Vulture’s Kiss

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Vulture’s Kiss Page 20

by E. M. Whittaker

  But Darius might keep him level-headed. He seemed the type to disregard a woman’s feelings. He struggled at apologizing when he frightened her at the mansion and ate one of Alexia’s gunmen. Then again—

  Alexia. This was her mother.


  She hated family affairs.

  “Alexia.” Evelyn’s word came out thick. “You’re her mother, right?”


  “Is she a vampire?”

  “Thankfully, no.” Marianne’s voice turned twisted. “She killed me during childbirth because of her humanity. Ex-husband number one turned me into a vampire so I could raise that ungrateful bitch. And where did it get me? A life of misery and heartache. Both of the twins were a handful. At least Simon turned to the darkness.”

  Evelyn sighed. Like all B-rate villains, Marianne came equipped with her own sob story with a long monologue. All she needed was a tub of popcorn and a cold drink.

  These lasted anywhere between five to ten minutes.

  The sad part was her story wouldn’t be any different from the ones she heard on television. Well, except the names mentioned in this story weren’t fictitious and stemmed from real life events. Her life had turned into a bad B-rate mafia movie with psychopathic vampires, lion shifters, and an empathic stockbroker. Maybe she’d sell her upcoming novel to Stephen Spielberg or M. Night Shyamalan so they could direct this horrendous movie.

  She hid her smile.

  She’d have one hell of a story to tell Jemina later.

  “Humans are such pitiful creatures. Full of sniveling emotion and in need of constant sexual stimulation. Raising Alexia was like raising a disobedient pet. She never learned from her mistakes, nor transcended humanity. She’s my greatest disappointment.”

  Wow. Talk about a loving mother.

  No wonder Alexia had an attitude problem.

  “Still, I never tortured the little shit. I should have. Gregory was too soft on her. Gave her everything she wanted.” Her hand pushed Evelyn’s head toward her. “But you’ll do. You’re the only way I’ll get Louis back. Now, stay still. This will only take a moment.”

  Evelyn squirmed, then moved backward.

  She escaped her grip.

  Then her back hit the wall.

  “Don’t make this harder for yourself.” Marianne seized her chin again. “You can’t fight me with your hands behind your back.”

  Evelyn closed her eyes. She couldn’t look at her.

  Once she did, she’d lose.

  “Aw, he taught you a cute little trick.” The vampire’s hot breath reached Evelyn’s ear. “What a shame. I could trap you inside your own personal paradise while I drank from you. Still, it doesn’t matter. I won’t kill you…yet.”

  Marianne’s fangs sunk into Evelyn’s throat. She squirmed against her grip, but the vampire’s mouth tightened.

  Then dizziness pulled her down.

  This differed from when she stared into Louis’s glowing eyes. At least she could still fight against her grip. It didn’t paralyze her right away. The longer she drank, the more it brought back one of Evelyn’s worst fears: drowning in an undertow. She became seven years old again in San Juan and fought for her life once the harsh water swallowed her tiny body.

  Her ears rang. Her eyes rolled back in her head.

  She sank to her knees.

  “You are a feisty one.” Marianne brushed the hair out of Evelyn’s eyes. “You certainly taste delicious. However, I don’t want to spoil my dinner with your sweet blood. You’ll serve me better as a dessert.”

  Her tongue ran over one of the puncture wounds.

  “Besides, it’s better to wait until Louis arrives. Then I can drink all that succulent blood in front of them. Of course, it’ll take away your charming personality, but whatever. I don’t need another fledging vampire with a free will running around my estate.”

  Vampire? Over her dead body. Then again, she couldn’t feel her limbs anymore. Or think. Her head floated every time Marianne talked. She could have told her how to escape and Evelyn wouldn’t understand her.

  She leaned back against the vampire’s legs and her mouth parted. God, the room spun. She saw double. To top it off, she couldn’t stand any more. Her body wanted to drop against the tiled floor.

  Marianne lifted Evelyn into her arms, then tucked her into bed. The thick blue comforter warmed her chilled body. She snuggled into it the best she could.

  At least she wouldn’t sleep on the floor.

  “Rest, darling. I’ll be back when you have more blood to spare.”

  Evelyn groaned. Her biting retort floated away.

  Exhaustion claimed her instead.

  * * *

  “Evelyn. Wake up.”

  Her body became weightless in her dream. In fact, her entire existence meant nothing due to her complete and utter exhaustion. All she wanted to do was sleep. But that voice…it pierced through her dreamless sleep. Like a burglar, it snatched away her only escape from her cruel reality.

  She ignored it.

  “Damn it, your life is in danger, girl.” A cold hand brushed against her cheek. “I can’t keep up this telepathic link forever, you know.”

  All right. Fine.

  She’d entertain them.

  She stirred, then gasped at the black void around her.

  Where was this place? This didn’t resemble her usual dreams. Most of them dealt with her life problems where she used fantasy-like methods to dispatch of her enemies. They never talked to her or warned her about danger before. However, she knew that voice. She heard him before somewhere.

  Inside Eisen’s mansion?

  No. Her boss’s limousine.

  Darius’s voice sent shivers down her spine.

  “Damn right I did, girlie. You claimed you needed a priest to save you from your sacrilegious sins earlier this evening.”

  Heat crept into her cold cheeks.

  How was this possible? The last time she checked, Darius wasn’t a horrendous actor trying to play a Transylvanian Dracula. He sounded Native American like Louis.

  Then again, she floated in a strange void.

  Maybe this was Darius’s real self.

  “Confound it.” The vampire stood before her. “Louis has shaman powers from his Native American side, babe. Astral projection is his baby. However, he sucks at tapping into your mated bond shit. That’s where I come in. We’re both here, you know.”

  He drew his sword and cut into the air.

  When did he get dark armor and a crimson cape?

  Darius was every woman’s wet dream. His wavy black hair flowed with the imaginary wind. His eyes twinkled with red specks inside his blackened ones. Despite the fangs, he held his hand out to her, then kissed it.

  Wow. He had manners after all.

  But he was the only person there.

  “Louis is sleeping.” He tapped Evelyn’s forehead. “He’d ruin your time together by apologizing to you for ten minutes. Anyway, listen. We know where you’re hiding, but you’ve got to escape. Marianne will eat you before morning. I know you’re tired—I’m surprised you heard me, actually—but you’ve got to leave.”

  “How?” Every word she spoke took a colossal effort. “She bound my hands and drank my blood.”

  “Oh, we know.” Darius went behind her. “Hold still. I might cut you if you squirm.”

  He sawed at the ropes with his sword.

  “When you escape, call us. Make sure you’re far away from Simon and Marianne. Hell, I’d stake her myself, but Louis always ruins my fun. But make sure you contact us. He’s worried sick about you.”

  The ropes fell from her wrists.

  “How did Simon catch you, anyway?”

  “He waited till I got out of the car.” Evelyn hung her head. “Eisen tried shooting him but the kickback from the revolver winded her. Also, that damn forcefield trick he used stopped the bullets in mid-air. They missed her, but they sunk into the leather seats. She’ll have one hell of a repair bill.

  Darius tsked under his breath. “She’s having bad luck with cars.”

  “It’s me.”

  He lifted her chin. “Aw. Don’t fret, sweetie.”

  “I’m serious.” She leaned into him. “I’m nothing but trouble. And I’m exhausted. My head—well, I feel like a goddamn airhead.”

  Darius grabbed her shoulders. “Okay, the whole pity-me attitude makes you sound like you’re five years old. I don’t date children, you know. Now, you’re a fighter, right?”

  She nodded.

  “Then listen. You’re about to lose your fiery personality.”

  Evelyn covered her mouth and yawned. “I know. I’m still tired. I can’t escape if you’re interrupting me from my nap.”

  “You’re one drink away from becoming incapacitated.”

  “Even if I could…”

  He jerked her forward. “You still can leave, Evie.”

  “She locked the door.”

  “There’s a secret exit to Marianne’s fun-filled house of horrors.” His hand ran through his hair and he held her close. “You’re staying in one of the guest bedrooms. I know these bedrooms pretty well. Anyway, check the walls of the fireplace. There’s a button that opens the trap door underneath the floor.”

  Her arms fell by her sides. God, everything he said seemed tedious.

  Right now, she needed sleep, not a lecture.

  She wouldn’t regain her strength like this.

  “When you’ve gathered enough strength—after a few hours of shuteye and nothing more—escape from the mansion. You can’t handle another drink in your condition. Not even a small one. Understand?”

  “I’ll—I’ll try.”

  “If you don’t leave, we’ll come for you.” He patted her hand. “We’ll have to ditch your brash cousin and her pet werewolf, though. They’ll smell them a mile away.”

  A small smile tugged on the corners of her lips. “At least she’s safe.”

  “What do you see in that woman?”

  “She’s family.” She pushed her finger against his nose. “I raised her when she was a teenager.”

  “She’s got the mouth of a sailor.”

  “Jem’s more religious than I am.”

  “Do I get to save her from her vulgar sins, too?”

  She chuckled. “No. Keep her safe. Nothing more.”

  “Fine. Her werewolf protects her enough.”

  “Then help her find me.” A long yawn escaped her lips. “Before they make me into their newest family member.”

  “Evelyn, there’s something else.” His tone turned serious. “If they drink enough of your blood, I’ll have to finish you off. You know—before they make you part of their undead army. I don’t want that. So run. Please.”

  Evelyn cupped his face with both hands. “If you do—”

  “I’ll make it painless.” He kissed her forehead. “But you won’t turn into a thrall. You’re bonded to Louie. The most that’ll happen is you’ll turn into Queen Draculina of Charm City and he’ll become your full-fledged vampire groom. He’s made thralls, but it’s not the same as if a vampire sires his children. They’re not as powerful. Your blood is special, though.”

  Jesus. Not him, too.

  She’d need vampire repellent at this rate.

  “Don’t look so cross.” Darius gave her a gentle kiss on her lips. “We’ll see each other soon, sinner. I don’t get why Louis calls you a vulture. I like calling you my little sinner better. Be safe until we’re reunited.”

  He trailed his finger down to her cross again. Then he disappeared.

  Her world faded back to nothingness.

  * * *

  Evelyn re-awakened in her borrowed bed two hours later.

  Her hands went to her cross. Whatever Darius did manifested itself between worlds. The brain fog lingered, but her hands didn’t tingle from her restraints any more. In fact, the rope burn marks she felt disappeared.

  Too bad he couldn’t cure her exhaustion. She needed strength to escape Marianne’s mansion.

  Evelyn swung her feet over the bed and glanced at the fireplace, groaning at the burning fire. How could she escape when someone blocked the switch? No one would put their arm through fire to press a button. Besides, the place didn’t need heat. She sweated enough she had under boob sweat.

  Every woman hated sweaty boobs.

  She needed another set of clothes. Her shirt smelled of blood, sweat, and tears of failed henchmen and broken dreams. Hopelessness clung to her the longer despair plagued her.

  How would she escape now?

  Her adjacent bathroom didn’t have a water bucket underneath the sink. Even if it did, she couldn’t fill it with enough water to douse the flames. Marianne or Simon would return before she finished her task. At that point, she could throw the bucket, but she knew it wouldn’t phase them.

  Maybe she could climb out the window.

  She grabbed the sheet and stood. Her knees wobbled. Her heart raced. A few seconds later, Evelyn landed on her knees.

  Nope. Climbing was out.

  The world turned topsy-turvy.

  There was another exit. Darius said so. He wouldn’t tell her a falsehood unless he believed his own lies. Then again, Darius never lied to her. He told her about their true nature at Louis’s mansion while flirting with her. He flirted with her again in Eisen’s limousine. Even in her dream, he made innuendos about his cute pet name for her.

  Why would he lie?

  He wouldn’t.

  Evelyn got to her feet.

  This time, the world turned into blurry shapes, and it stayed hazy around the edges. Doable. As long as she could hide, she’d figure out how to maneuver through this chaotic mansion. She’d take her time until her strength returned.

  God help her. If only she had vampiric powers.

  Then she’d teleport out of this mess.

  The door opened, and a young maid emerged with a tray full of hot food. She stopped, then kicked the door closed behind her. “Lady Marianne sends her compliments. I’m sorry she’s trapped you here, miss. Please eat.”

  The maid. If she could put out the fire, then she’d have access to the escape route.

  She put on her grumpiest look and crossed her arms.

  “You’re not the first person Lady Marianne trapped here.” The maid set the tray on the nightstand. “She’s trapped dozens of ladies here over the years. The majority of them become dinner, but—”

  Evelyn blocked out the maid’s words and focused on her dinner. For a dying woman, she had an amazing three course meal. She had a Caesar salad, salmon, potatoes, broccoli, and a piece of triple chocolate cake served with a tall wine glass.

  Her mouth watered. The lightbulb went off in her head.

  She’d get her energy back after her meal.

  “Sorry.” Evelyn grabbed her silverware. “It’s been a long night. You understand.” The salmon nearly fell off the fork, but she scooped it up, then ate it. “My compliments to the chef. This is delicious.”

  “I’m glad you think so. Most of her prisoners throw their plates at me.”

  “To be fair, they’re not thinking about food.”

  “Oh, of course. But it gets old.”

  Poor girl. How many women did she help Marianne kill? Ten? Twenty? In the hundreds? Perhaps. Yet she still worked for the deranged rich aristocrat. She had to be a vampire, too.

  Shit. Vampires didn’t like fire.

  Maybe the maid was human, and God gave her a lucky break.

  “You know…” Evelyn shoved a piece of broccoli in her mouth. “It’s kind of hot in here. Unless Marianne plans to turn this bedroom into a 450-degree oven, turn off the fireplace, sweetie.”

  The maid gave a nervous chuckle. “The mansion gets drafty.”

  “Maybe on the lower floors, but I’m sweating through my clothes.” She mimicked plucking her dress away from her breasts. “I stink. I haven’t had a shower in a few days, either. If I could get a change of clothes and a cooler room, t
hat would be wonderful. I don’t want to die of heat stroke.”

  “You’re different from most of the lady’s guests.”

  Evelyn pointed her fork at her. “You’re not the first person to mention that.”

  “I’ll see what I can do.” The brunette maid walked to the fireplace. “I’ll turn this off. If it gets cold again, I’ll reheat the fire. In the meantime, enjoy your meal. I can get you seconds.”

  No thanks. Another plate would put her into a food coma.

  She kept a careful eye on the maid. While she lowered the room temperature and doused the flames, the maid moved slower than she liked. Her hands patted certain parts of the wall. Her feet scuffed against the floor. At one point, she took Evelyn’s dishes, then bowed out of the room.

  The maid was on Marianne’s side.

  Oh, well. At least she’d get a change of clothes. She couldn’t fight in the dress Louis bought her without ruining it again. If he saw another bloody wound, he’d drink from her. Darius wouldn’t listen to her if she got injured a second time.

  He’d drink his heart out.

  The nameless maid returned. “I’m sorry, miss. I couldn’t find any suitable clothing. Lady Marianne would become cross if I—”

  Evelyn held up her hand. “I understand. I’ll just keep this on, then.”

  The woman bunched her hands into fists. “I’m really sorry.”

  “Don’t worry about it.”

  “I’ll check on you in a few hours. Please be patient. Lady Marianne will return soon.”

  Then she closed the door.

  Evelyn returned to her meal. A few hours her ass. After she finished her three-course meal, she’d climb out the window and make her escape - no matter how fuzzy her vision became. She couldn’t afford to become vampire food. Once she escaped, she had to find another weapon.

  Before she did anything, she needed a hot shower.

  She couldn’t return to Louis covered in blood and gore.

  Confound it. She unzipped her dress. The material slid down her body and pooled around her feet. In one motion, she picked up her clothes and carried them to the bathroom.


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