A Bride by Morning (The Bride Series Book 1)

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A Bride by Morning (The Bride Series Book 1) Page 1

by Vanessa Lee

  A Bride by Morning

  Vanessa Lee

  A Bride by Morning

  © 2015, Vanessa Lee

  All rights reserved

  This book is a work of fiction. The people and events are a product of the writer's imagination or have been used as fiction and are not to be considered real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, location, or organizations is purely coincidental.

  No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission.

  This book is dedicated to my mother, Deborah, whose library books I used to sneak as a young girl, when I fell in love with romance novels.

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14


  April 26, 1793

  Nicholas Wellington, Duke of Eastham, stalked his prey. He supposed that he himself was also prey, this evening. Dressed in the finest garb money could buy and with looks that others had referred to as “devilishly handsome,” he was well aware of the looks that he was receiving from the female attendants at tonight's ball. Well, from most of the females, anyway, he thought, resentfully. The ones who were aware of his present financial situation steered clear. The rest of ladies didn't know, or simply didn't care. Apparently, a glance from Duke of Eastham was a coveted prize, according to his male business counterparts. He didn't consider many of these men friends. The only person he could trust completely, was himself.

  He certainly couldn't rely on his brother, Darren, who had abandoned the family dynasty years ago, leaving for the Americas. Nick knew that Darren had wanted to get away from all of the obnoxious games that played out in society. But, dammit, there was a business to run, properties to be managed. Nick was entirely capable of managing everything that he had left. However, that didn't stop him from despising the fresh start that his brother was pursuing. The man should be here, helping to build the legacy that had been left to them.

  It was that very reason why he was in attendance at tonight's social function. Rather than indulge any of the ladies who were trying to gain his attention, he had his eye on a bigger prize. Nick was watchful for the arrival of his coveted prize. The lady he had in mind not only had a quite sizable dowry, her father also had connections in the shipping industry that Nick needed to gain access to, if he was going to make anything out of the small fortune that had been left to him.

  The woman's father, Sir Linnus Campbell, had met with him twice before, and had rejected his proposals, just as many times. Nick didn't have the capital involved to move forward with his ideas, and no one would back him for a loan. His father had seen to it that no one would trust the Wellington name ever again. With the dowry and connections that Linnus' eldest daughter, Erica Campbell, would bring to him, he would more than stake his claim in the shipping industry.

  He had never seen the woman, he had no idea what she looked like. He also did not care. Emotions would not play a part in their arrangement. She would serve only one purpose- to help him rebuild is fortune. Come hell or high water, Erica could be his wife. And soon.

  His plan was not one that he was most proud of, but it would secure the marriage deal, and quickly. Thankful for his good looks for not the first time in his life, he would charm the little chit and easily draw her away from the party. There he would make his move, securing his future and saving the one thing that he had left, his family business.

  The announcer broke through his thoughts as he announced the new arrivals, “Presenting the honored and esteemed Sir Linus Campbell, accompanied by Miss Genevieve, Miss Anastasia, and Miss Erica!” Nick's eyes narrowed, securing Campbell in his sight. His gaze moved past him to the two girls who were descending the stairs behind him. His eyes traveled upward to the last woman in the procession. Nick inhaled deeply and he froze. The eldest daughter, Erica, was stunning. Not just stunning. She was incredibly beautiful. As she gracefully descended the stairs in her velvet dark purple ball gown, Nick appreciated the way that she moved. She looked like a floating angel, with her soft smile and black hair piled artfully on top of her head.

  He noticed that other men in the crowd were appreciating her, as well. Nick smiled as he thought to himself that it was just too bad for them. Erica was to become his betrothed. Tonight.

  Chapter 1

  Erica Campbell held her smile as she descended down the stairs, behind her family. This was an important function for her father, she knew. He had provided a wonderful life for his three daughters, for which she was immensely grateful. Linnus Campbell had been a doting father, always present in their lives, and always making sure she and her sisters knew they were loved. A tough business man, Sir Linnus' demeanor had been softened by the need to be their mother, too. Erica's mother, Lady Henrietta, had died before her daughters reached the age of ten. Linnus was left with the responsibility of raising his three daughters and becoming a prominent figure in the shipping industry. He did it all without complaining. And he did it well.

  Which is why Erica was determined to be strong for him now. Although they still lived a comfortable lifestyle, she knew it may not always be that way. The shipping industry was growing and her father's business was struggling to stay current. He was on a desperate lookout for new ideas that could elevate their circumstances and keep up with the times. As the American colonies was rapidly expanding, so was the need for supplies.

  Her father had yet to come up with a plan to expand his business to keep up with his competitors. He met with businessmen daily to try and develop a successful business plan that he could use, but nothing he could firmly put his faith in had come across, thus far.

  What Linnus needed was to marry his daughter off to one of the enormously successful businessmen in the industry. Between the two parties, his business would be saved and they would be thriving. He would also have successfully married off of his oldest and eligible daughter.

  It's not that Erica didn't want to get married, she thought to herself now. She did want to be in a good marriage, with a family of her own. However, what she really wanted, was to love the man who she would marry. Even though arranged marriages were all too common, she still believed that it wasn't asking too much to marry someone who she was in love with. She had heard all the horror stories about marriages that had turned out badly, and she was hopeful to avoid that outcome. But could she really deny a great financial match for her father, if she didn't love the man?

  Reaching the bottom of the stairs, she received a reprieve from her thoughts. Her best friend, Abigail Madison, joined her and took her hands excitedly. “Oh Erica, thank heaven you are finally here! I've been waiting most impatiently for you to see who is in attendance at tonight's ball!”

  Erica's spirit brightened at her friend's enthusiasm for the attendance of whoever had come to the party. Giving Abbie's hand a welcoming squeeze, she decided to indulge her friend's fascination. “Who is it?”

  Abbie discretely pointed straight ahead of them. “It's Nicholas Wellington, Duke of Eastham!” she declared in hushed tones.

  “Nicholas Wellington?” Erica echoed. “Isn't that your husband's business rival?”

  Laughing, Abbie replied, “Yes, but oh, is he handsome! If my own dear Randall...Oh look, there he is now!” Abbie beamed and waved at her new husband. “If my own husband
was not in this room, I would surely be trying to gain the Duke's attention, just like every other woman here!”

  Curious, Erica looked in the direction that Abbie had pointed in. The polite smile on her face froze as her eyes came in contact with a tall, incredibly good looking man. His eyes arrested her, holding her captive in his burning gaze. Which also looked...possessive. But how could that be, she was pretty sure she had never even met the man. She was sure she would remember this man. His light brown hair hung fashionably over his shoulders. His jacket and trousers were impeccably immaculate. He obviously came from money. But there was something else about him. Something more...confident and sure. Like he could easily handle anything that came his way. Including her. She flushed at the direction her thoughts had taken.

  Delighted with her reactions to the handsome Duke, Abbie clapped her hands together, smiling happily at her friend. “Come, let us gain an introduction! Oh, I just knew you would find him to be absolutely perfect, too,” Abbie said as she grabbed Erica's hand and started pulling her in the direction of her husband. “Surely Randall will give us an introduction, even though it might not happily be done.

  I just know the Duke will like you Erica, you will see!”

  Laughing at her friend's confidence in her charms, Erica let herself be pulled along. Truthfully, she wasn't all that certain that she wanted to meet this man. He was extremely intense and she wasn't sure she liked the way that he was looking at her. Also, the meeting might be quite awkward, especially since the Duke and Randall's families had been rivals for decades.

  Reaching Randall's side, Abbie implored her husband, “Randall, you must arrange an introduction between Erica and Nicholas Wellington, at once!”

  Already knowing the direction this was going to take, Randall was bracing for the disappointment his refusal was going to cause his wife. “Sweetheart, that is not possible for tonight.” he said.

  “Oh Randall,” his wife chided as she slapped his arm lightly with her fan, “Don't be a spoil sport. The man is said to be an honorable gentleman and Erica would make him a lovely wife.” To Erica, she said, “Imagine, being married to a Duke!”

  Putting his arm around his beloved wife, Randall decided to put an end to her intention to match Erica to the man in question. “I regret that the Duke isn't in a great way, financially. He is not a good match for Erica. He isn't a good match for anyone.”

  Her upset giving way to concern for Erica, Abbie replied, “Oh, you don't say! You must tell me everything husband. What is his financial situation?”

  Erica was also intrigued. She didn't like to speculate on the hardships of others, but she couldn't imagine someone who looked as powerful as the impressive Duke could be in trouble of any kind.

  Randall enlightened them. “The Wellington family has been losing their foothold in society for years now. Nick's father had a bit of a gambling problem, and wasted away a large portion of their fortune.” Looking over at his long-time rival, Randall finished, “After the old Duke died, Nick took over, and there was barely any money left.”

  “Oh, poor Nick!” Abbie sympathized. “How horrible to lose all of your finances. Although, you are right husband, he is definitely not a good match for Erica.”

  Erica looked back in the direction of the Duke, who was still watching her. No, he would not be a good match for her. He couldn't possibly be the one to save her father's business and build the secure future for them all. The Duke couldn't even take care of himself at present, it would seem.

  Taking her gaze and her mind off of the handsome Duke, Erica turned her attention back to her friend and smiled. “Well then, let us focus our efforts on someone who is in fact a good match.”

  Excited by the prospect, Abbie was just about to rush head-long into a search for the perfect husband for her dear friend, when they were interrupted by a gentleman who wanted Randall to make the acquaintance of a partner. Not wanting to harm her husband’s chances of winning over a potential business connection, Abbie turned to her friend and promised to return momentarily. “We will find someone who is much more suited for you than the Duke!” Giving her hands one last assuring squeeze and encouraging smile, she left Erica alone to join her husband.

  Watching her go, Erica turned and collided with someone who had been standing behind her. “Oh!” she gasped turning quickly with the intention of apologizing. When she looked up and saw who it was, she knew that she must still apologize, but it made the apology that much more difficult to say.

  “Oh, you must excuse me Seth.”

  The man before her looked totally unapologetic, as he smiled lasciviously at her. “Why certainly,

  milady. And how are you this evening?”

  Wishing to be anywhere else in the world at the moment, Erica struggled not to sigh in complete distress. Seth Collins was trouble that she most certainly wanted to avoid. While others considered him to be attractive and charming, there was something about him that had always made her exercise caution when he was near. Erica was not impressed by his charms and had always made a point of avoiding him whenever he was in attendance. Seth never failed to seek out her company and pour on a sickening display of gallant charms. Their interactions always left her feeling nauseated.

  “I am well, thank you,” she answered, desperately seeking a way out of this discussion. Out of this

  situation. Out of this function, so that he would leave her alone.

  “You certainly look well,” He rushed on, completely unaware of her complete disinterest in him.

  He held out his hand to her, “Would you indulge me with a dance this evening?”

  Not a chance in Hades, Erica thought, twisting her hands together and fretting in genuine distress. She did not want him touching her. Turning in the opposite direction, she asked, “Oh, is that my sister calling?”

  His eyes slanting, he said, “I don't hear anything.”

  “Well, I must go see what she wants,” she said, smiling at him coquettishly, backing away as she offered a quick curtsy. Turning she waved over her shoulder at him and called, “Do enjoy the ball, Seth!”

  Quickly walking away so as to not be followed by her recent companion, she exited the room and stepped out onto the balcony. This section of the balcony was empty. Breathing a huge sigh of relief, she relaxed against the wall. Noticing the exceptional layout of the property before her, she walked out to the balcony's ledge and gazed out into the night.

  This was going to be much easier than he had thought, Nick wryly smiled to himself. He had watched the scene play out between Seth Collins and Erica. The hostess, Countess Agnes Richardson, had been completely delighted that he had made it to tonight's event. Their families had been good friends going back generations, and so he indulged the old woman's chit chat while he kept his gaze focused on his beautiful conquest.

  From what he could see, Erica had flushed straight to her hairline when she saw that she had bumped into Seth. She probably had feelings for him, given her reaction. The poor chit. He knew Collins, and knew that he was devious, and had a strong inclination for whoring. He was good with money, however; which is what kept him relevant in the business world. That, and his connection to Nick's rival, Randall Madison.

  Nick saw how Erica had blushed and curtsied to Seth, and then had left the building. She was probably hoping that Seth would join her out there. Going on full alert, Nick bowed and made an excuse the Countess. He headed straight for the balcony, after his prize.

  The woman may be hoping for Seth, but she sure as hell wasn't going to get him. Stopping a servant in his tracks, Nick offered him two schillings to spill wine on Collins and then help him to clean the mess off of his suit. That should buy him the time he needed to carry out his plan. Walking out to the balcony, Nick spotted Erica. She was alone. He grinned.


  Erica jumped when the Duke of Eastham joined her at the ledge of the balcony. Turning to him in surprise, she said, “Oh! Your Grace, I did not hear your approach.”

p; He smiled a slow, cat-like grin at her. He held out his hand for her to take in introduction, and she took it. Bowing over it, he said, “I beg your pardon, milady,” he breathed just above her hand.

  “Please allow me to introduce myself. I am Lord Nicholas Wellington.”

  Erica became breathless as the handsome Duke continued to hold her hand. He was staring directly into his eyes with his sensual stare and a devastating smile on his face. Her face flamed. She knew she should introduce herself, as well. But her every thought had seemed to abandon her. She tried desperately to get her composure together, feeling like a fool. “I-I am Erica Campbell, my lord.”

  “Erica,” he purred, sending sweet ripples of heat all over her body, “It is my deepest pleasure to make your acquaintance.” Following his introduction, he placed a kiss on the back of her hand, his lips lingering there for what was surely an inappropriate amount of time. His mouth was sending shivers up her arms and straight into intimate places that were quickly becoming awake.

  Erica gazed up into his beautiful green eyes, which twinkled at her devilishly. She was captivated by his handsome face and his sensuous mouth. She had never given a thought to the architecture of a man's mouth, but this man had the most beautiful mouth she had ever seen. Right now, it was smiling at her, teasing her with its sensual appeal.

  “The pleasure is all mine, Lord N-Nicholas...” she said, as he continued to hold her hand and look at her with his mesmerizing gaze.

  His smile grew wider and he seemed thoroughly charmed by her. “Call me Nick,” he instructed.

  “Oh, N-Nick...” she trailed off.

  He had spun a delicious web of desire around her, and she had succumbed to him. She wanted to be lost inside of this man forever.

  Totally focused on the overwhelming magnetism of the handsome Duke, she did not sense his arm going around her. She didn't feel him drawing her closer. Her body vibrated with waves of heat washing over her and all she could think to herself was, “Oh yes, this man could be trouble...”


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