The Escape (Detective Jane Sparrow Book 2)

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The Escape (Detective Jane Sparrow Book 2) Page 17

by Claire Merrington

  “What do I do now?”

  “For now we need to go up and speak to your boss and inform him as to what has been going on here. Whatever action is to be taken against you will be his decision. Once we have spoken to him we will organise for you to be escorted home where you and your wife will bag up some belongings and be taken into protective custody. My suggestion if you know anything that could help us with finding Thaddeus and aid this investigation you divulge that while you still can.”

  “I don’t know anything. He always contacts me. I have traced them back to payphones the same way that he has rang here for you. That is all I know.”

  “Ok well let’s go talk to your boss.”

  Jane escorted the Superintendent up to the offices upstairs, the rest of the team including Perry were all standing there staring at Jane and Andrew hoping that Jane could offer them confirmation that their thoughts weren’t true. Unfortunately Jane could not offer them any comfort on the matter. They reached upstairs and knocked on the Chief of Police’s door, as he was the direct boss that the Superintendent Andrew Walden reported to. Jane spent the next half an hour in the office with them as the Superintendent recounted the events that led to him helping Thaddeus. When all was said and done it was decided that no action would be taken against the Superintendent until Thaddeus has been caught. For now he would be taken into protective custody with his wife. Jane made her way back downstairs to where the rest of the team were waiting and watched as the Superintendent who looked more than dejected was escorted from the station. As he was leaving he turned back to Jane.

  “I’m sorry Detective. I really felt like I had no choice.”

  Jane bowed her head in disbelief even after everything her Superintendent still believed he had no choice in helping Thaddeus. The station had been partially blown up, they had lost PC Alan Henchman, two women had been kidnapped, tortured and murdered and PC Jack Collins had been killed. It was unbelievable to think that the Superintendent had helped all that happen and to be so two faced in pretending to help the investigation.

  “Ok guys I know this is upsetting and I am in still complete shock after hearing his explanation. I have officially confirmed that it has been the Superintendent who has been aiding Thaddeus. Everything from Thaddeus getting my phone number, my address, the key back to his house, the surveillance photos of me new and the old ones, and the taser from this station. The Superintendent helped with all of it. Thaddeus threatened his wife. Whatever the threat was it was good enough to convince the Superintendent he had no other options. And that is not me providing the Superintendent with an excuse just an explanation to his reasoning.”

  “What will happen to the Superintendent?”

  “For now nothing. Him and his wife are going to be placed in protective custody just in case.”

  “He certainly needs to be but not to keep him away from Thaddeus. The jack off is lucky that I can’t get my hands on him. He has a serious lack of regard for your well being and safety that does not sit well with me.”

  “Perry trusts me I understand that you are angry I am as well. We all are to think that the Superintendent had his hands in anything that Thaddeus has done since he escaped makes my blood boil. His boss will reassess the situation on that once we have caught Thaddeus. My opinion I think they will probably just make him resign. But for now lets just concentrate on catching Thaddeus. Catch me back up to speed as to what has been happening so we can decide what we need to do.”

  “Ok well the press conference is all organised and they should be here within the half an hour to hear your statement.”

  “Ok thanks Ian. Did you have any luck Amy?”

  “Some the coroner said that he will have his initial report for us in the morning but he has confirmed identity for us already. Her name was Lucy Wilson so the formal notification needs to be done for her family.”

  “Ok were deal with that. What about the lab any luck with news from them?”

  “Yeah I spoke to the lab as well the trace analysis for the accelerant used to burn our victim has came back. It was petrol. So no surprise there with that and nothing really traceable with it. Strangely for the location of the victim they also found trace evidence of the same burn off product that was on our first victim. So they have contributed it to something that the killer transferred to that scene. So maybe we need to be looking in the area of Proctor and Gamble for a place for Thaddeus to stay. As well as that little gem the photos that we sent back to the lab with the crime scene investigators to be analysed have been but not really too much prevail. They can tell us that they were taken with quite a high spec digital camera. It would need to be at least twenty-four megapixels. They did say if we could get our hands on the actual camera they could tie the photos to it. They also suggested if needed they could analyse how far away the photos were taken from and what trajectory to give us a rough idea as to where the person was standing when the photos were taken.”

  “Ok I’m not sure whether that will offer up any probative information but if they can do it why not you never know what we might learn.”

  “Ok I will let them know. I have more information first. I also spoke to the chief from the bomb disposal unit. They have clarified that all components and particulates from the latest two devices came from purchases that we have already confirmed Thaddeus making. They said that they have sent some bigger sections of the outer bomb casings to a finger print specialist and well get back to us with the results. So are we now operating under the assumption that Thaddeus didn’t actually build his own bombs?”

  “When I was at the prison earlier talking to Kyle McManus. He gloated on the fact that he had managed to teach Thaddeus, who had no previous experience in bombs, how to rig and set up different devices. He went through all different scenarios of teaching Thaddeus how to rig and set up pipe bombs together with trip wires, how to set the pressure plate devices. He taught him how to rig the trigger devices to the opening of the packages. But when we mentioned that he had taught Thaddeus more than that, like actually making a bomb. He laughed. He even gloated on the fact as to whether we were sure Thaddeus had been making them. So when I saw the bomb disposal unit chief earlier I asked if there was a way to check.”

  “So do we think it could be one of Kyle McManus associates?”

  “That is what I am running with. There is one Micky Hampston from South Ockendon. I’m hoping we will get some viable prints to actually tie him to the making of the bombs.”

  “Sounds like a viable option.”

  “Jane they are ready for you with the press conference.”

  “Thank you. Wish me luck everybody.”

  Jane walked off to give the press statement. She had decided to do it on the front steps of the station so that the public could see that the station was still standing and operating. Jane hated giving press statements. She always felt like a monkey at the zoo. Loads of people watching and all were waiting for her to do something. Jane always got paranoid that she was going to end up falling ass over tit and the whole nation that were watching would end up laughing at her. Jane tried to push those thoughts aside and calm and compose herself as she steadied herself at the podium.

  “I am Detective Jane Sparrow. Earlier on today the station was the recipient of a package that caused an explosion. We believe it to have been an isolated incident but an investigation into who is responsible and how this act was committed is of the highest importance. Because of the explosion we have suffered a loss of a highly respected and dedicated police officer that will be greatly missed by all the staff here at Grays police station. We would like to offer our deepest condolences to his family and promise to serve his memory with justice in the apprehension of the person responsible. The station is open and operational as normal. We will continue even in this hard time to do our duty, to protect, to serve and to uphold the law. For now that is all the information on this act of terror that we are prepared to release. Thank you for your time.”

  With that Jan
e stepped away from the podium and headed back into the station. She could hear the scramble of news outlets behind her all trying to get her attention to ask a question and gain more information. But Jane just kept on walking. There was a line of police offices holding them back from entering the station and would remain outside until the crowd dispersed.

  “How did it go?”

  “As good as those sorts of things ever do. I thought of something while I was out there and I have a question for you Perry. Did you manage to talk to James York while you were at the prison today?”

  “Yes and may I thank you for what was such a delightful experience. He really is a dipshit. Despite that he didn’t really hold much useful information as he had been in solitary confinement for the last three months. He said he had offered no help to Thaddeus on the outside all though he did say that Thaddeus had shared his whole plans with him. He said that Thaddeus had given him permission to share that plan with anyone that came asking after he had escaped. So he did. He told us that Thaddeus plan after he escaped is to kill as many women that are surrogates for you as possible. So all the women will roughly be your height, your build and similar appearance. He said that he planned on making sure he did everything to make it feel like your whole world is collapsing around you. He said that Thaddeus had always been obsessed with proving that he was worthy of you. When you arrested him the first time as a low life scumbag Thaddeus became obsessed with proving to you that he had grown. His obsession is no different. He said that Thaddeus had told him he was going to give you the clue that is needed to finding him and it was all just a case of whether you could and were smart enough to see through the stars or something completely delusional.”

  “See through the stars. That doesn’t make any sense to me at all. Are you sure that is what he said?”

  “Yeah those were his exact words.”

  Jane stood there and tried to wrack through her brain. Thaddeus had made so many references to stars and Jane had no idea how she was meant to see through the stars. Or how that was going to lead to her finding where he was. If this really was a test from Thaddeus to see who was smarter, it really wasn’t one that Jane wanted to fail.

  Chapter 17

  Jane had spent the next half an hour sitting in silence at her desk while the rest of her team worked around her. James York’s words had stuck in her brain. Jane could see the relevance in the clue Thaddeus had made so many references to stars but Jane could not decipher the meaning of it. The other problem Jane was having been that she knew how much Thaddeus likes to play mind games. Telling her that she already has access to the clue, that is needed to be able to find him if only she was smart enough to use it, could be a clever way to distract Jane from finding what is needed. It was a way for Thaddeus to antagonise Jane’s ego. To make her obsess over such a remark to prove that she is smarter than him. To distract her from what is important. Jane decided for now the best course of action would be to push that thought aside and to concentrate on the evidence. Let the evidence do the talking and the explaining.

  “Ok guys where are we at?”

  “Well we have a good chronological order going with these photos. I have spoke to the lab they are going to look into recreating some of the photo shots and angles for places and buildings that Thaddeus could have been in. Perry has also got the information we needed on the LSD purchase and how much was bought. Something about it really annoyed him though because he went off to talk to Frank. He did tell us before he left though that with the average dose that we know him to have given Helen Moore and Jack and with the assumption that he would of given an average dose the same to Lucy Wilson. Perry believes that Thaddeus will still have enough left from his purchase for two more people.”

  “Ok Amy if you’re ready I would also like to head on out to do the family notification for Lucy Wilson before we go home.”

  “The family notification I am ready for and more than willing to go tonight but I don’t think you should Jane. You are exhausted and this case is wearing on you. You have already had to deal with the Superintendent’s mess on your own. I think you should let me and Ian handle this one.”

  “Are you sure? I feel like it is my responsibility to do these things.”

  “That may be Jane but we can handle this one. Were a team and we are all in this together. So let us help. We got this.”

  “Thanks guys. Once you have spoken to the family don’t worry about coming back to the station were discuss it in the morning. Get yourselves home and get some rest. If you don’t mind waiting with me Eric until Perry comes back and then we will shoot of home. For now we can sort through some more of these photos.”

  “Yeah not a problem I wouldn’t leave you here on your own.”

  Jane and Eric worked simultaneously for half an hour. Sorting through the photos a picture was starting to form with the photos being displayed in chronological order. Jane had not realised when she had seen the photos up on the wall in the house that there were actually photos of their victims in there as well. It just showed how creepily similar the three of them were in comparison. The time line started with the photos of Jane being held captive. Then there were photos of Jane on the day of Thaddeus escape. Mixed in were photos of their first victim Helen Moore. Jane suspected if they put the five photos on the wall of when Helen was murdered it would tell Thaddeus whole story, but Jane felt like it was disrespectful to the deceased. They knew what had happened to her. The next photos were all of Jane and Jack, and then photos were taken of Jane after they had found Jack’s body. The wall continued on with so many photos of Jane on her own she was struggling to put a time line to them all and where she could have been when some were taken. The second female victim Lucy Wilson was then blended into the wall of Thaddeus story. Jane couldn’t believe it whatever picture Thaddeus was trying to paint it all led back to Jane. Perry returned from being upstairs talking to Frank and found both Jane and Eric still consumed within their work.

  “Hey sorry I was gone so long I needed to talk to Frank about something. Frank can half talk once you get him going. It seems you have been keeping busy. And I must say this is looking creepier by the minute with how many photos he has managed to get of you. I don’t feel like we have been keeping you very well protected at all.”

  “Yeah I know the photos are certainly painting a very obsessive view. Come on Eric leave the rest were sort them in the morning. We could all do with getting some rest.”

  “Yes mam see you in the morning. Be safe tonight.”

  “You to Eric.”

  With that Eric collected his belongings and walked out the front of the station leaving just Jane and Perry standing there.

  “So where to Mr Fierce?”

  “Well now that is a surprise Detective Jane Sparrow. Follow me please.”

  Jane followed Perry out to his awaiting car Jane could see all of their packed belongings for the evening along the back seat. Jane could tell from Perry’s excited tone he had obviously got them a reservation somewhere extra special for this evening.

  “Are you really not going to tell me where we are staying? And how on a day like today have you had the time to plan anything?”

  “I am a man of many talents my dear sweet little skirt. You should know that. And no I’m still not going to tell you. That is the whole meaning of a surprise. So sit back and relax and just enjoy the experience of being spoilt. Because there is more to come.”

  “More to come well I hope it includes me getting to utilise some of your many other talents later tonight?”

  “It can do baby what ever you need and want. I’m all yours tonight.”

  Jane and Perry drove in silence the rest of the way the excitement filling the car. Jane couldn’t wait to see what surprises and spoils Perry had in store for her. And Perry was obviously excited at the thought of giving them to her. It didn’t help the fact that the sexual tension between the pair of them was radiating of each other. It was making Jane’s skin tingle and prick with exc
ited anticipation. Perry was capable of making her body squirm and tense with such intensity it made her whole body wrack with the waves of her orgasms.

  Jane and Perry pulled up at their location for the evening. The surprise that Perry had organised for Jane was just that. She had to admit she was in complete awe of what she was seeing. Pulling off the road onto a gravel driveway that sat between two hedges there stood a building of immense beauty. Stood at the top of the gravel driveway was a small stately home with an attached conservatory and a marquee in the grounds. Jane could imagine this as a venue where in which she could see herself and Perry getting married.

  “Perry are we really staying here?”

  The look on Jane’s face was one of wild and excited bewilderment. This place was more than what Jane could have ever imagined as a surprise. Jane felt overwhelmed with love. She was about to say that it was too much when Perry interrupted before she could.


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