Crisis at Clearwater - A LitRPG Virtual Fantasy Adventure (Book 2 Unexplored Cycle)

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Crisis at Clearwater - A LitRPG Virtual Fantasy Adventure (Book 2 Unexplored Cycle) Page 15

by Alara Branwen

  “Think you’ll be too busy tomorrow to hit Unexplored? If you are I understand. Real life trumps all,” Mary said.

  “Probably. I have a bunch of reports I have to fix and do. I don’t really want to do it but I’m the only one who can.”

  Mary tapped her chin for a moment then shrugged. “Then don’t. Take the day off. You can come over to my place and we’ll play a bit of Unexplored and celebrate like crazy people when we kick the bad guy’s ass, just like in the old days.”

  Clint knew that he shouldn’t. If he took a single day off he would be so far behind he would never be able to catch up. His boss would never let him live it down and his coworkers would be after his head.

  Of course, it was his head. Clint huffed. No one else would be on the hook but him. It always had to be him didn’t it? Screw it, he needed a break from hell. His boss wasn’t there so he could probably get the day off pretty easily. A good fake cough and he could spend the day stopping the great evil plaguing Clearwater.

  “Okay, that sounds good. I’ll go get my VR band and connect here,” Clint said.

  Mary smiled and her eyes sparkled like they did when he told her that he could spend the night way back when they were kids. “Cool. I can make us breakfast in the morning if you want. I have some eggs or bacon, or maybe just eggs. I love bacon too much. But before you go you might want to get some sleep first. I don’t want you to fall asleep at the wheel and crash.”

  Mary got some spare blankets and a pillow for him. They bid each other goodnight and Clint fell asleep on the couch almost instantly.


  Clint woke up early and went to his house to get his VR band and pleasure synthesizer. He contemplated leaving the second piece of equipment behind. He didn’t see himself using it, but it would be a nice thing to have in case.

  He went back to Mary’s apartment and called his job. He got through to Bonnie who asked what was wrong with him. Mary punched him in the stomach and her blow took the wind out of him. He said he had a stomach ache and was running a major fever.

  Bonnie told him to get some rest and that Cooper was still hard at work on the company-wide document. He hung up the phone and gave Mary the thumbs up, skill clutching his stomach.

  They spent the first part of the day watching movies and making fun of the terrible acting. The day passed quickly and when it was three o'clock, Mary turned off the TV and told him it was time for Krug to log on.

  Mary went into her room and Cleave laid back on her couch, put on his VR headband, connected his Pleasure Synthesizer, and entered the game.


  It was about midday in the game when Cleave appeared in the small room where he first logged off. Around the table sat Krug, Tarka, Tatarna, and Vera. The elf took a seat and they went over what they were going to do next.

  “Did anything big happen yesterday?” Cleave said.

  “Nothing major,” Tarka said. “Krug and I got chased around by guards when we were walking along the wharf.”

  “Security has tightened in that area for some reason,” Tatarna said. “There’s more guards in the area than there were a few days ago?”

  “Why?” Cleave said.

  “We think it has something to do with your theory of whatever group is behind this targeting the wharfs. We think that some of the guards are actually not real, but are spies,” Vera said.

  “Guess that makes sense. I assume there haven’t been any attacks yet?”

  “Not yet, but we assume something will happen eventually. The real guard has been vigilant in protecting the ships it seems, but sooner or later the Crimson Kingdom, or whoever, will spring their attack,” Krug said.

  “If they chased Krug and Tarka away from the wharf, it’s likely they know we're trying to stop them, and me being an elf is going to make the real guard suspicious,” Cleave said. “What are we going to do to take care of that.”

  “That part is easy, we’ll just give you dark cloaks so you can skulk around like everyone else. As for how we’re going to sneak around the dock, we’ll all have to split up. It’ll be harder for the guard to find us if we're by ourselves,” Tatarna said.

  “I don’t think it’s a good idea to split the party,” Krug said.

  “It’s the only choice we have,” Vera said. “If we stay together, we’ll be seen.”

  “I’m going to be seen no matter what,” Krug said. “I kind of stand out.”

  “That won’t be a problem,” Tarka said. “You can hang back out of sight a short distance away. You could act as a lookout and if there’s a problem you could just run in and save the day.”

  Krug nodded. “That works. When do we begin?”

  “As soon as possible,” Tatarna said. “We’ll put on some disguises and go in through the main gate. I don’t think there’ll be any trouble, but just in case there are some fake guards there we don’t want them alerting the others of our presence.”

  “We’ll case the area until night falls, then we’ll patrol the docks. It’ll be imperative that our lookout keep a sharp eye for any suspicious activity,” Vera said.

  “I’ll make sure to keep watch,” Krug said.


  Cleave’s sharp eyes scanned the wharf, looking for anything remotely suspicious. He pulled the black cloak he’d been given by Tatarna closer to him as he scanned the ships and the area around them. His brown eyes almost glowed from the cowl of his hood, his features almost completely shadowed by the night.

  He’d been sitting there ever since dusk, watching the wharf for suspicious activity. In all that time, the only thing he’d seen were passing guards and a pair of halflings surreptitiously sneak behind a dock house to have sex. Nothing exciting for him anyway.

  Sitting on his knees, staring at nothing, and listening to the gentle lapping of the waves put his senses at ease. His body relaxed and more than a few times he found his eyelids getting heavy. He pinched his cheek and bit his tongue to keep himself awake, but the gentle night sky, swishing waves, and the presence of so little activity sapped away at his will to stay awake.

  His chin dropped to his chest and he was breathing softly.


  Some shuffling from a nearby ship woke him from his slumber. His head jerked to the left and he saw two figures in black cloaks wrestling with two halflings on a loading ramp. The halflings were in white shirts and blue pants, Cleave supposed the game’s idea of sailor garb.

  The cloaked figures were taller than their adversaries and were getting the better of them. A warning flared in Cleave’s mind. He snuck over to the ship to where the scuffle was occurring.

  One of the halflings called out for help but his cries were quickly silenced by his opponent. One of the cloaked characters drew a dagger and Cleave sprang into action.

  His feet threw up sand as he ran toward the battle. He reached into his cloak and drew his sword. One of the cloaked figures saw him and hurriedly worked to dispatch the halfling. The halfling punched the cloaked person in the stomach, who responded by headbutting him.

  The halfling sailors stumbled back and fell on the loading ramp. His opponent jammed the dagger into his chest and ended his life.

  The other cloaked figure wrapped his hands around the other halfling’s neck and slammed his head against the loading ramp. One of the cloak figures pulled out a vial and threw it on the deck. They turned to run but Cleave met them, sword in hand.

  The cloaked people rushed him with daggers raised. Cleave met their attacks, swinging upward at their necks. One of his opponents caught his sword with his dagger and the other rushed forward.

  The elf caught the hand of his attacker with his free hand and spun around. The cloaked figure lost his footing and bounced down the ramp, into the sand. The other viciously stabbed into Cleave’s shoulder and the elf let out a hissing sound through his teeth.

  Cleave Lvl. 8

  HP: 91% (-9%)

  Stamina: 100%

  Mana: 100%

  Character St


  The person that stabbed him attempted to run past. Cleave reached out and grabbed his cloak and pulled. The figure shrugged out of his cloak. He was tall and had dark hair. His square jaw line and eyebrows were the features that the elf recognized the most.

  “Padwin,” Cleave growled.

  Padwin shot Cleave a rude gesture as the other cloaked figure he was with ran from the scene.

  The Crimson Warrior only had a shirt and breeches on and no weapon. If Cleave could catch him, he could beat him within an inch of his life and question him about his presence there.

  Cleave threw down the cloak and chased after him. The other cloaked figure was moving so fast that he couldn’t catch him, but his elven legs were faster than Padwin’s. He easily closed the distance between them and launched himself at the human.

  The elf wrapped his hands around the human’s waist and drug him to the ground. Padwin squirmed around beneath him and began to wrestle him.

  Cleave was mounted on Padwin’s stomach and had the advantage. He repeatedly punched at the human’s face. Memories of their last sword fight burned in the elf, giving his blows extra force.

  Most the of the shots were blocked by a struggling Padwin, but a couple of blows got through, snapping the human’s head back into the sand.

  Padwin caught one of Cleave’s fists and punched into his stomach. The air rushed out of the elf’s lungs and the human rolled.

  Cleave was toppled to the ground and Padwin punched him in the mouth. The elf answered by raking his fingernails across the human’s face, drawing thin trails of blood.

  Cleave Lvl. 8

  HP: 89% (-2%)

  Stamina: 100%

  Mana: 100%

  Character Status


  Cleave struggled against the larger human, sliding his body forward, working himself out from under his opponent. He was about to slide out from under Padwin when the human hopped down on his ankle. The elf cried out and threw a jab that caught the human square in the eye.

  Padwin fell back and cried out.

  “Help, I’m being attacked by an elf! He’s trying to steal from the ships. Save me!”

  A hundred feet away, two guards pointed toward them and started running to the fight. The halfling that was still alive on the loading ramp came to and saw Padwin and Cleave still cloaked in black. This halfling cried out and two more guards came running the other direction.

  Cleave sprang to his feet and prepared to run but Padwin grabbed his ankle and he fell to the dirt. He turned to kick the human but Padwin grabbed his other ankle and held on. He kicked with all of his might but the he was held.

  Padwin grinned down at him. Blood from his wounds oozed over his lips. His dark eyes were crazed and a bit off center. He knew he had the elf and there was nothing Cleave could do to get out.

  Using Padwin’s grip as an anchor, Cleave curled his abs and hoisted himself upward. He thrust his hands into the human’s face and pressed his fingers into his captor’s eyes.

  Padwin released him and the elf fell back to the ground. He pulled himself up onto his legs and rushed over to retrieve his dropped sword.

  There was a twang of crossbows behind him. One sailed over his head while the other sank into his side. His armor caught most of the blow but it still hurt.

  Cleave Lvl. 8

  HP: 84% (-5%)

  Stamina: 100%

  Mana: 100%

  Character Status


  The guards were close behind him. They discarded their crossbows and ran at him with their maces drawn. Cleave bolted away from them, only to find two more halflings in his path. The elf ran as fast as he could. Two halflings were behind him, pounding the sand, while two more maneuvered to stay in front of him.

  He wanted to cry out for help but if he did he would alert more people to his position. Cleave gripped his weapon and readied to face these new adversaries.

  There were thundering footsteps headed his way. Behind the halflings was Krug, his warhammer gripped tightly in one hand. He wore a massive black cloak, but there was no mistaking who it was.

  Another small figure in a black cloak ran toward him from behind. She fired a crossbow bolt at the halflings chasing him but missed. The two halflings behind him paused, allowing him to streak far ahead of them.

  The two halflings in front of him called out for help and ran away from the large, charging man. More guards came from the buildings of the city to investigate the commotion. Cleave ran between two buildings and jumped up to hop a fence.

  He ended up in a small alley between two large wooden edifices, behind a wooden trash bin. He ducked down and held his nose to avoid the smell. Along the street, the boots of guards slammed against the dirt street as they rushed toward the wharf.

  Cleave lay low for a long time. His nerves were ice and he shivered as he crouched there, hoping, praying no one would see him. When it had been some time he crept forward and looked out between two buildings. A few city guard wandered the street holding lanterns, looking down each alley.

  The elf ducked back into the and hid back behind the garbage bin. A few moments later, he heard footsteps approaching him.

  He peeked out and caught sight of two guards scrutinizing the alley he hid in. He ducked back behind the bin before the floodlight from their lantern touched him.

  One of the guards came forward while the other stayed back. Cleave’s heart hammered in his chest. Once one guard saw him the other would call out. He hoped they’d come together. Maybe he would have a chance to knock both out.

  The guard reached the bin and peeked behind it. When his head was fully in view Cleave punched him. He grabbed the guard and struck him again.

  The guard backed away, blood streaming down his face. Cleave slammed him against the wall. The halfling’s head connected against the wooden surface and fell unconscious.

  The other guard placed a hand to his mouth and was about to cry out but two small arms appeared behind him and got him in a choke hold. They held him there aloft for several seconds before he passed out. His lantern dropped to the ground and went out.

  The guard fell to the ground and Cleave saw the solemn visage of Vera. She looked out between the buildings and waved him toward her. He followed her down the street, occasionally ducking behind a building to avoid oncoming guards.

  Your skill with unarmed combat has increased to 1!

  They turned down one street and carefully crept forward until they reached a wooden building with a light brown pelt in the shape of an animal on a wooden sign. She waved him inside, then followed him in and shut the door behind him.


  Vera rushed forward passed a leatherworking table and several items crafted from leather on a display. Cleave followed her and watch her lift a green rug to reveal a trapdoor beneath. She opened a trapdoor that led to a cellar below.

  The elf quickly slid into the trapdoor and made his way down wooden steps into a hallway. He was ushered down a tunnel into a large storage room filled with shelves with some tanned leather hides. Strips of leather were strewn across a workbench.

  A globe of soft blue magical light clung to the ceiling, the room’s only light source. Cleave’s boots clacked against the stone floor as he walked over to the bench and leaned against it. Vera placed her crossbow and cloak on the rack by the entrance and joined him.

  “I don’t think any of the guard saw us come here. Even if they did, Tatarna is outside. She can misdirect any that come our way,” Vera said a she walked up to Cleave. “What happened?”

  Cleave regaled her about Padwin and the other cloaked figure with him.

  “This Padwin guy was at the dock himself. That is very interesting,” Vera said.

  “If I could have captured him, we’d be able to implicate the Crimson Kingdom and whoever else in involved.”

  “If we could get him to implicate the mayor or the constable, we could’ve started a full on rebellion ton
ight. I wonder what was in that glass vial he threw on the ship.”

  “I don’t know, but whatever it was it wasn’t good. I wanted to warn anyone on board but once Padwin called out to the guard I had to book it.”

  “I guess we’ll find out soon enough. How much damage did you take from the fight?”

  “Not too much, just a crossbow bolt to the side, and I got stabbed in the shoulder. I’m still well over eighty percent.”

  Cleave pulled out the bolt and Vera pulled a woodgrain box from beneath the worktable. She helped the elf take off his armor and bandaged his wounds.

  As she worked Cleave noticed that Vera took special care to show him her breasts. They were fairly large, for her size. The elf tried to politely keep his eyes forward but he couldn’t help but sneak a few glances at them.

  Vera squeezed them together occasionally, making them stand out more. The elf couldn’t hide his emerging erection. The halfling dropped her roll of bandages on the table, and when she reached across to pick it up she brushed across his member.

  Cleave took in a sharp breath as a splash of tingles showered through his loins. There was a little smirk on the halfling’s face. The elf knew what she was doing, and he liked it, but he didn’t say anything.

  When Vera was done she stood back and observed her handiwork. “There we go, good as new.”

  Cleave moved his arm and winced. “Well, almost.”

  “You know,” Vera said. “You’re not very far down. If you like I can give you a little extra healing so you’re at full tomorrow.”

  Cleave knew from where Vera’s eyes were that she didn’t mean giving him a healing potion. He was about to agree but he held up his hands.

  “Sorry, I can’t.”

  Vera nodded and smiled. “The kobold?”


  “I had an idea you two were close, but I wasn’t sure. Can’t blame a woman for trying.”

  Cleave chuckled. “I really appreciate the offer and I would have taken you up on it, it’s just, now, I can’t.”


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