In the Arms of the Dragon Princes

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In the Arms of the Dragon Princes Page 4

by Jessica Miller

  She blinked, shaking her head. No, it couldn’t be. Dragons were an ancient myth. Whatever it was, she would be its next kill if she didn’t get out of there. She gasped when another serpentine creature, identical to the first swooped down, aiming for the second masked man who was running for dear life.

  “Oh, God there’s two of them.” Maybe she was still asleep in Michael’s bed and this was all a nightmare. Dream or not, she really needed to get out of there. If she could get back to her car, she could speed away before the creatures noticed her. They were busy with her would be kidnappers at the moment.

  Evelyn jumped from the van and touched the ground. Chancing a look backward, she screamed when she realized one of the creatures was moving toward her. She spun around, coming to a halt. She was face to face with the second of the creatures, with the first closing in behind her. So, this was how she would die. She escaped her kidnappers only to be eaten by dragons, if that’s what they really were.

  Her knees wobbled, threatening to fail her. Shutting her eyes tightly, waiting for sharp teeth or claws to sink into her, but it never came. She lifted one eyelid carefully and shrieked. The animal in front of her had moved closer, it’s face inches from hers. She looked over her shoulder. Neither of the creatures made a move to make her a meal.

  Evelyn gulped and tuned back around, meeting golden eyes. They shimmered, and then turned blue. She stared into eyes she had seen before, friendly eyes that twinkled with a hint of mischief. “Michael?” The creature dipped its head as if nodding. Evelyn turned. “Uh, V-Victor?”

  She gasped when the animal’s image contorted, his face and body taking on human shape. Within seconds, Victor stood before her. “This isn’t how we planned on you finding out our secret.”

  Evelyn let out a strangled sound as her knees finally buckled and the ground rushed up to meet her.

  Chapter 7

  “Hi, you’re awake.” Evelyn opened her eyes to see Michael looming over her. “Thank God,” he murmured. “You gave us quite a scare.”

  Evelyn frowned, taking in her surroundings. She was back in the cabin, lying on a couch in the living room. She drew in a sharp breath and scrambled away from him. “You turned into a—a—”

  “A dragon, and I’m not going to hurt you, so calm down.”

  “Calm down? You really think I’m capable of remaining calm when I’m in the home of someone who can eat me? And there are two of you.”

  Michael sighed. “For God’s sake, Evelyn, no one’s going to eat anybody.” His lips twitched. “Well, unless your legs are wide open and thrown over my shoulders, then—”

  “Michael.” Victor appeared. He glared at his brother. “Can you be serious for once?”

  Michael gave Evelyn a wink, along with a boyish grin. She flushed. Surprisingly, she relaxed somewhat. It was the same Michael who she’d spent days feeling safe with. He wouldn’t hurt her, neither would Victor. She was sure of it.

  “You’re shameless.” Evelyn’s attempt to stifle her smile failed.

  He shrugged. “At least, I made you smile.”

  “How did you two change like that? How is it all possible?”

  “We’re called dragon shifters.”

  “Were you born with the ability?”

  Michael smiled. “Yes.”

  She ran her fingers through her hair. “Wow, this is a lot to take in. Um, thank you for saving me, by the way.”

  “No need for thanks.” Hurt flickered across Michael’s face. “Are you planning to leave us again?”

  “I only left to protect all of you. Is everyone here dragon shifters?”

  Victor stepped forward. “The men are. The few women you have seen are mates to some of the shifters. Just like you’re our mate. We’ve waited centuries for you, Evelyn. And we almost lost you.” He gently brushed her cheek that was now discolored, evidence of her near kidnap. Rage flashed in his eyes, but quickly disappeared.

  Evelyn held his gaze. “How do you know I’m your mate?”

  “We just know. We can feel it in our hearts, in every fiber of our beings. Our kind mate for life. There will never be anyone else for us.”

  She grasped his hand, turning her face into his palm. “I want to stay so badly. I feel it too, that I belong here but I can’t stay. He’ll send more men for me.” Her tears began to fall. “I’ll get you all killed.”

  Victor’s jaw clenched. It took all of his willpower not to take her into his arms. “It’s time you told us what’s going on, Evelyn,” his tone was authoritative, demanding obedience. “The truth, now.”

  She pulled away with a whimper. Michael glowered in his brother’s direction. “Easy, Victor.” He inched closer to her, taking her chin between his fingers, forcing her to look at him. “Please, Evelyn. We can help you. You don’t have to try and protect us. It is our duty to protect you. Tell us everything,” he coaxed gently.

  She exhaled. “Okay, okay. I work—worked for a company called LeeCorp as a hematologist. LeeCorp was founded by Doctor Bolin Lee. It’s a company that specializes in research and making pharmaceuticals for rare blood disorders. All I did there was research, collect and study blood samples. My younger sister died from leukemia when she was a child so I figured as a hematologist I could help others where I failed to help my sister.” Her voice cracked. “I didn’t know what Dr. Lee was really doing, I swear. I accidentally discovered that they were keeping a man—a dragon shifter in captivity. He was chained to a wall. Dr. Lee and a few others appeared to be studying him. I saw him change into something like you two did. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Dr. Lee saw me and I ran. I overheard him telling his guard to eliminate me when they found me because he didn’t want me telling anyone what I saw. I went to the police but Dr. Lee and the very corrupt Captain appear to be best buds.”

  She paused, looking from Michael to Victor. “I had no one else to turn to for help. I have no family left. I have no friends because all I ever did was work and I can’t be around people because I’m different. I can tap into people’s emotions. That’s how I stumbled on the man being held prisoner. I felt his pain. But, who would believe such a story? I drove off and kept driving. I was thinking I would head to Canada or somewhere else far away from Washington.”

  Michael ran a hand over his face and Victor’s expression had turned deadly. Evelyn shook her head. “Oh, God you guys don’t think I was a part of Dr. Lee’s evil doings, do you?”

  Michael softened. “Of course, not.” Evelyn let out a relieved breath. “What did the dragon shifter look like, Evelyn?”

  “He was tall, muscular, built like the two of you. When he changed, he looked like you guys, except he had green scales.”

  Victor muttered a curse. “Do you have any idea if he’s still alive?”

  She shrugged. “I—I have no idea. He looked weak when I saw him.” She gasped. “Oh, my God. He’s your friend isn’t he? I overheard you talking about someone who had gone missing.” Evelyn covered her face. “I’m so sorry. I should have gone back and tried to help him. I took the coward’s way out.”

  “No, you did the right thing. If you hadn’t run, you would be dead.” Michael pulled her hand away from her face. “I’m glad you ran. You ran right into our arms.” His smile was soft, reassuring.

  “I’m going to get Marcus and a few of the others. If Alexander is still alive, we’re getting him out of that place tonight. Where exactly is the lab, Evelyn?”

  She rattled of the address, eyeing Victor warily. There was no hint of the gentleness he had shown her over the past few days. He was the cold, grim man she had met on the balcony her first morning there.

  “Victor, I’m sorry about your friend.”

  He nodded. “Michael will stay here with you to make sure you’re safe.” Then he was out the door, leaving her bewildered.

  Michael studied Evelyn with concern. She’d barely said a word, just paced his bedroom and nibbled on her nails. It was a wonder she hadn’t nibbled off a finger. He sighed. “Evelyn, co
me here.”

  She looked his way and slowly walked toward the chair he sat in. “What’s wrong?”

  “What’s wrong is you driving me crazy with your restless pacing.”

  “I can’t help it, Michael. Do you think Victor and the others are alright?”

  “They’re fine. If anything happened, especially to Victor, I would know and so would you.” He pulled her onto his lap.

  “You wanted to go with Victor, didn’t you?”

  “I did, but someone had to stay to keep you safe. I don’t mind the job.” His gaze dropped to her mouth. Her bottom lip bore teeth marks, proof of her anxiety. He lifted a finger to caress the bruised skin. “I wish you’d stop biting yourself. That’s my job,” he drawled, lowering his head to playfully nip the swell of her breast. Michael pulled down the t-shirt he had loaned her, exposing her breasts which he eyed hungrily.

  “I really need to get some clothes of my own,” Evelyn mused.

  “Mhmm or you can just walk around naked.”

  She chuckled. “You’d like that wouldn’t you?”

  “Immensely.” His hand slid up her thigh to slip into her underwear. Fingers massaged her clitoris. “I want you, Evelyn. I need to be inside you.”

  She shivered. “Yes.” Evelyn lowered her head to capture his lips. Her tongue slid into his mouth to explore as he shifted, turning her to straddle him. He freed himself from his pants and pushed her panties aside. Palming her hips, he lifted her and lowered her onto his hard length.

  “God, Evelyn, you’re perfect,” Michael whispered as her muscles clenched tightly around him. She took control, setting her own rhythm. She threw her head back and closed her eyes, savoring the feel of him touching everywhere inside of her.

  Michael gazed at her. She looked like a goddess with her long blonde mane falling over her shoulders, her lips slightly parted, creamy skin lightly flushed, and breasts swaying gently with each movement. He gripped her slender waist, encouraging her to move faster.

  “Michael,” his name emerged as a moan. Her nails dug into his arms as her orgasm hit her like a tidal wave. He followed closely behind her, letting out a satisfied shout. Evelyn rested her head on his shoulder. They sat locked in each other’s embrace for a long while.

  “What’s going to happen when, Victor gets back?” Evelyn finally asked.

  “What do you mean?”

  “He was angry with me. You saw him. He wouldn’t even look at me. I left your friend in that place. What if he hates me for what I did?”

  “He isn’t capable of hating you, Evelyn neither am I. If you hadn’t run, we would have lost you before we even found you. No one blames you for anything.”

  She sighed. “I hope your right.”

  Evelyn woke with a start, feeling the presence of someone else in the room. “I didn’t mean to startle you.”

  She gaped. “Victor!” She sat up, looking him over. He looked tired, but uninjured. Evelyn stood up and threw herself into his arms. She didn’t care if he was upset with her or not. It was a huge relief to know that he was alright. “I’m so glad you’re back. Did you find Alexander?”

  His arms wrapped around her and he inhaled deeply, taking her scent into his lungs. “We did. It will take him a while to heal but he’ll be fine.”

  Evelyn reluctantly pulled away. “I’m sorry I didn’t do more to help him when I had the chance.”

  “Stop, Evelyn. I’m not angry with you. I never was. I have to make that very clear because I don’t want another lecture from Michael. Earlier I was overcome with emotion. Alexander is one my oldest and dearest friends. The possibility that he was alive, coming so close after losing you, then getting you back, it was all so much. I don’t know if you’ve noticed but I don’t handle emotions very well.”

  She smiled. “I noticed.”

  “It was never about me being angry with you, Evelyn. How could I be? You’re like a dream come true.”

  “For both of us,” Michael added, watching them from the door. “Say you’ll stay with us, Evelyn. We’ve already fallen in love with you.”

  “I—” she looked to Victor.

  “The lab was burned to the ground after we freed the other shifters being held there. Authorities will come to the conclusion that the fire started from an electrical problem. Dr. Lee is gone. I made sure to find out who the bastard was and I made sure he got what he deserved. You don’t have to run anymore, Evelyn.”

  She stared at Victor, a bit in shock. “It’s over,” she breathed. He nodded. “Thank you.” She swallowed. “Being with the both you feels right. I like that you’re not quite human. It makes me feel like I belong. I don’t have to hide my ability anymore. I have friends, a family. I’ve fallen for the both of you. Why wouldn’t I want to stay?”

  Both Victor and Michael let out relieved breaths. Victor pulled her to him, giving her a searing kiss. “We should celebrate your decision in bed. We’ll tell the other the good news when we come up for air.”

  Evelyn giggled as he lifted her into his arms and tossed her onto the bed. Michael grinned and locked the door, walking toward them with his usual devilish grin.


  Bonus Books

  We just want to say “THANK YOU”.

  You support always means a lot to us. In this book, we have included 40 special bonus stories as a way to show you how much we appreciate your support. We hope you enjoy the stories as much as we do.

  Bonus Story 1/40

  The Queen and the Drakes

  She dreamed she was flying. Stacie Simmons, the girl who had been teased at school because she hadn’t worn a bra until she was fourteen, was flying. The girl who had spent most of her lunchtimes huddled in the library, away from the cold and the coldness of children. The girl who only had two lovers her entire life. The twenty-five-year-old working a dead-end job in a call center that just about paid the bills for her one-bedroom apartment. Yes, Stacie Simmons was soaring over America, looking down at her countrymen and smiling. They were not beneath her, but she was definitely above them in some hitherto indefinable way. Now it was real. Now she was really flying.

  She woke with a small smile on her lips, and then remembered she had work today and the winter clouds were pouring down some unholy combination of hailstone and rain. She rose from her bed with a grunt. The dream had been so full of sunlight; streams of it curling around her. Her real-life window was white with frost and had a sloshy film of ice-hail-rain at the bottom. She turned the heating to maximum and sat on her bed with a blanket wrapped around her, waiting for the apartment to heat. When it did, she rose and got ready for work.

  She showered, dressed, did her makeup, and then left for work. But I was flying. She felt stupid thinking such crazy thoughts. I was soaring through the air. I was soaring like an eagle. Nobody could touch me. She smiled as she exited her building.

  “I saw it,” Michael was saying, and his fat, red face was full of excitement. His sausage-fingered hands were gripping the edges of his desk, and he was leaning forward in his chair, making his jowls sag. “I saw it last night. It flew right over the city, and the rain made its wings shine, goddam it. Shine! I swear to you, man, I saw it!”

  “Wow!” Stacie said, in that faux-chirpy voice she used at work, especially on the phone. Hello, you’re through to blah-blah-blah this is Stacie blah-blah speaking blah how can I blah-blah. “It must’ve been a pretty big bat.”

  Michael looked at her like she was a mischievous child. The man was almost fifty and attracted to her. Stacie knew this because she had caught him looking through her Facebook pictures two months ago. He had asked her out twice. On the second refusal, he had become aggressive. ‘No-one else wants you.’ He had growled, leaning forward with his predominating girth. But somehow a simple apology had made faux-chirpy Stacie forget all about that.

  “Don’t you see?” he asked. “It wasn’t a bat. It was a dragon.”

  Stacie laughed. She couldn’t help it. This was the worst, and strangest tactic Mich
ael had tried. He beamed at her when she laughed, and then he tried to make it into a ‘moment’ by leaning on his desk. “I love it when you la—”

  Stacie’s phone began to ring. Sickened and glad, she picked it up. Michael kept looking at her with hungry, ugly eyes. “Hello, this is blah-blah-blah—”

  A dragon! A dragon, just like my dreams. Maybe I was the dragon he saw. Maybe I was really flying. Maybe I’m a dragon! Not a boring call-center worker, but a dragon, the stuff of legends. Yes, it is me, the secret dragon!

  Yeah, right. You’re also the second coming of Christ, a wizard and a superhero all rolled into one. Get a grip, Stacie!

  She got home around five, which was normal for her because she lived around the corner from the office. Michael had offered to walk her home but she had declined. ‘Leave me alone, you old, fat pervert!’ she had spat. ‘I don’t want anything to do with you. Why can’t you see that? It’s disgusting. You’re twice my age.’ You wish. Her thoughts were mean but he was disgusting. No, she hadn’t said that because that wasn’t nice, and Stacie was always so, so nice. No, she had thanked him and politely refused.

  She wanted nothing more than to veg out and watch some bad TV. Maybe cook herself a nice casserole and eat the whole thing at midnight, like she sometimes did. Or maybe she would order Chinese food and have a nice pig out. Stacie dinners were always inconsistent in substance. One day, it would be a banquet and the next, a mere slice of bread. This resulted in a medium-sized figure that she was neither happy nor upset with.

  She walked through her door feeling tired and hungry and almost turned right around and ran out of the apartment. There was a man standing a few feet away from her door, inside her apartment, and another man sitting on the couch, his back turned. The first man was tall with Viking-blonde hair tied in a ponytail and reptilian-yellow eyes. His face was clean-shaven, showing a square jaw, and he regarded her coldly. The other man had long black hair; that was all she could see.


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