The Healer

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The Healer Page 3

by Theresa Hissong

  “No,” she said, shaking her head sadly. “I cannot shift until dawn breaks.”

  “What do I need to do to make your shift less stressful on you?” Luna’s eyes popped wide. How did he know she was uncertain about shifting in front of the others?

  “I’m not stressed,” she mumbled, averting her eyes.

  “I can sense your worry, Luna,” he said, moving a fraction closer. At this point, Luna could scent him, and his natural scent caressed her senses. Gods, he smelled like the earth and pines. She inhaled deep, but froze when he backed away.

  “What?” she asked.

  “Nothing… Nothing at all,” he stammered. “I will let the alphas know you need to shift and we will have a Guardian of our pride run with you to make sure you are safe on our lands.”

  “Wait,” she begged when he turned to leave.


  “I want you to run with me,” she admitted, sliding off of the bed. Thankfully, a female had left her some clothes and they fit perfectly. At least she wasn’t in that hideous hospital gown anymore. “I trust you to keep me safe.”

  “We have Guardians who are in charge of safety on the land, Luna,” Harold stated, his jaw set tight. “They would be a better protector.”

  “But I don’t know them.” She cursed under her breath, shaking her head. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be so forward.”

  “No,” Harold gasped, holding his hand out. “I should be the one to apologize. I have appointments later this evening with my alpha’s mate. I’ll be unable to run with you.”

  “Oh,” she blushed. “I guess I should leave you to your work, Healer. I’m expected at your alpha’s home once I’m released from your care.”

  “Yes,” he nodded. “I can have Evie walk you over.”

  “Thank you,” she said. “I would appreciate that. I would like to see the female again.”

  “I’m going to my office to attempt to work on the files that have been sitting on my desk for two weeks now,” he chuckled. “Would you like to join me for some coffee while we wait?”

  “Actually,” she smiled standing from the bed, “I would love some coffee. I haven’t had any in a month.” The reminder made her sad, but she quickly schooled her features. She didn’t want the healer to worry.

  As she entered his office, Luna sighed. The male had a mess of folders and papers on his desk. There were several printed papers that looked to be medical articles. He’d highlighted areas and made notes on the sides of the papers.

  “Do you not have an assistant?” she asked, leaning over his desk. “Goodness, you have a mess here.”

  “With the Community causing havoc, I haven’t had a chance to organize,” he tried to explain. Luna detected a hint of color to his cheeks from the embarrassment.

  “I would be glad to help you,” she offered. “I worked with our healer and took care of his office.”

  “You did?” he asked, those thick brows rising high.

  “Yes, Healer,” she sighed. “I told you that I came from a peaceful pack. We lived normal lives and sold our wares to the local humans.”

  “I’m sorry.” He shook his head and sat heavily in his office chair. “I’m clueless on your kind, Luna. I’m trying to understand how the white wolves are so docile. Where are you from?”

  “I’m from a very small town in Canada,” she answered, remembering her home and curious as to what had become of it since they all had disappeared. “It’s called O’Leary, and it’s on Prince Edward Island. We owned about a hundred acres close to the lighthouse. It was beautiful there.”

  “Again, I am so sorry this has happened to you,” Harold said, looking at his desk. “I would love for you to help me out while you are here.”

  “Really?” she squeaked, feeling a bit of excitement at having a task. She loved to work, and even if she was only there for a week, she’d do her best to help the pride’s healer.

  “If you can help me out, I would forever be grateful,” he said, then smiled, almost knocking Luna off of her feet. The male was even more stunning when he dropped the stoic healer face. “Maybe we can start tomorrow if you are feeling up to it and you’ve rested from your shift.”

  “I’d like that a lot.”

  “Are you ready, Luna?” Evie asked. The female from the island looked different than she had just three days ago. She had a bright smile on her face, and Luna felt her happiness almost as if she was projecting her feelings like an alpha would.

  “Yes,” Luna said, walking out of the room. She stopped when she got to the front door and looked over her shoulder. The healer’s office door was closed and there was no sound coming from within.

  “Do you need to see our healer?” Evie worried.

  “No.” Luna shook her head. “I was just going to thank him again.”

  “He must be busy,” Evie offered, opening the door. There was a chill in the air, but it was still warmer than the island prison. “You’ll see him again before you leave with Theo.”

  “Are we leaving soon?” she panicked. Evie’s brows scrunched slightly, but she didn’t comment on Luna’s urgency for information. “I was going to assist the healer in organizing his office.”

  “Not yet,” Evie replied and started walking. The trip to the alpha’s home wasn’t even really long enough to be called a trip. The healer’s home sat yards away from the main home. Luna assumed it was for emergencies within their pride. An alpha would want his healer close. “Theo is still working out transportation for your pride…I mean pack. I don’t think you helping Harold will be a problem.”

  “I guess we’d be a pride since Theo is a panther?” Luna wondered aloud.

  “I really don’t know,” Evie said, stopping on the back porch. She pointed to some rocking chairs and took a seat. Luna followed her lead and used her foot to push the chair back and forth a few times before Evie continued. “Are you sure you are the only one left?”

  “My histories say that my pack was the only one,” Luna sniffled. “My family is gone. I have nothing left.”

  “That’s not true,” Evie gasped, squeezing her hand. “You have Theo and you have me. Even after you are gone, Luna, you can always call me. I will talk to you anytime you need it.”

  “I appreciate you and your pride for everything,” she said, wiping away a tear. “I wouldn’t be alive if it wasn’t for you.”

  “I wasn’t going to let them win.” Evie stopped and held Luna’s hand. She grasped her hand tightly and let go after Luna nodded her thanks. The female was so strong and sure. Luna wondered if she’d ever find her confidence again. Not that she was a warrior like Evie. The males of her pack wouldn’t allow it. “I’ve trained to protect myself and others of my pride.”

  “You are a warrior? A Guardian to your pride?” Luna asked.

  “I am not,” Evie answered. “I was kidnapped when I was young. It took a few years before I begged one of the Guardians to break the rules of our kind and teach me to fight. We did that in secret for months. When my pride found out, most of the males accepted it…others did not. It wasn’t until Talon gave his blessing and allowed the women to train that I really found my calling.”

  “Wow,” Luna grinned. “I’ve never fought. The males in my pack hovered around me and wouldn’t let me lift a finger.”

  “I guess females are protected in all species.” Evie laughed, and rolled her eyes. “Males think we are fragile and breakable.”

  “I’m just glad you were there.” Luna sobered, her eyes cast down to stare at her feet. The memories from that island rushed back up to her mind. She’d never have the protectiveness of her pack anymore. She’d never see her land again.

  “Luna?” Harold gasped when he stepped on the porch. Luna didn’t know he was going to follow her to the alpha’s home.

  “I’ll be inside.” Evie shot up and excused herself, but Luna never raised her eyes to meet the handsome healer.

  “Luna, what’s wrong?” The male’s voice was strong and caressed her
body like a warm blanket. She trusted him more than the others. What was it about the panther that called to her wolf?

  “I’m alone,” she whispered, letting the tears fall to her lap. “I don’t know any others like myself, and from what you’ve all told me, wolves are deadly. I don’t want to be involved with them. My brother was forced to be with them in the wild on that island and it got him killed.”

  “Oh, sweetheart,” Harold cooed, dropping to one knee in front of her. He was so close, and she wanted to touch him. Hell, she wanted this man to hold her. The beast inside her was clawing at the surface to come out and demand she show him how pretty she was in her wolf form. “Don’t ever think you are alone.”

  “In a sense, I will always be alone,” she replied, taking a deep breath. Luna blinked once…twice, and on the third time, she looked into his eyes. She gasped when they were solid amber. “Are you angry?”

  “No,” Harold replied, shaking his head. “No, my panther senses your fear and uncertainty. He doesn’t like it.”

  “My wolf wants to touch you,” she blurted. The male stared at her in shock for so long, she thought she’d need to get an alpha to help. “I’m sorry. It’s true, and you should know.”

  Luna stood up and reached for the handle on the door. Harold was still on his knees, his mouth opened wide. As bad as she wanted to say something else, her lips wouldn’t form the words. Instead, Luna decided against pouring out her heart to the only male she trusted. She’d already shocked him enough, because the healer obviously didn’t reciprocate the feeling.

  Once inside, she looked over her shoulder and ached with sadness that he hadn’t followed her. She felt terrible for saying those things. You don’t touch a male…ever. They were the ones to initiate contact. It’d been drilled into her for as long as she could remember.

  She should’ve mated by now with one of the two males in her pack. She’d been chosen by the alpha’s son, but she didn’t want him. Thankfully, he’d had the same feelings, and their alpha didn’t force them into a mating. With only fifteen in the pack, she had been one of three single females left. There had been two males who were available, and neither one of them stirred any feelings from her or her wolf. If she’d been in a pack of rogue wolves, would they have forced her to mate? Maybe her capture was a blessing in disguise? Even if it was, she didn’t feel lucky at the moment.

  “Luna,” a female voice called out from the kitchen. “Food is ready. Let’s eat.”

  As she entered the dining room, several heads turned in her direction. She felt like she was on display, and the alpha to the pride cleared his throat to get them all to return to filling their plates. Luna was relieved they didn’t continue to stare, because at the moment, her hands were starting to shake.

  She added a few items to her plate and found a seat far away from the other males. Her wolf whined and backed away from her mind. She’d been so accustomed to the healer’s quiet home, the loudness of the alpha’s home sent her anxiety into overdrive. The sound of silverware hitting the china was deafening, and the raised voices of the males sent a chill down her spine. The room felt more closed in, the air thick.

  Luna tried to breathe quietly and calm her racing heart. The thought of being around strangers was quickly causing a panic attack, and she didn’t know what to do. Where could she go? Her wolf pushed against her skin, reminding her it was almost time to hunt. The moon was getting closer. The thought of the wolf taking over for several hours was actually a relief. At least she could get away from the human world for a little while.

  She glanced up when the back door opened and Harold walked in. The voices around her continued, but she didn’t seem to notice them anymore. The male glanced in her direction but was distracted when an older female spoke to him by the large table with all of the food. She waited for him to turn around, but he filled his plate and took it to an empty spot in the middle of the long table, sitting down and eating without speaking to anyone.

  “May we sit with you?” a familiar voice said to her left. When she glanced up from her plate, the three males she was held prisoner with were waiting for an answer. The young lion, Zane, was the one asking.

  “Please, sit,” she said and smiled sweetly. The young male appeared to be in much better spirits than the other two males beside him. Shadow and Santiago, two black bears, took the two chairs next to Zane and sat down without a word. They immediately started in on the food that overflowed their plates.

  “How are you?” Zane inquired. His young eyes had matured since he’d first arrived at the lab only a week after Luna had been placed in the cage.

  “Better,” she answered, pushing away a piece of chicken.

  “We are worried about you,” Shadow admitted as he turned his head to look around Zane. His light brown eyes darkened when his beast made itself known. She wanted to reassure them all.

  “I’m going to be okay,” she promised, setting down her fork. She looked around the table and noticed none of the panthers were watching her anymore, and she breathed a sigh of relief. “Tonight, I have to shift with the moon. I think that will be exactly what both my wolf and I need to finally put this all behind us.”

  “Do you want us to shift with you?” Santiago asked.

  “No.” Luna shook her head. While she appreciated what the others had done to attempt to protect her on the island, she wanted them to let her do it on her own. She couldn’t get stronger if she was being coddled. Those days were over, and now that her species had died out, she had to learn to live as misfit, just like Zane would have to learn the same thing as he matured. “The Guardians of the pride have been tasked to run with me.”

  “All you have to do is say the word,” Zane stated and resumed eating. “You are our family now.”

  “Thank you,” she replied with a fake smile.

  Chapter Four

  Dane entered the alpha’s home and rubbed the back of his neck while he walked toward the kitchen. The aroma made his stomach growl, but his mind wasn’t in it. Olivia and Cole were a thick presence and had taken up residency in his head ever since he’d left The Deuce.

  The thought of leaving them alone at the bar didn’t settle well with him or his panther, but he couldn’t deny his alpha’s order to return to the pride. The female wolf had confessed to the healer that she had to shift after dark, and because she was uncertain about the area, Talon needed several Guardians to escort her during the night.

  “You look agitated,” Ranger observed as he fell in line next to him at the table where the food was set out for them. Dane’s chest rumbled from the irritation he was feeling coming from his panther. “What’s going on with you?”

  “Nothing.” Dane paused, taking a deep breath. He set the spoon back in the mashed potatoes and looked at his best friend. “I don’t know, honestly.”

  “Is it a female?” Ranger asked, his voice so low only Dane could detect it. The panthers had enhanced hearing, and Dane was certain he didn’t want to spill his thoughts in the alpha’s home for everyone to hear.

  “Can we discuss this later?” he asked, cutting his eyes toward the dining room where everyone was eating.

  “Come by the house in the morning,” Ranger ordered.

  “Will do.” Dane nodded and walked away. He found an empty chair at the other end of the table and took a seat. He didn’t even notice who was sitting next to him; he just dug into his food and kept his head down.

  A hand landed on his forearm and he jerked his head to the left. Talon was sitting next to him at the head of the table, and the look on his alpha’s face was one of concern. “I’ve called your name twice.”

  “I’m sorry,” Dane swallowed, “I must’ve not heard you.” Talon gave a nod, understanding that Dane’s ability to hear out of his left ear was impaired. He’d lived with the disability for as long as he could remember. Most of the time, he didn’t have any issues with the hearing loss. Except when his mind was preoccupied.

  “Are you okay to go out with Noah an
d Booth to protect the female, Luna?” Talon took a drink of water and set his glass down. The alpha’s eyes flickered to his mate before settling back on Dane.

  “Yes,” Dane nodded. “I’m ready whenever she is.”

  “We are just waiting for her to let us know when.” Talon nodded toward the other end of the table. The alpha looked concerned, but he didn’t speak of his worry and finished eating.

  The female wolf was picking at her food. Her eyes looked around the room with a bit of unease in her gaze. Dane noticed when she would look at Harold, the tension around her eyes would ease.

  “Maybe Harold should go with us,” Dane suggested. “I think the female trusts him more than anyone else.”

  “Harold refuses.” Talon sighed and shook his head. He forked a piece of steak and popped it in his mouth. “Just protect the female. We will deal with whatever that is later.”

  “Sure thing,” Dane smirked. He liked a good challenge with the other males and he had a feeling the healer wouldn’t like what he had planned to do with the pretty wolf lady.

  Luna felt the stirrings of the full moon. Her beast paced anxiously in her mind as she dumped the remaining food off her plate. When she sat it in the sink, her hands were still shaking. Looking over her shoulder, she saw the healer in the other room, but he wasn’t watching her. She sighed and dropped her gaze to the floor…only to see a pair of black boots approach. She jerked her head up quickly and saw the handsome blond male who’d been on the island. “I’m sorry, I don’t think we’ve met.”

  “My name is Dane.” His blue eyes sparkled when he smiled, but Luna could already tell he was nothing more than a lady’s man. “I’ve been asked to run with you this evening. My fellow Guardians and I will protect you on our land, but I will be the one by your side until you are ready to return to the house.”

  “Thank you,” she replied and nodded toward her hands. “It’s getting close to time. My wolf is starting to stir.”

  “We should go outside and get undressed.” He winked, holding his hand out for her to go first.


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