Saving His Mate (A vampire-werewolf romance)

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Saving His Mate (A vampire-werewolf romance) Page 5

by Savannah Stuart

  Margery remained unmoving for long minutes and when no other sounds came, she took a risk and stood up on shaky legs. When the trapdoor didn’t fly open, she tugged on the chain with her paw. It scraped against the ground noisily.

  Automatically she tensed, but the door remained shut.

  The silver kept burning her insides in a way that was nearly indescribable other than pure pain, but she was becoming more lucid, stronger. Her legs and paws were thicker than when in human form so she knew her only chance of escape was to shift forms.

  Taking a deep breath, she fought through the pain of the poison in her system and forced herself to undergo the change. A different kind of pain, more discomfort than anything, rippled through her as skin replaced fur and her bones shifted and realigned.

  In moments she was human again, crouching on the dusty ground on all fours. But she smiled when the shackle slid off her slim wrist. Hell yeah.

  Now all she had to do was get out of this prison. As she stood, she felt more of her strength returning thanks to the change back from wolf to human. And the pain from the silver was more of a dull throb affecting her muscles now. Still incredibly uncomfortable, but she could deal with that. Discomfort was better than death.

  At over two hundred years old she was strong. Clearly more so than those vampires had realized. They had to be young.

  On bare feet she started climbing the wooden rungs, careful on each step. She might be regaining her strength but she was unsteady. Still no sounds from above. As she reached the trapdoor, she tentatively pressed her palm against it.

  It pushed up half an inch then stopped. A chain rattled against the door. With the slight opening she could see the end of it bolted to a concrete slab. Taking a deep breath, she called on all her strength and shoved up against the door.

  She felt the force of the impact all the way to her bones. The door snapped up, pulling the chain free from the ground as it flipped open. Because of the awkward angle she lost her balance and started to fall. Scrambling, she tried to grab the ladder but her reflexes were too sluggish after that use of her waning strength.

  She bit back a cry of pain as she slammed back to the ground. No sound from above. No once coming after her.

  Shoving up, she started climbing the ladder again. Nothing was keeping her from getting out of here.

  * * *

  Rex rolled under the SUV, using his vehicle as cover from his attacker—or attackers. From this angle someone would have to get up close and personal if they wanted to shoot at him again. He almost hoped they did.

  Amped up on adrenaline with the need to save Margery, he welcomed anyone trying to attack.

  He ignored the sharp ping near the front left tire as he pulled out a small block of C-4. He didn’t want to destroy his own SUV but he needed the diversion. Hell, he’d incinerate everything he had to get Margery back safe.

  C-4 was his favorite explosive. It was stable and malleable. A perfect combination. Laying on his back, he set it on his chest and worked fast, thankful for his supernatural speed as he rigged the explosive to the underside of the gas tank in seconds. With quick fingers he slid two blasting caps into it before rolling out the other side of the SUV.

  On a burst of speed, he sprinted away from the rambling house and into the pecan orchard. As he cleared the first tree, he pressed the pre-set code into his burner phone, setting the explosion off.

  He’d moved deep into the orchard by the time the fiery ball of smoke and flames licked into the sky. Well out of the blast zone, he couldn’t even feel the heat as he slowed in between two big trees. Using the darkness and orchard as cover, he crouched low, inhaling deeply.


  He scented at least a dozen wolf shifters in the vicinity. And if he could, that meant the other vamp, or vamps, could too. Panic surged through him. If they smelled backup, Margery could be hurt or worse. He had to get to her.

  Not caring if he was running into a trap, he scanned the area once more before drawing on all his strength and sprinting back through the orchard toward the house. As he neared the fence the wind changed and that subtle lavender scent of Margery rolled over him.

  It didn’t matter how faint, he knew it was her and just inhaling it was like a punch to his senses, amplifying his protective instincts. Changing directions, he bypassed the house and raced for the barn. Even though he moved at such high speeds that humans couldn’t track him with the naked eye, a vamp would be able to pinpoint him and possibly attack.

  Forcing himself to act like the hunter he was, he started to slow as he neared the outside of the barn—until he heard Margery scream.

  His fangs and claws sprung free as he covered the remaining twenty yards to the barn. Margery screamed again and he vaguely registered it was one of anger, not fear. Following her scent and the scuffling sounds, he slammed through a wooden half-door for what might have been a stable or storage area. He didn’t care what it was as he ripped the door off its hinges. Wood splintered under the force.

  When he saw a trapdoor-type opening in the corner of the stable he withdrew his blade and dove through it. Maybe it was fucking stupid of him, but nothing could stop him from getting to Margery.

  His boots landed on the concrete floor with a thud, puffs of dust and dirt flying everywhere.

  He snarled at the sight of a female on top of a naked, struggling Margery, her clawed fingers around Margery’s neck. The female vamp swiveled when she heard him, her eyes a bright amber and full of rage. Then she flew at him. Without pause he brought his blade up and sliced her head off in a clean sweep.

  Before her head hit the ground, it and her fallen body turned to ash. Rex scanned the lower room, taking in every inch and shadow of the small storage area. Finding it empty, he hurried to Margery who was struggling to sit up. Cuts and gashes covered her beautiful body, though she was already healing with impressive speed. Even in the darkness he could see how pale she was.

  Kneeling next to her, he pulled her to him. A potent relief that he’d never imagined surged through him when she lunged at him, wrapping her arms around his neck and plastering herself to his body in a suffocating hug.

  He rubbed a hand up and down her back, just grateful she was okay. “Was she the only vamp?” he asked, needing to know how big the threat was against her.

  “No,” Margery rasped out as she pulled back. Immediately she wrapped her arms around herself, covering her breasts. “There was a male but I never saw his face. Just heard his voice.”

  Rex knew shifters didn’t care about nudity too much, but Margery had to be feeling vulnerable now. That was unacceptable in any circumstance. He unbuttoned his shirt and handed it to her. The primal part of him reveled in the knowledge that his scent was now all over her.

  “I don’t know where he is though,” she continued, sounding a little stronger, as she slid his shirt on.

  Rex ached to reach out to her and help, but wasn’t sure if she’d welcome it or if she’d want to gain back some control. When her fingers shook as she tried to button the shirt, he took over.

  “Thank you.” Her voice trembled in a way that made him want to kill that female vamp all over again.

  “Your packmates are getting closer,” he said instead of responding to her gratitude. She never had to thank him for saving her.

  Now that he was back in control and coming down from his adrenaline high he sensed they were relatively safe. Grant and a few others were entering the barn. Their scent was strong and he heard the faint pad of paws on the ground.

  “I don’t want to see anyone right now,” she whispered. “Make them go away.”

  Rex was stunned by her words. Shifters always went to their pack for comfort. It was part of what made his kind and hers so different. But he could see the pain in her eyes and would do any damn thing she wanted. Nodding, he picked up his blade and went to the ladder.

  “Grant, I’m coming up.” As he rose through the opening he found a naked Grant standing in the busted out entryway.


  “Is alive. I killed a female vamp attacking her. Did the pack find anyone else on the property?”

  The alpha nodded, his expression dark. “Male vamp escaped by vehicle. Asher’s tailing him now.”

  Rex glanced down at Margery who was still huddled on the floor and the strongest need to protect her overwhelmed him. He looked back at Grant, all his instincts demanding that he go to her, hold her, claim her in front of these shifters. “She doesn’t want to see anyone and I need to get her out of here. Now.” The sun would be rising soon enough and she needed to be somewhere she felt safe.

  Grant frowned, likely because Margery didn’t want to see anyone. For a moment it appeared as if he’d push the issue, but he just nodded. Turning his head, he barked out a few orders then focused on Rex. “Max is by the vehicles. Take one and get her back to the compound. He’s going to shadow you two so you have backup—that’s not up for discussion. The rest of us are going to stay and canvas the area until I’m certain there aren’t any more vamps around. I’ll be by Margery’s place as soon as we’re done.” He paused again, looking down at the trapdoor, but didn’t say anything else before leaving.

  Rex heard him shift to his wolf form before he’d exited the barn. When Rex looked back down Margery had moved to the bottom of the stairs. She looked impossibly tired and vulnerable, her eyes even bigger in her pale face.

  “Thank you and…I’m sorry for putting that on you. I’m so weak and I just…” She trailed off and he let out a savage curse.

  Jumping back down, he scooped her up in his arms before she could protest. To his surprise she wrapped an arm around his neck and curled into him. He hated the circumstance, but he loved the feel of her against him. She was soft and warm, and her scent clung to him, heightening his need to protect her.

  “Did they do anything other than the silver?” he asked, unsure how else to phrase it and not wanting to upset her even more.

  She shook her head, her eyes growing heavy-lidded with fatigue. “No, except for the female attacking me right before you arrived. You don’t have to come with me, you know. I’ll be okay.” She slumped against him, seeming more tired with each word. The way she curled into him so trustingly made his heart squeeze.

  He snorted at her last statement. “I’m going and it’s not up for discussion.” Even though Rex had more questions, now wasn’t the time. All he was concerned with was getting her to safety. Tightening his grip around her, he ascended the ladder and pulled her closer to him. He planned to take care of her as long as she’d let him. Hell, he’d use his inability to walk in the daylight as an excuse to stay with her today, to watch over her. No one was ever going to hurt her again. Not as long as he was alive.

  Chapter 6

  Margery let the near-scorching water from her showerhead pound her shoulders and back as she stood under the steady fall of water. The pain from the silver poisoning had almost diminished. She was exhausted and a little jittery but she finally felt safe in her own home. Especially since Rex had come back with her. The sexy male’s presence was incredibly reassuring.

  Though she didn’t want to get out, she’d been in here too long and couldn’t keep avoiding the very concerned vampire waiting in her living room. On the drive back to the compound he’d kept her tight in his lap and she hadn’t been inclined to move because his warmth and strength wrapped around her had been exactly what she’d needed. Especially with that unknown male vampire still on the loose.

  Rex was proving to be sweeter than she’d thought. Not to mention he was incredibly protective. Something that had never been a huge turn on for her before. But she liked the way he’d taken charge after finding her. He’d done exactly what she’d asked by telling Grant she didn’t want to see anyone. And he hadn’t asked a ton of questions or tried to tell her that she needed her pack for support right now. A shifter male would have done just that. But Rex let her take back the control she’d lost without being pushy.

  He was just so damn kind and concerned. Which should set off her alarm bells. She knew the vampire wanted to get her into bed. But she wanted him naked too and she knew he would never hurt her. She knew it was time to stop hiding behind her past, especially since the pull she felt toward him was the mating pull. She couldn’t deny it any longer, even if she’d wanted to. So far Rex had been nothing but honest and honorable. It was just so damn hard to let go of something she’d been using as a crutch for so many years.

  Sighing at herself, she shut off the shower and got out. After drying her hair until it was damp, she changed into short black and pink pajama bottoms with dogs on them and a pink tank top. Talia had gotten her the pajamas as a Christmas present, thinking the dogs were funny.

  When Margery stepped out into the hall, she jerked to a halt to find Rex leaning against the wall just as she’d left him earlier. He was still rumpled and dirty and she could smell faint traces of butter. “Didn’t you want to take a shower?” she asked.

  He shook his head, that hazel gaze raking over the length of her body and making her nipples bead. “I wanted to make sure you were okay and…didn’t want to leave you unguarded.”

  His words stunned her speechless for a long moment but she finally found her voice as she crossed her arms over her breasts. “Have you been waiting out here the whole time?”

  He nodded, his expression unreadable.

  It bothered her that she couldn’t tell what he was thinking. “I’m sorry. You can—”

  “Margery, I need to tell you something. You were taken because of me. I was hunting a vampire and accidentally killed him. Well, he killed himself, but that’s not important. You were targeted because someone saw us together at your bakery and assumed we were together. If I’d thought it was a possibility to bring danger to you I never would have pursued you. I’m sorry.” His handsome face was so stressed, so filled with guilt she couldn’t help but step closer and grab his hands in hers.

  “Rex, I know. The female said something about it before she tried to kill me. She was in a rage and most of her words were incomprehensible but I gathered she wanted to use me as a bargaining chip. But she planned to kill both of us—until you arrived with backup. I don’t think she was very old for a vamp or very smart. She couldn’t have been to take me when I’m part of a powerful pack. But, I know and I’m not angry. You really thought I would be?” There was no way she could be angry at this male. Definitely not after he’d saved her, but mainly because of who he was showing himself to be.

  He nodded stiffly, watching her warily as if he didn’t quite believe her.

  “Well, I’m not. Why don’t you shower and we can watch a movie?” She was exhausted but didn’t want to go to bed just yet and didn’t want to be alone. And if she was being honest with herself, she wanted him to hold her, needed to feel his touch. “I mean, if you’re going to stay.” She really hoped he did. The sun had already risen but maybe he didn’t want to stay in her condo. Using the interior hallways and elevators he could move somewhere else if he wanted. She couldn’t expect him to just drop everything for her.

  Finally the tenseness in his shoulders fled. “I’m staying and if you’ll allow me, I would like to offer you my blood.”

  Blinking, her eyes widened at his offer. Vampire blood had supernatural healing power and would help her kick the lingering sluggishness from the poison. Otherwise time was the only thing that would work. But vampires never offered their blood to anyone. Not that she knew of. It was a mate thing. The implication of that stole her breath for a moment. “Rex, that’s…” She didn’t know what to say. It would be too weird to accept it, but part of her really wanted to. The thought of drinking blood should freak her out, but everything about Rex called to her. Part of her wanted to find out what he tasted like.

  An abrupt knock at her front door made her jump like a cub. Inwardly she cursed her reaction.

  “It’s Grant. He texted while you were in the shower,” Rex said then turned away before she c
ould respond.

  She immediately felt the loss of touching him as he withdrew his hands and made his way to her front door. She fell in step behind him, her bare feet silent against the hardwood floors. Moments later her alpha stood in the foyer of her place.

  Without a word Grant pulled her into a tight hug. Being held by her alpha soothed her wolf in a way almost no one else could. Except…she’d actually felt safer being held by Rex. Later she’d examine that, but for now she returned Grant’s hug, knowing he needed to be reassured his packmate was safe.

  “I’m so sorry this happened, Margery.” Grant’s voice was rough, uneven and so out of character.

  She squeezed him tight then stepped back. “I’m okay. I promise. They didn’t do anything other than poison me and then that maniac tried to kill me.” Which were both terrible things, but she knew Grant had been worried about sexual assault just as Rex had been earlier. “Did you find out who the male was?” She’d heard someone with the female vampire and she’d heard Rex and Grant’s conversation earlier about the male who escaped them.

  Jaw tight, Grant shook his head. “Davis lost the guy, but we will find him. If there’s an unknown in my territory he’ll only be able to hide for so long.”

  “I’ve got a file on Stanley, but clearly it’s not detailed enough. I’ll reach out to my client about Stanley’s former associates and we can start digging into who could have possibly wanted to help him.” Rex’s voice was as grim as his expression.

  Margery could see the rage simmering just beneath his surface. On instinct she reached out for him, wrapping her arm around his trim waist. Her inner wolf sighed in contentment the moment they made contact. Pleasure surged through her when he didn’t pause, just slid his solid arm around her shoulders and pulled her close.


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