Designated Target

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Designated Target Page 15

by Karen Anders

  “Threat of imprisonment or even death is not beyond the tactics they’d use, Sky.”

  She frowned. “I know. I’m not naive when it comes to that, but I won’t betray my country, not even to save my life.”

  “Your father got you out of China and away from becoming a slave for the government. His death must have really been difficult to handle.”

  “It was.” She rose and grabbed her bowl and headed for the kitchen.

  He should give her some space. He really should, but he was observant enough to realize that she was hurting and she was scared. He couldn’t turn away from her.

  He set his bowl in the sink as she rinsed hers out. “Sky, I can’t imagine what you must have gone through. I also can’t imagine what it was like for you to grow up in an unconventional way. Always being too young and too smart in a world of people older than you. I’m sure there was a lot of sacrifice, a lot of awkward and embarrassing moments, but I can imagine quite fully that your parents wouldn’t want you to give up any kind of pursuit that would bring you joy. My father didn’t care about my aspirations, but look at the lengths to which your father went to get you out.”

  She turned to him. “You don’t understand. I have been told my whole life that it’s my responsibility to make sure their sacrifice meant something. So, it’s by choice that I have dedicated my life to making sure that I make a difference, no matter the personal cost. I’m honoring their sacrifice.”

  “By giving up your life, too? Isn’t there something that you would love to do? Something that does give you joy?”

  She pressed her hand to his chest. “Being with you brings me joy, Vin. Regardless of the circumstances, I care about you, and it’s not caused by an adrenaline rush. But I have to be honest. My life is dedicated to science. There’s no room for anything else. I need you now, and this thing between us is so potent. I’m not sure how to handle it.”

  She was such a contradiction. Here she was, admitting she needed him, that she was grateful for his help, the same woman who’d just about undone him in the bathroom, had unraveled him last night. But she seemed cautious, and he had to wonder what it was going to take to get her to open up to him.

  Which was insanity. Because winning her over was not the objective here. Solving her problem was the only goal, and when that was accomplished, he’d go back to NCIS and she’d go back to her sterile lab.

  He’d be lying if he said he had any regret about what had happened between them. Most likely it wasn’t going to be easy to end it. Shit happened in life, and some of it was no damn fun. But being with her was giving him something he’d never had or felt before.

  He covered her hand and squeezed, slipped his arm around her waist and drew her close to him. “So, wanna hear the plan with an open mind?”

  She rested her head on his chest, and he felt like such a besotted fool.

  “We do have a plan?”

  He smiled at her wry tone. “Several. I have contingency plans.”

  “That does sound comforting.”

  “For tonight, we’re going to relax and I’ll call in. Tomorrow, I’ll lay everything out for you.”

  She looked up at him with a slight smile on her face. “Will I get to at least make comments?”

  “You may put your comments in the suggestion box.”

  She snorted. “Right. Come on, Vin. Be serious.”

  He smiled, then did get serious. “You can comment, but that doesn’t mean I’ll change the plan. Remember, I’m the risk guy.”

  “Okay,” she said with a bit more confidence and a little less wary resignation. “Are you going to call in now?”

  He nodded. “I am. Chris is going to tear me a new one, but I know I was right in getting you out of D.C. and Maryland. This was a good move, whether he can see it or not.”

  She nodded, but her gaze was more intent on him, her thoughts seemingly not as inward now.

  “What?” he asked, when she continued to regard him in silence.

  “Nothing. I just...” She trailed off, lifted a shoulder. “You’re so focused in all this, clearly in your comfort zone, very confident and methodical. On the one hand, it reassures me, makes me feel like I can trust you.”

  “You can,” he said automatically. “Always.”

  She nodded again right away, and it was almost ridiculous how good that made him feel. “I know that for a fact. You’ve already proved it more than once.” She held his gaze, then looked away.

  “Good,” he said, trying like hell to keep it business. Which was hard to do when his heart was celebrating what felt like an important milestone in their relationship. A relationship that didn’t exist, because it had nowhere to go, he reminded himself.

  “On the other hand,” she went on, “it scares me. You so clearly see this threat to me and are willing to do anything....” She swallowed and met his gaze. He was sure she was remembering him in that shadowed hallway, the men he’d killed in a heartbeat to keep her safe. “Anything,” she said again. “I’m worried about you.”

  “I can take care of myself, Sky. Believe me.”

  “I do. It’s that anything part that worries me.”

  “I’m not going to lie to you. They have an agenda and they want you alive. I don’t think they’re going to leverage you for political gain or ransom you. I think they have a job for you to do.”

  “I won’t do it.” Her defiance made him smile.

  “I’m going to do my best to make that an impossibility, and you won’t be placed in that position.”

  He released her and picked up one of the burner phones he’d bought. After ripping open the package, he dialed Chris’s number.

  Five minutes later, after a seething Chris had chewed him out, he’d calmed down enough to issue orders.

  “Now that I’ve read you the riot act, get your ass in the car and get back to D.C. with Dr. Baang.”


  “I don’t think I heard you correctly.”

  “She’s in danger there. We’re safer here.”

  Chris swore for a few seconds. “Convince me.”

  “Someone knew where she was. They are responsible for killing Strong and Miller. They would have killed me if they could. Seven of them tried. I barely got out of there alive with her. Do you want a repeat performance?”

  “No. I don’t.”

  “Do you want my badge?”

  “No. I don’t.”

  “Can you trust me on this? Pretend this is a safe house? Let me keep her here until every clue is investigated thoroughly. They’re not going to stop coming for her. My gut tells me they want her for something specific. Something that has to do with her research.”

  “Speaking of that, her boss called. He needs to talk to her.”


  “Some data he needs for a presentation. A phone call should be fine since you have an untraceable phone.”

  “She wants her laptop. I could drive to D.C. to pick it up if it’s that important. I know the minute I tell Sky about her boss’s call she’s going to insist.”

  “No. Don’t come to the navy yard. I’ll have Beau meet you somewhere. Let me know when you can get away. It’ll be safer that way.”

  “All right.”

  “Vin, are you sure about this? I’ll speak with the director and get him off your back, but he’s going to want answers.”

  “That’s up to you guys. I’m doing the heavy lifting here. Get to pulling your weight.”

  Chris chuckled. “I’m going to kick your ass when you get back here. Make sure you’re in one piece.”

  “Yes, sir,” Vin said, grinning. “I’ll let you trounce me at darts.”

  “Let me...”

  “Good night, Chris.” He disconnected the call as his boss was sputtering about Vi
n throwing a game or two.

  He looked around for Sky, but she’d cleaned up the kitchen and was nowhere to be found. He went looking for her.

  She wasn’t in the bedroom, and it suddenly occurred to him that they really hadn’t discussed the...sleeping arrangements.

  Yeah, right. As if he was thinking about sleeping.

  He heard the water running in the bathroom and walked up to the open doorway, words on his lips. He never uttered them. Couldn’t get them out as he just stared. She was facing away from him, her back toward the door, the long fall of her hair pinned on top of her head. Her back was a delicate expanse of creamy skin. A pink lacy nothing did a poor job of covering her lower half.

  He must have made some kind of noise or she felt his presence. She turned her head and looked at him, and her eyes went sultry in response to his gaze. She inhaled softly, her breathing suddenly uneven.

  His was downright ragged.

  She covered her breasts with her arms. For some insane reason that modest move made him so goddamned hard.

  The pink lace panties stretched across her taut butt, hugging her slim hips, coming to a bow just below the small of her back. She was reaching for a nightie but was now immobile.

  “Vin,” she said breathlessly.

  He moved, walking up to her and stopping, his eyes going over her again. He reached out, captured the end of the bow with his thumb and forefinger and pulled. The garment loosened, and he curled his hands around her hips, sliding one over her mound until his fingers delved into the moist recesses of her. She gasped and arched her back, groaning softly. His mouth went unerringly to the soft skin of her back, kissing down the line of her spine.

  His dick was so hard against his jeans, it was almost painful. He released her and spun her around, sliding his hands beneath the lace covering each hip and pushing the fabric down her body. He nudged her legs open, lifting one and placing it on the commode for balance, sliding both hands back up each inner thigh while she braced her sweet butt against the sink.

  He knelt down, and her head fell back when he found her little bundle of nerve endings with his tongue, sucking on her as she thrust herself against his mouth, and still she kept her arms over her breasts.

  “Feels so amazing,” she moaned. “Make it a little rough, Vin.”

  He groaned at her words. He was feeling too damned reckless as it was, but those words slammed into his gut. She did feel amazing against him, and he wanted to hear her cry out his name.

  Chapter 11

  The exquisite sensation of him was the most erotic thing she’d ever felt in her life. Him on his knees in front of her felt shameless and reckless.

  “Vin,” she whispered on another soft groan.

  His mouth softened on her and the aching liquid feel of him was melting her bones. The pleasure built in her with each sweep of his tongue, with each suctioning swirl of his mouth. A flash of heat washed over her, her hips bucking as the heavy ache increased until it detonated, and waves of bliss undulated through her. He rose in one swift movement.

  He groaned, his breathing ragged, as he ripped his clothes off, but when she tried to help, he gently pushed her arms back. He wanted her to keep her breasts covered. It hit her hard. She was turning him on.

  That thought sent power through her, and she wondered how far she could push him.

  He stripped off his jeans and underwear as he kissed her, his mouth frantic, biting her lips as he kicked them off. Then he pressed her back against the sink, his warm, hard chest against her arms, flattening her breasts. Reaching for a condom, he slipped it on.

  His harsh breathing increased as he roughly grasped her arms, but she resisted. He made a guttural noise in the back of his throat and broke her hold, forcing her arms over her head, sliding his hands there to manacle her wrists, bracing them against the mirror. Her back curved over the sink, elevating her breasts. His eyes were filled with a wildness that made her moan.

  “Yes,” she whispered as he watched her face when he thrust against her core with the length of his hard, hot cock.

  “Say you want me. Say it.”

  “I want you.” She exhaled the words on a moan.

  Yoga made her supple, her muscles not even straining. He lowered his head and ravenously took her nipple, scoring it with his teeth. The pleasure and pain of his bite arched her back, made her hips buck uncontrollably.

  He sucked hard on her nipple almost to the point of pain, then used his tongue on the tip at the same time. She sobbed with the tingling ache from her nipple right to the center of her.

  The rock-hard length of him brushed between her thighs. Her muscles were liquid from the clever mouth that was ravaging her nipple, sucking and licking her.

  Then he turned her around and pressed into her buttocks. He pulled her arms behind her, capturing her wrists in one hand, holding them against the small of her back. With his free hand in the middle of her back, he pushed her over the sink. Then his hand was between her legs, opening them wider. With her rib cage against the sink, he slipped his hand over her hip, down into her moist core.

  Their eyes met in the mirror. His gaze was dark with need and his face was pulled tight with it. He looked dangerously sexy, his thick, sable hair mussed from her hands. He was so achingly handsome in his need for her.

  “Say my name,” he demanded, the order a deep rumble in his chest.

  “Vincent...Vin...Vin,” she breathed.

  The sound that slid from her was deep and throaty as he pumped into her without warning. She was so ready for him and pushed back onto him. He closed his eyes, his back arching, a fierce look on his face that made her cry out.

  His eyes opened at the sound of her pleasure. He pulled out of her and remained still, his eyes challenging her.

  “Please,” she begged. “More.”

  He thrust the full length in a slow, controlled slide deeply into her, then out, and the rhythm built with each thrust. The connection she felt with him as their gazes held with each thrust was primal, untamed. He released her arms, and she used the sink to anchor herself as he leaned over her, nipping at her ear, while his hands slid up her torso, streaking her with fire.

  He covered her breasts, his hands hot, his fingers pinching and rolling her nipples, wrenching groan after groan from her, but nothing matched the low shout of pleasure he wrenched from her when he slid one hand between her legs.

  She felt as if she’d fallen into a fever dream. Her world had narrowed down and down to him. There was only him. The pressure of his body against her back, his hands doing wicked, wicked things to her.

  She peaked quickly, almost brutally, and he kept his fingers there, slick and clever, kept her quivering and shuddering, until he was shaking with the effort to hold off his own devastating climax. She pushed back against him, craving more of him in some way and yet feeling so utterly full of him, she wasn’t sure what more there was to have.

  His hands slid back to her hips, his fingers pressing hard as he began pumping harder, faster. She met him thrust for thrust, her hands slipping on the porcelain as she fought to keep her grip. The mirror had fogged completely over, but there was no need to see him. She felt him so thoroughly it was as though she was part of him, as he was part of her. His climax, when he finally let it overtake him, was almost mindless in the tumultuous way he drove into her, body slapping against body, animalistic noises from both of them.

  He collapsed over her, and they both fell over the sink. She braced their weight on the mirror, leaving streaks on the streamed glass, as he wrapped his arms around her waist and
held her tightly to him, his body still shuddering in the aftermath.

  It was hard to breathe in the thick air as their hearts raced and their bodies trembled. She had no idea how much time passed before he finally lifted her up and turned her around, saying nothing as he pulled her into his arms. He shifted, resting his weight against the sink as she leaned into him, still trying to slow her pulse, breathe. He seemed to be doing the same as he stroked her hair, pressed his cheek against the top of her head and just held her.

  This was more. It was more than she was willing to admit to herself. She couldn’t admit it. It would be too devastating to even contemplate what she so foolishly had allowed to happen. Her heart had been given, and there was no getting it back.

  He took care of the condom. Then he picked her up in his arms.


  But it was too late; he was already moving them out of the bathroom and toward the bed. Yes, she wanted to sleep with him, feel the heat of his body against hers. She wanted all the precious minutes she could get with this man before she actually came to her senses.

  He folded down onto the bed, rolling to his side and dragging her with him.

  She tucked her body against him, her legs tangling easily with his, her head coming to rest atop the beat of his heart as if she’d always slept with him like that. And despite the wonder of what she’d just experienced with him, the anxiety over where this would lead them, compounding the fears about what else lay in store for her in the next days or weeks...the sweet drowsiness of such complete satiation threatened to claim her swiftly. She felt him press a kiss on the top of her head and pressed one against his heart. His arm tightened around her, and she smiled...then let sleep take her.

  * * *

  The first thing that registered in her foggy morning brain was the warmth. So deliciously warm, the tactile feel of hot skin against her—thick, deliciously muscled, perfectly male skin.

  She opened her eyes and was rewarded with the sight of Vin. God, he was the most beautiful man. The harsh angles of his face were softened by sleep and the morning’s pale light. His hair was thick and the color of midnight. Beard stubble darkened his jaw, his thick lashes lush against his burnished skin.


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