The Price of Power (The Price of Secrets Series Book 2)

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The Price of Power (The Price of Secrets Series Book 2) Page 15

by Ashley Drake

  “Mom, Dad, can I talk to you a second?” I asked, as Blaze and I stood in the doorway of Dad’s study.

  Last night the three of us decided to write and leave a letter to our parents, tucked under our pillows, in case we didn’t return. Including detailed information and Z’s contact email, just in case the Triune went after our families, we felt that they needed to be prepared. I had started to write mine, then changed my mind. My parents knew what was going on, for the most part, and I owed them this face to face.

  “Sure come on in.” Dad motioned his hand to me. “We were just going over bills.”

  Mom sat with her bare feet curled up under her on the couch, with Dad beside her with folders on his lap. I want that. I want to be around long enough to have that. Their marriage wasn’t perfect, but it was pretty darn close. They are great parents and have loved me through everything that I have thrown at them. It couldn’t be easy having your only child tied up in the supernatural.

  My eyes began to sting and I tried to shake it off. It would only worry them more if they saw me upset. I hopped up on the edge of Dad’s desk, to face them, and tried to start off on a positive note.

  “After tonight, there will be one less demon after Daniel, Jaycee and me.”

  “You mean if everything goes as planned.” I could already hear and feel the terror settling into Dad.

  “There is no ‘if’. It will. It is my destiny as The Heart and as the leader to win this. To finish this.” I was either getting really good at sugarcoating things, or what I said was true, because I believed it. In my gut, I realized, I believed it.

  “I will center myself and send everything I have to you tonight, just like last time, kid.”

  “I know that I don’t have any power to send with you,” Mom said, trying to hold back from sobbing, “but I will pray for you.”

  This time I went to her to comfort. “Isn’t that the greatest power of all? Don’t you realize how much you have given me? You’ve gave me my moral compass to live by. It gets annoying sometimes to always try to do right, but it keeps me grounded. It keeps me on the side of good. If it wasn’t for you steering me in the right direction, I might not have been chosen. You’ve taught me how to be a strong woman by being an example and how to love something, someone, more than yourself. You have done all that, and more, for me.

  “And, Dad, you,” I will not cry, I will not cry, “you passed down this ability to me. All these years I’ve given you grief that you passed down a curse. I was so wrong. You’ve given me a gift that has led me on this amazing, important, journey. One that I am grateful for. I might have been chosen, but it was my own free will that said yes. Do you know why? It’s because of your trust and

  faith in me. You both have encouraged me to be whoever, whatever, I wanted to be.”

  “Hannah, it sounds like you are saying this is goodbye.”

  “I’m saying have faith. I’m saying this is a time of celebration, of love and of hope, of the wonders that this world has to offer, and of family. All that, along with every good thought, every good feeling, and every good emotion you can think of. That is what I need you both to send to me- the celebration of life. That is a power the Triune will never understand, will never be able to touch.”

  You have grown wise beyond your years, sweet Hannah. A true leader, you have become. MacKenna’s words echoed through my head. It was surprisingly soothing and strengthening.

  Blaze, who had laid beside the desk listening, and understanding I’m sure, the entire time, raised his head to lock eyes with me. He had heard her too.

  What a strange, wonderful, dog I have.

  There were many tears, an abundance of hugs, followed by more tears. Dad had me to go over the plan, in great detail, and gave me last minute advice. And I’m pretty sure Mom wasn’t kidding when she suggested tying me up in the garage until I was thirty.

  All in all, I’d say they took it pretty well.

  One hour until the guys get here. I looked at the alarm clock that I once thought of as an enemy, only to find myself looking forward to it’s next ear piercing signal that it was time to get ready for school. It would mean I had survived. To get rid of the nervous energy I had built up, I decided to take Blaze outside to walk it off.

  It was chilly and crisp, but not a cloud in the sky. Which made a beautiful backdrop for the sun to set.

  “Blaze, you will not be on your leash tonight, but you must stay with me. I know you are meant to be my protector and all but no jumping in front of a bullet, so to speak. We are both coming home safe and sound. Deal?” I held out the palm of my hand.

  He hesitated before giving me his paw. I knew he understood me, so why the pause? I only had to lay my hand on his soft fur to get my answer. He wasn’t sure that he wanted to make a promise that he might not be able to keep.

  “Oh no, mister,” I knelt down to face him, “you might be a part of this, but you will stay a living part of this. There will be no sad endings where the dog dies defending his owner. And I absolutely refuse, and draw the line at, talking to living impaired animals. Got it?”

  Blaze barked twice at me before licking my face.

  “So it’s a yes then?”

  As I stood up I saw a black car slowing down at my driveway. It was Daniel.

  “Come on, Blaze, let’s go say hello to Daniel.”

  Of course, he beat me to the car. Daniel was already out, and petting Blaze, before I made it to him.

  “Hey, handsome.”

  “Back at cha, gorgeous.” He slid one arm around my waist and pulled me into a kiss.

  How fine a tight wire my life walks between being a supernatural meant for greatness, and a hormonal teen. I’m sure these butterflies in my stomach, and delightful goose bumps, are from the teen side.

  “You’re early. Not that I’m complaining.”

  “I got a phone call today from my A~li~si.”

  “What did your grandma want?” I knew it had to do with tonight.

  “Just to let me know the ancestors have spoken to her and told her of my part in the battle with the Triune.”

  “The ancestors spoke to her? You never told me just what your grandma can do.”

  “Like I said, you will have to meet her and ask her yourself one day.”

  “Was she mad at you?”

  “For not telling her myself, yes. For being apart of this, no. Her people, my people, come from a long line of brave men and women who knew of being called upon in a quest. Along with the meaning of being apart of something bigger than yourself. It is to be looked at as an honor. She is proud of me.” He broke eye contact with me and looked down at his feet. “She called me a great warrior. But I’m not.” He looked back to me, stopping my heart. Those deep, dark, sexy eyes, turned to me, filled with questions and doubts. “What if I can’t fill those shoes? What if I let you down when you need me the most?”

  “What are you even saying right now?” I didn’t mean to sound so angry. “Who was there to make me realize that I wasn’t alone by showing me they had a gift too? You. Who was there for Jaycee to explain things to her when she found out she was a witch? You. Who was there to help me figure out how to pass over Samantha’s soul and kept us together that night? You.” I softened my voice and placed my hand on his cheek. “Who saved me from being attacked, from being raped? You, my warrior. You are The Warrior. And you are only getting stronger. Imagine what you will be able to do next month, next week...tonight. Like I told you, you are my rock.”

  He took my hand from his cheek and placed it to his lips. “And you are my heart.”

  “And everyone else, so I’m told.”

  “But you were always mine first. Thank you for that, I needed to hear it.”

  I’m on a roll. Is it my day to give out inspirational pep talks and nobody told me?

  “Hannah.” Jaycee called out to me while getting out of Mike’s truck. “I don’t think I can do this.”

  Yep, it’s my day.

  Chapter 18
  “I brought the salt, the candles and the sage, but I couldn’t get my hands on holy water.” She threw her hands up in the air. “I mean, it’s not like I can go just go up to a preacher or priest and say ‘hey, bless this bottle of water for me’. So, thinking out of the box, I went to that little candle store off Main Street. Ya know, the one where the owner is forever wearing a broom skirt and sandals?” She continued only when I nodded that I did, indeed, know where she was talking about. “That’s where I got the bundle of sage. While paying for it, I nonchalantly asked her if she sold holy water. She looked at me like I was crazy! She was my only option, so now we’re screwed.”

  “When we were in the cemetery that night with Samantha, candles and salt were the only things you had. When we hid Z from the Triune you had nada, zip, nothing, and look how well that turned out. Everything I have seen you do has came from within. So, why are you freaking out now over props?”

  “Because that’s what the spell calls for.” She crossed her arms in a huff.

  “A spell written by a witch, I’m sure, but not a witch like you. You are unique, special, there is no one else like you. You have always said that about yourself, now I’m agreeing with you. Only in the supernatural way, though. Your look I can find on any given Saturday at the mall.” I teased, trying to help her find her rhythm.

  She gasped. I told her about my psychic gift, that Daniel moves things with his mind and talks to animals, and she found out she’s a natural born witch. But this, this she gasps at.

  “You take that back.” She said, half playing along and half serious.

  “My bad, I’m sorry.” I laughed. “For real though, look at me. Yes, the salt is helpful, but you don’t need the rest. Jaycee, you were chosen, not only because of your blood, but because of your quick thinking, honest, good hearted- that you try to hide, awesome self. You are not a witch, you are The Witch.

  “The books will help in many ways by giving you ideas, and how herbs are used for different ailments and such. They just can’t help you, or us, against the Triune. And to be truthful, that does kinda suck. It means we have nothing to go by, so we’ll wing it. But isn’t that just another one of the reasons Z told us why teenagers were picked? We wing it on everything. It’s the first cousin to procrastination, and you know we’ve got that nailed too.” I knew getting through to Jaycee took something she understood, and respected. Humor and sarcasm.

  I saw that I had succeeded when she dropped her shoulders and blew out a long breath. “You’re right, I know you’re right. I guess I just needed to hear it.” She skipped a beat, then added, “from you”.

  I tried to hide the fact that it touched my heart, along with making me feel a little awkward since I’ve never been good at taking compliments. “Do you need to hug it out?” I gave her a cocky grin.

  “Bite me.” She laughed.

  On the car ride to Megan’s a hundred things started running through my mind. I have to make sure this turns out as planned. As the leader, I know it’s ultimately up to me to make sure we come out of this tonight together. Safe and alive.

  “Don’t forget that once we start, we need to do it quickly to catch Mika... I mean him, off guard.”

  “Don’t worry.” Daniel soothed. “We have been over it, under it and all around it. We’ve got this.”

  “I do need to make one change.” I turned around and faced Blaze, who had put himself behind me, near the window. Thus causing Jaycee to be scrunched up, nearly in Mike’s lap. I’m sure though she didn’t mind. “I need you to watch out for Mike and Megan tonight. If I need you, I promise I will call on you.”

  “Do you really think that’s a good idea?” Daniel asked. “That wasn’t the plan.”

  “Yeah, Han, I don’t need protecting. Jay gave me this.” Mike held up his key chain.

  “It’s just a precaution. All of us are going to be in the circle anyways. Blaze will still be close enough if we should need him in the fight.”

  When I turned back around, I noticed the huge grin on Daniel’s face. Dimples included. “What are you smiling about?”

  “Blaze was just curious as to why you fused at him in the bathroom today, making him leave his comfy spot, when you were getting out of the smelly water. He thought it was smelly, not me. I think you smell good.” His dark eyes danced at my embarrassment.

  “For that very reason right there! I remember when Sassy told you about Jaycee’s obsession with…”

  “That’s enough. He gets it.” Jaycee yelled from the back seat.

  “What are you obsessed with?” Mike questioned.

  “Never mind.”

  “See?” I pointed to the back seat. “There are things a boyfriend doesn’t need to know OR see. Blaze needs to learn the word privacy. And I did not fuss at you.” I added over my shoulder.

  “What is it? You can tell me about being a witch, but not your obsession? I won’t laugh, scouts honor.” Mike crossed his heart for effect.

  “You were never a scout. So, umm, Daniel, what do you think about the possibility of Kayla and Phoebe being the other two?” I’m sure Jaycee wanted to know, but I figured she asked just to change the subject.

  “Hannah told me about that earlier. It would tie everything together and give us the advantage of already having a bond. Especially with you four girls.”

  “Wouldn’t it be kinda sad too, though?” I wondered out loud. “I mean, they are our friends and if they are the ones, their lives will never be the same. Ever.”

  “Mike found out, and he hasn’t ran away screaming. And I would know what that looks like, I’ve seen him on the court.” Daniel gave Mike a toothy smile in the rearview mirror.

  “Let me get you on that court and I will show you which of us runs, big guy.” Mike jabbed.

  The smile on Daniel’s face dropped. “We’re here.” His entire demeanor changed as we pulled into Megan’s gravel driveway. Switching from hot-teenager-guy, to The Warrior, in a blink of the eye.

  Megan was running out of the house as we shut the car doors. “You promised me! You said you would keep this between us! Are you here to mock me?”

  Before I could open my mouth, Jaycee stepped out from behind Mike.

  Megan’s jaw dropped. “You brought her!” She hissed at me. “Leave, all of you, just leave.”

  “Megan, wait. I only told them because they can help you too.”

  “Bull. I don’t know why you…”

  “Please, just listen.”

  Megan threw her nose up in the air, but at least her mouth was shut. That was a start.

  I took that as a cue to continue. “They have helped me with something just like this before. It is better, safer, for you if you don’t know all the details. Trust me when I tell you that we can get that demon out of your house. I give you my word, the only reason we are here is to help.”

  “Demon? Not a ghost?” She thought on that a second. “That would explain a lot.”

  Just when I thought I had calmed the situation, Megan looked Jaycee up and down. “How does she help, distracting the demon by shaking her ass at it?”

  “No, but I can distract you by clawing your eyes out!” Jaycee lunged for Megan, who had already started backing away.

  I put myself between the two and turned to face Jaycee. “This is not helping. I know it would make your day, your year even, but it’s not why we’re here. Big picture, Jaycee, focus.” I waited on a response.

  “Okay, fine, the big picture is to get rid of the demon. Got it.” She mumbled.

  Once I was convinced she wouldn’t make good on her threat, I turned to Megan. “Jaycee is here to help you. You should be thankful to her instead of rude. It’s all of us, or none of us. Your choice.”

  “None.” Megan said, while still staring at Jaycee. I could all but see the daggers.

  “Well then, I lied, you don’t have a choice. If you can’t put away your petty differences for one night…”

  “Okay, fine. Let’s just do it already.” Megan ran
her hands through her hair and sighed. “I mean, thank you all for coming. I need it to be over. This ghost, or demon, has taken away so much from me. I need to be me again.” She stood back and motioned to the door with her arm. “Come on in.”

  We followed her into the house, and my eyes automatically went to the back wall where I first saw Mikah. Luckily, he wasn’t there waiting.

  “Who’s dog and is he house trained?” Megan asked.

  “Blaze is mine, and yes he is.”

  Megan went straight up to him and started to pet him. I was about to warn her to be careful, being a stranger and all, but Blaze was gentle with her. He even laid his paw on her knee when she bent down. I knew I shouldn’t, but I wanted to see, just for a second, what Blaze thought of her. So, I took a quick peek.

  Blaze found her to be lost and lonely, just as he once was. My dog has a thing for strays. I would have laughed at the irony, but Blaze’s eye told me that he knew I had looked. I felt a little guilty, here I just talked to him about privacy not fifteen minutes ago. I sent him my apologies and my love, adding what a good boy he was. His tail wagged in response. I took it to mean that I was forgiven.

  “How much seclusion do you have in the backyard?”

  “About three acres worth. Why?” Megan asked as she stood up, wiping the dog hair from her pants.

  “Perfect, that is where we will set up.”

  As the six of us walked out the backdoor I saw an in ground fire pit about five yards away. “There,” I pointed, “that’s the spot.”

  Daniel took the logs from the pit and replaced them with white candles, while Jaycee and I retrieved the sea salt from her bag.

  I heard Megan whisper to Mike. “They look like they know what they’re doing.”

  Mike studied us. “They sure do. But hey, guys? Will that salt stay in place with the wind?” He turned away from Megan, as if hoping she wasn’t going to hear him. “There was wind last time.”

  “Last time? How many times have you found the need to banish a demon?” Megan questioned, only to be ignored.


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