Crisis at Clearwater - A LitRPG Virtual Fantasy Adventure (Book 2 Unexplored Cycle)

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Crisis at Clearwater - A LitRPG Virtual Fantasy Adventure (Book 2 Unexplored Cycle) Page 21

by Alara Branwen

  The mayor heard the former please and nodded. “I hear your cries and that is what we shall do. We will hang this man, right here in front of our offices, after I read out a list of his crimes and show you evidence. Bring the offender to me.”

  Padwin began laughing some of the halflings walked toward him. Cleave stood in front of the captured knight. Tarka and Krug joined him.

  This wasn’t right. If what Padwin said was true, then the mayor and his officials were just as guilty as he was. Angry guards came to collect the human tied to the chair. Cleave looked back at his nemesis tied to the chair. He expected his foe to be a little frightened, but his laughter only grew.

  Cleave, Tarka, and Krug moved to draw their weapons as many halflings approached. Before they could pull them out Padwin called out to them.

  “My horrid enemies. Stop. Let them take me,” Padwin said.

  They looked at Padwin and their faces twisted with confusion.

  “I said let them come,” The knight seemed utterly bemused.

  Cleave’s Party stood down as a group of halflings rushed past them. Vera stood aside as eight halflings surrounded the knight and took hold of his chair.

  Padwin looked down at one of the halflings, a pretty woman with sunflower yellow curls flowing past her shoulders.

  “Pardon me miss, before you take me to my deserved demise, would you mind reaching into my pocket. I have a few documents there about the good mayor you may wish to see.”

  “Shut up and be hanged you vile jerk,” she growled.

  “You want to hang me without any evidence? How sad. I thought this community was just. Reach into my pocket and you’ll find all of the evidence you’ll need to hang me, and a few other people.”

  “Do not listen to what that vile criminal says, hurry up and bring him to me,” the mayor shouted.

  The other halflings moved to carry Padwin toward the crowd but the young woman stopped them. Cautiously, she reached her fingers into his pocket, expecting a trap of some kind, but only found a small sheaf of paper. She unfolded them and her eyes went wide.

  She distributed the papers around to the halflings, and eventually one went to Cleave. It was a letter discussing a strategy to shut down a few stores in an alley, repossess the land, and sell it to other merchants. Part of this scheme included stealing from the then owners of the property using the guard and using Padwin to orchestrate the when the guards showed up.

  Cleave didn’t see the other letters but he assumed they were similar in nature. Whatever their contents, they managed to infuriate any that saw them.

  The letter was signed by Harrin Harryfoot. Vera looked at the letter and told Cleave the signature was the mayor’s.

  The mayor continued to scream at the halflings to bring Padwin to him, and not to bother looking at the “libelous documents” from his pockets.

  But the mayor’s pleas fell on deaf ears as more halflings read the documents. Each citizen that looked at the document gravely passed them on, then turned with trembling fury to their leader. The merchants in the crowd had seen Harrin’s signature before, so there was no throwing out denials.

  “You are as wicked and vile as I am, Mr. Harrin,” Padwin laughed and cleared his throat. “You hate everyone, including your own people. I do as well, but at least I’m honest about it. I took a few documents from your files, in case something like this happened. Unlike you, I am trying to further a cause greater than my own, but your only purpose is to fill your pockets and an already bloated belly.”

  Padwin filled the crowd in on his involvement in the scheme and the steps he’d taken to insure they were carried out. By the time he was finished, the letters had circulated through the crowd and their ire was boiling over.

  The mob burst through the gates of both the administrative and guard building. The flood of people easily overwhelmed those in both, and the occupants were quickly dragged out into the mob. They were badly beaten and taken toward the jail, fighting their captors as well as their battered bodies could.

  Padwin was untied from the chair and taken as well. Unlike the others, he went peacefully. He’d already suffered a beating at the hands of Krug and he didn’t want another.

  More documentation was found in the mayor’s office, incriminating the mayor, his personal cabinet, and many officials as well. It turned out the administration had obtained thousands of gold pieces they’d placed in their personal accounts at the local bank.

  These officials were tried by an impromptu tribunal made up of other important figures in the community. Padwin was brought in to testify to their wicked dealings against their own people and the officials were found guilty of treason.

  All were hanged in front of large, cheering crowds for their crimes. For cooperating with the authorities, Padwin was sentenced to one year of in game hard labor.

  Cleave, Tarka, Krug, Tatarna, and Vera went back to Vera’s closed down shop and celebrated their success. Vera didn’t have much money because of the happenings in town, so it was a small celebration that only included cheap wine and a few crackers. However, their success made even the most paltry commemoration to their success seem grand.


  Wine flowed faster as the evening wore on. It was a bit watered down, but after enough the dizzying kick finally set in. All five sat around the work table in the cellar, laughing and giggling about any random thing that came up.

  “I wonder why they didn’t hang Padwin, too,” Tarka hiccuped and sloshed a little of the pinkish red liquid in her wooden goblet, staining the table.

  “Probably cause it wouldn’t be much of a punishment, if he died then he’d just respawn,” Krug said.

  “Hope he doesn’t drop the soap,” Cleave said.

  “It wouldn’t bother him,” Tatarna slurred, “he’s so used to getting boned by Larkin he’d probably enjoy it.”

  The group laughed and emptied their goblets.

  When their mirth died down Cleave turned to Vera. “So you gonna open up shop now things are cleared up?”

  Vera wavered in her chair for a second and shook her head. “Nah. I like it here but I’m tired of running this damned business. I wanna go to a place where I can find other uses for my leather working.”

  “Like where?” Krug said.

  “Oh, I don’t know, I was thinking I’d pay Estelar a visit again. It’s been awhile since I laid eyes on the pleasure dungeon he commissioned me to make. Thought I might come down and make a couple of additions to it, maybe some updates. I’m curious to see how many people he’s got in his guild now.”

  “So do I,” Tatarna sneezed and giggled at the whistling sound her nose made. “It’s been too long since I’ve been to the Dungeon of Dreams. You guys use the dungeon much?”

  “I do sometimes when I’m not busy helping Estelar with the guild,” Cleave said. “Tarka’s in there almost all the time.”

  Tarka looked at him bemusedly. “Don’t bullshit Cleave, you’re in there as much as Krug and me.”

  “I go in there when there’s someone I can spend time with,” Krug said.

  “Which translates to when one of the dryads are available,” Tarka said. “Which is most of the time, horny little tree sprites.”

  “Particularly Lurupine,” Cleave hiccuped.

  A flush came over Krug’s face and the others laughed. Vera asked then to tell them about some of their exploits in Fey Wilder’s dungeon. Alcohol cast their inhibitions aside and they told many of the wild stories of their sensual adventures in the dungeon.

  Cleave found himself becoming randy at Tarka’s detailed explanations of her adventures with two dryads she suspended with a complex rack. The group told stories that attempted to one up the other. They ended with Krug’s experiment involving several whips, gags, paddles, and a very excited Lurupine.

  “Damn Krug, that’s some crazy shit,” Tarka said.

  “We didn’t know you were such a huge pervert,” Cleave said.

  Krug straightened his armor as if it w
ere an expensive suit. “Well some people are more private about their extreme perversions than others.”

  A hungry grin spread over Tatarna’s lips and she looked at Cleave. “I wouldn’t mind if we got a bit more public about our perversions right now.”

  Cleave’s hardened length throbbed as the sexy tiger girl’s eye looked him over. Earlier fantasies of him grabbing her tail and ramming her from behind entered his mind.

  Tarka reached over and rubbed a clawed hand over his member. Cleave groaned and grinned at Tatarna. “I think we should expose the naked truth of what gets our blood boiling.”

  Vera looked up at the large half-giant and he eyed her with interest. “This is a celebration. We should delight in all of our pleasures in this festive moment.”

  The group soon took off their clothing and dropped it haphazardly on the floor. Krug picked up Vera and his lips found hers. He pressed her smaller, slightly chubby body to his and explored her curves with his firm, meaty digits. He held her by her waist and his thick lips travelled down her neck to her breasts.

  He wrapped his lips around one of her puffy nipples and sucked. Vera ran her hands through the half-giants thick, wild black hair and moaned as the suction brought gooseflesh onto her breasts.

  Cleave ran his fingers through the tiger girl’s fur. The silken strands of hair slide through his fingers like a flowing orange river. His touch on her belly makes her shiver. The elf’s palms curved around her magnificent breasts. He cupped them, gently pressing the soft globes together.

  The elf’s lips brushed across the surface of the Tiger woman’s tits. Her fur tickled his lips. His hands slipped upward and he took hold of her nipples between her thumb and forefinger. He squeezed gently and Tatarna closed her eyes. Cleave carefully pulled outward. She uttered a small hiss and placed her hands on his hips.

  Tatarna gently squeezed and kneaded her thumbs inside his thighs. Her circular strokes stirred the coals burning in his stomach. Heat rose to the elf’s cheeks and his breathing grew deeper. The feline grasped his cock and pulled him toward her. Her strong and confident grip easily drew Cleave in and her lips found his.

  The tiger girl’s tongue was rough against his. The granular surface was scintillating. Small fireworks went off in his mind. Tatarna pressed her body against his molten member and rubbed her fur over it. The minute, fleecy bristles enervated the elf. He moved back against her, leaving a trail of sticky pre on her belly.

  Tarka slipped between the elf’s legs and pressed her maw against Tatarna’s pussy. Her tongue lapped at the moistened lips, twirling and twisting as it teased the tender flesh.

  The tip poked at the little knob at the top and Tatarna gasped into her kiss. Tarka smiled and wiggled her tongue against it.

  The tiger girl’s knees grew rubbery. Her breasts pressed against the elf’s chest and she rested her hand on his smooth ass for support. She squeezed his butt cheek then stroked over the surface, relishing the smooth feel.

  Tatarna carefully dragged her claws over Cleave’s ass. She dug them in, just enough to excite the nerves there. The elf increased his grinding against Tatarna’s stomach. The fur grew slick as the head spewed forth precum.

  The tiger girl squeezed Cleave’s member. Feline fingers worked into the skin. The pads of her fingers attempting to mold it into an instrument of pleasure.

  It worked. Cleave’s body trembled as Tatarna expertly played her fingers over it. A soft and loan groan escaped his lips as he continued to kiss the young woman.

  Tarka’s tongue writhed against the tiger woman’s clit for several seconds before slithering down to the base. It twisted inside and curled, touching the soft tissue within.

  Tatarna pulled away from her kiss and groaned. Her pussy winked and pulled at the invading tongue. Tarka energetically plunged her tongue into the wet recesses of the tiger girl. Her maw touched her partner’s nether region as she plumbed the depths, prodding at the little nerves inside.

  Nectar drizzled on the bottom of the kobold’s maw. She scooped the syrupy juices into her hand and reached behind her head to rub it into Cleave’s ball sack.

  The elf shuddered as the moisture was rubbed into him. Tarka’s minuscule fingers massaged into the puffy sack. She cupped the testes in her palm and curled her claws inward.

  The tips grazed across Cleave’s skin as he ground his member against Tarka’s stomach. The resultant lighting bolts that darted through his chest and down his legs straightened the elf’s body. He dug his heels into the floor, trying to work out the building pleasure.

  Try as he might, the light and airy feeling flowing through him got stronger. It threatened to carry him away. His arms tingled as his fingers massaged into the tiger girl’s tits. His movements became jerky and energetic.

  He realized he was close and he pulled away from the tiger girl. The feline smiled knowingly and disengaged from Tarka. She picked up the kobold and placed her on the work table.

  Tarka got on her knees and kissed the tiger girl as she got up on the table. Cleave hopped up as well and took his place behind the feline.

  He kneaded her ass, digging his digits into the soft flesh. Cleave looked behind him and saw Krug was already at it, holding Vera aloft while he slammed his gargantuan member into her leaking cunt.

  Vera’s moans floated through the room. Every thrust created a small, slurping slap that rocked the halfling’s body.

  Cleave gripped Tatarna’s tail and pulled upward, revealing her sopping pussy and tight ass just above. The elf ran his finger along the quivering nether lips. Warmth prickled at the tips of his fingers.

  The elf pressed his fingers into her. Her pussy instinctively closed around the digits as they thrust inside. Cleave stroked along the wet vaginal walls, playing the tips of his fingers in probing circles, searching for a sensitive spot.

  He found many. Each discovery the roving digits made sent a little shockwave into the stripped woman. Her ass rose up, as if begging for Cleave to continue his quest. He obliged and further teased Tatarna, sending her further into an addled bliss.

  Tatarna shivered and allowed her eyes to close. Her head sank toward the table. Tarka took hold of the tiger girl’s head, stood, and directed the feline’s mouth toward the kobold’s pussy.

  The tiger girl lapped at Tarka’s cunt. The kobold thrust her hips forward. The claws on her feet dug into the table as pleasure seeped into her legs. The grainy surface of the feline tongue tantalized the delicate womanhood, sending shivers into the kobold.

  Seeing Tarka getting pleasure sent Cleave over the edge. He tugged at her tail and Tatarna responded by widening the angle of her legs. Her shivering body invited him into her winking, sopping cunt.

  The elf gripped his member and rammed it into Tatarna’s gash. The warmth closed around his member. The tiger girl moaned into the kobold’s pussy. Cleave smacked the juicy ass in front of him and it wagged from side to side. He smiled and did it again. The skin beneath the tiger girl’s ash was a light shade of red.

  Cleave pulled the feline’s tail and smacked her jiggling butt as he rammed his heated shaft in her. His dick pulsed as it pushed deep into her womanhood, rubbing across the grasping walls.

  The elf interchangeably squeezed the feline’s ample, giving butt and smacked it. He got a thrill out of watching her rear jiggle each time he slammed into it. Cleave pulled her tail and Tatarna’s ears folded back and more eagerly serviced the kobold’s pussy in front of her. She was a very strong woman, but it seemed like she had a bit of a submissive streak.

  Tarka rubbed over the tiger girl’s ears with her thumbs. She scratched over the larger woman’s head and brushed her fur. These little acts of affection drove Tatarna into a frenzy. Her coarse tongue slid down the perpendicular length of the kobold’s pussy and went back upward. Tarka uttered a soft moan and brushed her palms across the tiger girl’s cheeks.

  Tatarna pressed her tongue into the kobold’s snatch. The rough surface tantalized her inner tunnels, awaking a deep pleasure in th
e smaller female.

  Cleave jackhammered his cock into Tatarna as he saw the tiger woman pleasuring the kobold. The look of ecstasy on Tarka’s face was pure heaven to him. He wanted to see that sexy kobold pleasured more and those heavily lidded eyes to close while she was crying out.

  Cleave increased the ferocity of his thrusts and Tatarna’s energy rose in kind, delivering the pleasure to the kobold that the elf wished her to.

  Tarka roughly gripped the tiger woman’s shoulders and pressed her pussy lips flush against the feline’s mouth. The kobold’s cunt drooled juices into Tatarna’s chin. The fur grew matted and dark. Rivulets of moisture trailed down her neck, leaving a small line of dark orange.

  The noises the three made grew and mingled with those from Krug and Vera. Pleasure and alcohol rolled around in their minds, getting them lost in their own worlds, alone yet together, surrounded by comforting walls of pleasure.

  Cleave cried out and pressed his member deeply into Tatarna. Cum flooded into the tiger girl’s pussy. Tatarna and Tarka both shuddered as they were thrown into their own orgasms.

  Krug and Vera continued on for a few more minutes. Vera’s small body was throttled violently as the half giant acted out his lust upon her. With a final, titanic thrust, Krug succumbed to his pleasure and filled the halfling’s womb.

  The group cuddled and basked in the afterglow of sex. Nobody wanted to move, but they had a long journey back to the Fey Wilder guild house and they wanted to get started as soon as possible.

  Reluctantly Cleave pulled himself from a combined embrace and put on his clothes, his body still tingling from the encounter.


  Cleave, Tarka, Krug, Tatarna, and Vera went through the contents of the halfling’s store after their liaison. She wanted to go through her stock to see what items she wanted to keep and what she wanted to get rid of before she headed back to the lair of the Fey Wilder.

  They completely organized all of the items in the building when there was a knock at the door. A tall elf with brown hair and green clothing stood at the door. On his arm was a woman of equal height with pink hair, wearing a tight blouse exposing her cleavage and a flowing black gown.


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