Sound of Regret

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Sound of Regret Page 19

by Chelsea Roy

  Ellie walked in the front door, slinging her purse onto the entryway table. She glanced around the living room in surprise. The guys, minus Jack, were all sitting there with their respective instruments in hand, cluing Ellie in to the fact that, indeed, something was up. The band had their own space to rehearse in and didn’t need her living room.

  “Hey, guys, what’s up?” She asked, looking from face to face for possible clues.

  Brent gave her his trademark grin and started playing his guitar. The melody wasn’t one she had heard before and once the guys heard Brent start, they all began playing a song that was very different from their normal style. The sounds being produced by the band were slower, much slower, than anything she’d ever heard them play but she loved it. They were all beautiful musicians and were talented enough to make any kind of music they wanted. She turned around in a circle, looking for Jack. He entered in from the hallway, and came straight to her, smiling.

  For some reason, his smile made Ellie’s heart knock nervously in her ribs. He looked confident and happy, an expression she was seeing more and more frequently on his face. Jack took her hands in his much larger calloused ones and grasped them tightly. Ellie smiled as tears gathered in her eyes when Jacked opened his mouth and began to sing. He sang directly to her, his voice strong and sure. She listened in disbelief as Jack sang to her about forever not being long enough to spend with her, about loving her, and that his life would only be complete if she would agree to be his forever. Jack’s eyes never once left hers. Ellie’s heart gave a tremendous leap when Jack ended the song with “say you’ll marry me” and dropped to his knees in front of her. His blue eyes were bright as they looked up at her, and Ellie realized he wasn’t even the tiniest bit nervous.

  Ellie watched, completely speechless, as Jack pulled a black velvet box from his rear pocket and flipped it open. Ellie knew it was the box he had left on the table next to her months ago. She could barely breathe. He repeated the last line to her softly while looking in her eyes, again singing, “say you’ll marry me.”

  Ellie’s eyes were on Jack and nothing else. She hadn’t even dropped them to view the ring waiting for her in the velvety box. She loved the man kneeling before her more than she ever dreamed was possible. She had loved him before because he was Jack. Now she loved him because she’d gotten to know Jack on his terms. It seemed like every dream she ever had was coming true in this very moment. Her smile was trembling on her face and she was trying desperately to hold back tears so she wouldn’t detract from the moment.

  “I never looked at it when you left it with me.” She told him, needing a moment to compose herself. She didn’t want to accept his wedding proposal while she was sobbing. She knew it was ridiculous but she wanted this moment to be perfect in both their eyes. Jack had clearly gone to a lot of effort to make this proposal perfect for her and she could do no less for him.

  “Never?” He asked her incredulously. He didn’t seem very worried that she hadn’t answered his question and she smiled. He knew what her answer would be so she played along a little more. She shook her head in response, causing her silky hair to swing around the lobes of her ears ever so gently. “Why?” He asked.

  “I was waiting for you, for this moment. Without you, the ring meant nothing to me. What I wanted was you offering your love to me.” Ellie gave him a tremulous smile.

  “I’m here now. I’m offering everything I have to give to you for right now and forever. That most definitely includes my love.” Jack’s voice was gravelly with emotion and Ellie smiled down at him tenderly.

  “I will.” She whispered. “I will gladly and joyously marry you, Jack.” Jack’s eyes lit up with joy and Ellie was surprised at how overcome he seemed to be. They’d come so far in the last few months with their belief in one another that their relationship barely resembled what it used to be. Ellie watched with tears brimming in her eyes as Jack lifted the ring from the box and slid it onto her finger. He stood, wrapping his arms with their vibrant tattoos around her hugely pregnant body, cocooning her and the baby within the shelter of his strong arms. She heard whoops and hollers from the guys behind them but the sound was largely drowned out by the rapid beating of Jack’s heart.

  “Thank God you said yes,” he joked wryly. “That could’ve ended painfully for me.” A gentle smile curved Ellie’s lips and a laugh tumbled out.

  “You knew I’d say yes. I’m crazy in love with you, Jack, and you know it.” Ellie’s hand rested on Jack’s cheek, gently caressing the planes and slopes there. She felt the slight stubble he was sporting and felt stirrings low in her belly that had nothing to do with the baby and everything to do with the fact that her man had just publicly proclaimed his love for her. “Jack…” she said hesitantly.

  “Ellie…” He responded back, every bit of love he felt for her in his voice. “You know that’s the first time you’ve said it out loud?” He pointed out.

  “But you knew,” Ellie said. He was right. She hadn’t said she loved him, and he hadn’t repeated it since that ugly night when she threw him out. She figured they were both waiting for this perfect moment to replace that night.

  “I knew.” He agreed. “But it’s still nice to hear the words coming from your sweet lips.”

  “I have some words I think you might like even better,” she told him teasingly. His smile grew as he played along.

  “Yeah? What words?” He asked and tilted his head down to hers when she motioned him closer.

  “I got the green light.” Ellie leaned up and ran the tip of her tongue around the strong line of his jaw.

  “Green light?” Jack asked, clearly confused.

  “I came home thinking I’d have my lover to myself.” Ellie pressed hot kisses down Jack’s neck.

  “You mean…” Jack’s voice trailed off. His arms tightened around her as the meaning of her words sank in.

  “It’s been so long Jack. Don’t make me wait any longer for you.” She implored him. She rubbed her face into his chest, desperate to show him just how much she loved him. She felt his chest rumble as he groaned softly.


  Jack said nothing to his bandmates as he took Ellie’s hand in his and started gently pushing her out of the room.

  “Bye, Els!” Jacob called, laughing. Jack threw his arm behind him and held up his middle finger. Laughter exploded in the room. Jack didn’t care how much of a caveman he was being. His friends knew the fuckin’ way out and he wanted some time alone with his wife-to-be. They all knew she’d been on bed rest and had been afraid for the pregnancy right along with him and Ellie. The guys weren’t completely clued in to pregnancy 101, but they knew enough to know he and Ellie hadn’t had sex in a long time.

  His Ellie had been taking care of him really well these past few months but it wasn’t the same as being inside her. When Jack was there, in the moment with her, he loved her so deeply and completely that he felt invincible. There wasn’t much more he loved besides feeling her body tighten down on his when she was in the middle of her orgasm. Making her feel good was the highlight of his life. His body throbbed in anticipation and he groaned again as his jeans grew uncomfortably tight. He felt like a schoolboy about to get lucky for the first time.

  Growing impatient with Ellie’s slow waddle down the hall, he scooped her up in his arms.

  “I’m too big!” Ellie protested breathlessly.

  “Hush,” he whispered into the shell of her ear. He nipped at it gently and felt her shiver. “You weigh nothing. You’re still a tiny bit of a thing to me.” Jack carried Ellie down the hallway toward their master suite and over to their massive king bed filled with overstuffed down pillows, satiny soft sheets, and a giant down comforter. He set her down gently amidst all the fluff. When he looked down at her, he was amused to see her examining the ring he had given her instead of removing her clothes. The ring fit a little snugly on her fingers because they were swollen just slightly from the pregnancy. He knew instinctively that once the baby wa
s born the ring would fit perfectly.

  “You’re such a girl,” he told her teasingly. She peeked up at him and a smile spread across her flushed face. It was so beautiful and luminous it caused Jack’s heart to squeeze painfully. How he’d ever doubted Ellie’s feelings for him, he’d never know. They were always on display and Jack had a feeling they probably always had been, he just hadn’t looked until now.

  “Thank God I am,” she said, “or we wouldn’t be together!” Ellie reached up and twined her arms around Jack’s neck. “The doctor gave us the green light for sex.” She said against his lips, nipping at them softly.

  “I gathered that from what you said in the living room.” He told her, laughing at her need to clarify what she had already made completely obvious.

  “I just wanted to make sure you were one hundred percent clear on the program.” She told him coyly. Jack groaned against Ellie’s lips. It had been months since he’d been inside her body and he craved her more than he thought possible.

  “Thank fuck she did.” Jack breathed and Ellie laughed. “Seriously. You’ve been taking such good care of me, but I want you. I want your body. I want to feel you come against me. It’s all I’ve ever wanted and to not get to have it really blows.”

  “You’re such a romantic, Jack.” Ellie teased him in between kisses that were steadily growing more passionate. “You know, you’ll have to cut down on the swearing when the baby comes. We’ve got to try to teach good habits.” Jack put his hands around her face and rubbed his forehead on hers. He wanted to be close to his woman in any way possible.

  “No promises, El. You knew what you were in for when you hooked up with me. It’s too late to back out now.” Jack’s heart beat heavily for a minute. He was terrified to be a dad; he didn’t have any role model to follow. How the hell was he supposed to teach this little person how to live life when he’d barely figured it out for himself? And to stop swearing? That was a near impossibility. Jack’s heart lightened when he heard Ellie giggle next to his ear.

  “Jack, I’m so into you that I can’t see straight. If the baby’s first word is ‘fuck’, we’ll deal, okay? I love you.” She told him, solemn all of the sudden.

  Jack took Ellie’s mouth in a sweeping kiss, his tongue thrusting against hers. He lay back on the bed with his back propped up on pillows and pulled Ellie on top of him. She leaned forward and captured his mouth while he plucked at her breasts beneath her shirt. Ellie broke off the kiss and leaned away from him, stripping off her shirt in a move that was way too smooth for an enormously pregnant woman. Jack had a moment to enjoy the sight of Ellie’s swollen breasts spilling over the lacy cups of her bra before that, too, disappeared and she sat atop him half naked.

  “Damn, you’re sexy.” He told her, gazing up at her breasts that were definitely larger due to the pregnancy. Her nipples had even darkened several shades and he was very interested in the differences. He lifted a hand and trailed fingers along the veins he could see just under the surface. She arched into his touch.

  “I’m going to combust before you ever get inside me,” she told him with her gorgeous grey green eyes glittering down at him. They shone heavily with lust. The past few months with no physical contact had been sheer hell on both of them, but particularly on Ellie. Jack was at least able to relieve some of his sexual tension by getting off but Ellie wasn’t able to relieve anything.

  After coming back to him, he’d moved Ellie in right away. He hadn’t wanted to spend a single moment apart from her. He would have felt the same way even if there had been no baby. But since there was a baby and he knew how much carrying the baby to term meant to her, he had been adamant that Ellie not even lift a finger. Luckily for them both, Ellie had been in an astoundingly agreeable mood. The only time Ellie had voiced a negative opinion had been when Jack hired a moving company to go in and pack and deliver all of Ellie’s things to their new home. Ellie had protested, calling it an unnecessary expense, but Jack had leveled his eyes at her and she’d piped down. He had then hired a cook to come in and prepare meals for them a couple times a week, many of which were frozen for later. Ellie enjoyed occasionally cooking but she was no gourmet chef so Jack found it amusing that she never once protested the expense of the cook being hired. Apparently certain things were more acceptable to her than others.

  As week by week passed and Ellie stayed pregnant, the pregnancy had been both a blessing and a curse for them. At first, a blessing because it meant the baby was staying put and they rejoiced their successes with hope that the pregnancy would last. Later in the pregnancy, the weeks became a curse because if she’d lost the baby at six or seven months they would have both been devastated. By that point, their hopes had risen to such a level that they’d grown hopelessly attached. Every day was an emotional roller coaster but they tried not to let the worry get to them. When the baby started moving in Ellie, they both had to conquer their fear of loss and rejoice that the little life was continuing to beat on. Knowing she could lose the baby at any time hung over their heads continually but they tried to live normal lives despite it.

  At Regan’s suggestion, Jack and Ellie visited a therapist local to the area that specialized in dealing with situations like theirs. They were not only able to talk through their feelings about the baby, they were also able to talk through some of their lingering concerns over the starts and stops their relationship had endured over the years. Thankfully their relationship had done nothing but grow stronger over the past few months. This had reinforced Jack’s certainty that he and Ellie belonged together and helped him believe that maybe he truly did have something real to offer her and the baby. He grew less terrified of becoming a dad and more excited to meet the little life he’d helped to create.

  “Baby, you wanna get those pants off?” He all but growled at her. His cock felt like it was going to explode in his jeans and the fact that Ellie was gently rubbing herself against him did nothing to help his situation. Ellie rose off him gracefully and balanced her body on the side of the bed while she stripped down to nothing. While she was doing her strip tease, Jack shucked off his jeans and boxers and kicked them over the end of the bed. His cock slapped up against his belly, the head angry and purple looking. Pre-cum was leaking from the tip and it dripped onto his abdomen. He heard Ellie laugh lightly.

  Squeezing his dick into submission, he leaned back against the pillows and looked over at his Ellie. Her breasts were enormous now that she was approaching the end of the pregnancy. Her belly was swollen and low; the entire mass of it protruding straight out in front of her. He’d never cared one way or the other about pregnant women or what pregnancy did to their bodies, but he found Ellie’s pregnant body to be the most perfectly beautiful thing he could imagine. The thought that his seed had taken root inside her and caused the amazing changes taking place was enough to make him want to stand up and beat his chest like a caveman. He realized how stupid that was, but he didn’t care. Brent told him it was a normal, primal reaction to the pregnancy hormone.

  “God, your tits have gotten huge,” he muttered. To Jack’s eternal delight, they were at least a full cup-size bigger than normal. It had been agony watching them swell and grow and not be able to touch and caress them. He and Ellie hadn’t been able to risk any sort of uterine contractions at all so there had been absolutely no touching for Ellie for months. He watched as Ellie rubbed her protruding tummy shyly and climbed back on top of his body.

  “They’re not the only thing that’s gotten huge,” she said. Jack could hear the uncertainty in her voice and knew she struggled to believe he found her more fucking sexy right now than he ever had.

  “You’re beautiful. You carrying my baby is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.” Jack leaned forward and placed a hand on the side of her belly, pressing kisses there. “When I thought you weren’t going to be able to experience this I thought it wasn’t a big deal. Brent suggested a surrogate and it seemed like a reasonable solution. But every day I see you with my baby, I’
m amazed at how glad I am that this happened. I wouldn’t have missed this experience for anything because I have never seen you look so damn sexy.”

  Jack slid one of his hands down low, his fingers finding the moist heat of her with unerring accuracy. The baby rolled beneath his hand, causing both he and Ellie to startle.

  “Oh God!” Ellie moaned, clearly embarrassed. Jack grinned and swirled his fingers gently in the wetness he found.

  “You’re so damn hot,” He told her sincerely. He pulled his fingers away and slowly tongued them, licking the moisture off them. He groaned at the taste, unbelievably turned on. “I could do nothing but taste this and I’d die a happy man.” He dipped his fingers again, watching her rub against them, before pulling them away and popping them into his mouth. He knew his dick was leaking everywhere and Ellie had to be aware of it. She smiled at him, the confidence returning to her eyes.

  Jack impatiently tugged her to him. His body ached and when her wet core passed over him, the sticky tip of his cock jerked. Jack’s hands latched onto Ellie’s hips and he manipulated her over his length again and again until she was moaning with each pass. His cock was soaked with her juices and Jack knew Ellie was incredibly aroused. Her head was tossed back and her breasts thrust forward. Her nipples were a deep dusky pink and Jack’s mouth watered for a taste. He leaned forward and nipped at one gently.

  “Jack!” Ellie cried. She held his head to her chest and slid down his length, effectively ending his petting session by seating him deep inside her. They groaned together. She was so tight she fisted him like a glove. Jack knew there was no way in hell he’d last any longer than a teenage boy who was losing his virginity would.

  “I really fucking hope you’re close,” he told her gritting his teeth as he helped her slide up and down on his shaft. He licked at the nipple closest to his mouth. “I don’t think I’m going to last.” Ellie’s hands released his head and moved around to his thighs. She balanced her weight there, lifting and lowering herself repeatedly.


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