Fated Love (Stone Pack book 3)

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Fated Love (Stone Pack book 3) Page 3

by Harper Phoenix

  I launch my empty glass across the room, and it shatters against the wall. I close my eyes and throw my head back against the sofa. Just as I scrub over my face with my hands, the door flies open and in comes Jared with two police officers behind him and Brad. They all look at me with wide-eyes. Jared looks over at the glass and then back to me.

  ‘You okay?’ he asks. He knows what I did. I nod as my elbows hit my knees, and I rest my chin in the palms.

  ‘What was the noise?’ One officer asks. Idiot. I gesture with my hand toward the broken glass. Like it isn’t obvious. He nods his head looking at his partner. ‘Well, all good in here then,’ he says with absolute certainty. What a joke. I catch Brad’s eye as he turns to leave. Making him hold back a little while the others go on.

  ‘You okay?’

  I exhale. Am I? I shake my head in exasperation.

  ‘I don’t know what the fuck is wrong with me.’

  ‘Well, something is because I’m sure as fuck you wouldn’t have wasted a perfectly good glass of…’ he sniffs the air. ‘Whiskey?’ he questions.

  I laugh. ‘I drank it first.’

  Brad claps me on the shoulder. ‘Seriously, Howard, you’ve been chewing on wasps for a while now, what’s up?’

  ‘I don’t know.’ I shrug my shoulders and close my eyes against the trapped feeling I’m getting.

  ‘Bit of advice?’ he offers. I roll my eyes and shrug at him

  ‘Whatever, it can’t hurt.’

  ‘She’s what, seventeen?’ I look up at him now, and he has a grin on his face. Fucker. ‘Almost eighteen, right?’ he continues.


  ‘So… what’s the problem?’

  ‘What do you mean what’s the fucking problem? She’s seventeen, and I’m twenty-fucking-two.’

  ‘Annnnnd that’s a problem, why?’ He looks me right in the eye. It’s not what I expected him to say. I thought he’d be calling me a cradle robber or some shit. But he’s being serious.

  ‘Well…I… if…’ I start and stop. I really don’t have a clue what to say.

  ‘Howard, here’s my advice… you listening?’ I nod as he claps me on the shoulder. ‘Life is fucking short. Way too fucking short to be miserable and wondering what if! I did it with Maiya for long enough and wasted a shit ton of time. And despite everything she said to me, and what she thought about us, we worked it out. My only regret is not sorting it out sooner.’

  ‘So you’re saying I should just go and claim her?’

  ‘Hell, fucking no, that would be way the fuck stupid.’

  ‘So what then?’

  ‘Romance her. I don’t know—show her your nice side? Wait, you don’t have one—’

  ‘Dickhead,’ I say as I punch him in the arm.

  ‘Let me finish.’ He laughs shoving me back. ‘Tell her you like her, lay it out for her, see how she feels and go from there.’

  ‘What if she tells me to fuck off?’

  ‘When have you ever given up on something?’

  Hmm he has a point.

  ‘But she’s seventeen, Brad!’

  ‘Jesus, she’s been legal for over a year if she’s nearing her birthday. Fucking girls are having sex a hell of a lot younger than seventeen, Howard.’

  ‘Maybe so, but I bet it’s with boys their own fucking age!’

  ‘Oh, I fucking give up. It’s not like you’re old enough to be her dad for fuck’s sake. Talk to her or don’t, you miserable fucker. I’m gonna go and make sweet love to my girl. Why don’t ya put a sock on the door and spank the monkey? Might put a smile on your face.’

  I growl as he retreats through the door. I hear him laughing as he does. Still unsure what I should do, I close my eyes.

  Brad shaking my shoulder wakes me. I’m still on the sofa.

  ‘Thought you might wanna go to bed? It’s late.’ I notice Maiya just behind him with her hand in Brad’s. Fuck me if it isn’t a slap in the face. Why the fuck do I even want that all of a sudden? I get up, thank Brad, and make my way up to my room.

  I COULDN’T HELP but smile after the guys went at each other in the hall earlier. There is something about Howard that I really like. Yet he’s an asshole too. I’m torn about Brody as well. He’s always going to look out for me, that much I know. He’s my big brother, but I’m not a kid anymore, and it pisses me off that he treats me like I am. A big part of me wants Howard to see me as a grown female, and not a kid. Why, I’m not entirely sure. I’ve never had the attention of a guy. Well, other than Max. Before we joined the pack in Phoenix, I hadn’t been interested in boys. I was too young to care, and with the antics my mother got up to, I really didn’t care for them. So it was kind of nice and very new to have his attention.

  I get myself showered and ready for bed. It’s been a good Christmas for me this year, despite having to rush back for whatever has happened here. No one wants to discuss it, and the police were still here when we got home. So, the best place for me right now is out of the way. I’m slowly getting used to being able to go out and do stuff freely around the property, but I’m not actually allowed to leave the property unprotected yet, I don’t know why, but the rule seems to be for all the females, so that’s why I haven’t brought it up as a problem, yet. So long as I’m treated as an adult female the same way as all the others, I’ll be happy. I switch on my television; the channels are weird here and something I guess I’ll get used to, but it’s a pain in the ass because all the programmes I liked to watch are either not being aired yet or not on at all. Time… I think to myself. It will all be better with time. Plus, it’s a small inconvenience, for what I have here.

  I get into bed, taking off my t-shirt, and getting under the comforter in just my panties. For some reason, my mind goes back to Howard. My nipples harden as I picture him, looking me over in the car like he needed that image to live. My breath catches a little as I see his piercing green eyes and his blonde hair in the breeze—his jaw looks like it could have been chiselled from marble. He’s beautiful. I take a deep inhale as I realise my hand has travelled south of its own accord, and my fingers are toying with the elastic of my panties. I close my eyes tighter as my fingers move inside, brushing over my pubic mound as I find my pussy. I slide my fingers between the wetness of my lips and rub against the sensitive nub. It feels strange because I’ve never done it before. But at the same time, it feels good. The comforter moves against my nipple, and it feels so sensitive. With my other hand, I move my fingers to pinch it between my finger and thumb. I inhale against the feeling it gives me. I move my fingers faster against my pussy, and I let out a small moan as my back arches off the bed.

  At the same time, I hear a small rap on the door.

  My eyes spring open, and I pull the comforter up to my chin, covering myself and what I was doing. I come back to myself and realise it’s Howard at the door. Howard, who I was just fantasising about. I feel the dampness in my panties as I press my thighs together. He knocks again, a little louder this time, and I realise I still haven’t said anything. I want him to come in. I want him to finish what I just started.

  ‘Yes?’ I call from the bed, and he takes that as an invitation to come in. I’m shocked I thought he’d just answer through the door. I watch as his nostrils flare. I’m so fucking busted. I may as well have it tattooed on my forehead: Willow is aroused! He stops, and it seems like everything goes in slow motion as his eyes meet mine and a rumble starts in his chest and makes its way out of his mouth. And my panties get considerably wetter. Shit. The look on his face tells me he knows exactly what I was just doing… was in the middle of doing.

  ‘What are you doing?’ he grumbles in a low voice, which makes me shudder.

  ‘Nothing,’ I respond way too quickly. His head tilts to the side as he takes me in.

  ‘What were you thinking about while you touched yourself, Willow?’ I avert my eyes because I can’t look at him while he speaks to me with that gravelly voice. It kind of makes me want to lie my naked body out at his feet. And I am
not about to do that.

  ‘Answer me,’ he demands in a tone I cannot ignore, and my mouth engages before my brain does.

  ‘You,’ I blurt. FUCK. He takes a step closer, but his face shows an internal battle. He wants to come closer, but he’s unsure. I sit up and let the comforter fall to my waist. His eyes widen minutely, and his nostrils flare just a little bit.

  ‘What was I doing in your fantasy, Willow? Was I fucking you? Eating you? Or making you swallow my cock?’ I gasp at his crude words but not because I don’t like them, quite the opposite really. ‘Answer me, Willow. I’m not known for my patience.’ I turn away because I’m not sure how to answer him. I’m still a virgin. Do I want him? Yes. Does he frustrate me? Yes. Do I want him to do all of those things to me? Hell, yes… but I’m not about to tell him that.

  ‘Look at me, Willow.’ He demands my attention, and I can’t help but give it to him. I meet his eyes with my own, and he takes another step forward. My breath catches in my throat at the possibility of him actually touching me this time. So many times he’s got close enough to kiss me and hasn’t. He’s just stood there or turned away from me. He’s so confusing. He takes the final step, and I think this is it. I close my eyes in anticipation. He grasps the comforter, making my eyes spring open. He looks angry, and I’m left confused once again. He yanks it up to my shoulders covering my bare body like it offends him. Then his mouth comes so close to my ear that I can feel his breath on my neck. Goose pimples break out where his breath tickles my skin, and I feel another wave of heat pool in my panties.

  ‘I’m still waiting for an answer,’ he whispers. And my mind is so muddled I can’t even remember the question. The comforter falls at my waist again as I move upward.

  ‘Kiss me,’ I ask in a shaky voice. He pulls away from me, his eyes closed as if he is in pain.

  ‘Willow, you don’t want that, and neither do I. Cover yourself up. You’re seventeen and not a slut,’ he snaps. I feel as if all the air has been knocked out of me. I bring my knees up to my chin, covering myself from him. He clenches his jaw and looks at me a few seconds longer before he turns to leave. Bastard. The tears swell in my eyes, and my vision goes blurry as he closes the door behind him. What did he even come in here for? What the hell does he want with me?


  The next morning, I wake with a renewed determination to stay the hell away from Howard and not think about him anymore. There are so many other people here that I would love to get to know. I make my way down to breakfast after showering and dressing. I’m in a foul mood because after Howard left, I couldn’t get any sleep. And I find him sitting at the table with two new officers. Also sitting at the table is Brody, Brad, Maiya, and Zoe. I smile sweetly at everyone but Howard, who is too busy inhaling waffles to pay me any mind anyway. Just as well, because he isn’t getting a smile from me. My eyes land lastly on my brother, who pats the seat beside him, which I am more than happy to take up, despite it being rather close to one of the officers.

  I avert my gaze when the officer in question nods and smiles. I don’t know how to treat these people? Are they friends or foe? This is definitely something I’m not used to. So, I decide to treat them with absolute indifference. Pretty much the same way I intend to treat Howard from this day forward because I can’t tell if he is friend or foe either. What I do know for sure is, he’s an arrogant shitty fuck face of a person. And I am done with him. I load my plate with bacon and pancakes and add syrup. The officer to my right looks at my plate and then up at me with a funny look on his face.

  ‘What?’ I ask him quite sternly. Don’t get between me and my food.

  ‘That’s a big portion for someone as slender as you.’

  ‘Well, you shouldn’t be checking out how slender I am, should you!’ I snap. Brody clears his throat and kicks my foot under the table.

  ‘What?’ I ask around the mouthful of pancake I’d just taken from my fork. He widens his eyes and tilts his head. I roll my eyes, knowing he’s telling me off for having an attitude. I finish my mouthful and turn back to the officer. ‘I’m not a morning person. Sorry,’ I say sweetly. Everyone else at the table, barring fuck face, is sniggering at my outburst. Honestly, I’m past caring. Fuck face is still eating when I’m done, so I get up and take myself off to the lounge area where people seem to gather to watch T.V. together.

  I find it empty. I sigh and decide to stay anyway, at least there’s more of a chance someone may come in here than if I sat alone up in my room. I flick through the channels and find a programme called ‘Jeremy Kyle.’ It’s crap, but, funny as hell. I’ve seen it in the states before but this is the British version, and I find myself laughing at the accents alone. I can’t make everything out that’s being said, and it’s that bad I have to put the subtitles on. I’m having a full on laughing fit when I sense Howard behind me. The laughter dies immediately, and the anger I feel toward him after the way he spoke to me bubbles to the surface, so I’m quite surprised when I turn around to find him leaning up against the doorframe with a smile on his face. An actual smile. Well, I’ll be damned. I turn, giving him my resting bitch face. What the hell does he want anyway?

  ‘What do you want?’ I snipe.

  He shakes his head, a half smile still in place. ‘Nothing. I was amusing myself that’s all.’

  My eyes widen a little. ‘Well, I’m not here for your amusement, so you can just move along.’

  His head tilts to the side, and his eyebrows rise. ‘Not the impression I got last night, Willow.’

  I want to smack the stupid look off his face. Instead, I walk right up to him, calmly gritting my teeth.

  ‘Well, that was a grave error on my part, and it won’t happen again!’ I sidestep to move past him, but he clasps my elbow in his hand. I pull away, and his grip tightens to the point where I’m sure he’ll leave a mark.

  ‘I beg to differ,’ he says, in that gravelly sexy voice, and I feel my panties get considerably damp.

  ‘Don’t hold your breath. I’d hate for you to suffocate,’ I snarl, yanking my elbow free. I can feel the sting in my eyes and the tightness in my throat as I hold back the tears. I cry when I’m angry or frustrated, and that just plain irritates me. I hate crying. It’s weak. And I’m anything but weak. I can fight, I can shoot, and I can hold my own against just about anyone. Yet, a few words from Howard, and I’m a wreck. I hate him. I find myself out back and heading into the forest. There is still a police presence to the right side of the property, and we’ve been told we can still use the left but we have to stay in human form, which sucks. I could just use a good run to get all of my frustration out. But it would have to wait. I wonder if they have a gym here. I could definitely take some time to beat a bag. I guess I’ll ask that question later. I’m about twenty minutes into the forest when I hear someone up ahead. I stop and for a second I internally panic because I don’t know the area or the people yet, and we have humans milling about the property that I really needed to steer clear of. I catch a scent on the wind as it changes direction and I relax, he’s a wolf. We haven’t met yet though. I carry on and find him waiting for me, leaning up against a huge tree.

  ‘There you are,’ he states with a huge smile on his face. ‘Well, don’t you just look as good as you smell?’ He grins. He’s tall and skinny, built, but still muscular. His hair’s dark, and he has blue eyes. I’d say he’s probably around my age. I step out into the small clearing walking toward him.

  ‘I’m Willow,’ I tell him with my hand outstretched and a smile on my face.

  ‘Jordan,’ he answers grinning back. ‘So you’re Brody’s sister?’ I nod my head. ‘He seems a decent enough guy. Had a chat with him this morning.’

  ‘He’s a very decent guy actually,’ I tell him smiling.

  ‘And what about you, sugar?’

  I blush a little and avert my eyes. ‘Well, I guess you’ll have to decide that for yourself,’ I tell him shyly. What the hell is wrong with me? What am I doing? I look up to see him grinning. A
s our eyes meet, he bites his bottom lip, and he tilts his head. His eyes roam up and down the length of my body. I should feel uncomfortable, but it makes me feel good after the way Howard treated me—making me feel like a dirty whore. This is different. He’s appreciating what I look like, and I find myself enjoying the attention. I fiddle with my hair a little as his eyes find mine again.

  ‘I guess I will,’ he says finally. ‘You want to walk a bit?’ he asks.

  ‘It’s kind of what I came out here for since we can’t change and run. I thought I’d explore a little.’

  ‘Well, how about I show you around?’ he offers, and we step in sync through the forest. We chat about the pack I’ve come from and how I’d been practically imprisoned inside the house since we’ve arrived there. He tells me about the place he lives, which is usually with the main part of the pack and the alpha I stayed with. He’s been called here over the Christmas period, and I was there, which is why we haven’t met before today. I also get the impression he knows why we’ve been called back so suddenly, but he doesn’t give too much away, and I don’t ask too many questions for fear of him getting into trouble. He’d tells me that he won’t be attending university. That he isn’t academically minded and he prefers to be hands on. So, he is a mechanical apprentice. I ask when he will be going back, and he shrugs his shoulders and answers that he guesses it’ll be when the threat is gone. Again, I don’t press him. I like him and didn’t want there to be any reprisals.

  By the time we get back to the house, it’s past lunchtime. Jordan’s stomach has growled for the latter part of the walk, and we’ve have laughed about it for a good ten minutes.

  BRAD AND BRODY are going over footage in the security room while I keep the police officers busy in the kitchen. Why Jared chose me to speak to the fuckers, I have no idea. I don’t like people full stop. But as his second in command, I do my job, as always, without complaint. I would much prefer to kick the fuckers out. That said, they aren’t really causing too much of an issue—no more than any other human on our land. But their presence alone makes it difficult to make plans and speak to each other. I still have the fucking station lab to break into to get our DNA samples back. Having to play nice with the two fuckwits sitting at the kitchen table doesn’t make my life any easier where that is concerned either. I sit back at the table, after making the officers yet more coffee. The door opens, and I look up to find Jordan and Willow, smiling and chatting as they walk in. I grind my teeth and feel possessiveness almost take hold of me as I bite back the need to yank her by the arm and pull her onto my lap and away from Jordan. I close my eyes and swallow the growl I want to let rip. I internally count to ten. But when that doesn’t help, and I can still hear them giggling and chatting like I’m not sitting here, I can’t take it anymore. I leap up from my seat, halting all conversation and all eyes land on me.


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