Vulture’s Kiss

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Vulture’s Kiss Page 16

by E. M. Whittaker

Louis dragged her to her feet. “Then let’s go find her.”

  He dragged her to the door, ignoring her feeble protests. She’d pay if anything happened to Evelyn.

  As he reached for the doorknob, the door crashed against the wall. It hit his nameless prisoner in the face. Something cracked, and blood gushed from her nose.

  She stumbled backward with a strangled cry.

  He scrunched his nose and held his breath. Damn Darius. He had to be right about her tainted blood. She wouldn’t be worth a midnight snack. She’d poison him within the first drink.

  Hurry up and find food. It beats drinking another charity donation from the hospital’s blood bank.

  The old man had a point.

  Those bags of blood weren’t the same as drinking something fresh.

  He grabbed a handful of tissues from his nightstand. This unholy stench would kill him. If he could contain her blood, he wouldn’t drink from her—no matter how poisoned her jealousy made her.

  His mouth watered. He dragged his tongue across his fang.

  Darius growled.

  Louis handed his captive the tissues. “Here.”

  “Don’t bother.” The redhead huffed, then raised her head. “I’ll bleed with dignity, thank you.”

  “Suit yourself.”

  “Alexia.” Evelyn’s voice rumbled with anger on the other side of the doorway. “I should have known you were behind this attack. You went with Simon to my business engagement. How did he turn you against me? Are you dating him now?”

  Alexia gave an airy laugh. “Oh, please. I wouldn’t date my own brother.”

  “Cut the crap.” Evelyn pulled her away from him and shoved her against the bannister. “What are you doing here?”

  “Helping my brother win Mom’s approval again.”

  Well, well, well. This took an interesting turn.

  The women could sort their own problems out.

  “Why?” Evelyn placed her elbow at Alexia’s throat. “You helped me file a restraining order last year against him. This doesn’t make sense.”

  “You wouldn’t understand.” Alexia’s voice hardened with conviction. “I didn’t know Simon was my step-brother until a few months ago. Once he explained what happened with Mom, I—”

  “Whatever.” Evelyn backed away and brushed off her shoulder. “You’re fired. I’ll mail you your final paycheck next week.”

  “Mom’s not done with your sugar daddy.” Alexia whipped her head toward Louis. “And neither is Simon.”

  “I’m sure.” Louis came behind the snippy woman and dragged her toward the stairs. “Evelyn, follow me.”

  He shoved Alexia down the stairs.

  The redhead wiggled against his grip the entire time, spewing hateful statements about vengeance and yelling racial slurs about Evelyn’s perfect figure. At one point, she belittled him about his failed marriage and her mother’s plan to take him down.

  She was Marianne’s hell spawn, all right.

  He shoved her into the recliner, ignoring the blown-out windows inside his living room. For once, he needed rope. What would work in this case? Curtains? No, she could turn them into a homemade noose if she slipped from her restraints or choke Evelyn from behind. She’d have enough strength to finish her off.

  Hector the Courageous Lion would do.

  “Hector.” He shoved Alexia at his friend. “Watch this little heathen for me. She’s one of Marianne’s children. I’ll scout the house—make sure no one else—”

  “No need.” The mob boss waved his phone. “I called Marco. He’s got guards around the perimeter.”

  After all this time together, you’d think he’d learn about ambushes. Darius cracked his knuckles. I can’t take this idiocy anymore. Let me handle this.

  Before Louis could react, Darius took over his body. Once he settled, he cracked his neck.

  Ah. Such a satisfying gesture.

  Now… time to eat real food.

  “Unless you’ve armed people with holy water, blessed swords, or guns that shoot out sunlight, you won’t get anywhere.” The vampire crossed his arms at the high-strung shifter. “Your teeth and claws won’t do shit. The girl’s fists wouldn’t damage a full-fledged vampire like myself. As for Miss Red Riding Hood, she wouldn’t make a good appetizer. We’re a sorry lot here.”

  Evelyn—sweet Evelyn—backed away from him. “What the hell happened to you?”

  One gunner came up behind Evelyn, ready to fire. A laser pointed at her chest.

  Darius glided between them. Then he sank his fangs into the man’s throat.

  Blood never tasted so glorious.

  If Louis wouldn’t take advantage of their free meal, he would. They bordered on exhaustion the longer the blasted boy insisted on living by human standards. For the most part, Darius stayed in his good graces.

  Except tonight.

  Evelyn had to see their true nature.

  He ignored Louis’s meticulous complaints. He’d spoil their meal with his morality check one of these days. He had to get over his humanity. Vampires sucked their victim’s blood. End of story. He’d prefer a female, but he wouldn’t complain.

  Beggars couldn’t be choosers.

  Darius finished the wretched human in under a minute, then tossed the unfortunate bastard aside. After he crumpled to the floor, he wiped off his mouth. Delightful.

  Sweet Evelyn skittered away from him.

  “I’m afraid we’ve never been formally introduced, my dear.” He closed the gap between them. “I’m Darius. I’m the vampire half Louie keeps hidden. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  He took her hand and kissed it.

  Her hand trembled.

  Oh boy. He had to fix this. She’d walk away from their relationship at this rate.

  However, their tasty meal almost ambushed them, and he couldn’t resist protecting her. Any self-respecting man would. Still, she wouldn’t understand how a vampire’s mind worked. How could he calm this gentle flower down? Seduction? Flowery words? A dozen thorny roses delivered to her door?

  Louis made a vomiting noise inside his head. Honesty, you bloody fool.

  Confound it. Women hated honesty.

  This conversation could become ugly.

  “You.” Evelyn’s voice came out breathless. “Are you the creature who's responsible for his powers?”

  “You could say that.”

  “Why are you two separate beings?”

  “Because he likes the perks of humanity.” Darius brushed a strand of hair behind her ear. “Like human touch for example. You’re warm. He’s quite the cuddler.”

  She blushed. “Yeah. I noticed.”

  “And what you did earlier.” He licked his lips. “He—”

  “Bring him back.”

  “I’d love to, but he’s a little pissed at me, babe.”

  Evelyn punched her fist. “I’d be mad if someone invaded my body, too.”

  “Look, someone was about to shoot you.” He pointed to the dead man. “He had a laser scope pointing at your chest. I couldn’t let him hurt you. Or go without food. Louie hasn’t eaten all week.”

  Evelyn hugged him. “Well, thank you. Now, bring Louis back.”

  He embraced her, pushing those bouncy breasts close to his chest. “You’re scared of me.”

  She frowned. “Well, yeah. You just possessed someone’s body.”

  “You shouldn’t be.” He licked his upper lip. “You’re getting a two-for-one deal, darling.”

  “I’ll give you a two-for-one deal, too.” Her voice turned sugary sweet. “Two heels lodged up your goddamn ass. Now, give me back my boyfriend before I find something real pointy to lodge up your anal cavity.”

  He licked his lips. Kinky.

  He’d test her anger out later.

  Darius slid back into Louis’s subconscious. She’s a keeper, boy.

  Louis scowled.

  His host always ruined his fun.

  “That was weird.” Evelyn’s voice came out warbled. “Like, super
weird. Does that happen often, Hector?”

  “The kooky vampire pops out whenever he wants. He loves tormenting new people.”

  Biggest understatement of the year.

  “I’m sorry.” Louis rubbed her shoulder. “However, Darius told the truth. He cares about you, too.”

  “Alexia is still here, right?”

  He thumbed to Hector “Yeah. He’s got her.”


  “Head upstairs.” Louis kissed her forehead. “Grab your stuff. We’ll relocate for the evening.”

  She kissed his cheek. “Fine. Don’t ditch me with a squad of badass vampires. I don’t need protection twenty-four hours a day.”

  Evelyn walked out of the living room.

  “Hector.” He stretched and cracked his back. “Take Evelyn to Eisen’s place. Make sure Marco and his entourage accompany you. Morgan and I should be able to handle any other threats. We’ll rendezvous later.”

  “You need a bodyguard.” Hector jerked Alexia to her feet. “A real one.”

  “Two dhampirs will suffice.”

  “If Hayes isn’t acting alone, then who’s the mastermind behind all this?”

  Alexia snorted. “Oh, please. Behind every despicable man is a vengeful woman pulling his strings.”


  She was the mastermind behind all this.


  “Yeah. It just came to me, too.” He kicked the chair. “My ex-wife can’t leave me alone. Never mind she sucked me dry during the divorce. Now, she’s got her kids doing her dirty work. Shameful.”

  She shook her head. “Just Simon. I don’t care about Mom’s god-awful relationship with you.”

  “Then why go after Evelyn?”

  “Because that bitch has money.”

  Louis grabbed a handful of her auburn hair. “You must be her little thief. How clever of you to pin everything on her cousin. But you’ll repay every red cent you owe.”

  She gasped for the second time.

  “Wow, Louie.” Hector yanked her back. “I guess I owe Evelyn an apology.”

  The dhampir’s lips tightened in a thin line. “Yeah.”

  “You better go after her before she disappears.” Hector pointed to the door. “She tried leaving earlier.”

  Louis headed out of the living room.

  How dare her.

  After everything that happened, she still wanted to handle Simon Hayes by herself. What kind of trauma did he cause this poor woman? While he appreciated her inner strength—stronger from unfortunate circumstances, no doubt—she was only one woman. He’d eat her for a midnight snack, then make her into a mindless thrall.

  Then her intelligence and charming personality would go to waste.

  By the time he reached the front door, Evelyn leaned into the half-opened entrance on her tip-toes. She took a step outside and held into the front door.

  He tapped her shoulder. “Going somewhere?”

  “Yeah.” She spun around, then hung her head. “Jem’s boyfriend has a mansion outside of the city. I could stay with his werewolves for a while. You know, until—”

  “Simon’s working with my ex-wife.”

  She held her cross. “What?”

  “They’re working together. Simon is her son. I didn’t know he dated you, though.” He pulled her into a one-armed hug. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to involve you in my personal affairs. I left her two years ago, but she’s still bitter about how the relationship ended.”

  “It doesn’t matter.” She held his hand in both of hers. “We’re together now.”

  He embraced her with both arms. “Good.”

  “I know it’s weird—and Joe will complain about this—but you’re—”

  “Evie, stop.” He pulled her back and kissed her forehead. “Wait for Morgan to park the limo, hon. We’ll meet you at Eisen’s mansion later.”

  Evelyn blew him a kiss before scurrying toward the limousine.

  He pretended to catch it with his hand.

  Don’t get distracted. Darius ended his words in an ominous tone. Let old man Morgan handle your darling Evie. We have a job to do.

  Louis licked one of his fangs and headed back to the living room.

  He’d enjoy interrogating Marianne’s hell spawn.


  Evelyn’s grand proclamation in Louis’s hallway didn’t stop Morgan from escorting her to Eisen’s extravagant mansion.

  While her boyfriend’s estate felt homey, hers represented one of the mansions featured on Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous. For one, she had a mile long driveway with exotic flowers around the perimeter of the driveway. Two big greenhouses rested on each side of the mansion. Further down, Eisen had two large gardens full of fresh fruits and vegetables. Two statues of Vikings greeted them when Morgan parked the limo at the entrance.

  Her new boss had money to burn.

  Evelyn turned into little orphan Annie as she marveled over the complex setup of her new employer’s vast mansion. She didn’t travel with a shaggy dog, but Morgan made a good substitute. He made enough noise when he sniggered like a schoolboy over her shocked reaction.

  The next time he did it, she’d sock him.

  A butler greeted them when they pulled up to the roundabout driveway. He exchanged pleasantries with Morgan, then escorted her to the building. Like her amused host, the butler stayed silent the entire time.

  What did these people have against her?

  She was a person, too.

  Being snubbed by servants of nobility sucked. Louis’s servants didn’t act so snobbish. They engaged with her and asked her questions. They didn’t seem worried about her social status when they introduced themselves. In fact, they cared more about their master’s happiness. Not one servant said one ill word about him.

  They had plenty of opportunities, too.

  The nameless butler guided her to the main entrance, then passed her off to a maid. Once they walked again, Evelyn’s giddy attitude turned serious.

  She blamed the mansion’s stuffy atmosphere.

  Golden chandeliers lined the long corridor. Finished wooden flooring matched the curio cabinets lining the walls with glass collectibles. Eisen collected anything from stained glass unicorns to fire-breathing dragons. The last curio cabinet contained old coins from different countries.

  What an odd woman.

  The dark hair maid stopped. “Amelia should be here soon. Please wait here, miss.”

  She skittered down the hallway.

  Evelyn frowned. The most complex problems she faced involved business matters and planning a girl’s night out with Jem. Lord, these rich bitches would cry at her cousin’s demands. Sometimes, Jem pretended she was a spoiled Latina princess.

  She’d drive these maids to drink.

  “Good evening, Mistress.”

  Evelyn jumped, grabbing her chest. “Ah, hi.”

  “Pardon me for the intrusion.” A young brown-haired German maid approached her with a beautiful baby boy in her arms. “Lady Eisen apologizes for being late. She’s nursing right now. She’ll meet you in a few minutes.”

  Wait a minute. This cute little infant belonged to her?

  Suddenly, her proposal made more sense.

  If Eisen had a family, she needed help with more than just her business. Walking long distances winded her and holding a baby with broken ribs hurt. All the extra weight would add to her discomfort. She’d be exhausted if she handled everything alone.

  Thank goodness she hired Evelyn.

  She had plenty of experience babysitting infants.

  “May I get you anything?” Amelia adjusted the baby resting in her arms. “I should’ve had something prepared for you ahead of time.”

  Evelyn held up her hand. “No worries.” Then she covered her face with it. “What I need won’t stop my head from spinning.”

  “I see. This way, then.”

  The maid guided her into another room.

  Unlike the living room, this cozy den seemed stage
d. Everything had its proper place, but her office… well, it could be the poster child for a realtor learning how to sell their first home. Everything had a hefty price tag, down to her furniture and the expensive oriental rugs on the tiled floor. Also, the office had tile flooring. Who lined their floors with tile inside an office?

  Tile belonged in the bathroom or the kitchen.

  Besides, who could afford this kind of contractual work with young children? The best that a middle-class couple could afford was faux hardwood floors. One thing was clear: Eisen wasn’t afraid to flaunt her wealth. Either she married into old blood or worked hard for her millions.

  Somehow, Evelyn suspected the latter.

  “I understand your apprehension.” Amelia’s voice stayed cordial while giving the baby his bottle. “It took me two months before I adjusted to her estate. Sometimes, I still get lost.”

  Good. At least one maid stayed humble.

  “Please be gentle with Lady Eisen.” Her voice lowered. “She’s been crabby since her unfortunate accident. I suspect she’s not taking her medicine like she’s supposed to because of her work. She insisted on working from home for the next several weeks while she heals.”

  Well. This was a surprise.

  No one realized that Evelyn caused her accident.

  “Lady Eisen had so much happen these last few months. She had John a few months ago. She headed the firm on a long-term project. Between the overtime and her promotion, this accident came at an inopportune time.”


  What a setback.

  “Oh, I almost forgot!” Amelia held John out to Evelyn. “Can you hold him? I have to help her really quick.”

  She took the baby in her arm and grabbed his bottle. “Sure. I can finish feeding him for you.”

  Amelia’s expression softened. “Thanks.”

  The maid exited the room.

  Wow, what a weirdo. She didn’t know Evelyn, but yet thrust her employer’s baby into her arms. What if she snatched babies for a living? Then she could have sold the child on the black market. How would Amelia explain everything to Eisen?

  Evelyn snickered. Her employer seemed like the vengeful type.

  Despite Eisen’s shortcomings, she had a nice setup with her mansion. She worked hard. Played hard. Each person she met juggled different jobs with ease, despite the risks involved with their chosen professions. Now, she’d become part of their posse.


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