Dirty Cops Next Door

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Dirty Cops Next Door Page 65

by Summer Cooper

  “You are a natural, baby,” John said.

  Baby. She loved it when he called her baby. It was essentially their first date, but she had never had anyone really call her baby. The way he said it with that sexy smirk and that cocky swagger of his was irresistible.

  He leaned over, put his hand on her ass, and kissed her deeply, catching her by surprise. Then he put a new target up and she got ready for another round.

  It was exhilarating. Just knowing that she had the power in her hands at that moment to stop anyone or anything that life had to throw at her.

  John was no slouch himself. He was actually pretty amazing. After she’d had two rounds he took over and took several rounds himself, hitting the bullseye with amazing accuracy, firing shot after shot with a laser-like focus and an intensity that turned Kelly on beyond belief.

  After the gun range John took Kelly back home. She had to get ready for work soon anyway. He pulled up in front of her apartment building and she had expected him to just let her off, but he asked her if he could use the bathroom. So she let him up.

  When he came out of the bathroom she was drinking a bottle of water and was just about to offer him one when she saw the look in his eyes. It was the look of desire. It was the look of a man who had one thing on his mind.

  He approached her slowly, grabbing the bottle from her hand and set it down on the counter. John wrapped her up in his arms and pulled her close, pressing his mouth down on hers. She surrendered herself to the kiss, letting his energy consume her, flowing into her being. It was like being placed on another planet where the real world she knew no longer existed.

  Suddenly he grabbed her and flipped her around, bending her over the counter. In an instant he had her pants and underwear down around her ankles. Kelly knew that she shouldn’t be doing this, but he was so sexy and it had been so long. She wanted it so badly and she knew it was going to feel so good.

  He was suddenly deep inside of her, forcing her body to open up to encompass him. Kelly thought of all the times she had dreamed of a sexy man taking her like this. It was her deepest fantasy to just be taken and ravaged. She loved it rough and needed to feel a bit helpless. She was his and he would do with her what he wished.

  Feeling him moving in and out of her body, using her, owning her, making love to her, was intense in its passion and she surrendered to every urge she had ever had. She was relinquishing all feelings of control at that moment. She was tired of having to stress and worry about everything. She was tired of being totally in control of her life. It was time that she let go.

  She felt herself about to hit her climax and he beat her to it, but only by a few seconds. She closed her eyes and breathed nice and deeply and let it finish deep inside of her.

  Afterwards, John got dressed, and kissed her sweetly.

  “See you later, baby,” he said leaving through the door.

  Kelly stood there with her pants still around her ankles for several minutes trying to compose herself and allow her heart to calm down. She had to laugh at the absurdity and the pleasure.

  It was a good day, so far.


  Climbing into Aaron’s truck had been only slightly more difficult than climbing down out of it. Kelly was only five foot three and she wasn’t the most athletic person around, so she proceeded with extreme caution. If she fell and busted her neck it was probably going to ruin their evening.

  Aaron had come up with the winning idea that they go to a local MMA fight for a lower league. It was not the level of fighting that he did, but it had been the same league he had started out in. He loved to check out these fights so he could scout out his future competition and take a good hard look at the up and comers while they were still really green and making mistakes. He was under the belief that a person’s fighting style was made in the early part of their career and though they would always try to eliminate weaknesses and try to grow as fighters—and most of them would—the flaws in their game would always be there waiting to be rediscovered, like opening an old injury. At least that was how he had explained it to her; she still had no idea what he was talking about. She was just hoping that she didn’t get any blood on her, or she was going to freak out.

  They went inside and grabbed their seats. The auditorium was bigger than it looked from the outside and the place was packed. She had not expected this, but apparently people went nuts over Mixed Martial Arts. This wasn’t exactly how she wanted to spend her one evening a week off, especially when she had a term paper that was not going to write itself to work on.

  But she honestly didn’t care that much. Maybe some of John’s moxy had rubbed off on her. She was starting to feel that she was always taking life too seriously. She didn’t have to be superwoman all the time. She was allowed to take a break and be irresponsible on occasion. And this was definitely one of those times.

  She had thought about John almost non-stop since they had made love. The man would just not leave her brain. It had been almost three days and she had not heard from him. For some reason this did not surprise her. He didn’t really seem like the relationship type, but he was so damn sexy. He probably had his share of female admirers. She wondered if he was a player or if he was just an unobtainable object for any woman simply because he was a lone wolf who could not be pinned down. This also made his bad boy image that much sexier. She wanted him more because she knew that he could never be had, but she had relished the taste.

  And she wanted to taste it again really soon.

  Aaron came back from the concession stand with a few beers and a couple of hot dogs. He was such a nice guy, but he wasn’t too nice either. She knew he had a bad streak in him that was a rule breaker, but he was just a little more unassuming about it. She was starting to think she had a problem with being overly attracted to bad boys. Ugh, she did not want to fall into that sort of stereotype, like Amy was. Although, Amy seemed to date guys who weren’t really bad boys; they were spoiled brats who behaved badly and it was not at all the same thing.

  There was just something about the character and strength of a man who lived by his own rules that was so damn exciting. She was bitten by the bug and she just didn’t care anymore. She doubted she would ever marry a guy like that, but she was in the prime of her life to have as much fun with them as possible.

  She grabbed her chili dog and began to scarf it down. She had forgotten to eat lunch earlier and she was famished. The beer washed it down perfectly. Aaron grinned at her enthusiasm over the junk food.

  “Don’t worry about my diet. What about yours? Aren’t you in training?” Kelly asked.

  Aaron smiled. “I wasn’t judging. I just love to see you enjoying real food, because most women I’ve dated won’t. It’s cool that you have a relaxed attitude about it. And my diet is fine. I’m allowed one cheat meal each week. It keeps me sane.”

  Kelly smiled back. She was aware that her attitude towards her weight and food were becoming much more relaxed lately. It wasn’t that she wasn’t concerned anymore, but recently she was feeling like she just didn’t need her size to define who she was. She knew it was because of her new relationships with Aaron and with John.

  She had not told Aaron about John and she didn’t plan too. Right now things were going so well with him that she didn’t want to upset him, especially when he had a big fight in two weeks. He needed his mind to be as laser sharp as it could be. He didn’t need the distraction. Besides, they had never said they were exclusive anyway. They had only been out a few times. She definitely had strong feelings for him and she loved being with him. She could see things getting serious down the road if it continued.

  There were four matches in all. Kelly thought the evening was going to be long and unexciting, but about halfway through the first match she found herself cheering along with the crowd. It was so interesting to see the level of skill and the mental fortitude these fighters had to have to do this. She admired their dedication to their craft and she had a whole new respect for what Aaron did. Sh
e knew that he was dedicated and passionate, but to know he was going to go in to that ring and battle in a few weeks made her both proud and scared for him. She wasn’t sure she could stand to watch him get hurt. She felt that she needed him now. She grabbed his hand and he gripped it back with a smile. She knew that he had no idea what she was thinking, but he knew that she was enjoying herself.

  After the evening was over they went back to her place. She invited Aaron in for a cup of coffee.

  They never made it to the coffee.

  Within minutes they were stripped of clothing and enjoying a hot shower together.

  It had been another good day.


  Aaron’s phone vibrated waking the both of them up. Kelly had been dreaming the most amazing dream, but upon hearing the familiar sound of a phone receiving a text message the dream’s memory had been wiped from her mind. She struggled to remember exactly what had happened, but the details were gone. Only the feelings remained. The feelings were of excitement, hope, and promise for the future. These were things she had not felt in a while.

  “Wow,” Aaron said.

  “Is that a good wow?” Kelly asked.

  “Well, depends.”

  Kelly sat up, aware that she was naked, letting the sheet fall away and exposing her large breasts, but not caring. She was still feeling frisky and she hoped that Aaron’s text did not alter his mood! Last night had been amazing.

  “My opponent for the fight has been injured during training so he won’t be able to fight.”

  “That sucks. So you have to wait until he heals? So you won’t get paid for this fight then I take it?”

  “No, I will. They are giving me a replacement fighter. It’s Jack. The brother of that guy in the bar, remember?”

  “Wait, you have to fight him again? Didn’t you just fight him?”

  “Well, not just, but he has accepted and he was next in line.”

  “Wow, how do you feel about it?”

  “I’m fine. I beat him once and I can beat him again. Besides, he hasn’t been training for a fight. He just got cleared to fight again because of medical issues he suffered in our last fight.”

  “Wow, how much of his ass did you kick?”

  Aaron laughed.

  “Well, he got a sprained wrist and a bruised collar bone, and a slight concussion.”

  “You did all that to him and they didn’t stop the fight before you got him to tap?”

  “Well, when you are fighting and the adrenaline is going sometimes neither fighter knows how badly they or the other fighter might be injured until after the fight and you get checked out at the hospital.”

  “Wow that must be bizarre. Were you hurt after the last one?”

  “I got off lucky. He didn’t get that many good shots in. I took him to the ground and used ground and pound on him. I pretty much dominated him for the whole fight, which is why it’s so ridiculous that he thinks I didn’t make him tap. He was hurt.”

  “Damn. You are a warrior, sexy,” Kelly said.

  Aaron smiled and began to kiss her taking notice of her exposed breasts and the nude body that lay beyond the covers. He began to caress her softly.

  Kelly wanted to get into the moment, but now she was slightly distracted by a disturbing thought; what if John was at the fight? What if he said something about their relationship—could you even call it that? They had gone out once and then had some kinky sex, but she had not heard from him in several days. Was he expecting her to chase him? Was that his game? Or did he see her as a one-time fling? Normally she probably would have felt bad about that and possibly a bit used, but she was having so much fun with Aaron that she didn’t care. And then she felt a bit bad about that. Did that make her loose or a female player? She was starting to confuse herself on the matter.

  With these thoughts dancing behind her eyes she tried to focus on the lovemaking with Aaron.

  She soon got her rhythm back.


  “So, we meet again.”

  John walked out of his shop, shirtless, his ripped and tanned muscles coated in spots by black grease. Even with the grease he still looked like a stud out of a sexy biker calendar. Kelly had to forcefully overt her eyes to keep from drooling.

  John’s shop was basically a converted garage that was attached to his house. He appeared to be the only person who ran his business. It was a nice little setup. It struck Kelly as being the type of environment she would expect to see John thrive in; he was a self-employed man who worked alone with his hands all day.

  “Hey, there. I haven’t heard from you lately,” Kelly said. She tried to keep her words from sounding too eager. She felt enough like a tool coming to meet him on his turf when she hadn’t heard from him in a week.

  “I’ve been kind of busy. My little brother’s in training again, so I got to help get his ass into shape.”

  “You work in his corner? So, you’re like his trainer?”

  “Something like that. I got to keep the boy focused. He tends to get distracted with partying too much. So I got to put my boot in his ass every now and then.”

  “I wanted to talk to you about the fight, actually.”

  “Oh, yeah? Your boy ain’t getting nervous now is he?”

  “No, he is training hard. I wanted to talk about us, actually. Aaron and I have gotten pretty close and he needs to stay focused, so if you could make sure and not tell him about us, then I would appreciate it.”

  “What? You think I would do something like that?” John smiled. His smile was wicked and sexy all at once. She found herself lusting after his sexy swagger. The way he carried himself was just so unapologetically masculine and dominant that she just couldn’t help but be overwhelmingly turned on by him.

  “This isn’t funny. He could get really hurt if he isn’t focused on this. Besides, do you want your brother to fight a man who is at a disadvantage? If his mind isn’t sharp then it’s going to be a lousy fight.”

  “My brother doesn’t need that kind of help. Your boy is at a disadvantage because he thinks he won that last fight and he thinks he is a better fighter than Jack. That is what’s going to get him hurt. He doesn’t need my help for that.”

  “Then you have nothing to gain by telling him. It would just hurt me,” Kelly said.

  John walked around behind her, getting close, and taking a big sniff of her hair. His breath on the back of her neck and his dominant position behind her sent small goosebumps up and down her back. She wanted him to rip her damn dress off and do her right there. The same thought was running through his mind also.

  He grabbed her hand and led her through the garage and into his house. Leading her through the kitchen and into the living room he threw her down on the couch. In an instant he had pulled her panties from her body, and pulled himself free from his pants.

  He rammed deep inside of her and their bodies began to sync up in perfect harmony.

  Kelly thought about Aaron and how much this might hurt him if he were to know about this. She was so confused. She knew that she should choose one or the other, but it was impossible to know which one to choose. Which one would make her happy? Did she even have a choice? John was not a man to be tied to any woman, but did that make her want him more? In the back of her mind was she secretly thinking about how many other women he was probably having casual liaisons with on a daily basis? She would have been stupid to think it was just her, but he was so damn good. The way he touched her and dominated her was what she needed sometimes. But she also needed a more tender touch like she had with Aaron and someone who respected her and listened to her. She saw a future with him, but the thing with John was like a drug that she lusted for daily. Once she had sampled it, she had to have more and more.

  She left John’s shop feeling both exhilarated and dirty. It was almost a blur and she found herself almost wondering what had just happened. She had gone there to ask the man a simple question, and had ended up naked on his couch. She needed a good hot shower, to wash away
the dirt—both physical and emotional. She could feel patches of grease on her body and she found this somehow turned her on. The man was able to just at the drop of a hat have her submit to his every need.

  She didn’t know what to do. She wanted to stop this thing, but she knew that if she were in that situation again she would allow it to happen. A part of her needed it, but she couldn’t continue to have both. Could she?

  The night of the fight came faster than she anticipated and somehow she suddenly found herself at ringside watching the fight. Her friend Amy had decided to come along and surprisingly she had ditched her poor excuse for a boyfriend, so it was just a girl’s night out which they had not had in quite a while.

  She had waited through two other fights, before the main event, which was Aaron and Jack. She heard his entrance music, “The Sickness” by Disturbed blasting through the speakers and the crowd was suddenly on its feet. Aaron came into the ring and removed his robe. He looked great and the look on his face showed the kind of determination and raw aggression that Kelly had seen in him when they first met.

  Jack entered a few minutes later. John was trailing right behind him working his corner. John spotted her in the front row and smiled at her. She really hoped that he didn’t do anything stupid, but with that man you couldn’t tell.

  The fight started off with a bang. Jack ran right at Aaron releasing a flurry of kicks and punches. Aaron was ready for him and he easily side stepped it all. He went for a takedown tackling Jack’s legs and pulling him down. In an instant Jack was back on his feet. He grabbed Aaron in a clench and began to use knees and elbows to his ribs and chest. Aaron took a few hits, pushed Jack back releasing the clench. Then Aaron let loose a hard kick to Jack’s leg. Jack’s face clenched in pain as his leg buckled.

  Aaron seized the opportunity and tackled Jack again, this time gaining a half guard position on top of him. Jack struggled to get loose, but Aaron kept his position. From there he began to let loose on Jack, raining down punches upon him. Jack managed to block a few but some hard shots were getting through. There was blood spewing from Jack’s nose now and Aaron showed no signs of letting up on his attack.


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