Female Serial Killers

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Female Serial Killers Page 52

by Peter Vronsky

  voodoo and

  weight problem of Martha

  Becker, Marie Alexandrine

  Beets, Betty Lou

  Beets, Jimmy Don

  Behavioral Science Unit (BSU), FBI

  Bell, Mary Flora

  Bender, John and John Jr.

  Bender, Kate

  Benites, Brandy

  Benites, Nelda

  Bennett, Keith

  Bernardo, David

  Bernardo, Kenneth and Marilyn

  Bernardo, Paul. See Homolka, Karla and Paul Bernardo (“the Ken and Barbie Killers”)

  Besnard, Kate

  beta female killers

  Bianchi, Kenneth (“the Hillside Stranglers”)


  biochemical conditions

  Birnie, Catherine and David

  Black Widows See also Barfield, Margie Velma (“the Death Row Granny”) Blauensteiner, Elfriede

  blitz attacks

  Block, Lynda Lyon

  bludgeoning, weapon of choice

  Boadicea, Queen

  Bombeck, Cecile

  Bonnie and Clyde

  Borgia, Lucrezia

  Bowlby, John

  Brack, Victor

  Brady, Ian. See Hindley, Myra and Ian

  Brady (“the Moors Murderers”) brain injuries

  Brigham, Oramel

  Brinvilliers, Marie de

  Britannicus (Claudius’s son)

  Britt, Joe Freeman

  Broomfield, Nick

  Brown, Debra Denise

  Brown, Jerry

  Browning, Christopher

  Brownmiller, Susan

  Brudos, Jerry

  Brunner, Mary Theresa (“Maryoch,” “Mother Mary Manson”)

  Bryson, Clifford

  BSU (Behavioral Science Unit), FBI

  Buenoano, Judias Anna Lou (“Judy”)

  Bullard, Lillie

  Bullard, Murphy

  Bullard, Olive

  Bullard, Tyrone

  Bundy, Carol and Douglas Clark (“the Sunset Boulevard Killers”)

  Air Force career of Douglas

  alcohol addiction of Douglas

  Angelo Buono (“the Hillside Stranglers”) and Douglas

  appearance of Carol

  appearance of Douglas

  arrests of

  childhoods of

  confession of Carol

  education of Douglas

  employment of Douglas

  exaggerated stories, Douglas

  fantasies of Douglas

  first marriage of Douglas

  fun, killing as

  guns, Carol

  heads of victim, keeping

  humiliation of Carol by Douglas

  Jack Murray and Carol

  “kill bag,”

  lesbian relationships of Carol

  marriage (first) of Carol

  mother and Carol

  nursing career of Carol

  photographing sex by Douglas

  physical abuse of Carol

  promiscuous sexual behavior by Carol

  Richard Geis and Carol

  sex with corpses

  unattractive women seduced by Douglas

  victims of

  women’s underwear, wearing by Douglas

  Bundy, Chris

  Bundy, Grant

  Bundy, Ted

  Bundym, David

  Buono, Angelo (“the Hillside Stranglers”)

  Burgess, Ann

  burial insurance

  Burke, Thomas

  Burning Bed/Battered Woman Syndrome

  Burress, Eugene (“Troy”)

  Butler, David

  Cabrera, John

  Cage, Mary Emily

  Caligula (Emperor of Rome)

  Cannon, Patty

  Caputi, Jane

  “Carnival” (Merchant)

  Carpenter, Leona

  Carrie (film)

  Carskaddon, Charles

  Carson, Susan

  Carter, Rosalynn

  Catherine the Great (Queen of Russia)

  “Cease to Exist” (“Never Learn Not to Love”) (Manson)

  Charcot, Jean Martin

  Chesham, Sarah

  Chesler, Phyllis


  “chronic undifferentiated schizophrenic,”

  Clark, Douglas. See Bundy, Carol and Douglas Clark (“the Sunset Boulevard Killers”)

  classification systems, serial killers

  accommodating partners

  alpha female killers

  amoral personality

  angels of death

  anger-excitement killers

  anger-retaliatory killers

  beta female killers

  Black Widows

  blitz attacks

  covertly hostile personality

  covertly hostile violent personality

  cult disciples

  depraved sadistic partners

  disorganized serial killers

  explosive avengers

  FBI classifications

  gratification motives

  hedonist-comfort killers

  hedonist-lust killers

  hedonist-thrill killers

  inadequate personality

  masochistic personality

  missionary killers

  mixed serial killers

  Munchausen syndrome by proxy

  omega female killers

  organized serial killers

  personality types

  power-assertive killers

  power-control killers

  power-reassurance killers



  psychotic personality

  sexual gratification motive

  sexual murderers

  victim/offender relationships

  visionary killers

  See also female aggression, politics of

  Claudius (Emperor of Rome)

  Claudius the God (Graves)

  Clay, Lucius D.

  Cleckley, Hervey

  Coffman, Cynthia and James Marlow

  Cole, Eddie

  “Collector” fantasy

  Colley, Sandra

  Compulsion (Levin)

  congenital genetic abnormalities

  Cooking With a Serial Killer (Montalvo)

  “cooling off” periods

  Copeland, Faye

  Cottingham, Richard

  Cotton, Mary Ann

  Court TV

  covertly hostile personality

  crematoria gas chambers

  Crimean War

  Criminal Law (film)

  Cross, Theresa


  Cunningham, Anna

  Dahmer, Jeffrey

  Daily News

  Dante’s Inferno (film)

  Dateline (TV show)

  Davis, Jackie

  Davis, Jeffrey

  Davis family


  Dazely, Sarah

  Deadly Innocence (Bernardo)

  Dean, Jerry Lynn

  Dean, Minnie

  Death of Feminism, The (Chesler)

  death row, females on

  “decency” killing, Nazi

  defensive homicides

  DeLany, Jimmy

  depraved sadistic partners

  Deshayes, Catherine

  diagnosing serial killers (male and female)

  See also female serial killers, psychopathology of; male serial killers; serial killers (male and female)

  Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders—Edition IV (DSM-IV)

  Dillinger, John

  discipline required for serial killing

  Discovery Channel

  disorganized serial killers

  Dolenz, Mickey

  “domestic violence,”

  dominance and accomplices

  Doricza (Báthory’s victim)

  Doss, Nancy Hazel (“Nannie”)

  “Double Standard for Murder, A?” (

  Downey, Lesley Ann

  Downing, Delphine and Rainelle

  Dracula (Stoker)

  drowning, weapon of choice

  drug addiction

  Drusilla (Roman noblewoman)

  Duncan, Elizabeth

  Dunham, Israel and Lovey

  Dyer, Amelia

  Eccles, Elizabeth


  Edwards, Dollie and Montgomery

  Elizabeth the First (Queen of England)

  Ellard, Kelly Marie

  Ellis, Bret Easton

  emotion, absence of


  England, Lynndie Rana

  Enriqueta, Marti

  Esalen Institute

  Etheridge, Ellen

  Evans, Edward

  Evans, Jacob and Lydia

  executed women

  explosive avengers

  expressive violence

  facilitators of fantasies

  Falling, Christine Laverne Slaughter (“the Killer Babysitter”)

  Falling, Jennifer

  family life

  family members as victims


  Fay, Janet

  Fazekas, Susanna

  FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation)

  Behavioral Science Unit (BSU)

  classification, serial killers

  Fell, Lewis Gratz

  female aggression, politics of

  “cooling off” periods

  death row, females on

  defensive homicides

  definitions of female serial killer

  depravity of serial killers

  executed women

  expressive violence

  family members as victims


  gender-neutral language

  general characteristics of

  growth of female serial killers

  home as place of murder

  instrumental violence

  liberation hypothesis

  longevity of female serial killers

  monikers given to female serial killers

  number, female serial killers

  “patriarchal” institutions, victimizing women

  power, replicated through murder

  “quiet killers,”

  relationships with victims

  “serial homicide,” politicized

  solo female serial killers

  spartacism and

  study of

  victims, female killers portrayed as

  violence (female), nature of

  work as place of murder

  See also female serial killers, psychopathology of

  female serial killers, psychopathology of

  “affective aggression,”

  age of

  aggression in girls

  alcohol addiction

  antisocial personality disorder (ASPD)

  childhood and

  deadlier than males

  discipline required for

  drug addiction


  emotion, absence of


  family life of


  father relationship

  financial gain motive of


  Histronic Personality Disorder (HPD)

  indirect (“masked”) aggression

  infant bonding (disrupted)

  local female serial killers

  loneliness in childhood

  Macdonald triad (animal cruelty, arson, bed-wetting)

  “masked criminality,”

  menopause and

  migratory female serial killers

  modus operandi (MO, how)

  mother relationship

  motives of

  Munchausen syndrome by proxy

  murder signature

  female serial killers

  murder site

  parental history and

  passive-aggressive manner of

  percentage of serial murders committed by

  predatory aggression

  profiling female serial killers

  race, killing within their

  self-worth, inflated

  sexual abuse in childhood

  signature (why)

  singular murderers vs.

  site of murder

  social isolation in childhood

  socioeconomic class of

  strangers as victims, growth of

  surviving an attack

  talking about crimes, reluctance

  “unknown suspect,”

  victim fantasy, lack of

  victims, number of

  victim selection

  warning signs

  weapon of choice

  weight problems

  See also accomplice to serial killer, female as; classification systems, serial killers; female aggression, politics of; friends and intimates, murdering; history of female serial killers; loving us to death killers; male serial killers; missionary cult killers; serial killers (male and female); Wuornos, Aileen


  Aileen Wuornos and

  female aggression, politics of

  Ilse Koch (“Bitch of Buchenwald”) and

  Fernandez, Raymond. See Beck, Martha and Raymond Fernandez (“the Honeymoon Killers,” “Lonely Hearts Killers”)

  “fight or flight” instinct

  financial gain motive

  Fink, Benjamin


  first “real” female serial killer See also Báthory, Elizabeth (“Blood Countess,” “female Dracula”) Fisher, Constance

  Flannagan, Catherine

  Flannagan, John

  Florescu, Radu

  Florez, Ismael

  Folger, Abigail Anne

  folie à deux

  folie impossée/simultanée

  Ford, Gerald (President)

  Fornuto, Debbie

  Freeman, Charles

  Freeman, Elizabeth and Thomas

  Freeman, Prince Arthur

  Freeman, Sarah

  French, Kristen

  friends and intimates, murdering

  Belle Gunness

  Nancy Hazel Doss (“Nannie”)

  See also Barfield, Margie Velma (“the Death Row Granny”); Montalvo, Dorothea Puente Fromme, Helen and William

  Fromme, Lynette Alice (“Squeaky”)

  Frykowski, Voytek

  Fugate, Caril

  Fuzekos (Fazekas), Mrs. Julius

  Gacy, John Wayne

  Gallego, Charlene Williams and Gerald (“the Sex Slave Killers”)

  Gallop, James

  Garcia, Gabriel

  gas chambers

  Gates of Janus, The (Brady)

  Gates, Trudy Mae

  Gbrurek, Tillie

  Gein, Ed

  Geis, Richard

  gender stereotyping

  Ghost (film)

  Giannini, Giancarlo

  Gibbs, Janie Lou

  Gibbs, Minnie

  Gilbert, Kristen

  Gilligan, Amy

  Gillmouth, Everson

  Gladiator (film)

  Glazer, Ilsa

  Golay, Helen

  Gonzales, Delfina

  Gonzales, Maria de Jesus

  Gottfried, Gesina

  Graham, Gwendolyn

  gratification motives

  Graves, Robert

  Gray, Dorothea Helen See also Montalvo, Dorothea Puente

  Gray, Jesse James

  Green, Ann

  Green, Ricky and Sharon

  Green River Killer

  Grese, Alfred and Berte

  Grese, Irma (“Beast of Belsen”)

  appearance of


  breasts (large), focus on

  bullying of

  childhood of

  employment of

  execution of

  guard training of

  Josef Mengele (“Angel of Death”) and
r />   League of German Girls (Bund Deutscher Mädel)

  lesbian affairs with inmates

  missionary cult serial killer

  nursing ambitions of

  racial theory indoctrination of


  “sporting” killings


  supervisor of camp

  trial of

  victims of

  See also Nazi Germany

  Grills, Caroline

  growth of female serial killers

  Gruber, Maria

  Guinness Book of World Records

  Gunness, Belle

  Hahn, Anna Marie


  Hanon, Kathryn A.

  Harczy, Ilona

  Hare, Robert

  Harker, Jonathan

  Hart, Captain

  Hart, Lynda

  Hart, Nancy


  Hazelwood, Ron

  Hazelwood, Roy

  hedonist-comfort killers

  hedonist-lust killers

  hedonist-thrill killers

  Heide, K.

  Herod, King

  Hickey, Eric

  Higgins, Margaret

  high-dominance women

  Hilley, Audrey Marie

  Hinckley, John

  Hindley, Myra and Ian Brady (“the Moors Murderers”)

  animal cruelty by Ian

  Catholic faith and Myra

  childhoods of

  Compulsion (Levin) and Ian

  criminal record of Ian

  death of childhood friend and Myra

  education of Myra

  Edward Evans murder

  employment by

  first date

  folie à deux

  Hindley, Myra and Ian Brady

  Gates of Janus, The (Brady)

  intelligence of Ian

  John Kilbride murder

  Keith Bennett murder

  Lesley Ann Downey murder

  Nazi fascination by Ian

  obsession with Ian

  Pauline Reade murder

  perfect murder, proof of superiority


  release of Myra, campaign


  serial sex killers

  “shared psychotic disorder,”


  victims of

  virginity, losing to Ian

  Hinman, Gary

  Hiroshima, Japan

  history of female serial killers



  “baby farming/sweating,”

  burial insurance and

  crack cocaine and

  domestic female work

  executions (public), minor crimes

  Hungry ’40s

  imperial serial killers

  mass media and

  modern female serial killers, birth

  nineteenth-century U.S.


  poor and living conditions in cities

  pregnancies of domestic servants

  preindustrial age

  Roman Empire and

  Sale of Arsenic Act

  true-crime literature and

  See also Báthory, Elizabeth (“Blood Countess,” “female Dracula”); female aggression, politics of; female serial killers, psychopathology of; Toppan, Jane (Honora A. Kelly, “Jolly Jane”)

  Histronic Personality Disorder (HPD)

  Hitler, Adolf


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