Naughty Fantasies

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Naughty Fantasies Page 7

by Rowena

Even his green eyes looked different when he winked at me like he had some juicy secret.

  I’m still hiding out, fanning myself, my heart pounding hard.

  I don’t know the last time I found myself needing to catch my breath like this.

  I can’t remember when last I felt so exposed, having to avert my eyes to hide the look of appreciation in them, so weakened in the face of such stunning, unapologetic maleness.

  Maybe moving in with Chad wasn’t such a good idea after all.



  Finally, moving day has arrived for my buddy, Kevin, and his girl—the delicious Avery.

  Waves of anticipation passed through me earlier today at the thought of having Avery around practically twenty-four-seven now, and being able to spend more time with her.

  I try not to get hard at the thought, but damn it, she has always had this effect on me, and my cock is heavy with need.

  The first time I met her I had to catch myself—my first thought was that a woman like her belonged on my arm, not Kevin’s.

  How did Kevin bag a girl like this? I wondered every time I hung out with them but had to keep my thoughts off my face.

  Avery is tough and hardy, and I bet she used to be an athlete—her body has the tone and form of one. She has this crazy long, curly hair I want to put my hand in and grab onto as she’s on her knees before me, sucking me off. Hair I want to see cascading down her lovely shoulders and fluttering behind her as she bounces on top of my dick, completely naked.

  I want to see what those round globes underneath her shirt look like in the nude—are her nipples more brown or pink? You never know with redheads—or any girl, I guess.

  She has a sprinkle of freckles across her nose that makes her look cute, but her hazel eyes look anything but cute—they always seem to be burning with something. She’s a smart girl, I learned quickly, so perhaps that’s it—her eyes are always alive in a way that makes her look like she is actively calculating and processing information, her intelligence showing all over her face.

  Her bow lips always seem to be red, even when she’s not wearing lipstick, and I wonder if I can kiss them pale.

  Her butt cheeks look round and tight and perfect for my palms, and I often find myself imagining the lips of her pussy.

  I don’t know if she knows I want her, and if she ever wondered, she probably brushed it off, not really wanting to examine further because, how awkward, right? She can’t exactly ask Kevin what he thinks, and there’s no way she’d directly accuse me of anything; after all, I’ve kept my hands to myself, and I’ve been fairly slick about eyeing her.

  I generally watch people carefully because I have to for my job—assessing and evaluating objects and people in situations where it’s a matter of life and death, and it’s hard to turn off. I pay close attention to verbal and nonverbal communication, so even if Avery thought she saw something, she probably remembered how attentive I am in general.

  I don’t think she ever caught me staring at her ass or the wicked curve of her waistline, but if she did, she probably brushed that off too. Men are men, right? Boys will be boys and stare at ass and boobs—count on it. I’ve even seen Kevin do it right in front of her when some good-looking chick passes by.

  Kevin has no idea what he’s getting into serving Avery up to me like this, but hey—desperate times call for desperate measures, right?

  Poor schmuck. He doesn’t have a job right now, but he will—he grew up here, and there are plenty of connections still around, including me. I’ll see if I can pull a string or two.

  Either way, he’s going to have to leave the condo sometime, leaving Avery and me alone.

  Lots of times, if I can help it.

  I don’t have shit to do since I’m on ‘vacation,’ and there’s no way I’m going to let this opportunity slip by to get to know Avery more intimately.

  “THANKS again for letting me stay here, man. I owe you big time,” Kevin says humbly as he pats me on the back once we’re done with all the heavy lifting and the last item is inside.

  You sure do, bud. You don’t even know how big.

  Avery will find out how big.

  I keep my eyes away from Avery during this exchange in case Kevin somehow manages to catch my thoughts in my eyes. No need to let him know the cost of my generosity just yet.

  I can barely contain my excitement at the start of this change—and my jeans can barely contain my throbbing erection at Avery’s current nearness, not to mention the conjured fantasy image of her sprawled in one of my beds.

  She is going to be a few feet away most of the time, and it will drive me insane, I know it, but at least it won’t be for long.

  Although she’ll be lying next to Kevin for now, she will soon be in my bed, taking every inch of me.

  “It shouldn’t be for too long, I promise,” Kevin says as we head back to the car to drive the rest of their shit to my storage place.

  “Oh, please—you guys can take all the time you need. I’ll be out of here in about a month anyway; Iraq.”

  “But you have to let us pay you back somehow. We’ll figure out something once we get back on our feet—a monthly payment, maybe.”

  “Kevin, don’t worry about it! Your debt to me won’t cost you a dime.”

  THE FIRST TIME I hear Avery in the shower, I almost lose my mind.

  I keep picturing her naked, her auburn hair darkened by water and running down her back toward the crack of her juicy ass, her exposed breasts with puckered nipples, her firm, naked thighs joining to…

  I stop myself.

  If I’m not careful, I’ll end up busting in there immediately, consequences be damned.

  I have to bide my time.

  Avery comes out of the bathroom dripping, with only a towel wrapped around her, and I am leaning against the door frame of my bedroom, watching her as she briefly looks in my direction with a shy smile, and then practically runs into the spare bedroom, shutting the door quickly.

  I’m tempted to go in after her and rip that towel off her, even with Kevin nearby in the living room watching television, but I keep myself in place; after all, my message has been sent.

  I made sure Avery knows what’s on my mind—I didn’t hide my look of appreciation and desire one bit as she emerged from that bathroom. I didn’t take my eyes off of her for one second, not even to blink.

  She knows what’s coming.

  Everything I’ve got planned for her, I’ll ease her into slowly.

  But I need to get Kevin the fuck out of here, fast.

  “CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? ALREADY!” Kevin says, excited.

  A few days have passed since the two moved in, and we’ve all put our feelers out for job possibilities for him.

  He turned up his nose pretty quickly at the first few options, but Avery finally put her foot down.

  “I don’t care if you have to be away from me for two weeks for the tour—it’s probably good for us anyway. You’re really going to turn down a few thousand dollars?”

  She was hopping mad, and I had to suppress my desire to laugh, she looked so cute fuming.

  But, of course, she had a point too—for three months, Kevin sat at home making nothing, which I’m not going to blame him for—I know it can be tough out there. But now that I’ve seen the way he snubs opportunities, I’m not sure what to think.

  He doesn’t even have to leave the state—it’s some two-week tour up north in San Fran, and he’d be going from making zero to making almost two months’ rent from this single job, getting paid per diem and everything. Easy job, too—pretty much handing out some free swag, and helping with setup and breakdown of the events.

  Anyway, he finally accepted the gig and has started getting excited about it.

  It’s funny—it’s the same kind of work that Avery does, but she has never done a tour for the same reason Kevin didn’t want to do this one—tours usually require being away for a while, and she used to say she couldn’t imagine leaving him.
/>   Boy, she sure changed her tune quick.

  “You got any tours coming up?” I ask her.

  “Yeah, this is the perfect time to book one, isn’t it?” Kevin says. “Especially since I’ll be gone, too. And I told you, they have another spot open…”

  “And I told you there’s no way we’d make it under those conditions. Absence is definitely better than that kind of constant proximity.” She turns to me. “I prefer one- to five-day gigs, although I take seven-day ones too. Anything more than that though, and I’ll go nuts, it’s so mindless. Besides, I’m a girl—it’s easier for me to get booked on this kind of stuff; opportunities are always popping up. I already have some jobs booked on days you’ll be on tour anyway,” she says as she looks back at Kevin.

  “What do you have going on next week while Kevin’s gone?” I ask her.

  Kevin is watching her with interest too.

  “Well, I’ve got next Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday booked, and I’m waiting to hear back about a weekend gig.”

  It’s Thursday, and Kevin leaves Sunday evening.

  Looks like Avery will be free a few days in the upcoming week while Kevin’s away!

  But even if she ends up fully booked, she’ll still be here all by her sweet self, coming home to me.

  I can’t wait.



  I never thought about how awkward it might be for Kevin and me to get intimate with Chad on the other side of the wall until it was too late.

  Turns out I had nothing to worry about since Kevin doesn’t seem to be in any hurry to get it on.

  Kevin and I hadn’t had sex in over a month before moving in with Chad, and Kevin hasn’t looked at me that way in the days since we’ve been here. We didn’t even bang one out before he left for the tour!

  Frankly, I don’t know how much longer I can go—especially with Chad’s overwhelming sexiness so nearby.

  My mind has been filled with thoughts of his capable body around, and I can’t stop myself from imagining what his cock is like when blown up to size.

  I’ve seen a hint of it bulging out of his pants as he walked around the house and had to turn my eyes away. What was I doing examining the outline of my fiancé’s best friend’s shaft?

  I try to stop these thoughts, but my mind keeps going to Chad. I can’t get the image of his muscled torso out of my head—especially since it seems that’s his favorite way of hanging out around the apartment.

  I feel silly, of course, because it’s his prerogative—it is his place. He probably walked around in less while he lived by himself—I do it in my own home too. Why should he keep a shirt on just because I’m here?

  Still, having his delicious maleness around is making my kitty beg for satisfaction. Sure, it was already doing that since I’ve been so deprived, but my fingers and dildos are definitely not doing the trick anymore.

  I need engorged flesh to fill me, one attached to a broad, muscular body. I need to hold on to firm butt cheeks clenching and unclenching, pushing that big, hard cock inside of me.

  I let out a silent scream.

  I’m doing myself no favors—here I am, wet again, and no relief in sight.

  What to do? The temptation to sleep with Chad is far too great.

  Thank god I have work tomorrow so I have some kind of distraction.

  I GET off work at six, and Chad told me he’d be home by five after running some errands.

  He suggested we grab dinner together somewhere when I get back, but I declined because I feel bad about living in his place for free, and I know he’d insist on paying for my food—and it wouldn’t be fast food either.

  No way he’s plunking cash down for me—I’m no freeloader.

  Plus, I feel like going out with him anywhere would feel too intimate—like a date. A promise of copulation.

  Instead, I insist on grabbing something while I’m out and bringing food back to him so we could just eat at the apartment.

  He agrees, and I pick up some Mexican food.

  We chow down and chill in the living room.

  He asks me about work, and I notice he’s not really looking at me the way he has for the past few days—this time with him feels normal, and we feel like friends.

  I wonder if my horniness put all those thoughts in my head? Was I just seeing things when it came to him transmitting his desire to me, or is he trying to get my guard down and leave me vulnerable to attack?

  I’m a little concerned because this is our first night alone, but we laugh and joke for a bit, and then he says he has to head to the gym.

  He leaves at eight, saying he’ll be back by ten thirty.

  I find myself relaxing while he’s gone, realizing how much I was on edge the whole time we hung out.

  I take a shower, and even though I don’t work tomorrow, I figure it’s a good idea to get to bed early—maybe even before Chad gets back to help us get through our first day and night.

  I put on a nighty—a simple pink dress—and slip into bed.

  If I leave the light on, he’ll think I’m awake, so I turn the light off, and I’m about to close the door when I reconsider.

  Kevin and I usually sleep with the door ajar, so I decide to leave the door halfway open; I like air to pass through. Besides, with the light off, there’s no way Chad would bother me.

  I try to go to sleep.

  I’m unable to sleep, however, with my mind working overtime.

  I hear Chad come in, feel his eyes on me as he stops at the door and looks in, and then listen to his every move as he goes to his room, then presumably dumps his gym bag before heading to the shower.

  My head fills with made-up images of him in there—the water falling over his sculpted body, his raging, rigid cock pointing upward and begging for a pussy.

  I’m tempted to pleasure myself to these thoughts, but I let the fantasy continue.

  I imagine him on top of me, the tip of his cock at my slick entrance. I almost come at the thought.

  Christ, how did I get here? How did I end up in this strange room at night, trying to ignore the large, muscular figure nearby?

  I groan and switch positions, putting the pillow over my head.

  Then I consider putting the pillow between my legs and rubbing against it to get some relief for my aching pussy, but I hear the shower turn off.

  I put the pillow back under my head and hold still, listening for Chad’s next move with my eyes shut tight.

  Suddenly, I get the overwhelming feeling that he’s standing at my door, staring at me in the darkness.

  Everything in me is coiled while I try to look relaxed in sleep, waiting to see what his next move will be.

  I open my eyes a little and can only see his silhouette, but there’s no doubt he’s staring in my direction.

  What’s he thinking?

  I notice he is completely naked. He must’ve toweled off in the bathroom and left the towel there.

  “Avery,” he says softly, and I almost answer, but I bite back a reply, making sure not to budge.

  “Avery, I know you’re awake.”

  I squeeze my eyes as if it’ll block the whole of him out and enclose me in some safe bubble.

  “Avery, if you don’t sit up right now, you’ll awake to find yourself chained to my bed.”

  I spring up like a rat trap. “What is it, Chad?”

  A few seconds pass before he answers, and when he does, his voice seems pulled tight. “I need you,” he says huskily.

  “I don’t know what that means,” I try to say, but my voice is trapped in my throat.

  Plus, I pretty much know exactly what he means, the way he said the words so heavily laden with desire.

  “W-what are you talking about, Chad?” I finally manage to ask.

  “You heard me, and I know you know why I’m here. Remember how I said you guys can stay here for free?” he continues. “Well, I lied. I do require payment, and I’m here for the first installment. I’m going to take you tonight. I’m
going to rub my hard cock over your soft pussy lips, and you’ll be draining by the time I plunge my dick into you. I’m going to ride you hard, Avery, and you’re going to love every minute I move in and out of you; you’ll never forget it.”

  Jacking off not enough? I want to reply snidely, trying to ignore how wet I got at his words, but fear has me in a chokehold, and it’s probably a good thing since such a smart-ass reply might set him off.

  I get the sense this guy isn’t very tolerant when it comes to someone pretending they have the upper hand over him in any way; he feels a need to exert his dominance.

  Maybe I should say something because I feel a need for him to exert his dominance.

  I clear my throat. “You’re kidding, right?”

  “Why would I be? I want you, Avery. I want your legs wrapped around me, and I want to shove my cock into you over and over again, every single day for the next few weeks.”

  “What do you think I am?” I ask breathlessly, my chest heaving in anticipation.

  “A woman who recognizes the mutual benefit of this arrangement and is happy to oblige me.”

  He starts walking toward me.

  “W-wait!” I stammer, knowing the word needed to be said, but not knowing where to go next—I just had to stop him somehow. He couldn’t just have me! Right?

  “Tell you what,” he says, “when I reach between your legs, if you’re not wet, I’ll go back to my room and work on myself again and again. But if I feel one drop of moisture…”

  “You know that’s not fair, Chad—you know the body betrays, responding how it’s been trained to respond. You know we’ve got a Pavlov’s dog situation here; I can’t help my response to you!”

  “I’m going to interpret that to mean you want me. Don’t you, Avery? Go on, try to deny it,” he says, about a foot away from me now.

  Even in the dark, I can tell he has a raging hard-on.

  I am definitely dripping now.

  Please don’t actually reach under this nighty, I think while my body begs him to.


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