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Unravel Page 3

by Samantha Romero

  I smirked at his youth. “You’ve got a lot to learn when it comes to what you should and shouldn’t say to women, huh?” I giggled. “How old did you say you were?” He didn’t answer. His lips were pressed hard against my right nipple and I could feel his tongue dart across it as he started to gently suck. I exhaled, releasing my head back in bliss.

  Jess was right. This was exactly what I needed. I had been so tense the last couple of months. Enjoying the softness of his hands as they fondled me, I could feel all my stress and tension fly out his steamed-up window.

  Undoing his jeans in one fast motion, I wrapped my hand around his hardness and led it beneath my panties and inside of me. My wetness devoured him, and he groaned in pleasure as those soft lips kissed my chin and then moved up to my mouth. Our tongues began to playfully tease one another, as his fingers went around the back of my neck and pulled me closer.

  “Hold on, baby. This ride is about to get a little bit rough,” I laughed as I pushed him back on his seat. Fondling my breasts as I looked into his beautiful, brown eyes, I started to bounce up and down on top of him. He gripped my waist tightly, and as I leaned forward and whispered in his ear, “Give me all you’ve got,” Daniel and our night together momentarily became a distant memory.


  “Man you are so hot, I was right,” he said, out of breath as he grabbed his polo shirt from the back seat where I had chucked it. “You sure taught me a few things just then. I’m gonna have to update my blog when I get home.” He smiled like he had just won the lotto. “Lesson one was epic! It was me who offered to give you a ride, and you ended up giving me one. What are the odds?”

  “Shhhh,” I replied, giggling as I rested my finger on his bottom lip, still smiling as the afterglow rushed through my body.

  He turned the car back on, igniting the screaming cylinders underneath the curvy hood. Within seconds, the window had cleared from the dripping condensation that had run down it moments before. “Hey check it out—even the aircon works.” I smiled. “Mine doesn’t.”

  “What do you do?” he looked confused.

  I laughed, checking my hair in the mirror. “I suffer and bitch about it.”

  He looked at me still in confusion. “Fair enough.”

  “So, are you going to tell me how old you are?” I asked as I did up the last hook and eye on the front of my corset. “You were a little distracted last time I asked.” I smiled, admiring his lack of lines as I threaded my finger around one of his curls.

  He looked up and smiled his toothy grin at me. “Why is it important? It’s just a number.”

  I shot him a glance of panic “Oh god, please tell me you’re not seven. I don’t want to go to jail.”

  He tickled me on the stomach. “Of course not.”

  “Twenty-four?” I looked at him, wincing my eyes in hope.

  He shook his head, smirking. “Nah. I’m eighteen.”

  I let go of his curl around my finger. “Oh god. You’re just a baby, Josh! I hope your mum doesn’t come after me now!”

  He rolled his eyes, scoffing “Doubt it. I moved out of the house ages ago.”

  I nodded as I closed my eyes, wanting to drift off against the warm, leather seat.

  He rested his hand on my upper thigh, and gently rubbed it, venturing higher as he drove down the empty streets. “How much further, Elle?”

  My eyes flew open as I rested my hand on top of his. “Behave yourself, kiddo.”

  He laughed, dropping his bottom lip.

  “Yup, this is me here.” I pointed out the window, turning to see his baby face still admiring my breasts. “Hey, thanks for the lift,” I said as I stepped out of the car and pushed down the inch of material barely covering my butt, silently praying I didn’t get arrested for indecent exposure.

  “Can I call you?” he asked.

  I paused, turning to face him as he looked up at me with hope through his dark lashes.

  “Sure—um, I don’t have any paper, though.”

  He stuck his arm out the window, followed seconds later by a pen.

  I laughed. I hadn’t seen anyone do that since high school. “Wow. Ok, um…” and I leant down and wrote my number up his arm.

  “I’m gonna call you!!” he yelled out the window.

  “Whatever,” I smirked as I walked up the steps into my building, not once turning to see his reaction. Whatever.


  The next morning, a loud banging on the door brought me back to consciousness.

  “Shhh! I’m coming, I’m coming,” I muttered as I opened the door, holding my aching head with the other hand.

  “Happy Saturday, baby!” Jessica smiled, her mascara smudged down her cheek, a new hickie glowing on her neck. She paused, pouting. “My head really hurts too—have you got an aspirin?”

  “No, sorry babe—you know me, I’m totally greeny style when it comes to pills. But I’ve got some water—it’s in the tap!”

  She dragged her feet through the door, arms crossed. “Wow you’re so hospitable.”

  I laughed, “You’re welcome.”

  “Sooooo,” she smiled, sitting on the edge of my bed. “How was your night? You left kinda early; did you meet anyone?”

  I tried to hide the smirk slowly growing on my face as I casually flipped through a magazine. “Yeah, I got a lift back.”

  “From who? It’s like getting blood out of a stone when it comes to you, Siena.”

  “Just a guy. His name is Josh—he’s super young.”

  She leaned forward in anticipation. “How young?”


  She smiled widely. “Was he good?”

  I wrinkled up my nose as I continued to flip through the pages “How do you know we even did anything? Normally, I’m not like that—that’s your game, not mine.”

  “You’re smiling, Siena! You look normal again—color has returned to your cheeks—of course you shagged.”

  I got up and wandered into the kitchenette, reaching up for a glass as I turned on the tap. “Fine. You win—we had sex. Send out a tweet.”

  She giggled, clapping her hands. “Mission accomplished! Do you feel better now?”

  Passing the glass of water to her, I said, “Yeah, I do, actually. I feel normal again. Just you know, like I can move on, and…”

  “SHAG!” she squealed, bouncing up and down on my bed. “What does he do?”

  I shrugged, “I don’t know, drives a Lambo.”

  Her mouth dropped open. “You’re kidding.”

  I sat back down on the couch. “Nah. He does.”

  “So, what does he do?”

  I arranged the cushions on the couch and casually answered, “He works for the mafia.”

  “WHAT?” she screamed, almost overbalancing off my mattress.

  I laughed, watching her face. “Just kidding—he probably steals cars. I don’t know, he’s apparently online—designs apps or something. You know me, I’m not exactly ‘techy.’ Guess he has done fairly well from it. He’s a nice kid—we had fun.”

  She rolled over onto her tummy and swung her legs playfully against the mattress. “I’m so happy for you Siena. Do you think he’s a keeper?”

  I leaned against the couch armrest in thought. “I think he’s super young, and we most likely have nothing in common.”

  “Will you see him again?”

  I walked into the bathroom, and yelled behind me, “Yeah, maybe for a booty call.”

  “You’re shocking!” Jess squealed from the living room.

  “Learnt it all from you,” I called back closing the door behind me.

  A few minutes later…

  “It’s for you!” Jess winked, handing the phone to me, as I stepped out of the bathroom. She laughed, wiggling her tongue playfully between her lips. “He sounds totally doable—put him on a cracker for me! Yummo!”

  I shook my head as I tried to push her out the front door. “Shhhh! Jess! See you tomorrow.”

  She smiled, laughing, “Sure t
hing! That is, if you’re not all shagged out by Lambo boy and can’t walk by then.”

  I smirked, rolling my eyes. “Luv ya, Jess.”

  “Luv ya more,” she laughed as she ran down the stairs and away.

  I smiled to myself as I closed the front door, leaning my back up against it.

  “Hey baby boy, what’s up?”

  “Hello darlin’! How’d you know it was me?”

  My insides dropped to the pit of my stomach. I didn’t breathe, hoping that the silence would take away the situation—take away the voice at the other end of the line.

  “It’s Danny!”

  He sounded so relaxed, friendly, up beat—like he had always sounded prior to any of the sex. My god, the man had balls. I couldn’t believe that out of nowhere, and after all this time, he could just phone up like nothing had happened.

  My voice turned cold. “How did you get my home number?”

  He chuckled, “With much difficulty darlin’, but it was worth it. How are ya?”

  “I don’t know what you want me to say, Daniel. I’m fine. Life goes on.”

  “Have you been singing lately? I haven’t seen you in anything.”

  “Um, no I’ve taken a bit of a break from it. It’s expensive, and I just felt like I needed some down time. Singing is so emotional, and if you’re not in the right zone, you can end up crying for no reason at all.”

  There was silence. All I could hear was his soft breath falling down the line. It actually sounded like he was listening to me. Huh? Surely that wasn’t possible.

  “I miss ya, darlin’.”

  I was sterile. “And you’re calling because…?”

  He chuckled, “‘Cause I miss ya. I miss us. I think we really had somethin’ special; you made me feel young again.”

  I sighed, biting the inside of my cheek in the hope that a bit of pain would stop the tears from welling up in my eyes.

  “I don’t know what you want me to say. You lied to me; you hurt me. I’m done. I’m done with all of this. The flirting, the crap, the games. I’m tired. You and all of this make me so tired. I feel like I want to sleep for a thousand years. Just go to bed and sleep.”

  “Do ya miss me, baby?”

  I snapped at him, “Don’t ask me such personal questions. It’s really not appropriate, Daniel.”

  “So ya do?” he triumphantly answered.

  My knees buckled underneath me, and I slid down against the door, coming to an abrupt bump on the floor.

  I sighed as my chin started to shake. I had so many emotions welling up in my mind. Hearing his voice just made it all flood back, like I was with him only yesterday.

  “I’m gonna go.” My voice cracked through my words as I shut my eyes in hopelessness.

  “Did you hear about the Kardashian’s marriage?”

  I whispered, “Goodbye, Daniel.”

  He kept talking…

  “What they did was a massive publicity stunt! This sort of thing happens all the time, Siena. Sure I’m re-marrying her, but just ‘cause I am doesn’t mean we can’t be together.”

  Tears turned to anger at the speed of light.

  “Are you fucking kidding me, Daniel? Have you gone completely mad? You must think I’m really bloody stupid to imagine in your delusional world that somehow I would want to throw away all my morals—slap the institution of marriage in the face and say ‘screw you, world—I’m with a married man, breaking up his family and everything is hunky dory, and just fan-bloody-tastic.’” I paused in thought. “Wow. You never cease to amaze me. She still lives with you! You share a home with her! What do you want me to do? Move into your family home downstairs so we can fuck while she is doing your laundry upstairs? Seriously, I could strangle you right now—you make me so angry!”

  He chuckled. Just chuckled.

  “Anger is an emotion, Siena. If you didn’t care about me —us, you wouldn’t feel anything.”

  I scoffed down the line, “You are just unbelievable. You’re so self-centered you just think the whole world loves you. Well, news flash, Danny boy, they don’t! If the papers knew what a bastard you were, I’m sure the peace and glory that surrounds you daily would quickly vanish.” I stopped talking, gasping for more air before continuing my rant.

  “Luckily for you, I’m not into causing pain in other people’s lives, so I’m not going to call the papers. Just leave me alone. Got it?”

  He laughed, “Or what? You’ll remember how we used to be and come to your senses?”

  “Senses?” I shrieked. “I’m not getting any younger, Daniel; I want to be with someone where I feel like my life is going somewhere. Not now, but someday I want to get married, have children, have the ‘perfect life;’ and I know that in this day and age it’s next to impossible to have the ‘perfect life,’ but good on me for hoping—wishing that there is something, someone out there who wants the same things as me.”

  He sighed. I could tell he was getting bored—after all, this was probably the most he had ever heard me speak.

  “Daniel, you met a wonderful woman a long time ago, fell in love with her, married, and did the whole family thing. You built an empire, and now you live like a freaking king. You’ve got it all—you have the ‘perfect life.’ Don’t screw it up, or try and screw up my chance of one day having half of what you’ve got.”

  My voice cracked. I could feel the tears making their way back to the starting line of my eyeballs. Women’s emotions—are so emotional.

  “I’m in love with you, Siena.”

  I sighed as salty tears ran down my cheeks, my chin shaking uncontrollably.

  I whispered in despair, “Daniel, you don’t even know what love is.”

  Hanging up the phone, I curled into a ball, sobbing hysterically on the floor. Here was another Alice in Wonderland moment; I sure hoped I wouldn’t drown in all my tears.


  “Hey, sexy girl—wanna take me for another ride?”

  I felt the corner of my mouth creep up in amusement as I read his text message.

  Joshua was such fun—so happy-go-lucky about everything. It didn’t matter to him about the next day or what was going to happen in the future; he was just living for now. He reminded me a lot of myself when I was a teenager—he was completely carefree, exuberant.

  I laughed as I playfully texted back, picturing his head of unruly curls in my mind. “I think you need to get a license.”

  “How ‘bout you put me through the test? I’m a good learner.”

  I smirked, feeling my spirit lift as I replied, “I’m sure you are.”

  Thirty minutes later there was a loud, aggressive knock on the door. Quickly getting off the couch, and wrapping my kimono around my body, I went to get it. Wonder who it could be at this hour? I thought.

  Fumbling with the lock, I pulled open the heavy door and peered out above the security chain.

  “Hey.” He looked up from his feet slowly, in what looked like an attempt at some strange smolder move.

  Oh it’s just Lambo boy—phew! I thought with relief. “Hey,” I said, smiling as I pulled the chain out of the lock, and walked into the kitchenette, leaving him standing at the entrance like some sort of lost puppy.

  “Aren’t you going to ask me in?” he called out.

  “You’re a big boy, you can figure it out.” I grinned, watching for his next reaction.

  He looked confused, lifting one eyebrow but staying glued to the entrance “HUH?”

  I smiled at him cheekily as I dropped a pink marshmallow into my hot chocolate, lowering my eyes to my cup and watching it slowly turn to goo. “Come in, silly.”

  He walked towards me, running his hands through his curls. “I’ve been thinking about you, you know.”

  “Awww, have you?” I said, as I changed the channel on the TV and sat back down. “Should I be flattered?”

  “Man, you are arctic tonight!” he teased “I brought some beer; wanna thaw out with me?”

  I dipped my teaspoon into the pink
goo floating at the top of the chocolate and swirled it around. “Sure,” I said, placing my drink on the coffee table as I took the bottle from his mouth and took a long swig.

  His voice lowered, staring at me as I drank. “Your lips look good around that.”


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