Crisis at Clearwater - A LitRPG Virtual Fantasy Adventure (Book 2 Unexplored Cycle)

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Crisis at Clearwater - A LitRPG Virtual Fantasy Adventure (Book 2 Unexplored Cycle) Page 19

by Alara Branwen

  “Wait, don’t lower that plank!” Cleave screamed up at the sailors aboard the Wave Skipper. Dock workers and customers alike turned their attention to him. Some chortled at his ridiculous appearance.

  They stopped and looked down bemusedly at Cleave.

  “What is your deal old man?” One of the sailors said with a smirk.

  “If you let that plank down, the captain’s peg leg will be on fire,” Cleave said.

  Most that heard this burst into laughter. The group around the boxes were doubled over, save for the robed man. He stared directly at Cleave from beneath his shadowed hood.

  The sailors aboard the ship were not laughing either. One of them whispered to another, and he ran into the superstructure.

  “Hurry and lower the plank so we can get to work,” one of the dock workers said after his fit of laughter, “I have a wife and children to get home to.”

  “We will as soon as certain business is resolved,” a sailor replied.

  “What business?”

  A moment later Anfalen appeared. He ran on board and skidded to a halt at the railing of his ship. He looked out.

  “Who said my peg leg will be on fire?” Anfalen said.

  Cleave pulled off his mask and, fake nose and ear tips. “I did.”

  The bemused visages of the onlookers turned to angry stares. Tarka finally ran to the scene. With heavy breath she leaned against the elf.

  “What the hell are you doing?” Tarka asked between heavy breaths.

  “That is what I want to know. What’s the meaning of this?” Anfalen said.

  Cleave told Anfalen of the ship that’d been destroyed on the dock and those that went to sea but never returned.

  “What does that have to do with me?” Anfalen glowered.

  “All of the ships were elven, and we think you might be a target.”

  “What rubbish,” the grey robed man said in a gravelly voice. “This fool is disrupting business. He should be arrested.”

  The guards standing with the dock workers walked forward. Other guards that’d stopped to watch also walked forward.

  “Hold on,” Anfalen called out. “This crazy person, and the other with him who is obviously in disguise, are friends of mine. I’d like to hear what they have to say.”

  “What they have to say is nonsense,” the robed man said.

  “I am wise enough to judge for myself. Now, what is all this insanity about?”

  Cleave told him the story of the night on the docks and his theory about termites. As he told his story, Anfalen whispered to another sailor who went into the superstructure.

  When Cleave finished his story, everyone who heard it, save Anfalen, laughed uproariously.

  “I’ve never heard such ridiculousness in all my life,” the robed man said.

  “This story may seem rather odd,” Anfalen said, “but it does warrant caution. I have a favor to ask of the guards. Please search the dock workers and the boxes with them. If there is any danger, I don’t want it aboard my ship.”

  “We assure you these boxes were thoroughly checked by us,” one of the guards standing around the dock workers said.

  “Then you won’t mind if some of my own sailors go through them before they are loaded onto my ship.”

  “There is no need for this,” the robed man said.

  “There is always a need for caution. Also don’t tell me what I do and don’t need. Who are you anyway?”

  “I am a representative sent here with the guard from the mayor himself. Are you going to take the word of some random elf over that of the mayor?”

  Many of the halflings and others looked to each other, some with affirmation of the robed man’s words, while others whispered secret condemnations of their elected mayor. One thing was clear though, from the snippets of conversation Cleave heard, none of them liked elves.

  “I trust the word of no one, whether it be elf, human, halfling, or whatever else until they’ve shown me I can trust them. This elven man, despite his oddities, has shown me that he has no malice toward me. I can’t say the same for you. Take off your robes and allow you and those with you to be searched.”

  “I can’t believe this,” the robed man called out. “You’re taking the word of a known elven traitor over that of this fine city’s government.”

  “I can’t even be sure you are who you say you are. That coupled with the fact that mysterious ship disappearances and destruction happening, how do I know who to trust.”

  Anfalen looked to his sailors. “I don’t think there’s any question here who we should trust more at the moment is there?”

  All of the sailors shook their heads.

  “Then why did he come here in disguise?” The robed man said.

  “Why do you still wear yours?” Tarka said, still wearing her ridiculous beard.

  “I will freely answer,” Cleave said. “I wore it because I was afraid to get accosted while coming here. I’ve done no wrong but elves have been attacked on the streets of late.”

  The crowd mumbled and Anfalen nodded.

  “A decent answer, though you would know better than I since I was at sea during this time,” Anfalen said, then turned to the large group of guards now watching. “Guards, I ask you to please search these men and women before I let them on board.”

  The guards looked as though they didn’t know what to do. Some were attempting to step forward and others were holding back.

  Cleave turned to the guards. Among the crowd of civilians, he saw a flash of orange and black fur under a brown cloak.

  “I know many of you don’t like elves, and I understand, they’re a bunch of asinine pricks. They hate me as much as they hate you, I learned that first hand. This sea captain hates them more,” Cleave pointed to Anfalen, who nodded.

  “But all he wants to do is make sure his ship stays safe. That’s understandable, especially with ships disappearing at sea and people losing their shops, isn’t it?” Cleave said.

  A number of halflings nodded.

  “Are you questioning the decisions made by the mayor himself?” the robed man said. “That is nothing short of treason.”

  Some of the guards walked forward.

  “No, I’m just defending a captain’s right to his property,” Cleave said.

  “I can defend myself, thank you,” Anfalen said, “and I am going to start by demanding that robed man lower his hood.”

  “That isn’t necessary,” the hooded man said.

  “Oh, just lower it,” said one of the halflings.

  “You can’t be uglier than my husband,” a halfling woman said.

  There was some laughter.

  A few of the guards approached the group around the boxes but the group stepped forward. The guards with the dock workers placed their hands on their swords and maces.

  “Just let us check the boxes and comply to a search before this gets much more out of hand,” said one of the approaching guards.

  The halfling dock workers and guards with them stood silent.

  One of the guards brushed past a dock worker and the dock worker grabbed him. The guard pulled away and reached for his sword, but the dock worker punched him before he could.

  There was a shout as a few of the onlooking guards charged toward the wooden dock. Some of the others stopped them and drew their weapons. A melee ensued and soon the entire wharf was in pandemonium.

  There were loud cries and clashings of steel as guard fought guard. On the docks several halflings fought other guards.

  A few of the citizens joined in and there was chaos on all sides of Cleave. He looked around for Tatarna but she was already gone.

  The robed man attempted to slip away from the confusion. He slipped between several halflings duking it out and ran toward the city.

  “He’s trying to get away,” Tarka screamed. She threw off her fake beard and robes and charged after the figure.

  Cleave went after him as well. His feet were light on the ground but the many groups of halfl
ings fighting impeded his progress.

  Anfalen took two running steps and leapt from his ship. He drew his rapier in mid air and it shimmered with an orange magic. He landed on a patch of ground devoid of fighting halflings and took off after the robed figure as well.

  The litheness of the elf and the size of Tarka made it easy for them to slip through the fighting. Several halflings and a few from other races tried to pull them into melee, but a swift kick or a well placed punch allowed them to continue the chase.

  Despite their speed, the robed figure managed to clear the melee and sprint toward the city. Before he got far, a bolt of lightning streaked toward him. It nailed him in the side and he stumbled.

  The man caught his feet again and another bolt stuck him in the back. He fell to the ground, and from the massive brawl going on along the docks, a shapely humanoid tiger girl charged for him. The robed figure jumped to his feet, but was stopped when Tatarna leapt and grabbed hold of his robe.

  She tugged and it was pulled away. Cleave was unsurprised to find a man in plate mail armor beneath it.

  Tatarna reached out to grab Padwin’s shoulder. He slapped her hand away and she fell to the sand. The knight ran into an alleyway between two buildings by the docks.

  Cleave and Anfalen made up a great deal of ground once they cleared the commotion of the ruckus on the beach. Tarka did as well, but her small body made it hard to keep up with the elven men. She lagged behind as the captain and Cleave rushed on.

  Padwin was surprisingly fast in his armor, but the loud clanging it made when his feet slammed against the ground made it easy for the elves to keep up with him.

  The knight turned a corner and ran into the main street, Cleave and Anfalen on his heels. They rushed past several confused halflings watching their chase.

  “Help me, those elves are trying to rob me,” Padwin screamed.

  A few of the halflings and some of the guards rushed at Anfalen and Cleave. They kicked and pushed aside several halflings that tried to grab them. The elves tried the same tactic Padwin used but it was to no avail. The knight was left unmolested while halflings tried to take them down.

  A sturdy halfling tried to tackle Anfalen to the ground, but a quick spin caused the halfling to fall on his face.

  Cleave had to fight away several halflings. Blocking and dodging several punches and kicks as he hopped forward.

  Padwin turned down a street in the same direction where Vera’s shop was. Cleave called out for Vera but he heard no answer. He thought he saw someone that looked like her, but she ran around the corner before he could get a good look.

  Anfalen and Cleave managed to clear one wave of halflings before there were more on them. These were guards, all lined up in a semicircle, with weapons held aloft.

  They charged the elves and the elves responded in kind with battle cries.

  Two halflings rushed Anfalen with maces. They swung at the elf but he leapt up and did a quick spin. He answered with several thrusts. His rapier blazed with fire as he struck, striking one of the halflings in the thigh. Another threw up his shield to catch a blow but the rapier went right through it, piercing his arm and leaving a small black singe on his buckler.

  Two more came at Cleave, both wielding short swords. The elf drew his sword and swung it in front of him. The halflings matched his fury, but his weapon danced faster and found holes in the guards’ defenses.

  Cleave thrust at a halfling’s head and he had to bring his shield up to block it. The elf turned his sword downward and struck the halfling’s side.

  Your skill with one handed swords has increased to 11!

  This halfling fell away but the other used this opportunity to slash viciously at his side.

  Cleave Lvl. 8

  HP: 94% (-6%)

  Stamina: 86%

  Mana: 100%

  Character Status


  Cleave clenched his teeth and landed a front kick against the halfling’s shield. The halfling managed to slice at his leg before getting knocked off his feet.

  Cleave Lvl. 8

  HP: 84% (-10%)

  Stamina: 83%

  Mana: 100%

  Character Status


  A ring of six halflings approached him and Anfalen. The captain rushed forward and unleashed a flurry of thrusts, wounding two and backing the rest off. Cleave joined in the attack running forward and swinging his sword wildly.

  The added skill point seemed to give Cleave’s attacks a bit more speed and he used it to cause chaos among the halflings trying to contain him. His attacks caused the guards to lose their defensive positioning and Anfalen rushed forward to stab two more with his fiery sword.

  The elves were easily able to get around these guards and rushed in the direction Padwin had gone with a mob of angry halflings on their heels.

  Cleave was worried as they turned the corner. Padwin was surely a great distance ahead of them by now.

  As they came upon Vera’s shop, there were the sounds of battle.

  Padwin dodged a brutal hammer blow from an irate Krug. The knight was trying to get around the half-giant, launching attacks in an attempt to get around him. But Krug was acting like a gigantic wall, using his shield to back his opponent away and occasionally throwing an attack of his own.

  Cleave noticed that the large man’s swings were shorter and his stance was much more defensive. Krug knew Padwin was a superior fighter, he learned that the hard way, so the elf figured the large man was using his bulk and defense to make up for it.

  It was going well. Krug, having been killed in-game, had obviously lost skill points in weapons stats; his attacks weren’t quite as sharp as they once were, but the short bashes managed to keep his armored opponent at bay.

  Padwin launched another quick and desperate attack when he saw the elves running up behind him. Krug took a step back and caught the attack on his shield. The knight was thrown off balance and the half giant bashed with his shield.

  Padwin dropped his sword and turned away from Krug. The elves were a few steps behind him. Anfalen leapt out but the human smashed a fist against his face and he went flying to the side.

  The knight grabbed a drain on a three story building and climbed with surprising agility up and onto the roof. Cleave climbed after him. He wasn’t a climber by nature, but he guessed because of something programmed into his elven ancestry, was able to follow behind him.

  He slid upward faster than Padwin and was about to catch his foot when the knight slammed his steel sabaton against his face.

  Cleave Lvl. 8

  HP: 75% (-9%)

  Stamina: 83%

  Mana: 100%

  Character Status


  Cleave saw stars and tasted blood but he held onto the drain. He slid down a few inches to keep from getting another foot to the face.

  Padwin continued his climb up with a bloody faced Cleave right behind him. The knight was already on the roof when the elf was able to pull himself up.

  Padwin was already half way across the large, slightly angled roof. Cleave sprinted after him and closed the distance between them quickly.

  The knight unshouldered his shield and swung it at Cleave. The elf swayed back and it barely missed his damaged face.

  Padwin swung again but Cleave caught it before it was able to go too far. The knight pushed him and the shield. The elf buckled his legs to keep from sliding down to the alley below as his adversary ran ahead.

  Cleave threw the shield down and came after him again. Padwin was about to leap to the next house over when the elf grabbed his shoulder and pulled him back.

  Padwin turned and threw a punch. Cleave grabbed his arm and turned his body. The knight planted his feet and they slid a few inches while the elf struggled to toss his stronger opponent.

  Padwin launched a kick and Cleave threw up his arm. It caught the kick and he heard a small crack.

  Cleave Lvl. 8

  HP: 71% (-4%)

Stamina: 58%

  Mana: 100%

  Character Status

  Cracked Radius

  Cleave threw himself toward Padwin and got a metal knee in his already damaged face.

  Cleave Lvl. 8

  HP: 64% (-7%)

  Stamina: 58%

  Mana: 100%

  Character Status

  Cracked Radius

  Broken Nose

  Broken Cheek Bone

  The elf managed to grasp Padwin’s leg and slide two his knees. He hopped upward and Padwin fell on his back with a loud clang.

  The knight kicked Cleave off and rolled onto his stomach. The elf rolled back onto his feet and ran forward. Padwin tried to hit the elf with a mule kick, but the elf threw his own foot forward and caught the attack.

  Cleave pushed forward with his leg and Padwin slid forward a few inches. His head and arm dangled off the roof.

  The elf pounced on Padwin’s legs and with great strength held them together while the knight struggled.

  The knight tried to take hold of the edge of the roof but soon found half his body dangling off the roof of the building. Cleave looked over and saw a large shadow looming down the alley.

  Padwin cried out and begged Cleave not to throw him off the roof, but Cleave was having none of it. This jerk had caused him enough trouble as it was, and it was time for a little payback.

  Cleave let go of his opponent’s struggling legs and Padwin fell screaming to the ground below. Just before he reached the ground, something strong caught him. Padwin looked up to see Krug. The half giant’s face twisted into a maniacal grin.

  Padwin struggled and slipped out of the large man’s grip. Krug grabbed him and slammed his body into the building several times until he became disoriented.

  Through his barbute helmet, Padwin looked at the half giant’s twisted smile. The knight’s face was white.

  “You and me have a playdate. Let’s go have some fun,” Krug said, his voice underscored with a rumbling growl.

  Krug tossed the knight over his shoulder and took off down the street as several halflings surrounded the house.


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