The Melier (Women of Dor Nye Book 1)

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The Melier (Women of Dor Nye Book 1) Page 8

by Poppy Rhys

  This is too strange.

  Chapter 8

  “Soren?” Lucia whispered while her cheek lay squished against his purring, vibrating chest. Her vision kind of jittered and the rumble was nearly deafening against her ear. His hands had pushed down the top of her spacesuit to expose her upper body fully and his arms had wrapped around her, rubbing paths up and down her spine in a comforting gesture.

  Soren hummed.

  “Will you help me to the bath?” she blinked lazily. “I don’t think I can make it on my own.” Lucia wasn’t sure if she could ever face her parents again, but in less than an hour, they expected her to be dressed and ready to go. If she couldn’t even walk to the bathroom, how was she supposed to function at a party?

  Lucia peeled herself off of Soren and rolled over onto the floor. The green slime stretched and webbed, still connecting their bodies; at that point she didn’t even care about it. That small maneuver sapped a little bit more of her strength and she moaned at the sharp jolt of pain in her pelvis. Soren sat up and easily stood, crouching to scoop Lucia up into his arms. She made a sound of protest.

  “I’m very capable of walking,” she whined. “I mean, probably. I can do it.”


  “What Soren?”

  “Shut up.”

  Lucia was so taken aback that her next protest died on her lips and she twittered with delight that he’d attempted humor! She tilted her head back to look up at him with a grin and rubbed his jaw. He purred appreciatively.

  Soren set her on her feet and helped her keep steady as she finished undressing and then he followed suit. This time, Lucia didn’t freak out, but let her eyes wander. He was already hard again and it visibly throbbed. The jutting veins that wound around his cock were a pale blue, unlike the dusky cobalt of everything else, as she remembered. It was strange and alluring. She had the urge to trace her fingers over them, but instead let him guide her down into the large bathing pool.

  Curls of steam rose from the water, and the scent of herbs and flowers went straight to relaxing her. The height of the water swirled around her hips as she watched Soren sink down to his knees into the pool to be just under eye level with her. After she dipped under the water to wet her hair, he began to lather soap onto a sponge and gently run it over her stomach, up to her collarbones, and gently over the swell of her breasts.

  Lucia sighed and closed her eyes as he continued his exploration. The hot water was soothing against her aching abdomen. She wasn’t sure her body could handle such rough, raw sex again.

  But it was oh so good!

  Oh you’re talking to me now?

  Shhh, just enjoy this…

  Soren trailed the sponge through her pussy lips and a slight moan of mixed pleasure and discomfort got trapped in Lucia’s throat. He moved around to her back, scrubbing gently, traveling to the swell of her ass. Soon his fingers were massaging a lathering oil into her scalp and hair. At that, she really moaned. Something about someone else washing her hair was just so right.

  “So much for talking,” she mmm’d around the words. When Soren snorted, Lucia almost fell on her face with surprise. “Soren I do believe you’re breaking records tonight. Humor and you understood my sarcasm.”

  Her delight was cut short when his erection bobbed against her leg under the water. Soren’s nose trailed along her shoulders, his scenting gusts of air sending chills tumbling down her spine. Her toes curled and she closed her eyes once more. She didn’t know why it turned her on when he sniffed after her. The primal heat of it just sent her aflame.

  Two hands gripped her hips, guiding her to the side of the pool as the water rippled when Soren stood. Fingers trailed along her abdomen, making the skin tremble with anticipation. His cock bumped into her lower back while he continued to explore her body, memorizing what each touch elicited and finding every sensitive peak. When his fingers found the curls nestled between her legs, her knees nearly buckled and when he brushed her clit, she whimpered.

  Soren whispered and groaned her name against her skin in reverence, like she was something precious. The need in the rumble of his low growl seared every sensor Lucia had. She felt when he dipped lower, placing the tip of his cock at her entrance from behind. He leaned her forward and slowly slid through her slick, sucking channel. They both moaned.

  Arms held her at a tilt while fingers tweaked and pinched her sensitive nipples. His hips pumped so agonizingly slow, Lucia was half out of her mind with need. She could taste the orgasm on the tip of her tongue but Soren wouldn’t go faster or harder; just deep and slow. She hated it and loved it all at once. When she was straining with effort to shove herself back onto his cock, he held her tightly in place. A frustrated cry hissed through her teeth that turned into a cry of surprise as Soren’s fingers found her clit. Her breathing hitched as he continued to circle the nub while keeping his torturous pace.

  Almost there, she focused and chanted in her mind.

  Just… keep… going.

  When that climbing tingle in Lucia’s legs began to take hold and her muscles twitched in preparation, Soren thrust a little deeper. Just one thrust and his bulging veins hit the right place with the right amount of pressure.

  Lucia flew apart.

  Her legs gave out as a tremor contracted its way through her being. Soren held up her body as she hung there, shaking with an orgasm that didn’t seem to want to end. She begged, pleaded with what little air she could muster for Soren and she didn’t even know what it was she was begging for!

  She gasped deeply and the last cry of her orgasm expelled from her lips and Soren came with a groan. His hips continued to slowly pump up into her trembling, twitching body as he emptied himself into her.

  Both sunk down into the water. Soren was still holding her and for good reason. She was sure she’d slip under and likely drown from exhaustion.

  You have to get ready for a party, remember?

  Shit! Shit, shit, shit!


  Fifteen minutes later, Lucia and Soren were ready and waiting for the transport to be delivered with the rest of the family in the den. She was sitting on the arm of the chair Soren was in. She still didn’t trust herself to stand upright without swaying just yet.

  Everyone was wearing their best and while her dad had claimed the robe he left for Soren was old she could tell it had never been worn. Made her wonder how he’d gotten something on such short notice. Besides, if it really had belonged to her dad, it would be over a foot too short for Soren. And last time Lucia checked –about five seconds ago- he still had two arms. The robe had four holes.

  He does look good in it though.

  Delicious, you mean.

  Down, you hussy.

  The robe was burnt red and it set well against his dark skin. It was sleeveless, buttoned at the neck and the rest draped open when he walked, flowing at his sides and behind him so the muscles of his torso were plain to see. Pants of the same material hung low on his hips. The definition in his exposed arms made her mouth water.

  You really have lost your goddamned mind.

  Lucia was wearing a creamy pale yellow dress that buttoned at the back of her neck and flowed down her body to the floor in its various billowy folds. Hers was sleeveless as well, as it was just too hot to wear anything with long sleeves. Her hair was in a ponytail and the curls hung down to brush the top of her spine. Stray wisps draped her face, constantly tickling her skin. They all wore sandals with leather laces.

  The transport finally showed and the family slid in. The bench wrapped around so multiple people could sit comfortably. Lucia and Soren entered last, and she could just feel the eyes of her family when he practically lifted her into the seat so she wouldn’t have to step up into the craft. The driver pulled out onto the street that was lit up with hanging solar lights. The silence was going to make her break out in hives if it continued to be like that every time Soren was around. At the thought of hives, she scratched her upper arm.

  “Can I
just say,” Frellie’s mate, Rafe, said. “Lu has a set of lungs on her.”

  “Rafe!” Frellie screech-gasped.


  Lucia’s eyes bugged and she felt abnormally hot as her skin began to turn blood red.

  Her grandmother, who wasn’t an excitable woman, suddenly guffawed loudly. And she just kept going on and on!

  “I’m just wondering if I should invest in earplugs if he’s staying,” Rafe added.

  “RUDE!” Lucia stated loudly and pointed. “I can’t believe you were all spying on me!”

  Angus was red too as he groaned.

  “Oh dear,” Nova sighed.

  “Spying!” Frellie exclaimed, disbelieving. “Anyone walking past the property could hear that entire racket!”

  “Dad!” Lucia was incredulous and hoppin’ mad. Her father shrugged a shoulder and rubbed his forehead like he was trying to rid himself of a memory.

  Yes, of you covered in green come.

  Why are you even talking right now?!

  It didn’t help when Soren stroked her bare arm with his fingers. No doubt it was an attempt to help calm Lucia, but it only made everyone more aware of what had happened earlier.

  “You get that lung capacity from me, sweetling,” her grandmother choked out after she recovered from all that cackling.

  “Grams!” Frellie and Lucia yelled at once.

  “Gods teeth,” Angus moaned.

  Gramps just chuckled knowingly.


  The remainder of the ride to the party was terrible. Lucia wasn’t an easily embarrassed person, but to know her entire family had heard her lustful screams as Soren plowed into her, had her wanting to go dig a hole and die in shame. To top it off, no one told her Quin was going to be at the party with his whole family in tow. Lucia wasn’t sure why she didn’t think about it earlier, because his family’s bloodline was old and they normally attended most Curra functions.

  “Are you feeling well?” Soren asked her as they climbed the set of stone steps to the large, airy pavilion. Arches, similar to those over her family’s pebbled drive but of a much larger proportion, loomed over the stone pavilion. Glowing strung lanterns draped down with the twisting green vines to set an intimate atmosphere.

  “Physically, yes,” she hedged. When his eyes dilated, she sighed. “Mentally, no. But I will be.” Lucia was starting to understand that Soren’s pupils dilated with strong emotion of any kind, not just lust; and naturally, in darker lighting. It was still a little unnerving.

  Her grandparents were the first to crest the top step, as was proper. Followed by her parents, Frellie and Rafe and Zan, then she and Soren since Lucia was the younger sister.

  When she and Soren topped the last step, the crowded pavilion humming with conversation, lulled. It didn’t go completely quiet, but gazes swiveled their way; some horrified, most curious. It was hard to miss Soren. He was blue and stood at least a foot over the tallest individuals there.

  Lucia guided him toward the back where tables towered with food and drinks begged to be sampled. People nodded in her direction with polite greetings as she passed, which she returned with a strained smile that didn’t reach her eyes.

  Soren’s gaze swept those around him and she noticed his innocent wonder was eclipsed by an almost calculating or reserved countenance. Her heart squeezed that he might finally be realizing the world could be a judging place, and then it sank that he wasn’t pointing things out and asking questions and demanding explanations.

  Lucia elbowed Soren gently when she felt his tail sneak up and brush against her leg. He grunted and his chest rumbled with unspent laughter.

  She lifted her fingers up to her cheeks as she looked over the stretch of food and tried to figure out what she wanted to taste first. She decided on a small pastry topped with cream and pink berries that glistened with glaze. Lucia took a bite and moaned with delight as she swayed happily. Picking up another one she held it up to Soren’s mouth.

  “Taste, taste,” she urged. He dipped his head forward and took a nibble. Even the sight of his dangerously long and pointed double incisors didn’t make her blink. Lucia watched as his pupils blew up and shrunk back down. She tossed back her head and laughed as he ate the rest of the pastry with enthusiasm and then had two more. Lu ignored the stares and kept tasting food with Soren and delighting in his reactions.

  “Lulu! Lulu!” Zan tugged on her dress, eyeing the goodies she was standing in front of. “Can I taste too?”

  “Of course you can!” Lucia bent down to pick him up, but he stopped her and whispered in her ear. She grinned and looked up at Soren who watched her curiously. “I don’t know Zan, you’ll have to ask him.”

  Zan looked up at Soren and tugged on his robe. “Soren, can I sit on your shoulders?”

  Without hesitating, Soren bent down and swooped Zan up to place him on his shoulders. The little man held onto Soren’s bald head and looked around wide eyed. “Whoa,” he sighed. “I can see everything from up here!”

  Lucia twittered with laughter and picked another pastry that Soren handed up to Zan. All three continued to move along the tables, tasting, teasing and attracting attention. Once again, younglings gravitated toward them and before long they were joining in on the thanlio dance. It consisted of dancing in a large circle around an un-partnered female. It was meant for all ages. They twisted, spun, stomped and dipped and pulled in close to the female only to spread back out and continue the stilted steps of the dance. Every full rotation, they howled with a call that felt very primal. The dance was meant to bring good fortune for future matches of the female.

  Soren loved every minute of it. He even began smiling, not even caring that his teeth put more than a few individuals on edge. Zan howled and yipped as he sat happily on Soren’s shoulders most of the evening.

  When another dance began, she bowed out and watched Soren and Zan enjoy it from the outskirts of the crowd. Once it was obvious Soren wasn’t a people eater, most individuals in attendance started relaxing and even spoke to him, or laughed. Whenever he and Zan howled, it was hard not to hoot with laughter at how consumed with it they were. Lucia’s eyes caught Frellie’s from across the gathering and she smiled at Lu before she went back to watching Zan have fun.

  Lucia took another gulp of the clear berry juice when a familiar, loathsome voice assaulted her ears. Immediately her nerves grated.

  “So you showed up after all.”

  “Hello Quinton,” Lu said frostily.

  “Not happy to see me?” His bowtie lips pulled into a feigned frown while his pale green eyes taunted her. He was handsome alright, with his short wavy blond locks, strong jaw and slender athletic build. “Can we talk?”

  “We are talking.”

  “Don’t be that way,” he bristled and took a swallow of his own drink. “Now that you’ve had some time to think about things, it’s time to be serious.” Lucia’s head shook in bewilderment. “Our union makes sense, darling. Two of the oldest bloodlines in Curra coming together present a strong force. I want you there with me when I take my place at the Assembly.”

  “Don’t call me darling, Quinton.” Lu grumbled and continued to watch the dance.

  “You’re upset,” he stated and sighed indulgently. “It’s time you start thinking about bigger things than childish adventures in space. Consider elevating your company and caring about your reputation. It will reflect on me when we partner.”

  The nerve!

  “Lucia, don’t be stupid,” he wrinkled his brow in distaste. “Stop fucking the creature and get your head on straight.”

  Lucia’s head whipped to look at him then.

  “Excuse me?” she whispered lowly and Quinton scoffed as if she was ridiculous.

  “Everyone is talking about it.” His eyes landed on Soren and he visibly shuddered with disgust. “It’s plain to see the possessive way he looks at you, the way he touches you and the way you fawn over him. You’re embarrassing yourself. If I was any other man, I would
withdraw my offer of partnership and find someone with more propriety.”

  Lucia was trembling with unleashed anger that pitched higher with each word that fell from his foul mouth. Before she could stop herself, she tossed her drink into his perfectly evil face. He sputtered, eyes popping from his head in shock as others around them gasped and the music stopped.

  “Fuck you,” Lucia ground out into the silence.

  “Lucia!” her mother choked, coming up beside them. “What has gotten into you?”

  “I can take a guess,” Quinton wiped his face with a cloth someone handed him. His angered gazed swept toward Soren, who was now right behind Lucia and growling. His knuckles stroked up her arm in an attempt to comfort her. “Fucking a creature has messed with her mind.”

  Once again, Lucia’s hand had a mind of its own as she backhanded Quinton across his cheek. Her mother squawked with embarrassment and shame.

  “Lucia!” Nova shrieked.

  Every person in attendance was looking on at that point, but Lu barely noticed past the seething hatred she felt eking from every pore in her being. Quinton’s hand dabbed at the corner of his too-perfect mouth and came away with blood. Lucia turned away and looked upward. Soren’s eyes were completely black and he continued to growl loudly.

  “Soren, take me home,” she whispered, barely able to form words around her anger. His arms wrapped behind her back and legs to sweep her up into his cocooned hold. Her arms hugged his warm neck as she plastered herself to him. The crowd split as he carried Lucia through the pavilion and she hid her face in the crook of his neck, willing herself not to cry tears of fury and exasperation.

  When they got into the waiting transport and began driving away, she let the floodgates open.

  Chapter 9

  Soren had helped her out of her dress when they’d gotten back to the residence. Lucia was upset beyond belief. She was livid, embarrassed, fuming from the ears and worst of all she was upset that she was even upset to begin with! I can’t win, she yelled in her mind. When she’d nearly ripped the button off the back of her neck in an attempt to undress, Soren had brushed her hands away and did it for her.


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