7+Us Makes Nine: A Nanny Single Dad Romance (Baby Makes Three)

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7+Us Makes Nine: A Nanny Single Dad Romance (Baby Makes Three) Page 71

by Nicole Elliot

  Well, he’s just signed his own death warrant. Don’t have to justify shooting a guy that’s just shot at me first. Or any of his friends, for that matter.

  In less than a second my gun was in my hand, and I clicked the safety off. I popped up out of cover, gun rising to my eye level as I aimed at his head.

  I squeezed the trigger, and his head snapped back, arms convulsing as he dropped to the floor with a loud thud.

  A moment later a head was peering out of the front door, looking over to see the commotion. A few gunshots rang out from the doorway, going harmlessly wide. The door was closed hurriedly as I slid over the hood of the car and began to sprint across the road towards the van, which was parked haphazardly between me and the building.

  Perfect cover. Idiots.

  My eyes were on the van as I approached, checking there was no one hiding in waiting. The front seats were empty and a brief glance into the back told me that was empty, too.

  An empty van. So they came here to grab something in a hurry. Looks like Conall is cleaning house, but unfortunately for him he’s a little too late.

  I was one step ahead of him, but I had to act quickly. The element of surprise was in my favor, and I didn’t want any more backup to shoot me in the ass before I could act.

  I weighed up my options and decided on a plan of attack. The front door was probably locked and guarded, guns trained on it. I’d have to find another way in and fast.

  I jogged quickly to the wall of the building, head low. I was out of sight of the camera as I reached the tall, corrugated metal wall. I rested my back against it and chose a direction. I headed right toward the side of the building. I popped my head round to find a figure standing at the doorway, head swinging from side to side. He didn’t spot me.

  “Ain’t no sign of him, Cathal! Where the fuck is he?” he shouted angrily.

  I heard a muffled shout in response from the building, followed by the bark of another. A third voice shouted something inaudible in response.

  “I ain’t going out front! You go! Who put you in charge, anyway?” the guy shouted, head looking back into the building.

  A voice sounded from the other side of the metal wall behind my head. I could just about make out the words.

  “Conall put me in charge, mon! Now get out dere before I fuck you up!”

  The guy swore in response, foul language spilling out in a torrent. I heard him turn to head my way.

  I took a breath and popped out from cover, raising my gun as I turned to steady myself.

  Surprise, you ugly scumbag.

  I shot him in the chest as I raised my gun and once in the centre of his forehead. He dropped to the floor, eyes wide in surprise.

  I didn’t give myself time to think, acting on instinct. I ran to the open door as voices started shouting from within the building. I guessed there were four more of Conall’s men inside, at least.

  I risked a peep through the door, seeing figures heading for cover around old, grey metal industrial equipment. A large, solid looking unit sat a few feet away from the wall to my left, and I couldn’t see anyone near if. It was about four or five feet from the doorway, I guessed.

  Perfect cover. Here goes nothin’.

  I threw myself powerfully into the doorway, dropping into a forward roll, my shoulder thumping heavily against the solid metal as I rose to crouch against it. A few loud gunshots pinged against the metal wall behind me, but I was too quick for them to get a decent shot.

  Movement over to my right caught my eye, a head peering out from behind a large cylindrical shaped piece of equipment, chrome shining dully in the gloom.

  I popped up from cover and shot the guy through the temple. He fell against the wall, twitching violently as he dropped to the floor with a thud.

  Screams of anger and alarm sounded from across the building. I heard the clang of what sounded like a hatch opening. I peered around the side of cover to see the older guy who had arrived a while back popping his head up from a basement hatch.

  “What the fuck is going on? I’m trying to work down here, you mor…”

  “Police are here, mon! Hide! I’ll call you when it be safe!” I heard Cathal’s voice from over to my left, but I couldn’t see him.

  “That’s right. The police are here! Now listen up, ‘cause I’m only gonna say this once!” I shouted loudly, eyes alert for any sign of movement.

  “I’m taking you down, one way or another! Make this easy for yourselves, drop the guns and walk out slowly with your hands on your head! Do it now!” My voice echoed slightly from the building. It was met with silence.

  “I’m a yardie, motherfucker! Ain’t no way I surrender to no police!” Cathal’s angry retort sounded loud, closer than before, off to my left.

  Two shots sounded, clanging off the metal in front of me. A large figure moved in my peripheral vision ahead of me. I took a quick couple shots at the guy, satisfied with the shout of pain as a bullet tore through his arm.

  Then sudden movement to my left made me turn instinctively as Cathal stepped out from cover, moving quicker than I expected such a big man to be able to. I was still faster, gun aimed before he had time to set sights on me.

  I shot him in the left knee and right shoulder. He screamed in pain and anger, his gun dropping to the floor from his now useless hand. I ran over to him in a low crouch, kicking the gun away and quickly tying his arms and legs. I searched him for weapons, taking a large knife he had in his pants and putting it in the pocket of my trench coat.

  He cursed at me, writhing as he struggled against the plastic cable ties at his wrists and feet. Blood began to seep onto the dirty floor. He was out of the fight but alive. I figured he’d be useful if he decided to talk later when I’d got Conall.

  “Cathal! Cathal, did you get him?” I heard the slow pad of heavy boots crossing the building, heading my way.

  “Look out, idiot! He’s shot me!” Cathal’s warning came too late. I was already leaning out from behind the cabinet Cathal had used to approach me. Head and shoulders showed above the desk. I raised my gun and shot him, then froze in silence as I waited to see if there were any more.

  The only sound was the whimpering of Cathal behind me.

  I walked furtively forward, gun held in a low grip, ready to shoot at anything that moved.

  “Ok man, I give up! I’m gonna put my gun down! My hands are on my head, don’t shoot me alright?” A voice echoed loudly around the building. I guessed it was the guy I’d just shot in the arm.

  “Come out, slowly. Any sudden moves and you’re dead!” I shouted loudly, turning to face where the voice had come from.

  A figure slowly emerged, hands flat on his head as he stepped awkwardly into the dim light illuminating him from above. Fear and awe showed in his eyes as he looked at me.

  “Don’t shoot me, please. I got kids, man. Two boys.” He kneeled down slowly, then dropped to his face, hands still on his head.

  “It’s just me left and the old guy left. Ain’t no point me dying for nothin’, you’re too good,” he said, voice muffled.

  That’s right. I can see you’ve done this before. Not the first time you’ve been arrested. Well, that’s one more scumbag off the streets. And another witness to use against Conall.

  I approached the guy as he lay there still as he’d promised. I quickly tied him up and searched him for weapons, not finding any. I then searched the building. What the guy had said was true. No one left. Except…

  I walked over to the hatch.

  “Listen to me, old timer! Game’s up. Come out of the hatch with your hands on your head! Try anything stupid and you won't even have time for your scummy life to flash before your eyes! Get up here now, slow and steady!” I shouted, voice loud and clear as I waited for the guy to do what I said or make a grave mistake. My gun was trained on the hatch as it opened slowly.

  “Ok. I’m coming out. I’m not armed. Don’t shoot me alright? I ain’t a bad guy, I’m just the cook. Don’t know nothing a
bout guns,” he said, as his head appeared slowly. Boots thudded as he walked up the stairs, hands raised.

  “As far as I’m concerned you’re one of the bad guys. You’ll be going downtown with these other two morons. Get on your face, like your friend there. Slow and steady, old man.”

  He sank to his knees and dropped heavily to the floor, grunting as his face slapped the tiles.

  I tied him up and checked him to make sure he wasn’t lying about guns.

  Nothing, just a pack of smokes. Good.

  I walked over to the hatch and peered in. My eyes widened at what I saw.

  The equipment filled the small basement, jars, burners, chemicals and tubes connected in a mind-boggling setup. By far the biggest I’d seen.

  I walked slowly down into the basement, taking in a deep breath as I studied the room’s contents. There was no one else down here. Just a shit load of drugs and equipment.

  Time to call this in.

  I jogged back up to the ground floor and checked to ensure all three bindings on the perps were secure. Cathal had passed out, and the other two were motionless.

  Satisfied, I ran back to my car, eyes sweeping for movement. I didn’t see anything.

  I grabbed my cell, and my breath caught in my throat.

  Five missed calls from Lucas. Shit.

  It started ringing again. Lucas was calling me, desperate to get hold of me. A tight coldness entered my stomach, and I feared for the worst.

  “Lucas, talk to me!” I said after swiping at the phone.

  “Jack, fuck. Glad you answered. I’m hurt, man. Real bad.” Coughing sounded on the other end of the line as Lucas spoke, his voice cracking with pain.

  “Conall! Conall O’Rourke came here, man. Beat me up. I can’t move, Maria's holding the phone…” He coughed again.

  “He came in, took me by surprise. I wasn’t quick enough, Jack. He threatened to kill my wife and kids if I didn’t tell him where Eden was. I’m sorry Jack. So sorry…” His voice trailed off and I heard sobbing coming from Lucas and his wife.

  “Lucas! Listen to me, don’t apologise. You done great, alright. You did everything you could. If it weren’t for you, he’d be at her house now, smashing in the door. Tell me where she is, and then get Maria to call you an ambulance!” I said quickly. I memorised the location he gave me, visualising the long straight road out of town that would take me to Eden. It was about ten minutes from where I was.

  Lucas told me through gritted teeth and waves of pain that Conall had just left a little while ago. He had a headstart on me. I shouted for Maria and told her to call an ambulance for Lucas. I promised I’d get a cop to them in as soon as possible.

  I called my Lieutenant, and he answered in a second.

  “Jack, what’s ha…”

  “Sir, I’ve busted the lab. Didn’t have a choice, they were packing up. Conall must have panicked. I need you to come here with backup and arrest the guys I’ve tied up. One is hurt bad, you better call an ambulance for him or he’s gonna bleed out.”

  I gave him the location of the lab and told him about Lucas. He cursed, and said he’d get a cop over to look after them immediately.

  “Sir, I’ve gotta go. Conall’s on his way to Eden now. He beat the location out of Lucas and threatened Maria and the kids. I gotta go.”

  “Ok Jack. Go!” he said and hung up the phone.

  I sped off, heading towards the motel Lucas had given me directions to.

  Time for a showdown with Conall. I just hope I get there in time.

  I cursed at myself, having not saved Eden’s number into my cell yet. I flicked through recent calls, trying to find the number she’d called me on. Then my phone rang. It was Eden. Conall was there already.

  I put my foot hard on the gas, jaw clenched with concentration as I drove wildly for the motel.



  Conall strode into the room, looking bored, a half smile on his face as he studied the faded surroundings.

  “Come on, Eden. You can do better than this dump. If you had decided to come crawling back to me, you’d be living it up in a five-star hotel.” He shook his head.

  “Oh, your cop friend ain't looking too good. Leaking all over the place. Don’t think he’s gonna make it. In fact, he’s dead already. Sorry about that. He shot first though, honest!” He laughed cruelly, and one of the unscathed goons behind him chuckled in approval.

  “Ain’t as if he can say otherwise now, is it boys?” He sat on the bed, elbows on his knees.

  “Shark. Check if there’s anything to drink, would ya?” He frowned at his wounded comrade.

  “And Sunny, what the fuck, man? You look like shit.” He turned to face the fourth guy.

  “Delroy. Go and patch him up. Keep an eye out for our friend. The one Eden loves so much. We’re gonna have it out, me and him. Thinks he can steal my girl, take me down? Well, we’ll see about that, won’t we! I’m king of this fucking jungle!” His voice rose with anger and he swung his arm wildly, smashing the bedside lamp with a spade-like hand.

  The guy Conall had called Shark pushed past me, shoving me out the way. I stumbled into the wall, my mind racing.

  Shit. He’s pissed and out of control. Hope he doesn’t hurt me before Jack gets here. But when he does get here, Conall, you’re going down.

  Shark grabbed three beers from the six pack, and I was surprised when he handed me one. He winked at me. I shuddered at the cold gaze from his black, soulless eyes.

  “Here you go, boss,” he said in a deep, emotionless monotone. His sharp teeth showed yellow through a horrid smirk.

  The ugly bastard does look just like a shark. A huge, fat, ugly shark, that is.

  Conall opened the beer and drained half the contents. He took out a pipe and lighter and started smoking meth, casually dragging at the pipe and breathing out plumes of thick, acrid smoke. He passed the pipe to Shark, who took it with a curt nod. Conall turned to face me.

  “Well now, Eden. You thought you could snitch on me and run?” He tutted, wagging a finger at me.

  “I got contacts, you know. A… friend… of mine, told me he’d seen you leaving with your old pal Lucas. Well, Lucas and I had a little chat. He wasn’t so tough when he was lying bleeding on the floor. Told me everything to save his sorry ass. His wife though… wow. Wouldn’t guess she’s squeezed four kids out. If I’d had more time…” He trailed off, eyes wide from the meth.

  “Anyway, I’m getting distracted. I knew what you and your boyfriend were up to the instant I heard about you leaving the house earlier with Lucas. Fucking Lucas!” His voice shook with rage.

  “I should have known! Him and Jack and you, all best buddies! Sneaking around behind my back, thinking you’re clever! Well who’s clever now?”

  Shark spoke up.

  “You are boss, got ‘em good. Our boys should be clearing out the… uh, the warehouse. Ain’t gonna be no evidence against you. Cathal’s sorting it out. If Jack shows up, the yardie will get him. He’s mean and quick.” Conall was nodding at him.

  “Let’s hope so. Or he’s in trouble, I swear. I don’t pay him for nothing.” He turned to face me, sighing and leaning back.

  “So what are we gonna do with you, sweetheart?” He eyed me up and down. I crossed my arms and opened the can of beer, trying to remain calm as I sipped at the contents.

  “Shark. I think she’s shy. What do you think we should do?” He addressed his thug, shrugging his shoulders in feigned boredom.

  God I hate you, Conall.

  “You should kill her. Now. Before she gets a chance to talk. Simple. I’ll do it, if you want,” he said, coldly.

  Conall was laughing, shaking his head.

  “Everything’s simple when you’ve got a small shark brain, moron. And what do you think Jack is gonna do if he shows up and we’ve shot her? He’s gonna call his clean little cop buddies and they’re gonna swarm all over us.” He paused, leaning forward to poke Shark in the chest.

  “Even th
e guys we’ve made a deal with won’t be able to do anything if we murder a witness in cold blood. They’ll be forced to make a show of dissociating themselves from us. Probably suddenly become best buddies with Jack and come down here for the shootout with him.”

  He looked out of the dirty window, expression closed. His jaw bunched as he thought.

  “No, what we’re gonna do is have a little chat with Jack boy when he gets here. ‘Cause I think he’s working alone. If the other cops knew, I’d know about it too. He’s gonna rush over here and try and be a hero, single handedly saving this bitch. That’s if he’s still alive. Cathal’s probably got him by now.” He smiled cruelly.

  He got a phone out and dialed a number. He turned to me, shrugging. “Let’s find out, shall we?”

  His face dropped after a while. I guessed there was no answer. He dialed again. Nothing. Tried another number, I guessed. Still nothing.

  He threw the phone against the wall in a rage.

  “Fuck!” He rose and started pacing, striding back and forth.

  Light flashed in my eyes as he slapped me across the face. A hard, backhand that sent me tumbling.

  “It’s your fault! Couldn’t keep your mouth shut. Or your legs closed!” he spat, finger in my face.

  I feared he’d start beating me, but he merely gritted his teeth and stood up.

  I heard a car approaching in the distance, engine revving wildly.

  Conall smiled.

  “Here he comes to save the day. This’ll be fun!” He drew out a massive revolver, a hand spinning the chamber. He was laughing.

  “This is my favorite part! The part where I win!”

  His blood-drenched henchman stumbled to the door, leaning on the frame, panting.

  “He’s here, boss!”

  He had a silver gun in his hand. Shark drew out a pistol from the back of his pants, cold eyes narrowing as he turned to face the parking lot.



  I made good time, flaunting the speed limit as I tore towards the motel.


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