The Melier (Women of Dor Nye Book 1)

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The Melier (Women of Dor Nye Book 1) Page 14

by Poppy Rhys

  Hours went by and still, no Soren. She did everything she could to stay awake. Lucia paced, she tried watching vids, tried going for a walk around the lobby, and even tried playing moco with a stranger. She’d been so out of her mind, she lost the game in record time.

  Lucia retreated back to her room and chanted to herself that she wouldn’t cry, and she wouldn’t worry. Soren was a giant beast and he could take care of himself. With that, Lucia crawled to the middle of the bed and stuffed a pillow between her knees so she could try and get comfortable. A few minutes went by and she was out.


  The bed dipped and Lucia woke with a start, staring into the pitch and trying to make out what was in the room with her.

  “Loo-Sha,” Soren whispered, nudging her chin with his nose. She sighed with such relief that he was back within her reach and safe.

  “Soren,” she breathed, her fingers lightly touching his cheek. “Don’t ever do that again.” Lucia tried saying it with conviction, but it just came out as a whisper.

  Soren removed the pillow from her knees and rolled her onto her back where he planted himself between her thighs. His lips found hers and they were slow, kissing her with reverence and fragility that lit a fire in her belly. They found her eyelids, her nose, her chin, the pulse in her neck and her collarbones. Soren’s hands spread her sleeping robe, exposing her naked flesh beneath and he began to explore it. His tongue tasted her skin, drew wet circles around each brown nipple and carefully sucked them without marring her skin with his sharp teeth. The pull of his lips lifted the fleshy mounds and took turns with his hands as he lightly squeezed and kneaded.

  Lucia’s pussy clenched with need, seeping her wetness. She felt Soren’s breath fan against her skin; he could smell her readiness for him. His mouth found hers again and her thighs spread further with his weight pressing down to her core. When his cock wedged itself through her lips and the swollen veins bumped along her insides, her breath hitched.

  Soren’s arms caged her in as he leaned on his elbows, hovering above her. Her eyes had adjusted to the dark a little more and she could make out the shadow looming above her. Lucia was sure Soren could make her out perfectly. A small thrill shrieked up her spine that she couldn’t see who was fucking her, but she knew. She’d know his body anywhere.

  Soren fucked her with a gentle urgency. He’d withdraw, softly thrust forward, grind their bodies together and do it all over again. Every circle of his hips when their bodies kissed would brush her clit against his textured skin and make her gush a little more.

  When she began to moan and cry out, his hand covered her mouth so she wouldn’t disturb anyone else in the suite of rooms. Lucia’s nostrils flared as she breathed around the clamped hand and tried to hold on while his thrusting faintly jolted her entire body upon contact. Her stomach curled in on itself repeatedly as the muscles continued to soak up the euphoria threatening to drown her.

  “I’m coming,” she muffled into his hand and her body stiffened as he continued to deeply, slowly thrust, grind and thrust again. He groaned into her ear, the low rumble rippling gooseflesh over her, while he sunk impossibly further and started spurting her insides with his scalding seed. Lucia’s orgasm pitched into a second one before she even finished the first and she screamed, the clamped hand turning it into a piercing whine. Soren continued to grind into her, his tongue flicking the lobe of her ear and lips brushing along the skin of her temple as his back arched over her body to try and compensate for their height differences.

  When he finally removed his hand from her mouth, he sagged above her, careful not to put all of his weight on her. Their breath mingled as Soren’s lips found hers again, kissing and tasting. His arms wound their way around her back, holding her to him as he kissed the curve of her ear, her shoulder and the side of her neck in sweet aftermath.

  “I will do it,” Soren whispered.


  Lucia was dressed in a teyo again, this time it was red and she had on a matching skirt with slits up the sides to her thighs. She was on fire, even with her curls up and she desperately fanned herself as she walked in circles in the hallway of the facility where Soren would undergo the memory retrieval procedure. She’d convinced most of her family to continue about their day, but her Grams and Gramps insisted they tag along. Lucia inwardly smiled, secretly loving it that her grandparents had really taken a liking to Soren.

  “Sweetling,” her Grams said above her reading material. “You’re making yourself warmer by walking around.”

  “I can’t help it Grams,” Lucia moaned, fanning faster. She just couldn’t sit still when she was nervous about something and she was definitely nervous. The procedure would only take an hour, Dr. Trex’s colleague, Dr. Nimka, had said. It was ten minutes in and Lucia was a bundle of tension, worrying over the outcome of the whole thing. Soren had been calm, collected, as usual. Even though it was his brain that might come out freshly cooked.

  Gah, stop being negative!


  Lucia had told Soren she’d be there as soon as he woke up. She’d felt awful and elated that he’d finally agreed. He still hadn’t said anything about love to her, though she’d felt it in how he’d kissed and held her last night. Her heart squeezed at the thought. What would she do now, if he didn’t remember her? Lucia couldn’t lose him. She couldn’t.

  “I need a drink before I melt,” Lucia complained. “I’m heading downstairs. Do you two want anything?”

  “No sweetling, but hurry back,” Grams said without looking up from her book. Her Gramps shook his head and Lucia turned to head through the doors.

  Lucia wandered the halls, getting lost in her own thoughts. When she finally ended up downstairs and found water, she decided she didn’t want to go back upstairs just yet. There was too much on her mind and she knew her constant movement made her grandparents agitated, even if they’d never admit it.

  Soon, she found herself holding her slippers and sinking her toes into the grass of a nearby garden. Lucia closed her eyes and tilted her face to the sun in a spot where it speckled through the trees above her. She stood there, just listening to the sounds of nature; the song of birds, howling of critters and the bustle of the city. Lucia’s breathing was deep, sucking up the mixed aromas of plant life and a nearby eatery. It was calming, and she was glad she’d decided to come, because calm was something she desperately needed.

  “Beautiful isn’t it?”

  Lucia jerked out of her skin and turned around in a rush. Her hand flew to her chest where her poor heart beat hard enough to bloody itself. She knew that voice and the calm she’d attained had suddenly vanished. “What are you doing here, Quinton?” Her eyes darted around, noticing she really was alone.

  “I was at a shop across the road and noticed you walk into this garden,” he answered. His eyes looked all around them, as if he too was admiring the beauty of it. “I’m here with my family, like you.” Of course he was, he came every year.

  “I have to go.” She began to walk around him.

  “Lucia, I want to apologize,” he said and looked at the ground. His expression made Lucia stop short, because he actually looked pained. She’d never seen him look that way before. He was always smug and smiling or dazzling the skirts off someone. “My behavior has been atrocious. There are no words that can express how truly sorry I am.”

  Lucia’s alarm bells were going off in her head, screaming danger, danger. But she’d never heard him apologize about anything to anyone. Quinton was always right, even when he wasn’t. “I accept. Now, I have to go.”

  “Please Lucia,” he half smiled. “At least let me buy you a loyran as a sign of possible renewed friendship? You know you can only get them here at the capital and if I remember, you once said you’d sell your Grams if it meant you’d get a lifetime supply.” Quinton’s smile was dazzling.

  Lucia chewed the inside of her lip to stifle a moan of longing at the mention of loyran. It was a sweet confection, slightly gummy a
nd it played tricks on your tongue. One second it was cool, the next it was warm. The more you chewed the more flavors it flooded. It was strange and Lucia loved it.

  “I shouldn’t,” she hedged, really not trusting Quinton despite his apology and she really wanted to be there when Soren woke up. Lu checked her comm for the time and saw she had a half hour before she’d need to be back. From where she was, the shop that made loyran was only a couple minutes ride in a transport.

  “For old times’ sake,” he coaxed. “My transport will get us there in no time.”

  She rubbed her throat as she contemplated. If she was going to go, she’d need to make up her mind quick. “Alright,” Lu said slowly. “But I can’t be long.”

  “We’ll be quick then,” he grinned and gestured toward the gardens entrance. Lucia hesitated for a moment longer, something not sitting right with her. Maybe she was being too paranoid. That’s all it was. She shook her head and gave him a small smile before heading toward his transport.


  Soren slowly opened his eyes, the blur of blinding light shining down upon him. He blinked multiple times, allowing his eyes to adjust to the brightness of the room around him. His nose twitched as the smell of chemicals seared his sensitive nasal passages.

  Where am I?

  Soren’s throat worked as he swallowed and turned his head to one side, and then the other, taking in his surroundings.

  The facility. Procedure. Memories. I am Soren.

  No. I am Val’Ja.

  I am Val’Ja, son of Val’Qa, son of Gi’Moy, prince of Melierun.

  I remember.

  “Soren, do you know who I am?”

  Soren focused on a gray haired man with black eyes. “You are Dr. Nimka.” Dr. Nimka nodded, pleased.

  “Do you know what your name is?”

  “I am known here as Soren,” he sat up slowly and groaned, regretting it. His mind was splitting, it felt. Sharp pains shot through every nerve-ending and it hurt to even try thinking any further. For a minute Soren lay back, eyes closed while he focused on breathing. Memories surfaced and sunk back into the recesses of his mind. It was painful, yet he couldn’t stop it. Soren’s eyes rolled around under their closed lids while his life as Val’Ja fired pieces and shards at him, making him recall.

  “I remember,” he whispered. “Loo-Sha.”


  “Quinton, the shop is in the other direction,” Lucia frowned, a trickle of fear slinking down her spine. Maybe the shop had moved since last year. That happened sometimes. Shops expanded or moved locations.

  Don’t be stupid. You shouldn’t have gotten in the transport!


  “Oh, I changed my mind,” he grinned and his face was no longer friendly. “I’m delivering you to a friend of mine. He’s been searching for you, you know? But as a thief, I’m sure that’s nothing new. I can’t believe I lost my seat at the Assembly because of trash like you.”

  Lucia’s stomach twisted into one large knot and her muscles felt like they were going to break and crumble with tension. “What?” she breathed.

  “Surprised? They’re giving the seat to my brother instead. Their excuse, I was bringing the wrong attention to the Assembly. All because of that one incident when you couldn’t handle the truth.” Quinton seethed next to her. Lucia could taste the hate rolling off of him. “My brother is weak. He will never guide the people in the right direction.”

  Get out, get out, get out! Get out of the transport!

  Lucia lurched over her seat and nearly hit the doors sensor, but Quinton hooked a lean arm around her middle. He wasn’t nearly as huge as Soren, though he was bigger than her and it didn’t take much effort for him to deposit her roughly back in her seat. She immediately began to get back up and Quinton backhanded her hard across her jaw. Lucia swayed and slumped against her chair. Black spots and sparks of light clouded her vision and for a time, she thought she wouldn’t be able to stay conscious. When the fog cleared partially, her hand flew to the spot he’d abused. Already a lump was forming and she could taste the metallic warmth of blood where her teeth cut into her cheek from the force.

  “Doesn’t feel so nice, does it?” he huffed, confiscating her comm and sitting back down. “Now, what was I saying before you rudely interrupted? Ah, yes, the Assembly.” Quinton’s fingers uncurled through the air as he swatted away a thought like a fly. “Piss on them. Ta’Ra’Enn is filling my account with more credits than I’ll spend in a lifetime. I’ll sit back, fuck Penna whenever I want, and watch the Assembly continue to screw Dor Nye.” Quinton’s eyes leered over at Lucia and she fought her need to vomit. “Penna isn’t you though,” he mused. “Maybe I’ll just stop the transport for one last taste-”

  Lucia couldn’t hold back anymore. She leaned over the aisle between them and heaved until her throat felt like it was going to bleed. The sound of Quinton’s disgust made her smile before she heaved one last time. When she sat back against her seat, Lu’s body trembled and felt weak from the mixture of fear and strain from vomiting. She swiped the back of her hand over her lips and focused on breathing. Protectively, her arm wrapped around her middle.

  Soren will come for us. He will, she reassured herself.

  He may not even remember who you are.

  He will not come.

  Lucia squeezed her eyes shut. Why had she asked him to get the procedure done? Why did she have to be so selfish? Why couldn’t she have accepted things as they were and lived her life in peace with the person she’d fallen in love with? She blinked back the stinging she felt in her eyes.

  I will not cry.

  Quinton thinks he’s already won.

  I will not cry.

  The transport slowed to a stop and the trembling in Lucia’s body turned into full on shaking. Quinton dragged her from her seat, his long fingers cutting into her arm. She winced, but it quickly died when the transport door opened and there stood Ta’Ra’Enn, flanked by four of his men. Their long green scaled snouts were lined with thin, sharp teeth in jagged rows. Their tear shaped nostrils opened and closed as they panted with excitement. The shaking made Lucia’s vision jitter, but she didn’t miss the fresh ooze of drool that slid between Ta’Ra’Enn’s needle teeth and strung down to the ground as he salivated while watching her.

  “The credits will be transferred to your account, as agreed upon,” Ta’Ra’Enn snorted. “And a bonus, since you did not mention she was breeding. This is much better.” His long, tapered tongue slid along his snout. Lucia’s knees gave out and Quinton hauled her up by the arm.

  “You won’t get away with this!” Lucia grabbed onto Quinton’s arm. “My family will find out and you will pay!”

  “Don’t be ridiculous, darling,” he sneered. “No one saw us together and Commander Ta’Ra’Enn doesn’t plan to leave any piece of you to be discovered once he’s through, from what he’s told me.”

  Lucia shook with abhorrence and fury, momentarily forgetting her fear. She yanked herself free of Quinton and then lunged at him, scratching at his eyes like she’d wanted to do so badly for weeks now. His voice rose as he shrieked at her and caught her wrists in a painful vice. Green eyes that could look so kind were lasers of hatred. Tiny scratches marred up his brow and cheekbones, some of the small welts beading blood. Quinton pushed her away forcefully and she fell right into Ta’Ra’Enn’s open arms. Immediately she was assaulted with the foul stench of molded cheese and unwashed, flaking scales.

  “Come.” Ta’Ra’Enn hauled her up around the waist, carrying her dangling at his side like a ragdoll. She heaved again at the movement and the smells, but nothing came up. Lucia struggled and one of Ta’Ra’Enn’s men backhanded her ass as she hung there. She screamed and kicked, but to no avail. The ground below her moved in a blur and her curls obstructed her vision as her hair tie fell out, and then they were walking the ramp to a small awaiting craft. When Lucia heard the door whoosh closed, she shut down into a shivering, limp piece of flesh.

er 15

  “Do you remember your adolescence?” Dr. Nimka asked, continuing with his routine questions. Immediately shards of moments in his younger life pulled forward. He saw things from his youngling point of view. Fights with his… brothers? Lessons with a scholar, the first female he pursued, training.

  “Yes, some.”

  “Do you remember your true name?”

  “Yes. Val’Ja.”

  “Do you remember the names of your mother and father?”

  Soren hesitated. “My father is Val’Qa, king of Melierun. My mother is Gi’Moy, queen of Melierun.” Dr. Nimka looked oddly at Soren then. “Where is Loo-Sha?” His heart felt light that when he thought of her and their youngling, he did not feel shame nor did he feel revulsion as he feared. Soren wanted Lucia near him, as she’d promised.

  “A few more questions and then I will get her.”

  Dr. Nimka asked Soren how he was captured and enslaved, if he had siblings, if he remembered the names of the Herana family members and small things like what day it was, math equations and colors. When the doctor was pleased enough, he smiled and left to go get Lucia.

  Soren scrubbed a pair of hands over his face, chunks of his life still flying at him from every angle. Pieces were missing here and there and he wondered if he’d ever get them back or if they truly were locked away forever. He felt a mix of awe and frustration that the mind could be so complex.

  Soren felt anger about the war with the Trepnils. He wondered if that was still going on and if his family was still alive. Did my brothers survive? Many unanswered questions in his own mind plagued him, but he also felt immense joy that he remembered anything at all.

  Dr. Nimka came back through the door and Soren sat up. Grams and Gramps came through and he smiled. They returned the gesture, Grams hugging him and he was careful to be gentle. Her eyes were a little watery as she pulled away.

  “I’m so happy everything turned out for the best,” Grams wiped her eyes. “I don’t know why Lu isn’t here. She went down to get water a while ago and she said she’d be back. I’m starting to worry, Soren.”


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