Stake Out... (Studs & Steel Book 5)

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Stake Out... (Studs & Steel Book 5) Page 10

by Heather Mar-Gerrison

  I shook my head, “His sexual orientation is nobody else’s business. It doesn’t define you as a person. You of all people should know that.”

  He looked at me in shock, “You what? You’re a cop and you don’t care if someone’s gay?” he asked, “I thought you were all homophobes...” Obviously the cops he’d had to deal with had been – some were – which was another good reason why Denny and I had never come out...

  I shook my head, “No.” I said, “Why hate someone just for being gay?” I asked reasonably, “Seems to me the only difference between a gay person and a straight person is the way they have sex – so being prejudiced is just stupid – ignorant and stupid.”

  He sighed and winced as he tried to move.

  “Keep still, I asked for an ambulance as well as the police.”

  “I’m freezing.” He muttered. He was very pale. I hauled him to his feet, “Come with me.”

  I half-dragged, half-carried him back to the cabin and lay him down on the bed. “Stay right there – or I’ll shoot you again and this time it’ll be between the eyes, got it?”

  He nodded.

  I turned to see how Denny was doing. He was still breathing. Thank God.

  I ripped a sheet off the bed and bunched it up and pressed it against the wound at the top of his shoulder. I couldn’t tell for the amount of blood whether it was still inside him or if it gone straight through him.

  Finally I could hear the sirens. The backup we’d been promised were clearly on their way. It was going to take another few minutes for them to get to us, we were quite a way up the hill and the road turned to a rough track halfway up.

  Finally they got to us. “Denny? Blaine?” I heard Tate’s voice.

  “In here!” I shouted back desperately, “Denny’s down – we need paramedics.”

  “They’re on the way.” Tate said as he came into the room. He eyed the kid on the bed, “Oh, hello Hendrix.”

  Hendrix looked back at him in surprise, “Who the fuck are you?” he asked, genuinely bemused.

  Tate grinned, “I used to go by the name of Connor – rubbed shoulders with some of your cousins and your brother a few times while I was in those circles – you were just a kid at the time. What the hell are you still doing with those losers?”

  Hendrix scowled, “Great, another undercover wanker.” He muttered, and then he looked him in the eye, “It wasn’t by choice, believe me – not that any of you lot would ever believe that so I don’t even know why I’m bothering to explain.” His voice cracked a little and his nose went red.

  Tate chuckled, “Looks like he’s gonna be okay.” He looked at Denny, frowning in concern, “How long has he been out?”

  I shook my head, “At least fifteen minutes – maybe twenty.” My heart stuttered as I realised why Tate was asking. The longer he was out, and getting colder with the freezing air coming in from outside, the lower his chances of making it.

  Tate dragged the quilt off the bed, “Let’s keep him as warm as we can, huh?”

  I nodded, “I’ll cuddle him.” I said, not caring if Tate or Hendrix thought it was weird that I was prepared to cuddle my blood-soaked colleague. I didn’t give a fuck. If it was the difference between him living or dying, what did it matter?

  “Where are the others?”

  I nodded towards the broken glass to the outside, from where I was now lying on the floor with the lifeless form of Denny in my arms, “They’re out there – one’s shot in the shoulder, the other in the leg like this one.”

  Tate nodded, “Stay there,” he said, “I’ll go and round up those jokers.”

  I nodded. Denny stank of blood, which was beginning to make me panic – and make me nauseous if I’m honest. I’d never been great with blood and the overwhelming smell was absolutely disgusting. He’d lost loads. If they didn’t get here soon, I wasn’t sure he’d make it.

  “Don’t you dare die on me, Denny,” I whispered, “What the fuck would I do without you?”

  To my surprise, his eyes flickered open and he smiled up at me, his beautiful grey eyes rolling slightly in his head and making me panic all over again, “You’ll probably be assigned a hot woman.” He croaked.

  My eyes filled with tears, “I don’t want a hot woman – I want you.” I love you.

  His eyes closed again, “If I don’t make it – be happy.” He whispered. “Because I’ve been the happiest I’ve ever been these last couple of weeks. I love you Blaine. I’ve always...” he passed out again.

  Fuck! Where the hell were they?

  He was still breathing but it was shallow and he was still losing blood. What the fuck had possessed him to jump in front of me? Love... That’s what. Because I’d have done exactly the same thing had the roles been reversed. I loved him. Simple as...

  Finally the paramedics were there. I watched with my heart in my mouth as they worked on Denny. He was still unconscious. “Is he going to be okay?” I asked.

  The guy working on him looked at me, giving away absolutely nothing with his expression, “God willing.” He replied.

  Fuck. That didn’t help me one bit. I was an atheist through and through... “What the hell does that mean?”

  He smiled at me then, which was a little more reassuring. “Well, he’s broken his nose, chipped his front teeth and he’s lost a lot of blood from the gun shot, but his wound isn’t what we would usually deem to be life-threatening. The fact that he’s lost consciousness is a concern – but his vitals look good and he’s breathing by himself – let’s just get him to hospital, huh?”

  I nodded, “Can I come with him?”

  He nodded, “Sure – if your guys say it’s okay.”

  I looked at Tate who had just come back in through the doors. He nodded, “Sure.” He said, “Get that cut on your leg looked at while you’re there.”

  I looked down in surprise, “Fuck.” I muttered. I hadn’t even realised that I’d cut my leg pretty badly on the door.

  I clambered into the ambulance after Denny was lifted in on his trolley. I strapped myself into the seat. The paramedic, satisfied with Denny’s current condition turned to me, “Let’s have a look at that leg.” He said.

  Chapter 20 – Still alive...


  Waking up when you’ve been out of it for a while is weird. It’s even weirder when you wake up attached to a heart monitor and a drip. By far the most surreal of the whole thing was waking up to find my parents at my bedside with worried looks on their faces.

  I blinked and licked my lips. My front teeth felt sharp against my tongue and I realised with a little thrill of horror that they were broken. I wasn’t in any pain with them though – that was weird too...

  My mouth felt unbearably dry and I really wanted a drink. “What are you guys doing here?” I croaked, “Am I dying or something?”

  Dad stood up and shook his head, “No, son.” He said, “Thanks to the quick thinking of your colleague, Blaine you’re going to be absolutely fine – you were shot in the back of your shoulder but the bullet caught a major blood vessel and that’s why you were bleeding so badly – he managed to stem the flow well enough to keep you alive before they got you here – he uh, he actually saved your life, son.”

  Blaine saved my life. He really was my knight in shining armour... I smiled, “Where is he?” I tried to sit up, but pain like I’d never felt in my life shot through my shoulder blade and down the centre of my back. I slumped back down against my pillows, “Fu... crikey, that was painful.” I felt as if I was lisping with my broken teeth and my lips felt swollen and bruised. I wasn’t sure I wanted Blaine to see me in this mess...

  Dad’s lips twitched as I tried to curb my language for the sake of my mother. “He’s in a room on the other side of the corridor.”

  My heart almost stopped. I stared at Dad in horror, “He got hurt too?” I asked desperately, “Why? What happened to him?” He’d been fine before I lost consciousness...

  “He caught his leg on the broken glass – he
’s got a little damage to the muscle but he’s going to be fine. Nothing to worry about – he’s going home later. Catherine’s with him. No doubt she’ll be looking after him.” Dad chuckled.

  I felt sick. Catherine? Fuck. She couldn’t take care of him better than me... And what the hell was she doing back on the scene anyway? Who had called her for fuck’s sake? “Catherine?” I couldn’t help asking the question, “Who called her?”

  Mum looked at me, “I don’t know, dear.” She said, “Why? Is it a problem for her to be here? Will she be in some sort of danger?”

  Not from anyone other than me, no... I shook my head, “No – it was just that I thought they’d broken up...”

  Mum smiled wistfully, “Well, someone that you care for deeply getting hurt focuses the mind like nothing else can – she obviously realised that he meant a lot more to her than she thought. It happens.”

  I frowned. Did it work both ways? Would he have realised the same thing? Fuck. Where the hell did that leave me?

  Mum was happily jabbering on and Dad was smiling at her indulgently. Neither of them had noticed that I’d sunk into a dark mood. “I’m tired.” I snapped, “I need some sleep.”

  Mum shot to her feet, “We’ll get going then sweetheart,” she leaned over and enveloping me in her familiar flowery scent she brushed her lips across my forehead, “We’ll be back to see you in the morning – you’ll hopefully be allowed home tomorrow – you can come back to our place for a few days to make sure you’re okay before you go home.”

  I nodded. Too exhausted to think, “Sure, sure.” I agreed. It was only after they’d left that I realised that I’d inadvertently agreed to move back in with my parents when I left here. Fuck. What the hell had I been thinking?

  I must have drifted off to sleep because it was definitely a couple of hours later when I woke up. I needed to see Blaine. Was he still here, though?


  I blinked. That was Blaine’s voice. Where was he?

  Eventually I realised that he was hovering by the door. “Blaine.” I breathed, “Come here, you.”

  He looked uncomfortable. “I’m just going.” He started, “Listen, we really need to talk.”

  I nodded, “Sure – I’ll be home in a couple of days.” I started brightly.

  He frowned, “You don’t understand – Catherine...”

  My whole world imploded even before he’d finished his sentence. He was trying to tell me that he was back with his ex. I’d just been convenient. He’d been horny and I’d made myself oh, so available. God I was so stupid. “Right – Catherine’s back on the scene. I understand...”

  He stepped into the room, “No – you don’t...” he started, sounding desperate.

  Catherine appeared at his side, “Ready to go, Blaine?” she asked with a smile.

  He closed his eyes and sighed. Finally he nodded, “I’ll be round to see you on Tuesday, Denny.” He said.

  I didn’t reply. I was too busy staring at the ceiling and willing myself not to cry.

  Chapter 21 – Nightmare...


  This was a fucking nightmare. I didn’t want to get back together with Catherine. It was quite possibly the worst thing that could have happened.

  I didn’t even know who had told her. Time to check that.

  “How did you know where I was?”

  She smiled, “Tate told Maddie and she told me – obviously I shouldn’t know – what with it being highly confidential but I had to know you were okay – you still mean a lot to me, Blaine even though...” she trailed off.

  “Even though we’re not together anymore,” I offered. “And the likelihood of us ever getting back together is slim to non-existent.” It was harsh but I really didn’t want to go there again.

  She bit her lip and nodded.

  I shook my head, “Oh, God. We really need to talk.”

  She widened her eyes at me, “Is there something wrong, Blaine?” she asked, “Have you met someone else?”

  I cleared my throat, “Kind of.” I mumbled, “Let’s just get inside and I’ll tell you.”

  She pulled up outside my house. “Come on in.” I said, “I’ll make you a coffee.”

  She helped me into the house and I lowered myself into my favourite chair. Denny and I usually squashed into the seat together when we were playing on the PlayStation. I smiled to myself. I had no idea how I couldn’t have noticed what we meant to each other before.

  Catherine was looking at me with a curious look on her face, “Well, go on then, Blaine – spill. What’s going on?”

  I took a deep breath. It was time to face the fact that as much as I’d identified as straight since forever. I was not straight. I was at the very least bisexual and quite likely gay. “I’m really sorry, Catherine – I don’t want this.” I waved my hand between the two of us, “I don’t want us to get back together.”

  Even though I was pretty sure I’d already been pretty blunt about there being nothing between us, she stared at me as if I’d bitten her and then started to blink rather rapidly, clearly doing her best not to cry. I felt awful. “Oh, right.” She said, looking completely bewildered, “But then, what was that all about in the hospital about us belonging together...?”

  It was my turn to stare at her, “Uh?” I asked. I hadn’t said any such thing, had I? “When did I say that?”

  She went bright red, “Well, uh, you were just coming around from the anaesthetic...” she blushed, “Oh, God – you squeezed my hand and I thought...”

  Fuck. I was such a doofus... “I’m so sorry – I must have thought you were De... I must have thought you were someone else... I wasn’t properly aware...”

  She laughed and shook her head, “Christ, I’m such an idiot. I’m actually kind of glad – we’re not all that compatible when I think about it. I care a lot for you, Blaine – that’s why I came to make sure you were okay, but we’re not compatible. Not really...”

  I looked up at her, “Are you sure you’re okay?” I asked.

  She nodded, “I’m positive.” She said firmly. Grinning she raised her eyebrows, “So, who were you talking to, then? Whose hand did you think you were squeezing – or were you just dreaming?”

  I frowned. I knew exactly who I was talking to – I just wasn’t all that sure I wanted Catherine to know. Fuck it. What the hell difference did it make to anyone? “Denny.” I whispered.


  "So, did you two… you know?”

  We were on our second bottle of wine and I’d told her all about my feelings. I hadn’t gone into any details of what we’d been up to in the cabin though. I sighed and nodded, “Yes, but…”

  “Oh, my God.” she sat down heavily on the sofa and stared at me, a slightly hurt expression on her face, “Why didn’t you ever tell me you preferred men.”

  “Because I didn’t.” I said helplessly, “I’ve never fancied any other guy before in my life.” It was true. The only guy I’d ever fancied... ever loved was Denny...

  “But you fancy Denny?”

  I nodded, “Fancy him, love him – want to spend the rest of my life with him – yeah.”

  She gazed at me with a slightly goofy smile on her face, “Wow…” she breathed. “You’re really in love.”

  I nodded, “I know.” And it was the most wonderful, terrifying, exciting feeling in the world. It wasn’t for sissies, this love business...

  “Have you told him?” She peered at me over her glass.

  I shook my head, “Haven’t had much of a chance since we’ve been back.” I said uncomfortably. I didn’t like to point out the obvious – that I’d have been able to tell him as soon as he’d come round if it hadn’t been for Tate’s wife and her big mouth...

  “Well, you’re going to have to tell him – he’ll be thinking all sorts with me turning up. Tell him, Blaine – right now.” She handed me my mobile phone, “Before he has time to talk himself out of his feelings for you. Believe me – there’s no way on this earth he w
ould have had sex with you if he didn’t have feelings for you.”

  Well, I knew that already. Denny was the most loyal guy in the world – the straightest guy I knew if you know what I mean – nothing to do with being gay...

  I picked up my phone and scrolled my favourites. I picked his name and let it ring until it went to voicemail. My heart sank. He wasn’t gonna answer.

  No doubt he’d assumed I’d instantly gone back to my ‘normal’ life – back to Catherine. He’d have assumed that our time together in the cabin had been nothing but sex for me – when the truth was that it had been so much more. It had been my awakening... I’d fallen in love. I just hadn’t had the balls to come out and say it. I’d shown it with my kisses and my body – or at least I’d thought I had. Clearly he’d needed me to actually say the words and why wouldn’t he? It was wonderful hearing him tell me he loved me and I couldn’t wait to tell him the same.

  I really had to tell him. But that wasn’t gonna be all that easy when he was going home to his parents’ house instead of his own...

  Chapter 22 – Heartbreak...


  The bullet in my shoulder had caused more damage than originally thought and it had given me an infection that I really didn’t need.

  All I wanted to do was get back to work, back with Blaine – and to tell him that I was totally cool with us just being mates – but that I was going to have to have a different partner at work. Working so closely with someone I was in love with – someone that didn’t love me back – would be torturous and I couldn’t do it anymore. Before we’d had sex it was bad enough but now... well now it was intolerable. I couldn’t do it.

  I had to get on with my life. If he wanted to pretend that he was straight and spend the rest of his life miserable and frustrated with Catherine, then he could do that. I wasn’t about to stand in his way but I wasn’t going to watch him do it. And I most certainly wasn’t going to be his fuck-buddy, because he would eventually go looking for gay sex again. He’d cheat on her and become even more frustrated with himself for being a cheat. He’d end up hating himself – and hating me for ‘making’ him feel that way. I was better off out of it...


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