A Bride by Morning (The Bride Series Book 1)

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A Bride by Morning (The Bride Series Book 1) Page 10

by Vanessa Lee

  And, what if she had been telling the truth?

  Nick didn't like to dwell on the possibility for too long. He had heard about the falling out she had with Abbie. However, if Erica's closest friend had not believed her, how could he?

  Nick's thoughts were interrupted by a knock on his door. He looked up to see Bentley standing in his doorway, looking like he had just received a great shock. “Yes, Bentley, what is it?” he asked.

  “Sir, you have a visitor waiting for you in the living area,” he said.

  Nick stood up. Bentley had let someone inside his home without his permission? That is something that he never did. Unless... was it his wife? Had Erica come home to him? His heart thundering, he rose from his chair. He wondered what she would say to him. Had she come to beg his forgiveness? He didn't know. He only knew that he would not let her leave again. No matter what had happened between them, she belonged here with him.

  “Tell my wife-”

  “It is your brother, Sir! Lord Darren has returned home from overseas!” Bentley interrupted.

  Turning as shocked as Bentley, Nick followed his butler out of his office. Upon entering the living area, Nick saw the man from behind. The familiar figure had dirty clothes hanging off of him. His hair was also quite shaggy. “Darren.”

  “Ah, Nicholas!” Darren said as he turned around, opening his arms to his brother.

  Nick looked at his brother dubiously, and said, “Definitely not.”

  “Maybe later, then!” Darren said, in good spirits. “I apologize for being a mess, brother. I am just now returning from months at sea. I have not bathed in a long while. What I would not give for a bath.”

  “Right,” Nick said, “We will see to it immediately. Why don't you bathe and then come see me in the study. I will have a hot meal waiting. I would hear about your travels and why you have returned.”

  Darren saluted him. “Sounds like a worthy plan, I think.”

  Nick nodded and went to order up a bath and a meal. Before he turned to enter into his study, he turned to Darren with a smile and said, “Welcome home, brother.”


  Freshly bathed, Darren walked into Nick's study, rolling up the sleeves of the shirt that he was borrowing from Nick. “Now tell me brother, is it true? Have you taken a wife?” He leaned down to pick up a slice of cheese off of the platter on the coffee table, “And is she as beautiful as they say?”

  Darren's teasing tone did not make Nick smile. In fact, with every question, Nick's frown had gotten deeper. Not finding any humor regarding his situation with his wife, he said, “Let's start with you first. Why are you here?”

  “Very well,” Darren allowed. He would get to the bottom of the mystery of Nick's wife soon enough. Where was she, by the way?

  “I had a small homestead set up in Massachusetts. Things were going well. I had a garden and some livestock. I had a few farmhands, as well.” He paused, frowning, looking down at the piece of bread he was holding, as if he wasn't even seeing it. “We were attacked late one night.” “Soldiers?” Nick asked.

  “Native Indians,” Darren answered. “During the night, they killed my farmhands and set fire to my log cabin. I couldn't see them to shoot them, because of the smoke. I managed to escape to the woods, and they didn't see me. They probably thought that I had perished in the fire."

  “So, instead of starting over again in the Americas, you decided to come back home?”

  “Yes,” Darren answered. “I have never seen anything like it, Nick. The home I had worked so long to build was violently taken from me in moments. It is a truly savage place."

  “Clearly, you have forgotten what the ladies of the ton are like. Their tongues can be quite...savage,” Nick said, with a smile on his face.

  “Oh, ho! Is this my brother cracking a joke?” Darren asked.

  In response, Nick said, “Well, at least you have a home to return to.”

  Grateful for that as well, Darren said, “So, how goes the family business?”

  “Since you have bothered to ask, it is going very well.”

  “Come on Nick," Darren said softly, "you know that I don't have the knack for business, as you do.”

  Nick looked at his brother and said what he had been wanting to say for quite some time. “At least

  I could have had some help. Someone to share the burden of this responsibility with.”

  Darren held up his hands. “Alright. I admit that I could have helped you and stayed.” He sat down in the closest chair. “I'm not saying that I would have actually been any help, though. I am not at my best with numbers.”

  Laughing, Nick replied, “Thankfully, our numbers are doing just fine. I have joined our efforts with Campbell Shipping Industries. Together, we have embarked on a new venture that has only recently been funded by investors. We are well on our way to building our new and improved fleet."

  Impressed, Darren said, “Campbell Shipping? You don't say?”

  Nodding, Nick looked back at his desk. The mounting paperwork beckoned him.

  “And what about this wife Moira mentioned?”

  Nick looked away, frowning at the mention of his wife.

  “Well, brother? Who is she? Where is she?” Darren promoted him.

  Nick sighed. “My wife, Erica Campbell-”

  “Just a moment! You mean to tell me that you married Linnus Campbell's daughter?”

  Nick smiled, remembering the night that he had secured his marriage arrangement with Erica.

  “Yes, although, at the moment, it seems my wife has moved back home with her father.”

  Darren shook his head. “What did you do?”

  Nick looked at his brother, “Pardon me?”

  “Nick, I know you. What did you do?”

  Nick glared at him, not happy at all with his brother's insinuation. “I didn't do anything!” He insisted. “She was in love with another man before we married, and after we married, she let him put his hands on her. And she got caught!”

  “You don't say!” Darren said, intrigued. “What did she say when she had gotten caught?”

  Nick blew out a disgusted breath. “She said that Seth Collins had forced himself on her.”

  Darren got up from the sofa and walked towards his brother. “Seth Collins? That measly low-life? Nick, do you remember how he is with women?” “My wife seemed quite taken with him,” he said.

  “Think about it!” Darren instructed. “Do you remember at Wesley's Tavern, that night that he took that woman upstairs? How rough he was with her?”

  Nick thought for a moment. He had been quite intoxicated himself, and he hardly ever paid Collins any attention, in general. But he did remember that there was something about Collins and a woman that night.

  “Collins is a bastard, Nick. And if your wife says that he forced her, well, I might be inclined to believe her.”

  Nick looked at him thoughtfully, understanding his reasoning.

  “Has Campbell said anything to you about the ordeal?”

  Nick turned to look out the window. “He said that I can trust Erica. That she is an honest woman.”

  Darren shook his head, his mind made up. “It would seem brother, that your wife is telling the truth about the situation, and that she was assaulted.”

  Nick turned to look at him, his shock and distress clearly written on his face.

  “Oh, Nick,” Darren said, “how could you not believe your own wife over Collin's version of things?

  Nick looked down. How, indeed. He thought about all the times he had made love to his wife. About how wonderful it had been and how much she had enjoyed herself. Enjoyed him. Was it possible that she had not been thinking of another man? Hope loomed in his heart.

  Clapping him on the back, Darren said, “Well, I do believe the answer is that you are in love with your wife.”

  Nick spun to look at him, and said, “That is not likely!”

  Darren just laughed and said, “Yes brother, it is very likely so. Your judgment was cl
ouded by the love that you feel for this woman. And when it was time for you to believe her, you couldn't, because you have never trusted anybody.”

  Nick glared at him, “Few have been worthy of my trust.”

  “Oh yes, Nick, us peons are so much less worthy than you. You, who have never committed an act of indecency in your life.”

  Nick thought back to the night he had forced Erica into agreeing to marry him. Alright, so maybe he wasn't perfect. Looking back at Darren, he said, “I'll admit that I'm not a saint. Perhaps I should talk to my wife and let her explain once more.”

  Smiling at him, Darren answered him, “You do that, brother.”

  Just then, Bentley came rushing into the room. “Begging your pardon, Sir.” he said.

  “Yes, Bentley?”

  “Mister Randall Madison is here seeking an audience with you, Sir.”

  “Madison?” Darren echoed. “Is this not the day for weirdness? A Madison. In this house.”

  “Weirdness, indeed. Bentley, please show Mr. Madison into my study.”

  “Yes, Sir.” Bentley turned to allow the man in. Leading Randall into the study, Bentley announced him. “Mister Madison, Sir.”

  “Thank you Bentley. Madison, to what do we owe the pleasure?”

  Randall stepped forward. “Wellington.” He did a double take when he saw Darren standing in the room. “I thought you were off to the Americas?” he said to Darren.

  “Change of plans,” Darren replied.

  “Yes, well,” he said, then looking at Nick, continued, “I've come to tell you that Seth Collins has been completely ruined. This is my atonement that I offer to your wife.” “What do you mean?” Nick asked.

  Randall looked grim. “My wife and I... we have known Collins for years. We have considered him a friend. Abigail and I did not believe Erica when she said that Collins had forced himself on her in our home."

  “And now you do believe her?” Darren asked.

  “Oh yes, we certainly do.” Randall replied. “Abbie and I compared what we know about their characters. Erica won that round. She won again when I explained Randall's particular handling of...women of the evening.”

  “Yes, that is just what I was explaining to Nick!” Darren interjected again.

  “Yes, well, Erica won the round yet again when we recalled that she had never liked Seth.”

  “What?” Nick asked. “I thought she had a fondness for him.”

  “No, never,” Randall said. “She has always hated the man. Erica has long complained about him to

  Abbie. But Seth is a good family friend to her family, which is why Abbie-”

  “Didn't believe Erica at first.” Nick finished, the error of his ways starting to become glaringly obvious to him.

  “Exactly. Abigail was wrought with guilt. And I, oh, I was wrought with anger. The young lady was assaulted right under my own roof. Indeed, Collins tried to ruin her!” Randall shook his head. “I owe your innocent wife restitution for what she suffered at the hands of that...that wretch!”

  Nick nodded, his eyes gleaming. He would make Seth pay. But what about himself? How would he pay for his mistakes?

  “And so, upon the realization that my dear Abbie and I came to, I set out to ruin the man for what he had done to your wife. I made certain that he would never be welcome in any social circle, ever again. Let alone do business with anyone who has an interest in watching their own back.” Randall said, with great satisfaction.

  “You didn't say anything about Erica's misfortune, did you?” Nick wanted to know. He wouldn't see any more humiliation come to his wife.

  “Not in such a way that would scandalize her. Believe me when I say that no man wants his wife victimized in the way that yours was.”

  Nick could understand that. He hated to think of what Erica had gone through at the hands of Seth.

  And then he hadn't believed her. He had punished her, instead.

  Grabbing his overcoat from the hook on the wall, he left the study in rapid haste.

  Darren and Randall followed behind him. “Where are you going?” Darren asked.

  “I need to go find my wife. Apparently, I have amends to make.”

  “Then you're in luck,” Randall said. “She is on her way to a ball as we speak with her sisters and


  Hitting Randall lightly in the arm, Nick said, “Who knew that a Madison could actually be useful?” as he bounded up the stairs to change into his formal wear.

  He heard Darren laugh and Randall say, “Oh yes, we can be useful, alright. When there's a reputation that needs saving, and all.”

  With that, Nick entered his bedroom and thought to himself there is indeed a reputation that needs saving. His own.

  Chapter 13

  Erica looked around the ballroom. As per usual, the ladies were all dressed splendidly in their gowns. The gentlemen all looked refined in their evening wear. The decor added an elegant touch to the room. The one thing different, she thought, was her.

  She felt different. Erica thought back over the last month and a half since she had been at her last ball. She was now a married woman and her husband didn't want anything to do with her. Sighing dejectedly, she let the thought go. There was nothing she could do about it, so she would not dwell on it any longer.

  She was at a beautiful ball, and she was here with the people who she loved most in the world. Well, all but one person. Nick had rejected her love. He had rejected her. She didn't think that he would ever feel for her the way that she felt towards him. Erica had no idea how much longer the distance between them would last. But he couldn't stay mad at her forever, could he?

  A movement on her left caught her eye. She looked over to see Seth. Instead of his usual slithering arrogance, his face was one of intense anger. Erica looked away from him immediately. He was the reason she was in this mess in the first place. He had attacked her and turned everyone against her. She wished she could borrow one of Nick's pistols. She would shoot him herself!

  He made his way over to her, weaving through the other guests. Erica saw her father on the other side of the room and dashed toward him, as quickly as she could. Before she could reach him, the Countess stopped her to ask how Nick was doing, and also where he was this evening. After she entertained the woman for a few moments, Erica looked up for her father once more, and he was gone. She felt a quick jerk on her arm, and was dragged into the empty hallway leading to the downstairs study. Before she could scream, everything went black.


  Nick waited to be announced at the ball out of sheer will. He was anxious to get inside and find his wife. His brother was behind him, and he received gasps of surprise as people realized that Darren had returned home from the Americas. Nick searched the crowd for Erica, but he didn't see her.

  Linnus came up to him and shook his hand. Looking over at Darren he said, “So, the prodigal son returns!”

  “Yes,” Darren said. “I am newly returned from the colonies this afternoon, and I find myself accompanying my brother to locate his wife.”

  “Ah, very good.” Linnus responded, his heart warming at the realization that Nick had finally come to his senses.

  Nick seemed blew out a breath of frustration, as he had looked all around them, and had yet to locate Erica. “Sir,” he asked Linnus, “where is your daughter hiding, this evening?”

  Linnus looked around them. He looked in every direction, and like Nick, he did not see her anywhere. “Well, that's impossible. She is here, we arrived together. Come, let us go and find her.”

  Darren followed behind Nick and his father-in-law as they searched out Nick's wife. Darren had no idea what she looked like, but he was only happy to help. He was well aware of the looks that they were attracting from the ladies of the event. They were fluttering about, whispering to each other excitedly behind their fans.

  Darren knew that he was in need of a wife. He had returned for good from the Americas. Although he had tried his best to make it work ther
e, he had failed. Now he must take his rightful place by his brother's side and work with him to rebuild their family legacy. There would be a lot of politics involved and endless entertaining. It would benefit him greatly if he had a wife.

  With that in mind, his eyes wandered the other ball guests, and they came to rest upon the lovely face of a young woman in a pretty lavender dress. Her blond hair was styled beautifully, with several loose tendrils curling delicately about her face, only enhancing her beauty. Her sapphire blue eyes sparkled.

  The subject of his stare must have felt his gaze, for she looked at him and frowned. She not only frowned, but she shook her head “No,” at him.

  What was this? Darren knew that he was not unattractive, not even close. Most of the single ladies in the room tonight were begging for his attention. This one, however, apparently wanted him to stay away from her.

  Completely ignoring her silent rebuke, Darren armed himself with his most charming smile. He knew it worked, because the little elfin seemed momentarily stunned before she regained her composure. Darren smiled inwardly, and thought, ‘Oh sweetheart, you are toast.’

  Darren strode directly over to the woman until he was right in front of her. He even went so far as to get right into her personal space. Using her surprise to take her hand in his, he pressed a warm, lingering kiss to the back of her hand. Continuing to hold her hand, he said, “Milady,” he said, “I am Lord Darren Wellington. My brother, Nicholas Wellington, the Duke of Eastham, is looking for his wife, Lady Erica, the Duchess of Eastham. Have you any idea where we can find my dear sister-in-law this eve?”

  The woman didn't answer him right away. She seemed mesmerized by the heat of his gaze and from the nearness of his body. His mouth on her skin had given her goosebumps on her arm. He felt her delicate little shiver, and then she swallowed hard, looking at his mouth. Which curled into a hot, sensual smile of pure male desire.

  Snapping out of her trance, she grabbed her hand back from his embrace, she glared at him and said, “No, my Lord, I have idea where your sister-in-law is at the moment.”


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