by Michael Lind
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Abramowitz, Alan I., 98
Adenauer, Konrad, xii, 45
Administrative state, see democratic pluralism
Adorno, Theodor W., 103–5, 107, 108, 133
Albright, Madeleine, 99
Alstott, Anne, 139
Altemeyer, Bob, 104–5
American Legion, 64
American Psychological Association, 107
American Revolution, 147, 167
American Stakes, The (Chamberlain), 43–44
Amsden, Alice, 149
anomie, 31, 133
Émil Durkheim on, 31
antimonopolism, 125–30, 132
Anywheres and Somewheres, 24
Apple, 57–58, 118, 151
Aquilar, Delia, 56–57
arbitrage, 52–53
labor, 55–59, 79, 126, 148, 151–53, 157
regulatory, 542, 53, 57, 148
tax, 52–54, 57, 58, 123, 148
aristocracy, 5, 6, 147
associationalism, 34
asymmetric multiculturalism
Eric Kaufmann on, 23
authoritarian personality theory, 2, 31, 37, 49, 80, 81, 90–91, 99, 104–7, 113, 115
personality test for, 104
Donald Trump and, 99–100, 108
authoritarianism, authoritarian personality, 103–5, 108–10, 133
Theodor Adorno and, 103–5, 133
Authoritarian Personality, The (Adorno et al.), 103–4, 108
Richard Hofstadter and, 105–7
The New American Right (Bell et al.)
Autor, David, 15, 20, 57
Baruch, Bernard, 35
Bell, Daniel, 105
Berle, Adolf, 3
Modern Corporation and Private Property, The (Berle and Means), 3
Berlusconi, Silvio, 87
billionaires, 6, 18, 64, 86–87, 130, 144
Blair, Tony, 51, 72, 123
Blinder, Alan, 50
Bloomberg, Michael, 156
Blomkamp, Neill, 169
Bonacich, Edna, 11–12
bourgeois capitalists, xi, xii
Bovens, Mark, 6
Brandeis, Louis, 125, 127
Brexit, ix, xi, xiii, 10, 14, 68, 69, 81, 96–97, 99, 112, 132, 135
Russia and, 90, 92
Brexit Party, 81
Briggs, Vernon, 76
Brown, Gordon, 72
Browning, Christopher, 100
Brown Scare, 90, 91, 99–103, 113–14
Bryan, William Jennings, 18–19, 125
Buchanan, James, 65
Buckley, William F., Jr., 5
Buffett, Warren, 65
Burke, Edmund, 84
Burnham, James, vii, 2–6, 11
Managerial Revolution, The (Burnham), 3
Bush, George W., 75, 146, 156
Bush, Jeb, 75, 98
Bush dynasty, 72, 98–99
Cameron, David, 72
Carter, Jimmy, 50
Catholics, 31, 39, 41, 80, 82, 141, 144
Catholic social thought, 31
and postwar Western politics, 41
Cembalest, Michael, 18
centrism, ix, 73, 114
Chamberlain, John, 43–44
Chang, Ha-Joon, 149
Charlottesville, Va., riot in, controversy over President Trump’s response, 100–103
Christian Democrats (Germany), 72
Churchill, Winston, xii
hub, 13–27, 121–23, 130, 138, 143
civic organizations, 64–66, 87, 131
civil rights, 11, 61, 68, 82, 108
Clark, Gregory, 8
Clark, John Bates, 28
class, class systems:
in Britain, 8
hereditary, 7–10
hub-heartland divide and, 13, 14–27
intergenerational mobility and, 7–8
in technocratic liberalism, 116–17
class conflict, class war, vii, xi
first, xi, 27, 28, 44
first, end of, 27, 28, 45–46, 47, 131
class war, new, xi–xv, 1–13, 27, 28, 131, 169
neoliberal revolution from above, 47–66, 70, 140
populist counterrevolution from below, 67–88, 131
climate change, 19, 144
Clinton, Bill, x, 72, 76, 98–99, 123, 146, 158
Clinton, Hillary, x, 10, 72, 75, 91–99, 111, 158
Cobb, Rachael V., 64–65
Cohen, Patricia, 158
Cold War, 93, 94, 146, 167, 168
Cole, G. D. H., 32
collective bargaining, 35, 37, 126, 127, 136–37, 152, 163
college degrees, 6–10, 132
college-educated managers and professionals, see overclass
communism, 3, 4, 31, 43, 80, 94, 99, 104, 106, 112, 113
Congress, U.S., 34–36, 40, 50, 76
congressional districts, 117
conservatism, 2, 3, 48
Corbyn, Jeremy, 92, 112
corporate commonwealth, 38
corporatism, 29–32, 37, 38
democratic, 31, 44
societal, 32
state, 32, 45
wartime, 33
counterculture, 83
counterestablishment, 83
counterrevolution, populist, 67–88
countervailing power, 42, 131
courts, xiii
transfer of power from legislatures to, 61–63, 140, 148
Supreme Court, 35, 61–63
creedal congregations, 143–44
Crozier, Michel, 50
Crusius, Patrick, 113
culture, xi–xv, 45, 65, 79, 83, 85, 89, 134, 169, 170
congregations and, 136, 141–45
Cummins, Neil, 8
Dahl, Robert, 138
de Gaulle, Charles, 45
deindustrialization, 68, 126, 129, 132, 138
democracy, 37, 43, 60–61, 85, 87–88, 99, 109, 113–14, 132, 133, 146, 168
in East Asia, 168
electoral, 133, 147
Herrenvolk, 80
invading countries with undemocratic regimes, 146–47
social, 72, 73, 80, 164
Democratic Party (US), 39, 60–61, 72, 74–77, 81, 90, 95, 96, 98, 107
and the administrative state, 39–40
and changing electorate, 74–78
geography and, 14
shift from working-class to affluent voters in, 77–78
trade and, 21
democratic pluralism, xi–xii, xv, 40, 84, 166
and the culture, 40–41
immigration and, 155–65
interest group liberalism, 40
John Chamberlain and the New Deal, 43–44
membership institutions and, 135–45
New Deal–style, 39, 43, 48–49, 73, 106, 166
New democratic pluralism, 133–45
in post–World War II era, 42–43, 45, 81, 166
reestablishment of, 131–45, 146–65, 166–67, 169, 170
replaced by technocratic neoliberalism, 47–49, 65, 81, 89
representation in, 134
and tripartism, 37–38
Depression, Great, 32, 34, 44, 45, 98
deregulation, 50–52
developmental state, 149
Dollfuss, Engelbert, 100
domestic services, 21–22, 124, 156, 158–59
donors, xii, 63, 71, 87, 143–44
Dorn, David, 20
Drutman, Lee, 70–71
Durkheim, Émile, 31, 133
earned income tax credit (EITC), 122
economic development, 149–50
education, and class, and job skills, 118–20
Eisenhower, Dwight D., xii, 38, 45
Eisenhower, Edgar, 38
EITC (earned income tax credit), 122
elites, 5–6, 135
aristocracy, 5, 6, 147
bourgeois capitalist, xi, xii, 5
college-educated managers and professionals, see overclass
in racial or ethnic groups, 117
Elsby, Michael W. L., 57
Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), 5
European Commission, 54, 61
European Common Market, 41, 61
European Council, 54
European Parliament, 81
European Union (EU), 5, 61, 69, 79, 93
Brexit and, see Brexit
Euroskepticism, 79
exports, 51, 55–56, 149, 151
Facebook, 92, 93, 95
factories, 29, 68
families, 24–25, 62, 109, 12
Farage, Nigel, xiii, 81, 87
farming, farmers, xii, 14, 29, 30, 38, 40, 45, 87, 106, 153
Fascism, see authoritarian personality theory
Ferguson, James “Pa,” 86
Ferguson, Miriam “Ma,” 86
Figgis, Neville, 32
Forbath, William, 42–43
foundations, 64, 143–44
Frankfurt School, 103
Free Democrats (Germany), 74
free market, see liberalism
Friedman, Milton, 30, 47, 72, 127, 154
Galbraith, John Kenneth, 2, 5–6, 42
The New Industrial State, 5
A Life in Our Time, 5
Gates, Bill, 123
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), 53
General Motors, 38
geographic mobility, of overclass versus working class, as a panacea for low-wage workers, 121
GI Bill, 36
Gilman, Nils, 106
Ginsberg, Allen, 65
Giroux, Henry, 108
Giuliani, Rudy, 82
Glazer, Nathan, 105
globalism, globalization, xiv, 9, 30, 68, 76, 84, 150, 151, 164
global warming, 19, 144
Goldwater, Barry, 107–8
Goodhart, David, 24
Goodwin, Matthew, 70
Gray, John, 141
Great Depression, 32, 34, 44, 45, 98
Great Recession, 51, 68, 98, 118
Green Party (Germany), 74
Griffith, Robert, 38
Grillo, Beppe, 61, 87
guilds, 136, 137
Hamon, Benoît, 123
Hanson, Gordon, 20
Hartz, Louis, 113
Hayek, Friedrich, 30, 44, 47
heartlands, 13, 14–27
Henry, James S., 52
hereditary class systems, 7–10
Herrenvolk democracy, 80
Hindenburg, Paul von, 100
Hirschl, Ran, 62
Hirst, Paul, 32
Hobbes, Thomas, 85, 125
Hobijn, Bart, 57
Hofstadter, Richard, 105–7, 109–10
Hoover, Herbert, 34
Horthy, Miklós, 100
Hsieh, Chang-Tai, 121
hubs, 13, 14–27, 121–23, 130, 138, 143
contrasted with heartlands, 15–20
geographic areas, 13, 14–27
heartlands, 13, 14–27
luxury services and industries, 15, 16, 22
Hudson, Michael, 149
Huntington, Samuel P., 50
identity politics, 74
immigration, immigrants, xi–xiv, 14, 17, 27, 41–42, 68, 74–79, 91, 115–16, 127, 150–51, 168
amnesties, 164
attitudes toward, survey on, 70–71
in Britain, 26
class conflict, 21–26
citizenship and, 160–61, 163–64
and competition for public goods, 79, 81, 153–54
democratic pluralism and, 155–65
dependency ratio and, 161–62
economic growth, 159–61
equal rights for all workers, 163–64
in Germany, 67
guest workers, 59, 120, 158, 160–61, 163
in heartlands, 16
housekeepers, 21–22, 124, 156, 158–59
hub-heartland divide and, 21–23
illegal, 67, 77–79, 154, 156, 159
illegal, amnesty for, 164
labor unions and, 153–55
menial jobs and, 155–58
myth of job shortages, 155–59
open borders policy and, 154–55, 157
public attitudes toward, 78–79
public support for welfare state, 155
racism, 26
refugees, 78
sanctuary city laws and, 21–22
types of opposition to, 111
unionization, 151–53
universal basic income and, 125, 127
unskilled and less-skilled, 59–60, 70, 77, 155–60
US Commission on Immigration Reform, 76–77
voting rights and, 163–64
wages and, 157–59, 163
ward system and, 138
welfare and, 154–55
workers, xii, xiii, xv, 11–12, 15–16, 21–23, 26, 59–60, 79, 111, 122, 124, 129–30, 148, 155–65
income and wages, 33, 35, 37, 51–53, 55, 59, 115, 120, 122, 127, 136, 151, 152, 157, 159
earned income tax credit and, 122
immigrants and, 157–59, 163
and large vs. small employers, 125–27
minority groups and, 157
universal basic income, 122–25, 127
wage boards and, 137
industrialization, xi, 8, 28–29
deindustrialization, 68, 126, 129, 132, 138
interest group liberalism, 40, 48–49
see also democratic pluralism
intergenerational mobility, 7–8
iPhone, 57–58, 118, 151
Isaacs, Julia B., 7
Jefferson, Thomas, 138
Johnson, Boris, xiii, 81, 100, 112, 131
Johnson, Chalmers, 149
Johnson, Hugh, 35
Jordan, Barbara, 77
judges, see courts
Judis, John B., 164
Juncker, Jean-Claude, 54
juristocracy, 62; see courts
Justice Department, 126
Kakaes, Konstantin, 57
Kaufmann, Eric, 23
Kazin, Michael, 97
Keynes, John Maynard, 128
Kirkegaard, Jacob Funk, x
Kitto, H. D. F., 139–40
Klofstad, Casey Andrew, 64–65
Koch, Charles and David, 72
Koch, Ed, 82
Krugman, Paul, 154
labor, organized, xii, 36–38, 40, 42–44, 46, 48, 51–52, 59, 62–63, 66, 76, 78, 87, 89, 122, 127, 129, 130, 131, 133–35, 137, 148, 150, 152–53, 167
automobile industry and, 153
collective bargaining, 35, 37, 126, 127, 136–37, 152, 163
employers’ discouraging of, 153
enterprise bargaining, 136–37
European Union and, 61
global labor arbitrage and, 152
immigrants and, 153–55
National Industr
ial Recovery Act and, 35
tripartism and, 32, 37, 48, 51–52, 61, 129, 134, 136, 137, 147
violence and, 29
War Labor Board and, 36–38
World War I and, 33–34
Labour Party, 74, 81, 92
Lamb, Charles, 126
Lang, Fritz, 169
Lasch, Christopher, 47, 110
Laski, Harold, 32
Latin America, 86, 114, 168
Latinos, xiii, 16–17, 26, 77–79, 97
League (Italy), ix
legislatures, 66, 133–34, 140
transfer of power to courts from, 61–63, 140, 148
see also courts
Lemann, Nicholas, 48–49
Le Pen, Jean-Marie, 69
Le Pen, Marine, x, xiii, 80
liberalism, 29–30, 70–72, 30, 31, 34, 40, 44, 45, 47, 48, 63, 72
antidemocratic, 62
economic, 84
free market, 30, 31, 34, 40, 44, 45, 47, 48, 63, 72
interest group, 40, 48–49
palliative, 129–30
rights-based, 62
social, 63
see also neoliberalism
libertarianism, xiii, 2, 44, 48, 71, 72, 127
Lichtenstein, Nelson, 38
Lloyd George, David, 32, 33
local communities, 24–25, 39, 46, 137–40
London, 15, 18, 22, 81, 122
Long, Huey, 86
Los Angeles, Calif., 16, 22, 82, 138
Louis XVI, King, ix
Lowi, Theodore, 48
Macron, Emmanuel, x, 19–20, 72, 166
MacWilliams, Matthew, 108
Mai, Gunther, 33
Mair, Peter, 60
Maitland, F. W., 32
Majlesi, Kaveh, 20
managerial elite, see overclass
managerialism, 2, 3, 5, 142–43 managers, 4, 29
manufacturing, 28–29, 51, 98, 124
Marquand, David, 32, 84–85, 134–35
Marshall, Will, x
Martin, John Levi, 108
Marx, Karl, 124
Marxism, 2, 9, 12, 31, 84, 103, 129, 166
mass production and services, 15, 17, 29, 30
Masters, Ian, 97
math scores, 8
Maxse, Leopold, 32
May, Theresa, 72
McCarthy, Daniel, 129
McCarthy, Joseph, 106–7
McCarthyism, 92, 105, 106, 113
McConnell, Mitch, 100
McGovern-Fraser Commission, 60
McVeigh, Timothy, 113
Means, Gardiner, 3
media, xii–xiv, 40, 45, 87, 90, 91, 133, 144
Medicare, 73, 75
membership institutions, 135–45
merger movement, 28
meritocracy, 2, 7, 8, 117
Merkel, Angela, 72
Middle American radicalism, 68, 73
middlebrow culture, 47
Miliband, Ralph, 117
Milken, Michael, 156
Mill, J. S., 29