Stolen to Love

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by Alexa Riley

  Stolen to Love

  Alexa Riley


  Stolen to Love


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11



  Lassoing the Virgin Mail-Order Bride

  Chapter 1

  Read Me Romance

  Stalk the Author

  Copyright © 2020 by Author Alexa Riley LLC. All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, email to [email protected]

  Publisher’s Note: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are a product of the author’s imagination. Locales and public names are sometimes used for atmospheric purposes. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or to businesses, companies, events, institutions, or locales is completely coincidental.

  Edited by Aquila Editing

  Stolen to Love

  by Alexa Riley

  Lula has a secret that could unravel everything on the island and cost her her life. But Xander won’t stop watching her, pushing for the truth, and making her feel things she shouldn’t. When she’s ready to run, she finds out there’s no escape.

  Xander has never been mistaken for warm or charming and he likes it that way. Grouchy, brooding, rude? Yeah, that’s him all right. When the island doctor shows up, it sends his irritation into overdrive, especially when he realizes he’s in love with her.

  Warning: This alpha a-hole gets what he deserves and that’s the happily ever after we all want! Find out just how hard this grumpy hero falls...and what he’ll do when his woman is threatened.



  “She’s gifted, isn't she?”

  I ignore my father as I sew up one of his men. He sounds so proud of me that you’d think he’d had a hand in helping me get through college, clinicals, residency, and everything else that came along with becoming a doctor. Now he’s going to have me losing it all.

  Last week he showed up at my front door with a man who looked like he’d been in a car wreck. I could only guess he didn’t go to the hospital because he was responsible for the wreck. My father had a few marks on his face that night too, so I knew he was there. He didn't tell me what happened and I didn't ask. I knew better. I went to work fixing the man and getting them out of my home as fast as possible. I told my father never again after that night, but here we are. This time the guy has a gunshot wound. It’s a through and through at least, so I know he’ll make it as long as I stop him from bleeding out.

  “She is something.” I glance up at the man who’s running his eyes over me. He looks to be about my age with short dark hair and a greasy smile that makes my skin crawl. I stab him a little harder with the next thread of my needle. He lets out a string of curses and I inwardly smile.

  “Respect.” My father punches him right in the mouth and I jump back as the man reaches up to cover his face. He rips a few of the stitches in the process and I clench my teeth to keep from saying something. Not because I feel bad for one of my father’s goons but because now it will take me longer.

  “Sorry. Ma'am,” he says to me.

  “You’re not going to ask me how Will is doing?” My father’s voice is calm like he’s over for tea and not because someone got shot.

  I take a step back to where he’s lying on my dining room table. I never used the thing but now I’m really never going to use it. Between long shifts at the hospital and my father randomly popping up, who has the time? Besides, I live alone so who would sit at the table with me?

  “I could lose my license over this,” I tell him for the twentieth time and ignore his question. I could care less how Will is. When he left here he was alive.

  It was a curse the day my father came into my life. I didn't know about him until a year ago since I was raised by my mom. She spent her whole life working hard to provide for us and I worked hard so that one day I could provide for her. I finally could but then she was gone. The same day I put her into the ground there he was.

  My father came to pay his respects and apologized for never being in my life. He said he had no idea my mom had me and my mom had told me that my father was dead. She also told me he wasn't a good man and it was why we never talked about him. We don’t talk ill of the dead, I think were her words. But looking back, I think she just didn't want to talk about her life. At first I was angry with her but now I understand. She didn't want me to look for him and now I see why.

  My father is a terrible man and I wish he were dead like my mom told me. Instead the fates took her and left me with him. Now he uses me the way I’m sure he once used her. I can tell this is his way and I’ll be discarded as soon as I’m no longer useful. I think my mom might have been his mistress when she was younger, but I don’t know much about his dirty deeds. But now that he’s in my life I have blood on my hands and I can attest to the things he’s done.

  From what I’ve learned she got pregnant and took off, knowing he’d either make her get rid of me or raise me in his world. At the age of eighteen she picked up and ran. I don’t think he saw her as a threat so he didn’t go looking and I’m thankful for that. She built us a life and it was one that was safe and let me pursue my dreams of becoming a doctor. But even after all that I wasn't able to save her.

  “No one will ever know,” he scoffs, thinking he’s untouchable. “Will they, Lula?” I shake my head no and get back to stitching this guy up so they both can get the hell out of my house. Now even I need to get out of this house because I know he’s never going to stop.

  Fear has taken hold and now I’m worried he’ll follow me or hunt me down and kill me for going against him. All of these things are possible.

  I started digging after I found out who he was and turns out he’s just a thug in a suit. But I can't start over after how far I’ve come, and the thought makes me want to cry. I’ve worked so hard to get to this point in my life and become a doctor. Now it’s all slipping through my fingers.

  It was all supposed to be so different. This is the part where I got to slow down and enjoy more time with my mom. Now that all my training was complete, I could start to date and have a social life, but it’s all been for nothing. Sure, I could start over somewhere, but I wouldn't be a doctor anymore. It would be a whole new life and not being a doctor would feel like losing a part of me.

  I suck in a breath, trying to curb an anxiety attack. I started getting them since my mom died, but so far none have happened when I was at work or with a patient. My throat starts to close up and I feel the pressure on my chest. I can stitch with my eyes closed if I need to, so I let my fingers do their job as I take my mind to a happy place.

  In my dreams I’m on an island and it’s far away from all of this. It’s where I can hear the sound of the ocean and feel warm sand between my toes. My heart rate begins to slow and my fingers stop threading as I tie off the end.

  “Done,” I announce, pushing back from the table.

  “I bet you won’t have a scar,” my father brags as he inspects my work.

  He’ll have a scar. I’m good but I’m not doing anyone any favors that I don't have to. I worked fast, not de

  The man grunts as he sits up and I take another step back. I pull my gloves off and toss them onto the end of the table. My father motions for the man to leave and he does it without question.

  “You can’t keep coming here. I won’t do it again.”

  My father moves and before I know what’s happening there’s a smack so hard to my face that my eye feels like it could explode. I cry out and grab my cheek where he struck me.

  “You’re my daughter and you’ll do as you're told.” My eyes sting with tears. “Understood?”

  I nod as I try to blink, but the sting makes it impossible.

  “Don’t bring this up again.” He walks out without so much as a backwards glance.

  I don’t let out the breath I’m holding until I hear the door close. I run to it after him and bolt the lock as if it will really save me. I slide to the floor, holding my cheek when the tears begin. I have to leave. This is only going to get worse and there’s no other choice.

  I close my eyes and say a prayer to my mom just as my phone rings.

  Chapter One


  The day Doctor Lula Eckhart landed on this island my world was turned upside down. Not only because of the reason she was here, but because of the things she stirred inside me.

  After our mother died of cancer and our father followed almost immediately after, Kade was left in charge of Vaughn and me. He took care of us even though he was still just a kid himself. I was barely eighteen and not at all ready to step up and become a man, but we didn’t have much of a choice. Thankfully, we somehow made it through college and went on to become a success with the legacy our parents left behind.

  When Kade found the island I wasn’t sure why the hell we needed it, and thought of about a million other ways we could spend that kind of money. But the day the three of us stepped foot on the white sandy beaches we knew. This island was more than just a vacation spot; it was a place for us to remember what family means, and that the rest of the things happening around us were just bullshit. To me the island symbolized our safety net and if all our plans went to shit, we’d always have it.

  Every few months we’d visit as brothers and unplug from the real world. We’d fish and hike and camp out on the beaches as we talked about what was on our minds. I never told my brothers, but sometimes I would come to the island for a few days without them just to feel that peace. Being here was my safe place and it holds some of the happiest moments of my life. But now everything has changed and it’s all become threatened as this one woman tries to bring it all down.


  The pact we made the day we bought this place was no women, only wives. That was the rule above all rules, and we’ve stuck to it. This wasn’t a party place to bring randoms to; it was meant for one woman we were going to be with forever. I didn’t know that Kade was serious about his wife Collins until he and I came to blows, but I can admit to being a little hardheaded at times.

  “I don’t have much experience with Botox, but I’m sure I can read up on it and help you out.”

  I scowl at Lula as she doesn’t look up from her clipboard and scribbles something on it.

  “I can hear your forehead wrinkling even from this side of the room, Xavier.”

  She says my name like she hates me and she probably does. I don’t blame her, but I won’t do anything to change her mind. I also don’t do much talking when I’m around her, but she’s never far from my sight. She must sense me or my scowl because she didn’t look up and I know I was silent when I walked into the infirmary.

  I watch as she moves around the shelves taking inventory and doesn’t give me a second glance. I hate the way she ignores me, but I think I hate it more when she gives me her full attention. Who has eyes that sharp and why do they cut through me like a knife? The way she moves her body is infuriating. Why does she have to bend over so much and stretch her legs out like a gymnast? Is she trying to prove that she can bend in every direction with my cock buried inside of her?

  The thought has me adjusting myself and trying to name baseball players. Why am I here again?

  “Vaughn snuck out last night to go get Berkley.” My voice is low and it sounds like I’ve been eating rocks because it’s so unused.

  “I thought that might be what would happen.” She hums as she walks over to a chair and puts it in front of one of the tall shelves.

  “You knew he would leave?” Why does everything I say to her sound like an accusation?

  “Well, yeah.” She looks over her shoulder and her eyes pierce me right in the chest, but I lose my breath as she shrugs. “It’s pretty clear he’s in love with her.”

  “He doesn’t even know what that is.” I dismiss my brother’s attraction to Berkley just like I did with Kade and Collins.

  She smiles at me like I’m a child she’s trying to explain something to. “Did you ever think maybe you’re the one that’s mistaken?”

  “No.” My answer is too quick and she sees right through it.

  She turns away as she positions the chair in front of the shelf and proceeds to climb on top of it. I’m across the room in half a second and my anger flares as I stand behind it.

  “What the fuck are you doing? This stool isn’t meant to be stood on.” I grab the wobbly wooden seat as she goes up on her tiptoes.

  “If these shelves weren’t so tall I wouldn’t need it.” As soon as I see her lift one foot I freak out and grab her leg.

  “You’re going to fall!” I shout at her as she wobbles in the air.

  “Stop! You’re going to make me fall!” she shouts back and my blood boils.

  Who the hell does she think she is coming in here, climbing on this fucking rickety chair, and then shouting at me not to save her? I swear to God, if she falls it will be because of her own doing. And how did she even become a doctor without the slightest bit of self-preservation?

  “Xavier, let go of me!” Her other foot tries to kick out just as I grab it but my arms are too strong and she loses her balance. “Ahhh!”

  She screams as she topples backwards but I’m right there to catch her in my arms. She lands with an oomph and suddenly her face changes from fear to outrage.

  “Put me down, you big grumpy ox.” She shoves at my chest as I put her on her feet and take a step back.

  “I didn’t exactly come in here to save you,” I snap back at her and she pokes my chest.

  “The only reason you ever come here is to scowl at me like I’m stealing gauze.”

  “You might be!” I shout and I know it’s ridiculous, but I can’t take it back.

  “Do you have any idea how much your brother is paying me to stay here? Why the hell would I steal medical supplies?”

  “I don’t trust you,” I say, leaning in closer. The scent of lemons and fruit invades my senses and I hate how much the familiar smell drives me crazy.

  “The feeling is mutual.” Her voice is so cold she might as well have slapped me. Why do I care so much about what she thinks of me?

  I open my mouth to tell her she’s not welcome, but the sound of her stomach growling interrupts me. She slides her hand over her waist, and as our eyes meet I see there’s a glint of humor in them at me hearing the noise too.

  “I guess time got away from me and I forgot to eat.”

  “You’re supposed to eat.” It’s the only thing I can manage to say, even though I want to tell her to get off this island and never come back. I want to tell her about how much I hate what she does to me, but instead my mouth has other ideas. “Come with me to the kitchen.”

  “I can find my own way there.” She crosses her arms over her chest and it’s a protective stance.

  “I’m on the way there, and I want to keep an eye on you.” I use the lie to cover for wanting to see what she likes to eat.

  “Fine.” She rolls her eyes as she pushes past me, and I hate the way my body warms at her slightest touch. “There’s no use in arguing with you, it’s a waste of time.”

>   “Glad you see things my way.”

  Chapter Two


  See things his way? Okay, I guess we can call it that. Whatever gets me food at this point. I follow him back up toward the main houses. It’s lovely how they have them set up. Each brother has a home of their own but in the center sits a fourth house that everyone tends to linger around in. It’s where most meals are shared, but afterward everyone goes back to their own space.

  I’ve taken up residence in one of the rooms in the main house for now. This place has been a saving grace for me. If Xander thinks hovering over me with a glare is going to get me to leave he’s in for a rude awakening. He’s got nothing on my father. I’m not going anywhere, so he’s going to have to deal with it.

  “You can’t not eat.” He mumbles the words and stomps like a child as he walks in front of me.

  “I forgot!” I throw my hands up even though he can’t see me. He’s a good three paces ahead of me and I can’t keep up with him. “Why do you even care?”

  “You’re a doctor, aren't you? I think if anyone knows how important it is to feed the body it would be you.”

  I stop walking and fold my arms over my chest as I glare at his back for a moment. Then I decide to turn around and walk back the other way.

  “Where are you going? The kitchen is this way!” he shouts a moment later when he realizes I’m not following him. How is he shocked I’m not following one of his orders? I never do and it’s my small way of rebelling against him.


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